When you try it on

United States
March 21, 2008 3:10am CST
Well I finished day three of my new job. My legs and my back are killing me after standing for so long each day. On just my third day they had me work 11-1/2 hours. I was supposed to work 13, but my body just wouldn't cooperate another minute. I had a lady come in today and she must have tried on 20 items if she tried on 1. She stated she was going on a cruise and was trying on dresses that started at $120 a piece. When she left she bought two items that were on clearance at 75% off. Go figure. She also left a whopping mess in the dressing room. When you go clothes shopping, do you rehang your clothes and give them back to the clerk or do you normally leave them in the dressing room when you are finished? Do you feel that it is your responsibility to rehang the clothes you try on or the clerks?
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36 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Mar 08
What a day! That's a long time to be on your feet. People like that woman are so ungrateful, and of course as the customer all that you can do is let them make their mess and fume afterwards. I don't frequent ladies dressing rooms too much. It's bad for my complexion, all that face slapping, but when I try on new clothes I always hang them up afterwards, and return them to the assistant. Most stores here employ someone to return them to the rail, but I'd do that if there was no one there. Well done on the job so far. I knew that you'd be a success, and you are.
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• United States
21 Mar 08
Its bad for my complexion. LOL. That was pretty darn funny. It was a long day yesterday, today is 11-8, not quite so bad, but it will probably be a bit busier, since its Friday. Wish me luck.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Mar 08
Of course I wish you luck. Hope that woman doesn't come back
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I don't like shopping for clothes. When I try dress or elegant pants, it is all back on hangers. When I try tops I just leave it in the dressing room. However, when salesperson is very rude I can leave it all for her or him to clean. I met so many salespeople that are looking down at customer and I hate it. They are wearing nice clothes and they have nice makeup. I am shopping always without makeup and in jumpers for easy change. They often prejudge people and look down at customers. It happen to me many times. In case like this, I don't care. When I have nice and helping salesperson, yes, I am cleaning after my mess with pleasure. Take care, HUGS
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I have known other sales people who are rather uppity in their way of handling people. I even work with some now. I don't like people like that myself and don't like being waited on people with an attitude or obviously don't want to be at work.
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
22 Mar 08
LOL do you work at Macy's???????? I did and that is exactly how those women act! I hate it when they act like they have money and end up with the cheap rack. lol Now yes after working in retail for 12 years, I do put things back exactly where I found it and I do put the clothes I try on back on the hanger and on the dress/rack if I have time I might put it right where I found it too. I have told everyone in my family how hard it was on me having to put clothes back on the hangers, etc, so I told them they must do their part and put them back! People just don't have respect, they think you are there, so it is your job, and in reality it isn't your job to clean up after them it is your job to put the clothes back on the rack, but it is their job to put the clothes back on the hanger. I use to ask them after showing them to the dressing room, please put the clothes back on the hangers and if you would be so kind as to bring them out and hang them on this rack I'd appreciate it. Most of the time I got them to do just that and I appreciated it. Teenagers WOW Good Luck with them this summer. They do what they want and that is trashing the dressing rooms. Don't miss doing that job. I feel for you. Good Luck
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@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Yes you are correct they are both similar. And it doesn't get better unfortunately. Do yourself a favor, don't be in a rush to hang those clothes I was told by a mgr who was in a bad mood that she wanted all the clothes on the racks in the dressing rooms put back before I got off or I would have problems (time off work) and I rushed it and I hurt my shoulder (rotator cuff). Had time off work anyway. Good Luck.
• United States
23 Mar 08
LOL. No, I don't work at Macy's. I work at Dillards, which is very similar. And yes I agree, its often my job to put clothes back on the rack, but its not my job to put it back on the hangar. As for the Juniors department, I know exactly what you are talking about. Grrr....
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@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I am a very tidy person and no matter where I am try and leave as less of a mess as I can, even at reseraunts lol. when trying on clothes I never try on anything that looks like it would be too much of a hasle to put back. I also pay close attention to the way something was before I dismantle it and try to get is close to it was as possiable.
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• United States
21 Mar 08
Oh I am so glad for customers like yourself.
3 people like this
21 Mar 08
Owch, I'm sorry to hear about your bad day. I do take FOREVER- 10-30 minutes- trying on the same 5 tops However, I ALWAYS clean up everything after myself- it is extremely rude not to! I am still suprised and feel very happy when the assistants offer to go hang up the clothes I don't want ^^
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• United States
21 Mar 08
Hanging up the clothes after you have tried them on is part of our job, but cleaning up after you is not. Thanks for being so kind.
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@clowdine (1402)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
What an irresponsible breed she comes from. I don't know which one of these is her strongest trait but definitely there has to be one: Ungrateful (especially to you who helped her and because she failed to do the best that she could do which is also the least favor she could do you; stupid - because probably, she does not have the crude skill to rehang it; bully/abusive - because she holds on to the cliche, "The customer is always right." and obviously abusing it; and star complex - which is the "someone has to do things for me because I'm not fit to do that...yada...yada...yada..." But anyway, my friend, I commend you for that great deal of patience you have extended to that poor customer who may have challenge with her survival skills. I'm sure your employer will be proud of you. And as your friend, I am.
• United States
21 Mar 08
You are very sweet and I really loved your answer. Very well thought out. Thanks.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Mar 08
depends on the store some want you to live in the in the dressing room, and others here in montreal want you to give them back so they can count them.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
Thats a good point. There are some stores that want you to just hand the merchandise back to them so they can replace it, but nonetheless it would be best if they were at least on the hangars.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I know how you feel. I was a stay at home dad for ten years and just went back to work 5 months ago. I work in a warehouse and am on my feet running around, lifting and carrying for 10-11 hours each day. I thought I was ghoing to die after the first 2 weeks, but am now used to it and have actually lost some weight which is a nice bonus. On top of all that, we are left alone to do our job and don't have to deal with snotty customers.....always a good thing
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I actually like working with people and for the most part people are really nice, theres just that handful. Sounds, though like you are on your feet more than I and you've got the additional lifting and carrying to contend with. You have my sympathies. LOL.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Those are long hours KB and hope you get enough rest in between. I know how it feels standing all day and serving customers. Took me more than a week to adjust to that. I know Macy's doesn't have anyone working in the changing rooms so when I am done changing I usually put them back, as I usually only try on one or two items at a time. They usually have racks there also so depending on how much of a hurry I am in, I sometimes put them there too. I have often walked into the changing rooms in Macy's to find it a complete mess. It really isn't hard to put things back where you got them, but I suppose everyone expects the associates to do it.
• United States
23 Mar 08
I tell my children the same thing. It only takes a minute or two to put things back where you got it. Maybe I should hand that advice out to people as they go into the dressing rooms. LOL.
@mummymo (23706)
22 Mar 08
I remember what it is like to be on your feet so long and still trying to be pleasant to customers sweety so well done you! How awful of that woman to behave in that way! I would always rehang items I tried on and in most shops they want you to hand all the items back on the hangers to prevent shoplifting! I hope she is the exception rather than the rule sweey! xxx
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• United States
23 Mar 08
Thats another good point. Thats why if, indeed, clothes are left in the dressing rooms I like to remove them straight away to deter people from stealing what they didn't take in.
• United States
22 Mar 08
Whenever I try on clothes I have always rehung all the clothes, even the ones I planned on buying knowing that they are just gone to take them off the hanger anyway to fold them and put them in the bag. It's just common courtsity to rehang the clothes. The only time I have never rehung was in highschool when we went looking for a prom dress. We had went into this high end boutique and one of the sales ladies stayed with us the whole time. She had asked that after we were done with each dress if we could please hand them to her and she will rehang them and than put them on the side for later so that we could make a decision. The dresses were one of a kinds and started out at 300 dollars. Lol we walked out empty handed no way was I gone to spend that much on a dress.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
Prom or formal dresses can be very expensive. Any I formal dresses I have bought in the past came off the clearance rack. LOL.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Mar 08
When I went shopping I always put clothes back on hangers and took them to the clerk as was the custom in that particular store.I always thought the clerks had enough to do without sorting out the messes that the shoppers usually left. after listening to your description of your third day on the job i vow to be even more diligent in hanging up clothes we shoppers probably at times forget that the poor clerks have more than enough to do withour having to clean up after the shoppers. I know what it is like being on your feet all day as I used to work as a nurses aid.
• United States
23 Mar 08
I think alot of customers don't realize that there is more to do than just ring them up. That when we are done with them that we actually have other duties .
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Well, wasn't that nice of her. NOT I always hang up the clothes and put them back, unless they prefer you to leave them on the rack outside the dressing room, or the clerk asks for them. I could never just leave things laying there and expect someone to pick up after me.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I'm glad you feel that way, and wish more people thought like you do. For the most part, the women customers I have encountered have been really good about it, but there always has to be that one.
@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
21 Mar 08
That was very rude of that lady! I personally always put my clothes back on the hanger, and most of the time even bring that back where they belong on the floor. I guess since I myself work in retail, I know what people that retail go through, so I always do my part. I always clean up after myself, as everyone should. I especially hate it when people go out to get something to eat a restaurant and leave all their food on the table, when there is a trash can there for customers to throw their own stuff away. I sometimes even go as far as to wipe the table down with a wet napkin or something, even though I know they are going to come by and wash it again themselves. I guess I just don't like leaving a mess behind for people. I know that when I'm working it bothers me, so I know it bothers others as well.
• United States
23 Mar 08
I'm the same as you. If I go to a restaurant, even if its fast food I don't like leaving any mess on the table either. I even go as far as to stack the plates, put the silverware with them and napkins on the plates. I won't leave any food on the table at all thats not on a plate. I think its disgusting.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Mar 08
when i try something on, and i am not going to get it, i will put it back where i got it. i hate leaving a mess. I also try to be as considerate as possible to the people who works at mall or shopping stores cause i know it is a tiring job and its not easy to stand the whole day.... sometimes though there are those who will tell me they will be the ones to put it back, so if a saleslady offered me, i would give i to her nicely.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
If I'm not busy with another customer I always offer to put the clothes back. If I can't do it right then, I'll make the time to put it back on the rack later.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
21 Mar 08
I always rehang the clothes that I tried on unless a clerk says I will take that. I have never in my life left clothes that I tried on in a dressing room either. Of course I know how you feel. I use to work at Good will and Walmart. I didn't work in the clothes department at Walmart but the shoe one and a lot of people didn't care if they left there shoes all over the floor or whereever.I mean even adults. I would hate to see what there house looks like after some of the messes I cleaned.
• United States
23 Mar 08
Funny, I just said the same thing a couple of comments ago. That you can't help but wonder how people keep their houses or how they might feel if someone came to their house and left it in such a state.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I can certainly say that I know what you are descibing with the back and leg pain. Before I started teaching nursing, I worked as a nurse and the shifts were 12 hours. By the time we gave report to the oncoming nurse, that often stretched to 13 hours. You have started a discussion about one of my biggest pet peeves! Nothing makes me madder than to go to dressing room and find clothing in the floor, over the chair, on the pegs and across the door or curtain! Hubby and I took a short trip recently to see our son. That city has a mall (our small town doesn't) and we did some shopping. I recall this one store where I tried on garments and there was easily 50 garments in the dressing room when I went into the room. My feeling is that after trying on items, one should put them back on their hangers and either give them to a sales associate or put them back on the racks. Often there will be a rack onto which one is supposed to place items that they do not wish to purchase. No matter what, the items should be placed on the hanger and removed from the room, leaving it clean for the next person. People don't realize that when the clothes are in the floor they risk tears and soiling...which forces the store to remove it from the sales floor...driving up the cost for everyone! People can be so inconsiderate and self-centered!
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• United States
23 Mar 08
Yes, I agree being a nurse means alot of hours on your feet and I admire the long hours that many nurses have to commit to in a day. As for customers in a store, I often think, how would they like it if someone was to come into their home and leave it in the state that they leave a store?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Mar 08
I also detest coming into a dressing room which is cluttered with clothes dumped on the floor and strewn over the chairs. How are you supposed to know whether or not the room is occupied or not"? I never leave clothes like that as it onlytakes a minute to rehang what you tried on and put them on the rack provided.
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@ann168 (111)
• United States
22 Mar 08
for a person with manner , he/she might rehang the clothes. Most of the time they think as our job. I worked at Mervyn's before during Christmas time in the bed and bath department. With all the big comforters, blankets and towels you can see me now where but under the mess. You can see the picture of all the unfold stuff. Worse. Just right after you fold them and put them in stack then the customers just came over and unfold them and tossed them aside because they did not like that blanket or comforter. You know exactly what I mean right? But a job is a job just do at your best. Then you can wait for the big check to come. Don't expect the customers care for how hard your work and how long the hours we have to spend. Do some stretch in between to keep you from muscle strains. And after all it is only a temporary job until you get something else better. Good luck.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have worked in the home department and have spent hours folding towels and getting them just right, just to turn around at the end of the evening and find them exactly as I started. LOL.
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@ann168 (111)
• United States
23 Mar 08
I know. All I do is just to think of my paycheck and the new dress I can get for my daughter with a big employee's discount and her big smile. It motivates me enough to forget all the big mess to clean. naywya, just let your feet rest on a higher pillow at night to rest them.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
21 Mar 08
I respectfully rehang my tried on garments and put them on the dressing room rack. Most stores have them...not all, but, most. I hate it when I walk into a dressing room and there are garments all over the floor and on the wall hangers because I can't tell if that room is in use or if someone is a slob. So, I clean up after myself!
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• United States
23 Mar 08
I think it depends on the quality of the store you are shopping in. The better stores such as where I work, don't leave garments in the dressing room. We make sure they are cleaned up after every customer.
• United States
23 Mar 08
I feel that it is our responsibility. We should at least have enough respect for others working to at least hang the clothes on the hanger again. Me personally I always take them back to where I found them, because if i took it out of place it is my responsiblity to put it where it belonged.
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• United States
23 Mar 08
Thank you for having manners and integrity. Believe me it is much appreciated in the retail world.