What is it about cats

@p1kef1sh (45681)
March 23, 2008 9:05pm CST
I don't understand outdoor cats. They aren't especially sociable. They don't play fetch, they get fleas and they make a terrible noise at night outside our bedroom window. Owners let them out so that they can spoil my garden with their cr@p. They dig holes in my vegetable patch and my flower beds and rip the heck out of my rubbish bags trying to get at what's inside. They scare the birds away from the feeding stations and given half a chance will eat one too. I'd never hurt one but boy do they run when I charge up the garden shouting at them. Most importantly, they have singularly failed to catch the rat that lives in my compost heap. But can somebody please tell what purpose they serve.
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16 responses
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
24 Mar 08
They are bums wandering around with no purpose whatsoever. What gets me is that their owners let them outside, if they have owners. If it was my pet I would be afraid it would get hit by a car or something. I don't get it. The strays though as in the USA are a cat overpopulation problem- they tear up my garden too but I don't have the heart to lay down poison so I let them be and feed them sometimes.
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• United States
24 Mar 08
LOL!!! I agree with you on this one. Don't have an animal then.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
I never fed them. They kill the birds that come to the garden instead! I do blame the owners. They say, it's cruel to keep the animal cooped up in the house. Well don't have one then. Or take it out on a lead. I am ranting. I shall start to dribble shortly. Take me away.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
24 Mar 08
my cats are all indoor cats. But I have had friends that have had outdoor kitties and they were nice and sociable what was really funny was watching them stalk things and just being plan silly and goofy, Having cats around actually decrease the snake and rodent population. they obviously flock to you because your are a great person.. Cats are a really good judge of character as I have found out over the years. LOL!!! If the really bother you that much there are traps that you can set that will cat them so that you can take them to the humane society and then the owners will have to go find them and get them out and sometimes it will cost the owners money and then they will be more app to keep their kitties indoors.
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• United States
24 Mar 08
you can always play cat and mouse with them. Meaning you hide food in hard to get places and watch them work to get it. LOL!! Now don't make it impossible to get, but it might help them with their hunting skills so that they can get the rat.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Trapping cats! Like that naughty mind. But heck. I'm just having a rant. I shall continue to be the madman in the City that stands in his garden shouting obscenities at things that no one else can see.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
24 Mar 08
We have breed cats to be pets. People that let them out and let them go feral are doing to a diservice to the animal. They are outside and unfixed so they are making the noises and breeding. The best thing you could do for these cats is to trap them and fix them. If you feed them they will leave the birds and the trash alone. They aren't going to hunt hard prey if they are hungry, they are going for the easy food - but that rat might get caught if they aren't that hungry.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Thank you for that. Perhaps I should have a chat with the Ca's Protection League and see what they can suggest.
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@mummymo (23706)
24 Mar 08
Aww poor cats! My wittle Tia wouldn't do that - in fact we always put food out for the birds and they take the mickey out of her! lol She doesn't make noise outside at night, she likes to sleep on the bed all night in the warm! She might ruin some vegggie Patches but all my neighbours garden are intact as is mine! lol Seriously I do know what you mean as my Grandad was a gardener and hated cats . although when Tia was a kitten he used to babysit for her! Cats are arrogant and like to rule, or think they rule a household but they can be very calming! Did you know that if you are a cat owner there is less chance of having a heart attack? Hope one catches that rat soon! xxx
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Because I live in the only house in the country without a cat, they all seem to congregate in our garden. Once here, they just love to remind us that they've been. Literally. I am afraid that I'm with your Grandad here. Mind you, I must try not to have a heart attack getting worked up about cats!! I am sure that yours is very sweet, I'm just on a rant.
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@mummymo (23706)
24 Mar 08
Rant away sweety we all have them! I can understand your frustratiions and feelings but cats do what cats want - they are very clever and won't just do as they are told like dogs! I don't think I wiuld describe my cat as sweet but she is very, very cute! xxx
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Mar 08
Outdoor cats hmmmmm? A nuisance to be sure. I think their only viable purpose is to impregnate our domestic indoor cats and continue the cycle of life. Still a nuisance. Too ornery to be indoor cats I guess. I used to be bothered by them too when I lived in an over cat populated area. The noise! One night I couldn't take it and went outside to shoo them away and hopefully have them take their amorous expressions elsewhere. Turned out to be my neighbour, a woman not his wife, and a whoopie cushion. Don't ask. I moved. Enough said.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
25 Mar 08
LOL, glad you are keeping cheerful. I aim to please! LOL And I rather think the whoopie cushion was for middleaged backs pressed up against hard brick walls! LOL
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Mar 08
That's even better. Spontaneous romance through careful preparation.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
My flabber is gasted. Perhaps one of them had piles and they needed the cushion to rest them! I must work that into a story. Love it. You are keeping me very cheerful tonight. Hope that you're managing a smile too. My thoughts have drifted in your direction a few times over the weekend.
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@rpegan (596)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I actually have outdoor cats, and they're very sociable if handled properly. A lot of people that own outdoor pets do so in the hopes that they'll have a low maintenance pet, but they really end up creating a nuisance for the neighbors. Our oldest cat stays on the property and keeps the rats, mice, chipmunks, and squirrels from breaking into the house during the colder months. Aside from that, he's an absolute sweetheart and he'll even walk down the street with me like you'd expect a dog to do! Outdoor cats can be wonderful, but a lot of people aren't willing to devote enough attention to raising animals properly.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Responsible owners I love. Trouble is there are just not enough of them. I am pleased that you are one of the minority. Thank you.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
24 Mar 08
Cats serve one purpose only and that is for those of us who don't like dogs to have something to love. :) Or for those who want a pet but don't actually want to look after one because cats aren't stupid like dogs and will fend for themselves if their slave won't tend to their every need! We have a fat cat who comes into our garden. We don't feed it or anything, looks like he gets plenty! But stiill he insists on visiting us. It must be quite warm and comfortable underneath the trees at the bottom of our garden. It is bad that cats are so horrible to you though. The thing with cats is that you know where you stand. As the saying goes "dogs have owners, cats have slaves". They won't play catch and such like because it is far too much effort.
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 08
Some cats will go away if you ignore them but others will stay because they want to be ignored. For example, if a cat lives with children who want to pet him all the time, he will visit someone who doesn't really want him there knowing he'll be left alone. The cat we have in our garden doesn't seem to make any mess but the cats who I used to live next door to would regularly come into my garden to make a mess. I think they are just the opposite of dogs. Dogs are so stupid they have to be told everything like where they have to pee or get food, etc. but cats are evil ignorant little critters so I believe there has to be a horrid human behind any cat who makes visits for the sole purpose of making a mess because normal cats would find better things to do like sleep.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
I am slave to enough people without becoming one to a blooming cat too! Perhaps they know this which is why they visit us so often. You are quite right, I do know where I stand with the cats. I stand in the garden shaking my fist, whilst they sit on the fence laughing.
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I personally think that Cats are one of the Goddess's best creatures whether they are outside or in. They are wonderfully engineered to be predators and boy have they got that down pat. But beyond that I have 2 indoor cats and much prefer them to the mutt that barks constantly next door. I love my cats as if they were my kids, and they give me lots of companionship while making sure there are no rats or mice in my apartment. Now Whether a cat is social or not totally depends on how their owners handle them when they are young. Lots of human contact equals a quite socialable cat. My family had outdoor cats when I was young and they were all sociable and we handled them all the time. I can understand your frustration about them tearing up your garden, but give them a break they don't know it is wrong. And as for the birds, well if they all lived the bird population would get out of control. Cats are also good for snake control as well.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Mar 08
I wonder who predates on the predator? My issue is with the owners of these animals. They get them, then throw them out at the first opportunity because it's "natural". That is true, but I don't see packs of dogs, legions of hamsters and Guinea Pigs and flocks of canaries flying about, and it's just as natural for them. Just cats using my garden as a communal lavatory. I don't hate cats. I've even be known to give the odd moggy a stroke. They discriminate against me, that's all.
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well. I am not a lover of cats. We had one when I was young that used to sit above the curtains and take a swipe at you with its claws everytime you passed by. The darn thing had a good aim. Are they social? No, not at all. Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later. What purpose do they serve? To have something less to bathe.
• United States
25 Mar 08
Ever tried carrying a cat by the tail? No, well when you do you'll learn things in a way you've never done before. Thanks for the best response.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Mar 08
LOL. I love that answer. I don't hate the creatures, but I am fed up with them using my garden as a their communal lavatory and my front drive for choir practice! That answer is going to make me chuckle all day. Bless you.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
24 Mar 08
They keep you on your toes, maybe that's the purpose they serve. You've got to think of ways to keep them out of the garden and trash, keeps your mind active. Yeah, like you need your mind to be any more active than it already is, sure you do. But they are attracted to you, p1ke, like so many other creatures out here in the world, they just can't help it. Just be sweet to them, and enjoy watching their hunts and their graceful running about, and the rest will take care of itself. Good point that someone made about feeding them, too. That might just take care of the trash problem. But the rat? I dunno, he might just be a little too big for them to deal with. I have an immense soft spot for cats, indoors and outdoors, all breeds, shapes, sizes and colors and temperments and as you know, have three of them at home, who are most fiercely loved and spoiled to the core. The ones you speak of need what every other cat out there needs - love. Plain and simple - love. And you could make them their own little kitty burrito, you know. A tortilla wrapped around some fish, some sour cream, they'd love it and would consider you their own Burrito King and you would be hailed far and wide for your generosity and loving nature. Think about it. (not too bad for the burrito angle, hmmm?)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I'll be your kitty if you'll be my St. Francis.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Nova my dear, you can even put animals that irritate me into a palatable proposition. But whilst they deserve burritos, I won't be making them any, except rat burrito, if they catch it! You make me sound like St Francis of Assisi. LOL.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I keep all of my cats indoors because it extends their lives by several years, and possibly even a decade or 2...yes, cats can live very long. So, I don't understand outdoor cats either. They can be a nuisance and, that is coming from someone who loves the heck out of cats. I just know that I would worry all day long about my cats if they were outdoor cats. I would worry about the bigger predators out there they could hurt them. I would worry about any other animals they might chase and get into a fight with and the fact that they could get bitten by a rabid animal had end up with rabies and have to be put down. I would worry about them getting run over or taken in by a stranger. And, I would worry about other diseases outdoor cats have to be more concerned about than indoor cats. So, an outdoor cat is as much of an enigma to me as it is to you. Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
You sound like a very responsible owner to me. Thank you.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Thank you! I try to be! I just love my cats and don't want anything bad to happen to them and, they are safer in my home 24/7 than they would be outside. I would worry too much about them while they were out.
@bradhart (659)
• United States
24 Mar 08
The may have failed to catch that particular rat but you can rest assured they do control the vermin population, yes including birds which are passive disease vectors unlike cats. If you keep your trash bags in something with a lid they don't get into them, not to mention I would bet that as often as not the culprit for that are possums and raccoons. If you put up some bird netting and squirrel fence it will keep the cats as well as birds and squirrels away. You need to face one hard fact of life, our ancestors went out of their way to eliminate the predators in this country and now we are stuck with cats as the apex predator in most areas. if you want to keep particular cats from your yard and know who the owner is you simply get nasty and file a small claims case against them ordering they keep them inside or get them fixed and pay damages. It will only take once or twice before people start taking care of their pets.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Thanks for that Brad. I do keep the trash bags locked away. But they have to go out loose on the day that the trashman comes. That's when the pesky cats pounce. On the bright side. Living in the UK the only raccoons or possums that we have are in the Zoo. But yes, I have thought about the Cat Protection people. The bottom line really though is that I shall have to live with it.
• United States
25 Mar 08
You're talking about alley cats,the animals that are probably abandoned. Cats that are pets are usually more mannered. If those cats had homes they probably wouldn't be doing that.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
25 Mar 08
I doubt that a single one of these cats are abandoned. Some of them wear collars. Their owners throw them out because they think that roaming free is what cats should do. As I said above. That holds true for lots of other pets too. But thanks for the reply. It's just one of my rants and welcome to myLot where we are quite friendly. Just that some of us are nuts too. LOL
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
There are cats like that here, too! It's too annoying, especially if they try to sneak in our lot so they could steal some of our cat's foods. I am not generally a greedy person, but these cats bully our cats and in the end, they're the ones eating the food! Talking about our own cats, they just love to sleep all day! They can catch rats, but funny, they can't catch a "walking" cockroach. Ah, cats!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Mar 08
Send your cats over. If they can catch the rat, and I don't have any cockroaches. Sounds like a marriage made in heaven. LOL
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Well they are alot better than indoor cats to me because with indoor cats they are nothing but a problem from what i have seen in the past from where i have had them before...personally i do prefer outdoor cats becuase you can go out during the daytime and get osme sun and then pet htem at the same time you are doing that!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
Thank you.
@cheney (199)
• Hong Kong
24 Mar 08
HaHa! The way you describe the situation is very funny. Nowadays, cats are getting lazy just like human beings. My family once kept a cat when I was a child. she just lived for the meal with fish in it, and paid no attention to rats. There was a time when we caught a mouse, and put it in front of the cat. Yet she wouldn't even taste it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Mar 08
The cats in my garden aren't lazy. They love to dig!
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