Britney's appearance in how I met your mother

United States
March 24, 2008 11:40am CST
Okay so I am really excited to watch the show tonight and see how she does. I saw the episode where she was in Will and Grace and though she did really good. On and on the show's website they showed a piece of what she says and it sounds pretty funny. I am so rooting for her and hoping that she does well and get her life back together. So far she has been doing good with the guidance of her father but her father is not always going to be there. So hopefully she's learned that she needs to take responsibilities. Good luck Britney, your in my prayers.
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5 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
24 Mar 08
That's not one of the shows we get to watch here...the in laws get to decide what is on but I am hoping to hear something about how it turns out. I read in one of those gossip magazines that it turned out really well even though it took a long time to record. They said Britney was really spacey and kept forgetting her lines but got it eventually
• United States
24 Mar 08
Well the magazine that you read was either lying or got the wrong information because they interviewed the actors that work on that show and they said that she did really good considering that she hasn't done any acting in a long time. They said she was really funny an knew the lines better than some of them. If you can't see it on t.v you can see it online the next day on the channel's website.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Ok, reread that...they said it "turned out really well" despite her being spacey and forgetting her lines...most likely because it's been awhile and she's just getting back on her feet.
• United States
25 Mar 08
My bad. But whatever she did good on the show and as long as she is doing something creative and not dangerous and I don't have to hear about her in the news it's good. The news are supposed to be for important stuff not to hear about the life's of celebrities.
@arjun999 (1004)
• India
26 Mar 08
I like 'How i met your mother' and i am looking forward to see the lateest episode. Britney has been through a lot recently and i am hoping too that she does well. I am hoping that she is cured of her illness or what ever it is. Best wishes Britney.
• United States
26 Mar 08
She was pretty good and she only had these small sparts but from what I saw I see that she still has the talent. Hopefully you'll enjoy the episode like I did because everyone did good in that episode. I was laughing a lot.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
hi ayumi! i've read in the newspapers that Britney did well in that show. the author of the news article even praised her saying she was still britney "the performer" despite of all the craziness she's done and been through. i am happy for Britney and i'm also hoping that this will be the start of her comeback. its really a waste if Britney will just let everything as it is. there's more for her in the future, i hope she will do her best to make that future bright. i hope also that she will continue to make nice dance songs.
• United States
26 Mar 08
Yeah thank you, at least there are some people that are giving constructive criticism. Britney does have a lot of talent even though she lip synchs. But when you hear her voice when she first started it was really good. But it would be a shame to let all of that go to waste. There are a lot of actors out there (like myself) who have a hard time getting into the bussiness and most of these actors start to go down the drain because of all the pressure and stuff.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
24 Mar 08
I was a little surprised to hear that she was doing a tv show appearance with everything else she has going on in her life. I would think her first priority would be to get her life back together so she can get her kids back. I think she'll probably do ok. I saw her when she did will and grace, but i don't remember how well she did. I love how i met your mother so i'll see it tonight when she is on. I don't wish her ill will, and i feel bad for the situation she's in. but honestly, i'm getting tired of hearing about it all the time and i think that she is making it worse.
• United States
24 Mar 08
I agree that it gets kind of tiring to keep hearing about her on the news and stuff. But who knows maybe we might have a month-free Britney. Where she will just chill at home with her family.
@Angel3yes (455)
• United States
24 Mar 08
Honestly, I think the whole Britney drama has been pretty much played out and I'm sick of her and her antics. I think she needs to grow up and learn to take care of her children like a responsible adult before she worries about having a comeback in show business.
• United States
25 Mar 08
I agree that she needs to take responsibilty but doing small things like this gets her out of trouble and out of everyone's hair. With her father there it seems like she's learning but nobody should judge because we don't know what's going on inside that house. Only time will tell if she has really learned her lesson.