Do you keep your handkerchief with you........

@dpk262006 (58677)
Delhi, India
March 25, 2008 12:24am CST
Do you always keep a handkerchief with you when you go out or you do not care about it? Whether those of you who are particular about keeping a handkerchief - feel uncomfortable when they forget to take along with them their handkerchief? I invariably keep my handkerchief with me and if I forget to keep it with me some day, I really feel very uncomfortable without it.
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12 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Mar 08
This reminds me of one of your earlier discussions. No, deepak I am not a handkerchief girl. I do not carry it with me. It's just a matter of habit and whenever I feel like using it I use some wet tissues. One thing I have noticed that men are very much used to it unlike women who can apparently do without it. *Smiles*
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Apr 08
Men are used to carry handerchief because they have pockets in the attire....LOL!
@Candee (530)
• India
26 Mar 08
Hi dpk262006, I do not carry underachieves. I use to moist tissues if required. Thanks.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Apr 08
Are tissues better than carrying a hanky...?
@balasri (26537)
• India
27 Mar 08
There is always a dozen of clean laundered white handkerchiefs in my wardrobe.As I wear my trousers the hankie goes into my left pocket and the small comb into my right pocket.I will forget a hankie if forget to wear my trousers as I leave outside.I think that has not happened so far.
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
27 Mar 08
Hi deepak, when I was in India,I would always keep a nice colorful handkerchief with me and did feel uncomfortable if i forgot it . Also I remember I use to carefully Iron my hubby's handkerchief and put some light cent for fresh fragrance and gave him every morning..and he accepted it with smile.......but now in Israel we rather use tissue papers which are just like handkerchief and can be thrown away after use. So no Ironing, now fragrance and no
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
30 May 08
Thanks for sharing.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
Well, i don't use the fabric handkerchief anymore. But I do keep a small package of klenex with me most of the time. I don't feel uncomfortable when I forget it, but I prefer to always have it, it can save me of very embarrassing situations:)
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
Im not a hankerchief person. I mostly bring facial wipes and tissues. When i bring a handkerchief it will be only lose. My hand not use of it or im not use of it.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
1 Apr 08
Tissues are better than hanky, in your opinion??
@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Mar 08
I used to carry a handkerchief every single day....but after I had my children, I realized that I'm always carrying something to wipe them with and would forget my handkerchief somewhere or the other (because I was concentrating more on the children's things than mine)...and slowly stopped taking a handkerchief...when I couldn't find any. Now, I don't look for a handkerchief unless I have a cold. My husband carries a handkerchief every day...and so does my son (but that's mostly because I force him to).
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
26 Mar 08
No, I never carry a hanky with me. I use tissues so that I can throw them put immediately after use. My husband uses hankies, & I have a pile of them to wash every week. Sometimes I find his hankies screwed up in a ball in his trouser pockets. I iron his hankies too.
@sirraps (89)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
I always bring hanky whenever i go. I don't know if you agree me but you will never know when you need it so its better to bring it than nothing.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
25 Mar 08
My wife and I are totally opposite on this aspect. I am a handkerchief person who always have a handkerchief in my shorts or trouser pocket wherever I go. Even if I am wearing a pair of shorts at home, my handkerchief will likely be in my pocket. My wife on the other hand, does not carry a handkerchief. She will carry a pack of tissue in her pocket (if there is one on her dress or pants) or in her handbag. Sometimes, she holds the pack in her hands. You will never see me carrying a pack of tissues in my hand, that's for sure. My guess is that ladies' dresses or pants do not always have pockets, so not having handkerchiefs suit them better. So of course on days where I forget to bring my handkerchief, I will feel kinda uncomfortable like I forget to put on a shirt on my back or something. I'm not sure if the handkerchief is a guy thing and tissue a ladies' thing. Maybe we can know from the experiences of others here.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
25 Mar 08
hi deepak u remind me of old days wehen i used to like that well honestly i follow this practice till my educatiion and even at start of my job for 2-3 yrs. but after that i stop carryig it in pocket. and tissue paoper replaces it i dont carry tissue paper as they are at home, in car and in office but i do still have some little bandge in my wallet for little cuts take care
• India
25 Mar 08
Hi dpk262006, I carry my handkerchief every time when I go out - but invariably it is my wife who always remind me to take it whenever I plan to go out.So, the credit will go to her. Good Luck.