Do You Suffer From Computeritis... What Is The Cure?:)
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
March 23, 2008 6:56pm CST
I think Computeritis could well be classified as a disease... I certainly would be diagnosed!
I spend hours on the Internet, many of those in either Mylot or Pogo. I get up in the morning and switch on my computer, opening my mail, whilst I go and fix my breakfast. Then, it's back to the computer, where I eat my breakfast at my desk, and I'll stay till mid-morning.
Mid-morning, I take a break... wash up my breakfast things, go down to fetch the mail, make another drink and back to the computer, where this time, I'll stay until lunch time.
Lunch time, I'll go and prepare my lunch, eat that, prepare the vegetables for my dinner, clean the flat a bit, put the washing on, and run any errands I need to.
Then, it's back to the computer until time to cook dinner. I cook dinner, dish it out and bring it back to my desk to eat it. Then I go and wash up, make another drink and return to my computer for the evening. Other than making a couple more drinks, I'm set for the evening.
How does your day go? Do you suffer from Computeritis, and what do you think the cure might be, apart from having your computer towed away? 

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16 responses
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
24 Mar 08
hi darkwing. i sometimes wish i could spend more time on the computer. i just dont get the time to. but sometimes when i have a slow day in the shop, i take the laptop in and spend some time on here. i enjoy my time on the computer i find it relaxing.
hope your keeping well, miss being here and there.
best wishes and take care. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 08
Hi Kay! Thank you for cutting your busy schedule to pop in here, and to my 360 Page. I've replied to your comment in there... it's so good to see you! I hope business is going well, and of course, I understand that you don't get a lot of time, what with your family and the business.
I seem to be in here all too often of late, but I enjoy it, and keeping up with my friends is a must... you never know who's going to surprise you, huh?
I had a bit of a set-back with my leg injury, but I'm fighting to get fit again... that's the least of my worries at the moment. More important, is dear Lakota and my friend, who is still in hospital after her fall, and the loss of her little Angel. Once those two are better, I will be able to concentrate on myself.
I hope you and yours had a great Easter break, and sending my Brightest of Blessings to you all, especially your Dad. I hope he's improving... please give hime a big (((HUGGGG))) from me, and tell him to get dancing!
Take care, my dear friend.

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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
24 Mar 08
i hope you had a good easter. i had the shop open over the weekend, and was quite busy with a few tourists passing through. it was also Teagen's 11th birthday yesterday, and my eldest, Rachelle, was up for the weekend, which was great.
I have heard about Lakota and have passed on my wishes through gabs. She is in my thoughts.
Thanks for asking about dad. It is a very slow progress for him, he isnt the best at the moment.
You make sure you take care of yourself, and take it easy with that leg.
best wishes
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 08
Well I can see that you are having a computeritis indeed. I am addicted to computer, but more on game. I have a record of playing computer games non-stop for more than 12 hours. During university time, I was living in the hostel and without the supervision from my parents, I was so free on doing this. It's really not good for health especially focusing on the game without rest, eat and go to the restroom. It stress the body and eyes a lot. I know it, but I am so addicted. Besides, I have been thinking of the solution in my dreams, and when I woke up, the idea I got while dreaming did really help me get pass the stage. How amazing LoL. I think for your case, it's still ok because you still go for your breakfast,lunch and dinner. It's normal. I am worse because I just didn't realize the time passed and skipped the meals. Until today I have no cure for such computeritis. The only way I could think of is, throwing away my computer.
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 08
Wow... twelve hours is far too long without a break, my friend. I play games in Pogo, but my body tells me when I need a break.
I guess you've learned a lesson from that one time... you know that you need to eat and rest, and you know you are creating eye strain, so that's something learned. Now, you perhaps need to schedule your time on the computer, and at the same time, schedule your breaks, and what you need to do during those breaks. You're young... maybe an hour or two to eat, and step out into the fresh air would be good. I'm sure you'll feel much better. Throwing away your computer wouldn't solve much if you have access to others, so the best way is to condition your self in some way. I've tried to do that, and I'm getting there, but I'm by no means cured yet!
Thank you for such a detailed response to my discussion, my friend, and Brightest Blessings.

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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 08
I know. But that's one time heroic act when I was still much younger
. I dare not playing game for too long again. It really has impact on our health like what you mentioned. I am learning to condition myself while using computers nowadays. And I will try my best not to launch the computer or PS2 games. Because once started, I will be so obsessed until I skip meals and sleeping again. Thanks for your constructive suggestions my friend. I will need more effort to discipline myself. :)

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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Yup, I get on the computer when i first get up and cant leave it till hunger pains set in.THEN I grab a bite and come back to the computer to eat it.There is such a thing as an addiction to the internet. I know I have it. "stands up" My name is SNOW and I'm addicted to the internet"

@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
27 Mar 08
WOW Darkwing and I thought I was bad LOL just as well it only happens to me on some days and not all. Yesterday was one of those days from morning after sending my son off to school till 2am playing Texas Holdem online LOL I took a break to have lunch and dinner and have a little play with my son when he got home from school. As soon as he was in bed, I showered and went straight back to the computer.
I don't have much other activity going on outside the home except when I volunteer at my son's school which is twice a month and run errands. So if I don't want to watch tv or do any of the household boring chores, then I'm online.
I don't think there is a cure for me. If my laptop got taken I'm going to pinch my hubbys one and if that doesn't work, I'll be making daily visits to the library LOL
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Mar 08
Lol... well we're nearly as bad as each other. Are you playing the Texas Holdem in Pogo? I like that game too. "Here's the river!" Ha ha ha!
Well, I think if I lost my computer, I would spend a bit of time at the library too, but don't know what I'd do with my evenings. It would, at least, get us out of the house for a bit, and I suppose I could take a long, ambling walk back, cross country.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution.

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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I play through a social networking site I belong to. I have not been back to play pogo for a few weeks. I was on a role there for about a week and then lost interest haha. Funny though because I have found lately that I start new things and don't stick with it for very long. Not sure why that is!
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@pathfinderobs (103)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
sheeks! I never thought there is this such disease. I am somehow an internet/computer addict. I work on computer related job and still I am not contented, I open my PC whenever I am at home. whew.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Mar 08
Yes, I would think that working all day on the computer, like I used to, would make one tired of it. I prefer it now that I'm just at home doing what I want to on it. Work is too much of a routine thing!
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.

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@paid2write (5201)
24 Mar 08

@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 08
Lol... ok, ok, I won't take away your computer... relax!
When the weather gets a little better, you can join me on one of my walks around my village. How about that? It's a virtual walk, through Mylot, but it might enable your mind to wander for a while, whilst you relax with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.
I suffer from MyLotitis too, so that's understandable, my friend. I'm sure there's a cure somewhere, but I have yet to find it. Brightest Blessings.

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@paid2write (5201)
24 Mar 08
I'm not sure I want to find a cure for myLotitis, but I do make sure I get to walk in the real world every day.
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@surfette (673)
• United States
25 Mar 08
We have had a very snowy, cold and long winter here. I was babysitting my grandson on a regular basis and now I just do it part time. So... I've developed computeritis as well. I leave it for a little while to do the chores I absolutely have to do, but it keeps calling to me. I guess I'm really hooked. I have several favorite sites and then, of course, checking my email in between. My hubby is working nights, so I'm free to hug my computer all night long! LOL
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@khassandra2006 (490)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
I can say, yes. My laptop is my life. lol I wake up early in the morning so I can still work online before reporting to the office. On lunch breaks, I can't let it pass without using the computer. At work, all the things I do, I use my computer. After work, I go home fast so I can work online again. lol Life would not be the same without it.
@Leedsrbest1973 (127)
25 Mar 08
I'm sure I would if I could, but it's almost impossible with my daughters, (your granddaughters) hogging it for homework, games and chats with their friends.
No, I'm joking. I do spend quite a lot of time on the computer, and if you ask me, the girls are my only cure.
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@vulgarlittleprincess (919)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
Sounds like you have a few too many drinks a day :p
When I wake up I take out my retainers and reach fr my lappy, as soon as i have it opened and am waiting for it to load I put on my glasses. I check mylot and all my other accounts and then go to the bathroom. If I have any errands to run I usually go about them sometime withing 2 hours of waking up and getting on the computer. I get home around supper time and check to see if I have any instant messages. I cook some soup and watch some TV while I'm eating. I am usually then online doing random things until about 11pm or midnight. When I try to sleep. I used to stay online from the time I woke up (about 4pm) to about 7 or 8 in the morning. Thank God I have that fixed and am back on some kind of normal sleeping schedual.
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I am sure I suffer from this as well. I spend what ever time I can on the puter usually, how ever I do get most of my chores and errands done. I also work quite abit so my time is limited by that as well. but if you were to talk to the people that know me, they would surely say , I spend far to much time on this thing lol.

@Jody20 (887)
• Netherlands
24 Mar 08
I think you're absolutly right my friend, i can live without a tv but not without my laptop. It was a disaster when i had send my laptop to be repaired, i didn't know what i had to do with my time.
I spend my time mostly online, checking my mail, playing on Gamesville or other programs such as Mylot.
Can't live without my laptop LOL
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 08
I can understand that, Jody! I play in Pogo games site, and I have lots of other places to visit and update, like my websites and my blog pages. It takes up a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. Mylot is the best place to be though, catching up with your friends, their achievements, their lives, and just generally chatting.
I don't think there is a cure, you know. I think we'd have to undergo an operation to separate our computers from us, and I don't fancy that too much. So, here I stay!
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your input.

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@skalop (62)
• Malta
25 Mar 08
Yes I suffer computeritis too and I think the many cure here instead of having your computer towed away one can just crash the computer himself :)) Hey guys just joking I don't think that none of you will try this or will I have to put the ign don't do this at home hehe :)
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@Darkwing (21583)
24 Mar 08
I do go to darts matches on Wednesdays, which gives me a break, but at the moment, I can't go anywhere much other than the pub, because of the weather. When it's dryer and warmer, I will take up my daily walks again, which refresh me, and blow away the cobwebs from my mind.
Just the same, you've got to tear yourself away from the computer to do some fun thing, or get out of the house, and there lies the difficulty!
Brightest Blessings.

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@Foxfire1875 (2010)
27 Mar 08
I think I may have this disease. My manifestation of it is the, I'll just quickly check something and find that it's growing dark outside by the time I've stopped just quickly checking something.
I only remember to eat when my stomach growls at me and most days I disconnect grudgingly. I've got too good an excuse in that I have a virus at the moment, so don't go out or not that far as I don't have the energy.

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