Does illegal help or hurt Americans?
@melvinandheather1 (540)
United States
March 22, 2008 10:26pm CST
Does illegal immagration help or hurt Americans? In America in 2002 over 13 Billion dollars were unaccountted for and went right back to help our economy. Those unaccounted dollars were from illegal immagrants who could not file taxes, that money went back to help our economy, those who pay taxes. On top of that unlike everyone seems to think they DO pay taxes.. at least some type of taxes. Whether it be federal, state or whatever, and that money also goes back into our economy. Another factor is that in 2002 illegal immigrants sent an average of 42 Billion dollars to their home country. That is more than the US would have aided them! That's saving us a lot of money too. So instead of the USA having to help fund them, their workers are coming over and sending so much back home that we wouldn't even match it. I am not an activist or anything like that, but i believe that the flag means equality, why are people becoming mistreated for wanting to help their literally starving family?
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2 responses
@snowmouse1 (209)
• United States
23 Mar 08
You brought up some good points. I don't understand why U.S.A. should send money to other countries to aid them though we aren't obligated too so the money saved is our own to begin with. The money illegal immigrants send to their family is money an American could have earned and spent on his own family. Some say illegals do the work Americans wont do. I say the welfare department should make homeless Americans work in the fields or anywhere else illegals are found to be working. I say if there are jobs available it should be given to an American. If an illegal wants to work in U.S. then he should become legal citizen of U.S. To me people who break the law should be put in jail not rewarded and homeless people should be helped so they wont be homeless. Illegal immigrants should become legal or put in jail and made to work on rodes or fields without pay.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
23 Mar 08
Good points however you are looking at things from the scared point of view. Not saying that your scared or anything like that I'm just saying that you have to have an open mind when approaching such a toucy subject. Illegal immigrants are not taking jobs from anyone they are applying and getting accepted and most of the places that they work are underpaid, and most legal people fail to apply there. In some cases they do work in large manufacturers, however, they are outnumbered 95 percent of the time by Americans. That is true I think that the homeless should try to get a job, however, if you look at the situation a lot of times they refuse. That's something you have to look at. One of the requirements of fed. or state help/aid is that you apply yourself, and if you at least apply yourself they will help you, however, if you refuse to apply and at least try then they will not help. Also illegal immigrants are not able to receive any fed or state assistance because they would get deported for even applying so they are doing it on their own. Another fact is that even if the illegal immigrants were not here, then the USA would still be financing foreign aid. It's a known fact, America helps others so that when or if we need help they have our backs just as we had theirs. The only part is that if they weren't here, we would not be seeing any of that money because it would go for foreign aid. At least with them here working they will buy things from stores and that goes back into our economy. There are a lot of different points out there that people have to consider before saying that they don't want immigrants here because their afraid of economics (when they're really helping us more than hurting us), or because of jobs (when there is really enough jobs out there even in small towns it's just the fact of who applied themselves at the right time), there's a lot of different factors to look at, but just amke sure to approach it with an open mind.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 Mar 08
You do bring up some good points but yes illegal help does hurt the country. First lets take the taxes, not all illegals pay taxes or even have it taken out of their income since they are paid under the table. This way the company doesn't have to pay the state or government for them (for each person the company has to pay so much as well as the person having to pay) nor do they have to pay workman's comp for them. The company also then isn't worried about safety codes or over working people since who are they going to complain too? This isn't right and could cost the American public since then the companies products might not be up to code either. Of top of it these are jobs that could have gone to legal help.
Now as to the money sent home. Yes they send a lot of it home which means they aren't buying things here either. It's not helping our economy. Add to that our government is still sending that country money. So they are getting it from both us and the illegals. These countries know that too and encourage people to come here illegally so that the money is sent there.
If they want to come here legally no one cares. It's the ones who sneak in an break our laws to do so that there is a problem with. If they come here legally and work and want to send money home, fine and dandy. Once they cross our boarders illegally they are criminals. If they are willing to break those laws what other laws are they willing to break?