More proof religion is rubish

March 24, 2008 7:08pm CST
Easter is a religious festival which is to commemorate the crusifiction and resarection of jesus, This festival is suppose to be on the aniversery of this happening list christmas happens on the aniversery of the so called birth now if this was actually fact then like christmas Easter would occure every year on the same date, but no it happens the first sunday after the v/e. If religion was actually a fact the pope and religous community would insist that easter is actually celebrated on the aniversery no when spring falls. when will people realise religion was initially invented to rule the unruley. When people has no respect for the law religion was introduced to scare people. we are told the bible is the word of god and is true and accurate containing such things as the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins. Well if this bible is the word of god how is it that this years edition of the roman catholic church's bible contains 12 deadly sins. what happend has god come back with a bottle of tipex to make a few corrections or am i right its a load of rubish made up to rule and scare the population. RELIGION HAS CAUSED MORE DEATH, SUFFERING AND PAIN THAN ALL OTHER CAUSED PUT TOGETHER. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP AND IGNOR IT. BAN RELIGION
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11 responses
• United States
25 Mar 08
Easter is celebrated when it is because we know at what point during Jewish Passover Jesus and his disciples arrived into Jerusalem, and on what day in relation to the Passover the last supper and the crucifixion, etc happened. That is why it is celebrated when it is. There is a little difference on what calendar day that falls on, but traditionally is celebrated to coincide with Jesus rising on the Sunday. The reason being is that they wanted to be sure to crucify him before the sabbath, so thus friday. The second day was the Sabbath, and the third day was the day after the sabbath. The jewish calendar stayed the same, and went about in "cycles" while the secular calendar kept changing. At that time, the Julian calendar, with some tweaks was in use throughout the Roman Empire, though Judeah as a more recently absorbed area wouldn't have all used it. Now the Gregorian calendar is what we use, with tweaks, now. That is why on some old calendars you see "Julian Calendar Christmas" on a date in December as I do believe the Orthodox church is still using it. So, when you boil it all down, Easter IS celebrated on the anniversary when you think about it, just not by going exactly by our modern calendar. But it is not just a "historical commemoration" only, though it indeed happened. it is a celebration even if it is not celebrated exactly 1,975 years and 365 days from the date it actually happened. If you think about it, your idea that Easter does not always occur on the first day of Spring is not accurate. Sometimes it comes close, sometimes it does NOT coincide with the spring equinox. As far as your statements that religions are out to scare people: Anything taken to a zealous extreme has negative side effects and not just religion. Extremists usually have nothing or little to do with the actual teachings, and choose to interpret the scripture in their own way to suit their needs. There are many Christian denominations, btw, that encourage us to stop "practicing religion" and just simply follow Christ. Plain and simple. You must have skipped over everything he ever said. Take away all the statues, and the hierarchy, and the doodads that were added and you may just find something very valuable there. I will not support any wholesale ban of religion even if I do not agree with it, and just because you are angry at someone, and therefore want to ban all religion, you shouldn't want it either. That is what The USSR tried to do. They took away the right people had to "assemble" in groups over a certain number because they felt they were learning dangerous things like the fact that they mattered, they were stripped of the freedom of owning a Bible or other spiritual book regardless of what their interpretation was and could only read government approved material. So, if you are in the USA, canada, or many other countries in the western world, be glad for your freedom to hear about something enough to decide to dislike it, as you certainly wouldn't even know it existed if you lived in some parts of the world.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
25 Mar 08
If you consider the teachings of Jesus Christ, that he told us to LOVE our enemies, not to kill them, then you will realize that not all religions follow his teaching and the ill will of men cannot detract from the love and perfection of Almighty God. You can, however look at religions and the things they teach/preach/do, and know whether they are actually following the God of the Bible who is a God of love and redemption. The Bible describes religion this way: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 A far cry from what is called religion in the world today, isn't it?
• United States
25 Mar 08
I agree! God bless!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Why does it bother you that a lot of people believe in the bible God and Jesus?
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• Belgium
25 Mar 08
Well, the difference with dating an event is the fact that the Christians themselves aren't even sure if their calendar is accurate. A large majority actually believe they were off by a couple years when it comes to Jesus' birth. A lot think it was 6 BC. However, it'd be too much of a hassle to change the whole calendar after all the years we've used it.
• Belgium
25 Mar 08
the difficulty with dating an event*
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@Aurone (4755)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I hear what you are saying. In fact Easter celebrated in the spring is in the place of the festival of the Goddess Eastra, Goddess of fertility. Most of the Christian religious holidays fall on an old pagan holiday. Another example would be Christmas it is celebrate close to the Winter Solstice which was a holiday already celebrated by the pagans. The Christians couldn't stop the people from celebrating it so they usurped for their religion. But I disagree that all religion is bad or that it serves no purpose. In some ways it teaches morality, gives people comfort--something to get them through the hard times. Plus many churches, especially in the south do a lot of good work and help a lot of people. I am Wiccan--and I don't believe a true Wiccan ever killed anyone in the name of their religion. Since we believe 1) in Karma coming back three times and 2) the man mantra in Wiccan belief is life your life the way that makes you happy as long as you harm no one. You also have to look at the fact that in both Christianity and in Islam the prophets preached peace and tolerance, it is those who have come after that have distorted the word. And if man didn't kill in the name of religion, they would kill in the name of something else.
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@Courtom (287)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
I do not have a religion. I respect people and their beliefs, and DO NOT respect people who try and force their beliefs on others. I have come to believe that religion, is just another thing in this world that divides people. It feeds judgment, and prejudice. Why is it that the holidays or north America are based on Christian beliefs? Canada is a multicultural country, and we are supposed to support and respect the beliefs and religions of others. Is it right to have holidays only based on a Christian faith?
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@pitstop (14715)
• Australia
25 Mar 08
I think you are using a "little" knowledge and throwing things out of context and using it to BAN RELIGION which is uncalled for. The reason Easter changes is also due to the fact that it was on the first day of the week and hence the date keeps changing. No calendar has been or will be perfect and hence such changes which are historical is of no ways a basis to ban religion. Also every anniversary as you call it is a way to remember history and its significance and lessons - not to fight over dates and times. And finally Christ did not preach a RELIGION - he talks about a personal relationship. Religion is based on teachings and sayings are rules. A relationship comes from the heart and is based on love.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I believe the Bible to be the infallable Word of God. Every word of it is true as God cannot lie. I know God is real and I know that Jesus came to this earth to die to save us from our sins. I am filled with extreme joy and peace because I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior! I know that I am saved! Praise God! I really pity those who are lost and have no hope in anything. Without Christ, there is no hope at all. With Christ, there is hope and assurance of Eternal Life! Praise God Who gives us victory over the grave! God bless!
• Malaysia
25 Mar 08
Hi spring
• United States
25 Mar 08
Hi another!
• Belgium
26 Mar 08
Do not believe there is no hope without Christ. I am actually a very happy guy and I have no religious beliefs at all. I feel all human emotions and have had the opportunities to be at peace, without finding refuge in Christ.
• United States
25 Mar 08
I am so tired of people making discussions and ridiculing those who have faith. I too do not believe in organized religion but I do believe in god and I have faith. I don't think it's right to critize others because of their faith. Critize them if they're doing something wrong not just because they believe in God. That's ridiculous. Believe what you want, but why must you control or care about what others believe in? Because everyone is different. Thank god.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I see what you are saying. I also think bible based religions are pretty brainless; it's blind faith.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Mar 08
have you ever considered the calender year isnt accurate? the earth goes around the sun once a year, that year is divided into months, then days, then hours, then minutes, then seconds. just because weve used it for centuries doesnt mean its accurate, it didnt used to be accurate, its been changed a few times. if the summer and winter solstices fall on different calender dates each year, then the calender isnt lined up with earths orbit very well now is it? in fact if it doesnt occur at the same second then our time keeping scheme isnt accurate with our earths orbit, the semi-constant by which we base our year. and even if the day that the pope picks to put easter on doesnt occur when the earth is in the same position of its orbit as it was when the event occurred, who cares? its meant to remember what happened, not to get the date right. the date is just a number, a way by which we measure, it doesnt matter how we measure, just that we remember. im an athiest, you should know that, cause just because you dont believe in religion, doesnt mean everything seemingly wrong with it actually is, you should take it upon yourself, as you somewhat have, to find out why things occur the way they do, such as the way in which we determine when easter is celebrated.
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