Obama and Islam
By bdugas
@bdugas (3578)
United States
March 22, 2008 9:37am CST
Is there anyone out there besides me that is worried about what we do when the day after the elections and Obama is sworn in, he tell the people he has decided to go back to his roots, Islam. A revolation! That would have grave and profound consequences. And there would be nothing we could do about it because there is nothing in the constituion that say the president can't be Islam. American power would be taken out in a minute.
I am in fearof what this man could do to our country and to our lives. He speaks of change, but what change is he referring to. What do you people think about this. Am I on the wrong track or could this be a possiblity. One that we pray won't happen but what if?
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16 responses
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
22 Mar 08
the us media is just doing these kind of stuff to prevent you from chosing him. I feel bush and the people who support bush don't want to lose their power and want to go on forcing whole world.
Don't worry my friend, there are muslims everywhere in the world. I am a muslim too and we are not monsters. In fact, I feel (for myslef) more democratic than most of the people around me.
So, having a muslim president doesn't mean you will have a taliban like leader. Additionally, taliban was supported by U.S. They were supported by Bush-like people to weaken the Russia, I think most of you should know that.
Governemental issues should be done seperately from the religionary ones. Because religion is a very personal thing. Nobody should be judged for their personal choices. I don't think Obama will try doing anything that will effect your lifestyle
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@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Very well said! You are right, government issues need to stay seperate from religious issues. People should not be judged for their personal choices either because that is just wrong. I gave your response a +.
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@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
17 Apr 08
Did I ever mention that they are doing the right thing? Did you read my response carefully? I don't think so!
If I am saying the governement issues should be completely seperated from the religious issues, then it is also true for other countries who consider Sharia as the governement rules! Did I ever say anything that supports them?
NO! I didn't. I am one of those people who are strongly againist religion based governements and the topic was not the teocratic countries here. If It was, I have many things to criticise them also. If you want further information go and read some other discussions I have replied.
You are just trying to pull the things againist other sides. Just like the cheater politicians or the monkey media.
"Where is the separation of religion and goverenment in those places? " you say. Now, I ask: Did I ever say that these places seperate religion from the governement? Read my response again please. Maybe you will learn understanding what you read after all. You are just trying to put me into fire because I am muslim. You proably checked my profile, and found my country Turkey, and probably guessed my religion, then probably assumed that I support theocratic, but didn't really concentrate what I said in my response.
Here are the facts about me if it will make you feel better:
I am from Turkey
I am a muslim
Turkey is not a theocratic country where people are killed as you mentioned, plus Turkey is LESS theocratic then any of you because there are many people in the governement who are trying to keep religion away from the politics, but also there are many who want to integrate each other and this is a cold war in Turkey now. but when joining the parlement, our politicians do promise on their honor, not on holy book and the marriages are officially made in governement places, not in mosques (while in the US you do that in churches).
And my personal beliefs don't effect other people. I don't harm anyone or force anybody to do anything.
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@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
17 Apr 08
wasn't it you who started it first? OK, maybe you didn't check my profile anyway, you didn'nt need to do that to learn I am a muslim, because I have already said it in my response.
If you had read my response before posting another,then you wouldn't have said the things you mentioned there. You say I am making asumptions about what you said. Didn't you really say those sentences?
What about all the theocracies around the world, where religion IS the government? Where a woman will be executed for getting raped? Where women have no rights at all? Where "Sharia Law" IS the only law? Where is the separation of religion and goverenment in those places?
I have only stressed the one part of it in my previous comment:
" "Where is the separation of religion and goverenment in those places? " you say. Now, I ask.... "and as I have just said, I am strongly againist that kind of things and the message you typed isn't really about the subject also. you are pulling things towards another arena. I don't think that you would do such an activity if you were not trying to be mean to me.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
22 Mar 08
The funny thing is, he's been attending Christian churches for years so I'm still trying to figure out why people want to declare him a muslim. And, even if he was, don't you think that would work to America's advantage considering most of our foreign policy issues relate to countries that are dominated by Islam.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Clam down for one minute, just because Obama would become a Muslim in the White House does not mean this country would become an Islamic country. I do not even think he could win right now. He has taken a beating in the polls. For the sake of this discussion even if Obama wanted to turn this country into another Taliban style country, he would have to get approval from both the House and Senate. I am sure even with the Democrats in control they would not touch this with a ten foot pole. There are alot of things to worry about Obama, but Islam is not one of them.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
22 Mar 08
Was just a thought heard it said on news last night and was just wondering what everyone else thought of the idea. Yes I think he has lost it now, I have tried to give him benefit of the doubt in every way that I could be just to many ties to not so nice people. That is fact. Oh and no I didn't see anyone gettign approval before 9-11
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
22 Apr 08
One more thing bojangles88, I will choose to use any country for an example to my liking.
I am free to choose...

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Mar 08
no because that is totally upsurd,
even if he becomes president,
being a muslem which he is not does not make him a bad person, 98 percent of muslims around the world are not terrorists,
and he could not do that,
and he cannot start a revolution on his own what do you think all the people around him for like secretary of defense, military, etc.
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@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
17 Apr 08
yes, this is very true. In fact I can't say %2 of muslims are terorists because a majority of people are muslim in my country and there are more than 60 million of muslim people in Turkey, that would make about 1 million to be terrorists :)
However, being a muslim doesn't mean he will want to make a revoulution. The islamic revolutions have some dark forces behind them, I think it will be visible to everyone in next 50 years.
I mean, that kind of revolutions don't represent islam at all.
For example Iran. Iran was a very different country before the year 1979. The people were already muslim in those years too, but they weren't like the Iran of today. How the current situation occur? After an islamic revolution. And why would an islamic revoulution change everything on people who were already muslims? This is what I mean by dark forces. (I doN't mean anything supernatural. I just mean some other countries support such people to make those revolutions)
I hope the best for all of us.
Take care 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Mar 08
OK, now I've seen it all - I THINK!! Would you people please take a step back, take a nice deep breath, count to ten (if you can) and listen to what you're saying here! Opponents were so afraid of Obama they started this mudslinging campaign about him being a Muslim, which in turn led to him talking more about the church he belonged to than he should have had to; he admitted he didn't attend church every Sunday, which I certainly think makes a lot of sense since he hasn't been home on a regular basis for how many years since he's been in politics! Still, some hold it against him if he didn't go to church every single week while others apparently don't believe that's true because they insist he had to have heard his former pastor's more inflammatory remarks. I wish every politician would tell anyone who asks that it's none of anyone's business what church they attend or if they do or ever have attended church and that it's totally irrelevant because we have a Separation of Church and State.
When JFK was President did he try to outlaw birth control and divorce? Do you think if Mitt Romney had won he'd have made polygamy the law of the land? (I know Mormons don't practice polygamy anymore, I'm simply using the same reasoning I'm reading here!) Let's get a grip and start thinking about the issues or just don't vote!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Well the_ruler you tell us since you seem to know so much what this man has in his heart, after attending this type of church and listening to this b/s for 20 years you tell us he don't believe in anything the great reverend says, why go there if you dont believe in what is being said. You know nothing about this man or what his beliefs are. And yes someone was pratcicing polygamy from what I see on the news over the last few days. No one knows anything about this man he popped up out of no where, It is his remarks that come out of his own mouth that gets him into the trouble he is in. YOU can tell by the remarks he makes he does not like nor defend much that this united states stand for, why does he want to be president, what change, you sure as a muslim are pushing to hard for this man.
@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
17 Apr 08
I definetely agree with you dear anniepa. As I have also mentioned you never know what is happening in a person's heart and that means belief, so the religion is a personal one.
It is just like judging someone who likes drinking tea a lot while the majority of people like coffee.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
22 Mar 08
It shouldn't matter what the religion of the president is. Being a Muslim doesn't automatically mean he's going to try to destroy the country. That's a rather biased and unfair way of thinking.
Obama has been a Christian for most of his life, and I sincerely doubt he has any intention of becoming a muslim anytime soon.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Within the religion of Islam, everyone is born a Muslim. It is society which "leads you astray" and determines what religion you become a part of.
Let's bring ourselves in to present day non-Muslim society. What people within the Muslim community believe about being born a Muslim does not matter. What matters are the beliefs of the individual. If they do not practice Islam nor profess to be a Muslim, then to the rest of the non-Muslim society, they are not a Muslim.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Since he took office things have been pretty messed up but you do make a profound point and one that I pointed out to ppl at the time of the election. He promised change...but not all change is good. Personally, I don't think he has a clue what he's doing and the sooner he's out of office the better. It'll be years before our country can recover from this mess.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Apr 10
In all honesty I think his actions since he has taken office is leading our country closer and closer to another civil war. The ppl of this country are fed up and they will hit a point where they finally fight back. When that happens, 0bama will be tossed out on his butt and things will finally get back on track.

@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
22 Mar 08
I wonder how many people are really thinking about this? It's of course a possibility that could take us by complete surprise if we aren't careful. What bothers me the most, if what's going to happen if he gets elected - or not?
Six of one and half dozen of the other. Scarey if you ask me.
@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I agree with you bdugas. And it is a distinct possibility. But about the only thing we can do about it is urge people not to vote for him. Hopefully he will not be elected. I don't like any one of the people that are running for president this time but he is the worst in my opinion.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
21 Apr 08
You are right it seems as the years go by, the people we get to vote for get worse and worse, What a choice, my only reason for voting for McCain is since he was a prisoner of war and he has been to Iraq and I feel he would do all in his power to keep us safe, I fear when a democrat gets in what will happen to us. We can pray that Obama don't get in, don't think he can beat Mccain, but you know no matter what he does or how much he runs his mouth he just seems to get stronger and stronger I feel like this is some kind of set up anymore. Like he is being pushed into office, if some of the things he has said was said by Hillary or Mcain they would of been run out by now,lets just hope enough people got good sense when it comes election day
@Nafee1235 (12)
• Bangladesh
23 Mar 08
So what if Obama is a Muslim!?I am also a Muslim and all Muslims are not violent, you cannot say the whole of Islam is violent just cause a few people who claim to be Muslims does a terrorist act! If a follower does something wrong it is there fault, you cannot blame the whole of Islam for that one persons fault. Islam does not even allow violence unless they have a good cause! In the Qur'an(Holy book of Muslims) it is written "Killing one person is like killing the whole of humanity.", and you christians have serious misconceptions on Islam! Everyone is not an Osama Bin Laden. And the belief that Islam has a violent culture and that we are too much religious to the extent that we are extremists are just a wrong misconception!Islam is not violent or over strict and it is the bad or violent followers who give a bad name to Islam. Islam does not opress there followers, all the Muslims I know, live a normal life like anyone else and they also do the things you guys do and still they follow there religion!
Some preachers of Islam and some Huzurs(Islamic priests) use the religion to there advantage and make the followers wear over protective clothes which is wrong. Islam only tells the women to cover there whole body except the hands and the face and they also have to cover there head when they are around male strangers, and Muslim women also wear jeans and most of them I know are modernised.
The Qur'an has no mistake in it. If you read it you will not find a single logical or scientific error!Even some scientific facts were first written in the Qur'an. We also believe in Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) as a prophet of God but the only difference is we do not see him as the 'Son of God', But rather as a 'Prophet of God',if you compare the Bible and the Qur'an you will see that the Bible has more errors(scientific, logical and also atrocities). We believe that as the Humans edited the Bible so it got corrupted that is why God Revealed to us Islam. And we also believe that Jesus will be resurected again to guide every one to Islam.
So you are only being careless when you say Islam is violent and that America will be a violent country under a Muslim leader. I am an Obama supporter even though i live in Bangladesh. And remember that Islam is the fastest growing religion int he world and has more people converted to Islam from christianity than any other religion. And you cannot say a religion is a terrorist religion just becuase of the mistakes commited by a few people.
@Marie37 (63)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Okay, government 101: The president of the United States is not the Supreme Ruler, and our government is designed in such a way to prevent abuses of power by either the President or the Congress. It's a little thing called "checks and balances". It wouldn't matter if Obama said he talked to Mohammad himself; if Obama were the president he is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States which includes a separation of church and state and if he did try some funny nonsense, the country, the media, the congress (in particular, the republicans) and not to mention the ACLU and the ACLJ would be all over it like white on rice.
And, he can still be impeached.
I don't trust Obama one bit and I think he'll be a crappy president and his supporters remind me more and more of Jim Jone's koolaid drinking acolytes, but he could no more overturn our constitution and implement Sharia than I could.
Mostly the Dems want him in office because he's such a rube he'll do whatever they tell him to do. He doesn't have a clue and he'll be putty in the hands of the likes of Kennedy and Pelosi. More so than Hilary, who has her own agenda. Which is why the Dems stopped backing Hilary and started backing Obama.

@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
21 Apr 08
When I get through laughing I would like ask you something.
Where in the world have you been? Get your head out of the sand!
Uphold the constitution ? That's a laugh...the politicians who have been running this country haven't upheld the constitution in years. It was called "just a piece of paper" in a speech just last year. We haven't had anyone in office who has read or tried to abide by this "piece of paper" since J.F. Kennedy was in the White House.
And where did that get him? Six feet under, that's where!
The rich private owners of the Federal Reserve Banks are the true rulers of this country.
They own the banks that make the money this country depends on. Just because the banks have the name Federal does not mean that the USA owns them. If we did there wouldn't be any debt.
Obama is young and unknowing so of course they want him in the White House. He will be their puppet on a string. But they may get the surprise of their life if he does become the president. Like he said "We need a change, and you (the American citizen) may not like it. I can't see him as a leader nor a fighter.
So Hillary is still our best bet. Given the chance I think she will do much more for this country than anyone else. Older and wiser, she gets my vote.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
28 Mar 08
i don't trust him either, and i totally agree with you that he will be putty in some of thems hands. I don't like Pelsoi, she reminds me too much of Hillary wanting to be in power. He can be sworn to uphold the constitution, but don't seem to me that constitutions matter too much to a man that turns his back on the flag and refuses to put his hand over his heart. I got the picture today and it makes me sick to see him standing there his back turned and looking out like I refuse to saluate the flag of the united states. Why would someone want to be president if he felt that way. I just hope McCain wins, he maybe for the war, but as in Bush's speech he make today here in Ohio, I too believe it would be a slap in the face to those who gave their lives to protect us if we just turn now and ran. We are keeping them off our soil and that is what matters to me. I don't think Obama has the balls to keep them out. Yep he will be somebody's puppet.

@cooldudesjunk (12)
• Ireland
22 Mar 08
I saw an interveiw with him,and it was obvious he was uncomfatable and was nervous.
It was as if he was being interagated by the police!
He was asked if he went to church often and he broke down and said "well me and my family are very busy at the moment,so I suppose..erm...."(ect.)
If that was JFK he would have said "what has that got to do with the presedential elections!"
He wouldn't be strong enough to lead USA into the ground,but also not strong enough to lead a country for that matter.