Where in the bible does it say...

@Kaeli72 (1229)
United States
March 21, 2008 12:55am CST
I've had it up to here with my husband's pastor! I don't mean to speak ill of a man of G-d, but this one takes the cake. Here's what he says the bible preaches. If I'm wrong, please, show me and I'll drop all my anger, frustrations, people and old life behind and go back to the man's who's last name I have: Women are not allowed to cut or layer their hair: I know it says that the woman's hair is her crowning glory and that it shouldn't be sheard nor shaved, but to leave a woman to have split and raggity looking hair? come on! Can't wear opened toed shoes: When Adam and Eve left the garden, G-d covered them so nothing but their head, neck and hands were showing. Can't wear make-up: Jezebel wore makeup and you don't want to look like her. Pierced ears are a no-no: When Aaron told the people of Israel to give him their gold to make the golden calf, they tore out their earrings and gave it to him. After it was made, he said, "This be your gods"...indicating that earrings are idols and gods. It's ok to cut people down, make them feel like crap as long as you're preaching what G-d tells you to: I don't need to explain that one. Men are supposed to work and work in the fields: I don't disagree with that one...BUT... Women are supposed to have children, tend to the house, tend to the yard AND hold down something to earn money. Nails are supposed to be cut short at all times: I know when a female was brought into the camp from the outside, she was supposed to pare her nails, but does she always have to do that? It also mentions that she should shave her head...I'm confused. Everyone must pay 10% tithes, 10% first fruits, 10% offerings to him and anything above and beyond that will result in many blessings: Everyone there is struggling just to keep food on the table. One family doesn't even have health insurance. Does G-d really require such a great sacrafice? What ever happened to the "widow's mite"? For now, that's all the points I can think of. Here are some personal issues I have: He had everyone get ready to move out of state...from Arizona to Washington State. Why? because G-d told him to. That included selling all of what you don't need and getting a car that could make a long journey...such as anything that's a 4x4 It's ok to have service 2x's a week and keep them there from 7pm - 7 am...and demand the adults stay up and the children and babies must stay up as late as possible. G-d tells him this and that, yet when other people have told him that G-d talked to them, he says they aren't really listening to G-d but their own imaginations. If you don't like what he's preaching, then get out! The message is not for you. We wear him down and he can't stand to be around us. We are pathetic and lazy people. Nearly everyone there is single. But lately, the single ladies have found themselves a man. They all have children of their own. But he preached on that and told them that they are being enchanted and that (it could be the devil) they are being steered away from the Word. It's as if, no outsider can come in and influence them. The church runs a daycare and everyone is required to volunteer sometime without pay. Having someone go on his errands to pick up something, and ultimately, they end up paying for it out of their own pockets...even if it's the last few dollars they have and it's a week off until payday. One married couple is falling apart, I don't know about the other married couple...and one lady divorced her husband and is now living with him, but everyone else is ok with that arrangement.I wasn't ok with it. My marriage is breaking apart. I can't stand here and watch my husband get up every morning and leave the house at 5 am and go to the daycare until he goes to work at noon. Then, he comes home after 9 pm and goes to bed. On Fridays he only does daycare and whatever errands the pastor sends him on (occasionally he'll get some personal stuff done), then he comes home and gets ready for church then off he goes. On Saturdays, he rests...all day long. He sleeps and then he just sits there until it's time to get ready for church. Sunday, he sleeps until he goes to work. Soap, later, rinse, repeat. Do you see anytime in there that his sons and my children have time to see him let alone play with him? I sure as hell don't. Am I wrong in anything I see here? Please tell me if I am. I'm frustrated at religion and I'm frustrated at G-d. See, I thought he was a loving G-d, not one that would make such demands through his preacher.
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21 responses
• United States
22 Mar 08
God IS a loving God. The pastor is NOT really listening to God, but making up his own path and own religion. Since you did not say "rabbi" I am assuming you are some form of Christian denomination since you follow the Bible. Therefore I will tell you this; the rules of the Old Testament do not apply to us. They were under the Mosaic covenant and Christ came to replace that covenant with a new covenant. Tithing is no longer required under the new covenant, however it says "give what is right in your heart" and "give with a cheerful heart". There is no mention of 10% in the New Testament, therefore if it is breaking your bank and making you have to go without things then it is not required. God understands, as long as you give what is right for you then it is okay. Where in the Bible does it say; that nothing but their (Adam and Eve's) head, neck and hands were covered? I've read through the Bible twice an while it's very possible I missed something, I do not recall ever seeing this in the Bible. Moses also probably wore make up - being Royalty of that time almost guaranteed that he did - if you go by historical accuracy. As did others in the Bible who were not evil. The Pastor should not be allowed to preach because he is not preaching the Word of God. But he is acting as the Pharisees did, requiring many rituals and so forth to be done but missing the main point of the message. Your husband and you should leave that church as soon as possible. Nobody is forcing you to go there, and I think it would be best if you left. This pastor is ruining many lives, including yours, if many relationships are falling apart and marriages are being destroyed then this Pastor is obviously not following God. If you do not leave and your husband does not spend time with you or your children, then it could cause a lot of problems for your children as they get older. I would be angry with God and hating religion too if I dealt with that all the time! It's completely understandable, but I think you have to realize that God allows free-will therefore you have the choice to stay at that church or go somewhere else. God is loving! In the New Testament it states that the new law is this; Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. The second is like it; Love your brother as I have loved you. If you do these things then by your works it will be known that you are followers. (The verse is in John somewhere). Good luck
22 Mar 08
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matther 7:15) The relationship with God and you is something you will know and feel, and if it is not there then there is an issue.
@Chere7 (16)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
This 'pastor' sounds pretty scary. Does your husband believe all he says? If I were you, I'd be grabbing your husband's arm and high-tailing it outta there real quick! I'm a Christian myself, but that type of mind-control should be scaring the living daylights out of you. RUN!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
23 Mar 08
Get out lady, and fast before that so called God issues another command. I think people like him can get reported too. I think you are the only person carrying a sensible head around so just pity the souls around that preacher is a crazy and not a man of God.
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Sure I'm running, all the way to the judge. This is going to cause yet another divorce in my book, but this time, it's for my own good as well as the children. Oh, yes...hubby believes everything and anything that pastor says. It's been like that with him for over 10 years, before I met him.
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@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
21 Mar 08
I think yours is a case of the misinterpretation of the Word of God. If your pasor said all that, I wonder what kind of man of God he is because he seems to have twisted the Biblical laws. Most of those are to be interpreted in context and not literally. How many people have fields, for isntance, where they could get their first fruits? Where in the Bible is the mention of value added tax, for instance? There isn't pay-television mentioned in the Bible and there is nothing like televangelists there either! So contextual interpretetion of the Bible is what is required. You read the Book of Songs by Solomon and find out about the adornment of a woman, plenty of stuff on seduction and make-up there for you! lol
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
21 Mar 08
By "first fruits" it's been explained to me as either the best of something (meals, clothing...etc) or off your income. Therefore... tithing: 10% offerings: 10% first fruits: 10% ------------------ Total: 30% BUT if you attend the next night for the closing of Shabbat... offerings: 10% ---------------- Grand total of 40% of your income. That's asking alot from a man who has three children, a wife, bills, car, insurance, money and himself...along with other things to pay. Pastor said if you can't afford to pay that, then get another job. Or...make the wife (he was speaking of ME) work.
• United States
22 Mar 08
thbe lord (not some crazy preacher )says he came so we should have an abundant life he did tell us to dress like a frump and follow some crazy man made rules i personaly would get as far from the church as i possible can they are not true to Jesus himsef\! 8. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9. not by works, so that no one can boast. ()(()(John 10;10 10. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ))) Do you evision the life you are living life to the fullest???
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@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Out of everything I read from your comment, the last line is the one I can clearly understand. No. A year ago, I wasn't living my life to the fullest because I was missing out on my children's needs. I wasn't being there to listen to their woes and problems, I wasn't tending to them the mornings after service becasue we'd get out so late. Now, I have all the time in the world to be with my children and I'm loving it.
@Crysi23 (515)
• United States
22 Mar 08
No, you are not wrong, I use the King James version and I've come across this quite frequently when I'm reading the Bible it doesn't say that we can't cut our hair. I think it means that we can't have it really short. Because I know our hair is our covering. I know the guys on the other hand God gave specific instructions on how short a Man's hair should be. But in our case it doesn't say that we can't ever cut our hair. I just think it means that our haircuts shouldn't look like a man's.
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@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I totally agree with you. My hair is so long, I can sit on it. But when I first got with him and was going to trim the ends, he all but came unglued. I tried telling him that having long straggly hair was depressing me to no split end. (a play on words...hehehe)
@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
21 Mar 08
All i gonna say, your husband just too much and misunderstanding... i think he should love you the same as you first met. even Jesus Himself, he just said to love your neighbor as yourself, so if he loves you, then he should you as he loves herself, and not too much with your physical requirements like those things you mention above. have a nice day!
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@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
21 Mar 08
He does love me...that's why he's so hell bent on us going back to church with him. He's concerned for my soul.
@wsamboer (186)
• South Africa
21 Mar 08
Your Pastor is a Relegionist and Legalist. He's still preaching the old dispensation. Christ warned us against the teaching of the Pharisees. They were the legalists and relegionists of the day. Read John 1: verses 1-28, and tell your Paster to read it. This Pastor is totally out of touch with God's word. Christ warned against these type of Relegionists and legalists. He warned that the Kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking; about what we should eat or not eat. Christ spoke out very vehemently against these practices of the Pharisee. They were the sanctimoious and relegionist who, as Christ said, load heavy burdens on the people with all kinds of relegious practices, as your Pastor is doing. Christ's teaching was about spiritual obedience and not about the legalities. You can prove to yourself and your Pastor that he is busy misleading you and your congregation, by simply quoting scripture from the New Testament. Christ came to teach and not preach the way. Your Pastor is preaching instead of teaching. Please read the scripture mentioned above and also the rest of the Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. As well as Corinthians and Hebrews. Christ came to change the legal and relegious systems of the Pharisees, which your Pastor seem to be following. He, Christ called them blind guides. He told them that they load heavy burdens upon people (religious and legalistic practices) which not even they themselves could uphold. Christ also told them that they try to guide people into the kingdom of heaven their way, and then make them twice as fit for hell, as they (Pharisees)themselves are. He called them Hypocrites, remember. So, you don't have to worry, your pastor has even given you the choice of leaving the church if you don't agree with him. Follow Christ and not a blind guide. Your life depends on it, and so does your husband's.
@t1ln0b2 (25)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
No you are not wrong,I believe he is doing what he wants and that God is not talking to him.He is teaching false doctrine.It is time for you to come out from among them and be true followers of God.Please don't turn your back on God.The Bible teaches that will be false doctrines in the last days.II Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people,even as there shall be false teachers among you,who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,even denyingthe Lord that brought them,and bring upon themselves swift destruction.There are many places that Jesus teaches about false doctrines.When a person is down ,we are suppose to pray for them and encourage them in faith The Bible tells us to love one another ,which is a commandment from Jesus.To walk in the light as He is in the light.We are the children of the light and not of the darkness.That preacher is still walking in darkness and serving satan and not God.God doesn't put anything on us that we are unable to bear.The Bible said that His burdens are light and yoke is easy.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Your husband is absolutely NUTS. Hes Insane and Crazy! If I were you I'd get the kids and my self as far away from him as fast as possible, don't wait another day! Do it NOW.I doubt there's anything that can be done for your Husbands mental problem. He has the Religious Fever, and its usually incurable. He will die with it! The only way you will be able to save your life, and that of your children is to leave him! Good Luck to You, and God Bless!
• Malaysia
22 Mar 08
hehe, it looks like u r phobia with that "verse" ;)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Mar 08
What the heck religion is he in? The bible says so many things that can be twisted to mean almost anything that anyone wants them to. If you want to save your marriage then you have to somehow reach your husband and talk some reason into him.
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
22 Mar 08
The kind that would influence my husband to spend nearly $542 in one week and telling me to move the children's doctor's appointment because he gets paid next week...that's what!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Has he always been like this? It sounds as if something is going on with him. I hate to say this but if you can't talk to him, it may come down to where you and the kids might want to start looking for other arrangements. A good religion would not take money away from the family or divide the family....neither would a good husband and father. Maybe when he sees that you are not going to tolerate it, he'll come to his senses. It sounds pretty creepy to me though. Be careful.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Mar 08
Hi kaeli72, I think it might be a good idea to get far away from that Pastor. We should not take every word in the Bible literally. Anyone who does has a big problem. Blessings.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Let me put it to you this way. A man visiting Galveston put his baby into the microwave because God told him to. That's his plea to the court he now has to attend. Were you alive back when Jonestown ended badly? If you don't know, the guy there told his congregation that God told him to seperate them from the rest of society. After some of the congregation wanted to leave, he let them leave....but not before he killed most of them in an ambush. The rest of the people were forced to drink poisoned kool-aid, or they'd be shot in the head. The same thing happened in Wako Texas many years ago. The point is, it sounds like that's the kind of man this pastor of your husband is (or is becoming). I'd get your husband out of that situation before it's too late if I were you. This is just another way somebody is using religion for their own goals.
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
21 Mar 08
Wow...thanks for that stunning report. I remember when the pastor would mention about living in a remote area with a house for himself and he could build other houses for those who are faithful to him. I guess I won't be living in one of those houses... Don't worry, I'm getting out of this joint ASAP...but, I have to leave my husband behind. It's sad because I really love him, I don't love that church he belongs to. He wouldn't give it up for his first wife, thus loosing his two sons and not seeing them for over five years, he wouldn't leave it for a house that my parents said they'd help us get and he sure as heck won't leave it for our sons....or for me.
• United States
21 Mar 08
it saddens me when people warp the teachings of the bible to fit their own desires.
• United States
22 Mar 08
wow! i never heard of those stories. People are so sad!!
@mom4kids (657)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
This is disgusting. I am a christian and this man has a distorted view of how God wants us to live! Where is his pastors heart? No where because to me, this is not a man of God. God is loving. Please don't let this man (who I believe is not of God) distort your view of God. Don't listen to him but search out the bible and God's Character and his love for yourself. 1 John is a great book about the love of God. You stated something about the man wanting to get houses in a remote setting for those who were faithful to him. We are not suposed to be faithful to man above God, this man sounds like he's trying to be god and I believe this is a cult. It's a tricky situation because your family is involved. I wonder if there's some government authority or some people who have knowledge of getting people out of cults that you could contact. I don't think you could just say to your husband, this is a cult and he'd follow you and leave. I pray you figure it out.
• United States
21 Mar 08
This sounds like a cult to me. Why did God tell us to have children, so we could raise them, play with them and spend time with them. I am a devout Christian and God is not the way you describe Him. He is a loving, forgiving and merciful God. He wants us to spend time with our families and enjoy each other. Your pastor sounds like Jim Jones who led his followers to Guyana and led them all to thier deaths. If your preacher is telling all to sell thier belongings and move to follow him, this is NOT biblical. Not in any Christian Bible I've ever seen. Please, Please Please be care ful here.
22 Mar 08
Amen to that. All men need to be careful about how they follow a leader. Whenever I disagree with my pastor, I just leave things undone. Tie your husband up and kidnap him! He needs to see what his pastor is doing. Probably his pastor is complaining how people need to respect their pastor, and not embarrass him in public. So if you are going to stand up to him in public, take some marksmanship lessons first. You may need to defend yourself! Seriously, this is not a normal pastor
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
Oh my dear, run, run as fast as you can. This religion sounds like a cult to me. The bible says so many things that no one does today. For instance we don't stone people for infractions. You must also remember it was written in the cultural context of the time. It seems to me your group is controlled y one man who brings people under his spell. There are so many other groups that you could join and worship God. I don't think God cares about whether or not people cut their hair or what kinds of clothes they wear. Please think hard and make the right decisions for your boys and yourself. With all my heart I wish you strength and wisdom to deal with this situation. Best of luck.
• Malaysia
22 Mar 08
Its really complicated, because you disappointed in the God in Bible. Try to do research on other religions, because in my opinion, many people became atheist because their were disappointed in the concept and attributes of God in Bible. (AND BIBLE ARE CORRUPTED) If u don't wana become an atheist, try to take a look for other religions that suit you. Just suggestion, don't bother if u don't agree with me.
• United States
22 Mar 08
That's EXTREME. No offense, but it sounds like you need to walk away from there and never look back and leave him to his almost cult-like ways. That's not the loving G-d(?) I know. It sounds like you have your own mind and some sense.
• United States
22 Mar 08
None of this is right by any meaning of the word. These people are crazy and you will die if you do not get out of this NOW there are places to help you and hide you from these people. This sounds to me like david Koresh or Jim Jones stuff to me you see how those things ended. Get you and your kids out NOW
@beccarose (121)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Wow! I was reading this and was just stunned. This man, amazes me. What kind of "religion" is this? Times have changed, We live our lives how God has them planned out. Things advance and we learn new things. We don't stay in the past and live out in fields in houses we build with the trees in our back yard. We need to adapt to every day life and of course live how God would want us to but that doesnt mean not cutting our hair and going to church every second we have the chance to. Its paying attention to GOD himself, atleast thats how I see it. This man seems to be consuming so much of your husbands time that he doesnt have time for God, to actually listen to him. I would def. put my foot down. - I would love to go to church and be active in groups, but I would not join a church that is demanding of offerings and doing the pastors work. - If the church runs a day care, they better be able to back it up and not beg everyone to work there or demand it even! Everyone lives different lives, and if thats the way your husbands pastor wants to live, than so-be-it. I've been a part of a "non-denominational" church. I call my religion "Christian" I believe that God has a seperate plan for everyone. We arent robots.
• United States
22 Mar 08
Wow! It sounds like the preacher is on a power strip. Do you know if anyone else feels the same way you do about this church? I would get the hell out to. But I would be dragging my husband with me whether he liked it or not. I'm not shocked that he would leave for your sons or you boys. My first husband was like that. He didn't care about anyone but himself though in that case. I wish you luck in your journeys and that your husband comes to realize what is really going on. He needs to see the light in the situation. As far as I know G-d is loving and caring. But he only appears to us in a unloving way when someone close to us is involved in a bad way.