Shakespeare's sonnet 18, do you like it?

@May2008 (179)
March 24, 2008 4:51am CST
I can still recite the sonnet by Shakespeare. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date... " It sounds tuneful. I like the theme too: Nice summer's day is short, however the beauty of poetry can last forever. The human beings are immortal for they create the poem. Do you like this one?
1 response
@paid2write (5201)
24 Mar 08
Yes I like that sonnet too. I find Shakespeare's beautiful verse to be rich in meaning and his sonnets are somehow timeless and universal in their truth.
@May2008 (179)
• China
24 Mar 08
I agree with you. His works appreciated by the people all over the world have already been translated into many languages.