Do you mind if your spouse goes out?

@ebsharer (5515)
United States
March 25, 2008 10:17am CST
So if your spouse wants to go out with some friends do you mind? Say your husband/wife calls you and says hey after work me and the guys/girls are going to go to the bar for a while. What would you say? Do you mind if your spouse goes out with out you or do you have to be there too? What if your husband said he and some guys were going to the strip club? Would that bother you? How often would you be okay with it? Every night, once a week, every other week? Thanks in advance for your responses!
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79 responses
@mememama (3076)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Once a week to a bar to play pool is fine with me, as long as our kid or I aren't sick! Also if we have the money, since I handle the finances I'll say "hey, we're a little tight on money, can you wait?". But a strip club, well yuck no! I wouldn't be cool with that at all.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Yes as long as family responsibilities are taken care of first it should be okay that a husband or wife go out with a friend. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
pat - we can disagree on this. some times people have to spend some money to keep there sanity. and if that means going to a bar - go.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
26 Mar 08
Spending money in a bar and/or strip club is a total waste of money to me. And money is pretty much non-existent in our life so I would be livid if my husband wasted money on such things. Again, it is disrespectful to the marriage and the relationship and our children.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I think its fine for a man to go by and visit a freind,and it is ok to go fishing and do some things with their friends...When a man marries he has no business in a strip bar,and he has no business hanging out in bars,getting drunk and staying out all night..Why did he get married anyway?,he should have stayed single...However if he can do this then he should give you the same freedon..If you can do all the things he does then i would say fine,if you choose to live this way and happy with the situation i say fine,as long as YOU have the same rights as him......
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Wow sounds like you were in a one sided relationship at some point. My husband is obvously married and welcome to go to a bar, welcome to go to a strip club, and welcome to go fishing. I am welcome to do the same. Just because I'm married and have 3 kids doesn't mean I have to be an old lady and sit in my rocker and knit all day long. And I don't and I won't. I can go to a bar with a couple friends and not stay out all night or over drink. Its all in what kind of person you are. Just because you go out doesn't mean you have to get drunk and stay out all night long.
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@jess368 (3368)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Personally, I am ok with my boyfriend going out with me on occasion. He has been known to go out for a drink after work with his coworkers before. The first time I was a little jealous, but I soon got over it. He needs a life separate of me, and i understand that. Also he does this maybe once a month, so its really no big deal. Strip clubs on the other hand is a different story. He is Not Allowed to go to strip clubs! We have discussed this before, and he is fine with it. I have told him that if there is ever a time when he would prefer to look at a strange naked woman, we had a serious issue. Also if he ever desired to watch other women dance for him, then we wouldn't need to be together. When you are in love I believe that you should not desire others. I think if you do, then it is not true love. He agrees, and does not desire to go to strip clubs.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Okay I wasn't going to comment to you but I have to. I disagree with the last part soooo much! The part where you say ... "When you are in love I believe that you should not desire others. I think if you do, then it is not true love." That is sooo not true. My husband and I are truly in love we have what most want. Our relationship is really good. You can fantasize over others and look at others and desire them and still be truly in love with some one. I desire Johnny Depp but it doesn't mean I'm gonna do any thing about it. If the oppertunity ever came about I wouldn't act on my desires becasue I truly love my husband. The act of desiring is not bad the act of DOING is. ~ Just one womans opinion!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I guess its a good thing we aren't Catholic. Not saying that I don't believe in God or the Bible. I just interpert things differently. Thanks for your comments.
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@jess368 (3368)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I am not Catholic either, just a little history I wanted to throw in. I am a Christian, my boyfriend is not, yet we still tend to agree on this topic. Sorry for the last response, I just wanted to clear that up, about my religion.
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@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
25 Mar 08
Well, just recently I found out that ALOT of hubby's big business deals are made during the day at strip clubs in the winter months and on the golf course in the summer. His company finances, these occassions. I don't really like it, but I do like the money he brings home. And although I know he pays for his customers to have a few drinks, my hubby is not really a drinker, so that helps a bit. When he goes out with the guys at night, it is usually to a Ham Radio meeting or, recently his new interest, motorcycle club meetings. I know in the spring and summer he will be going on a few 'lomg distance' trips with his motorcycle friends and then there are his fishing trips with his brother and friends. These trips always include lot's of drinking, however hubby is usually designated driver. I actually enjoy the peace and quiet when he is away and sometimes I have a 'girls night out' with my sister in laws or with friends. So to sum up, I think a secure marriage is one where you both have interests outside of one another and are supportive of individual time as well as together time. And as long as I get enough together time, I am good! I can't say how often he goes out without me, or I, him. Between business and personal, he goes out alot more than I do, likely once a week or every couple of weeks.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
My husband and I are the opposite I go out a lot more then he does. I wish I could get him out more. What started this whole discussion was a friend not wanting her husband to go out. Thought he shouldn't be at a bar. I don't see the big deal. As long as its not an every night thing, its not interfering financially, and he or she hasn't been literally screwing around - let him or her go it will only hurt more if you don't. Well that was my advice for her and a lot of these other people. So glad to hear I’m not the only wife that doesn’t mind her husband going out. Thanks for responding!
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@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
25 Mar 08
My man does not need my permission to do what he wants. It's his life. I don't mind if he wants to go out even to strip clubs. But knowing the kind of person he is I know he would not go to one. I went to a strip club with an old boyfriend and the dancer who was our coworker even gave him a lap dance. It was no big deal to me because I know it didn't mean anything. He can go out and do what he wants I'm not his mother. I'm secure in my relationship and I trust him.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Thank you really good response! I have to say I agree 100%. You and I could get a long that way. My husband has a friend whos wife hates it when they go out ... not because he cheats or any thing but becasue shes insecure. Always afraid of whats going to happen. I am so glad I have such a good trusting relationship.
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• United States
25 Mar 08
I don't mind my husband going out with his friends. It would be okay on a weekly basis with me. Not everyday though - I'd start to feel unimportant and that he didn't want to be around me. I'd have a big problem if he told me he was going to a strip club though because we are strong Christians and don't believe in that kind of thing. A regular bar wouldn't bother me too much as long as it wasn't a regular hang out for him. When my husband does get together with his friends it's usually to go to some sporting event. When we were first married he worked 2 - 3 full time jobs, and played softball. So I definitely know that I would not want him out with his friends on a daily basis. That's just too much!
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
My husband and I see each other 1 day a week and that is on Saturdays. Other then that inless I stay up till midnight I don't see him. So all I ask is that he doesn't pick Saturday to go out with out me. Any other day of the week even Friday nights I don't care. As long as he can get up in the morning with our daughter HAVE FUN! As for the strip club thing ... we have different views on that. If he wants to go he can. He doesn't but if he wanted to it wouldn't bother me. I really don't get the Christian / strip club thing. I'm a Christian and I don't mind. As long as my husbands thing stays in his pants it doesn't matter to me.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 Mar 08
i don't have a problem with my honey going out. I don't have a problem if he wanted to go to a stripe club either. I love and trust my man, and i know that if he goes out, then he is going to do the right thing by me and our family. I would not mind if he went out after work the with boys. I think it is very important in a relationship that each partner have their own life with friends outside of the relationship. I think with love and trust your spouse going out would never be an issue.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Thank you! Again I find some one who doesn't mind there husband going out. Its sad to see all these girls using the words "allow" and "let" when they are talking about there husbands bot there kids. Thanks for reading and responding!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 Mar 08
you are right. my man is an adult. he doesn't not need my permission to act accordingly. I think when you treat your spouse the way you want to be treated you don't use words like allow or permission
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@jaredlp (418)
• United States
25 Mar 08
as long as they dont go out every night and get in every night after midnight, we are cool. i actually all for it, go out have fun relax that way less likely to come home and complain. like i said that is unless its get to be way to often then i may be looking into what all else is going on. stripper thing, its a just as easy to go get a massage if the person wants to get laid so wouldnt worry about it. hello should be comeing home nice and ready for you. so unless your not wanting to whats wrong with it
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Alright J I am using your response to comment to every one. Hope you don't mind... Alright ladies do you really think your man is gonna get laid at a strip club?? Hes not. As for it being degrading, I disagree. If my body was that hot I would do it too. The money invloved is really good. Sorry to say but its only normal to look at others, and the best part about that is its OKAY to look as long as you don't touch. Personally I point pretty women out to my husband. I mean why not have that open relationship. I don't feel like if my husband wants to look at others its becasue he doesn't want me ... its because he is human. ~Just one womans opinion.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Check out these words I found here.... I love my marriage! Allow Let Permission ASK me tolerate actions jealous desire insecure
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@jaredlp (418)
• United States
25 Mar 08
If you remember his friend did ask YOU if it was ok with YOU for him to come out after work. Just cause we all knew the answer is beside the point haha. Does give a lot of insight to just how different everyone's relationships are, and in many ways amazes me. Guess thats why sometimes the search for that certain person does take so long. Some need rigid structure in their life others don't. In so many ways its like religion. We choice what we want and find someone that has a similar outlook, and go from there.
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• United States
25 Mar 08
If my boyfriend wanted to go to a strip club I would go with him. I wouldn't want him to go without me. And if he wanted to hang out with his friends, I would let him. As long as it wasn't like an every week kind of thing. If he wanted to hang out with his friends like once a month, that would be fine with me. That's usually how it works in my relationship.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I have to ask what makes you think you can "let" him do any thing? He is a grown man right? You say hanging out with his friends once a month would be okay with you. I HOPE SO! Once a month is not a lot. I know I spend more time with friends then that.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
No I'm not your boyfriend, but some one should stick up for him. going to have to agree to disagree with you on this one.
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• United States
26 Mar 08
I don't know why you're getting so worked up over my comment. It's not like you're my boyfriend. lol.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Mar 08
It's fine with me if it's once a month thing or so. I would be annoyed if it was every week though because then I'll be like, can I come too? LOL He needs to have time out with his friends and work colleagues and I don't mind that at all. My hubby plays poker with them once a month and then has the occasional golf game too when the weather is good, and that's fine with me. As long as he tells me then that is ok.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Thats my point exactly ... every once in a while is fine every night thats a problem. As long as my husband lets me know I don't care. I just ask he call to tell me so I don't worry about him.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Yup I agree on the call thing too. I get worried when I don't hear from him and think something has happened.
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@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
If he wanted to go out with some friends, I would probably let him. I may feel a bit hesitant, because I'm the jealous type, but I have to admit that he's totally trustworthy. Lucky me he isn't into these kinds of things! He's the conservative type. He likes going out with friends every once in a while, but he wants me with him every single time. It's also a plus for us that we share the same friends!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
My husband and I share a lot of the same friends too. The hard part is getting him and I together. We work such different schedules that we don't see each other but on Saturdays. Some times in the late night too. So he gets his time and I get mine. I don't mind if he goes out any where really because I know who he is coming home to. I'm a really lucky wife. A lot of women I know can't trust there husbands or boyfriends for what ever reason and to me thats sad. As long as he isn't going out every single night of the week what can I say.
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@jaredlp (418)
• United States
25 Mar 08
paulsy you are exactly right, ITS all about TRUST. If you cant trust them then why even be with them. Only time when I was married that I ever had an issue was when a guy tried calling my wife at the time on the late night. My issue wasnt with her it was with him. I trusted she wouldnt do anything but he should have had the decency to not call a married woman at 3 am. There is a lot more to that story but even she agreed that he wasnt the type she thought he was.
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@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
Yes, I do agree with you. There are really some who cannot trust their better half. I guess we are truly fortunate with our spouses!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
26 Mar 08
In my opinion, ebsharer, too much going out with the guys/girls is just asking for trouble in a relationship. It could be OK on an occasional basis, but I would never condone my partner doing so on a regular basis. We have to face the fact that there is a lot of temptation out there and an unattached male or female is seen to be "ripe for the plucking."
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I guess we agree and disagree. I agree that occasion is better then every night but I know if my husband wanted to go out a couple nights a week i would be okay with it. There may be temptation but I know in my heart of hearts by husband would never cheat. Going out isn't just about going to a bar.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
26 Mar 08
What needs to happen on a "regular basis" is couples (husband and wife) going out on dates on a regular basis. Once they get married and the kids arrive, their relationship tends to suffer. The relationship needs to continue being nurtured. If the guy wants to be single then he should never have gotten married.
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• United States
25 Mar 08
LOL..I'm one of those wives that will NOT allow my husband to go to a strip club. Forget it! Its gross and degrating and if he wants to go look at other women that badly then he can be single. We actually got into an argument the other night about something similar. My husband is in a band and they had a gig at this bar/ club. Everything was going fine until some hott little girls that have never had a child or probably eaten a sandwich walked in. I busted him oggling. Grrr...Now normally Im not an insecure person, but I have had three kids and I just discovered that I have a thyroid problem which is why I havent been losing the weight the way I should be. Well I feel horrible as it is about my body and he knows it. I asked him to not oggle women in front of me or if I am with him..I give him that respect. Well turns out there were a couple chics grinding on each other on the dance floor next door when he and his bassist went over there and he did it again. I was PO'ed! Its called mutual respect. I have no problem if he goes out with the guys. I mean I know who he is coming home to and he wont cheat. I just will not allow him to go somewhere like a strip club. If he wants to act like a rockstar and be a womanizer and oggler then he can do it as a single man. I take my vows seriously and I he should I rambled:)
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Its okay your rambling was a good response! I disagree with you but thats okay too. Each person is different. Each relationship is different. I know that I could not have married some one that wouldn't trust me to go to the movies with a guy. Shoot my best friend is a guy! I think I talk to him more then my husband! Not becasue I like him more but because my husband and I work such different schedules we don't get time to talk. The funny part is my best friend and I went to the strip club more often then my husband and I or those 2. Anyway thanks for the response. It shows me again that I am glad I have what I have with my husband.
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@jaredlp (418)
• United States
25 Mar 08
EB how do you know he wasnt upset by you going to these places with another guy. people say no i dont care all the time, but inside they may care.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
J - Okay I'm gonna give you an example of why I know my husband doesn't mind ... I worked for a radio station and had 2 tickets to a concert He didn't want to go so he told me to have my guy friend we'll call him "tom" go with me. He felt confortable enough with Tom to know he would take care of me. My husband knows that I have male friends and he's okay with that. He has female friends and I'm okay with that too. Its a trust thing.
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@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
25 Mar 08
Actually, I don't mind if he goes out with his friends. I give him liberty to do some unwinding once in a while. Though I married him, it doesn't mean that I control him. I trust him and I believe he will not do anything to destroy that trust. He is old enough to decide things and face the consequenses of his actions. If he wants to go to a strip club, fine with me as long as I know who are his companions. Now, you're asking how often is okay with me? I have mentioned once in a while... meaning not very often. If it's a regular act, as in once a week...I will be bothered. He hasn't done that ever since. Saturdays and Sundays are reserved as family days while during the weekdays he has work and goes off already late. If he assigns a regular day "boys night out", one will have to suffer. And that is what I cannot allow... something is really wrong and we have to talk about it.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I agree that there is family time, work time, and what ever else. He (my husband) can have his boys night any time he wants as long as his responsibilities are taken care of.
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@madlees (1377)
• India
26 Mar 08
everyone has to have his or her own privacy and free time. We can also do with that, girls get together or sit in a corner by ourselves with a book or a puzzle in your hand. An hour at least for us to unwind. It is very healthy I feel. Don't you think so?
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@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
Yes, I do that also. My female friends and I also go out sometimes and go wherever we want to...even do some silly things sometimes. I guess, it makes us more "normal" . All of us needs some unwinding too, away from our husbands and children.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I don't m ind if my boyfriend goes out without me, every once in a while with his friends. We both need our seperate things that we do. I trust him and know that he loves me and will be coming home to me.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
thanks for responding!
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• Philippines
25 Mar 08
It bothers me when my husband goes out. He has cheated on me once and I think I have less trust on him going out.If he wants the family to be intact he must do what I want. When he goes out I make sure he's either with any of my kids or someone in the family or me in particular.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
That is really sad that you have to deal with not trusting your husband. Its sad that he must pay for the mistake that he made every day too. If you chose to stay with him even though he cheated on you then you need to forgive him. I didn’t say forget I said forgive. Then work on bettering your relationship. You can’t make things better if you never give him the chance to prove himself to you again. If you can’t give him the chance to prove himself then maybe you should think about a divorce. It just doesn’t make sense to stay with some one that you will never trust again. You can’t possibly be happy with your self if you are always wondering what he is doing or going to do. Good luck I hope you can give him the chance to show you some men do change.
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@lavmadog (75)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
I would not mind my husband going out with his friends, maybe once in two weeks. Socializing outside the marriage partnership is healthy, it does not have to be only house and work to either partner. We deserve a breathing space from our work and/or homes. Going out with other people enables the couple to compare notes with other husbands in the case of men, and with other wives in the case of women. Strip club? Of course I will let him too because I have confidence that my man will come home to me. Self-confidence and maturity make us more desirable to our partners. Smothering will only drive your partner away, believe me!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Thanks for reading and responding. I agree that self confidence makes us more disirable to our partner.
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• United States
26 Mar 08
Well for me and my husband in the bible it says for if you even look at another with lust in your heart you have already committed adultry so my husband won't even go to the strip club and thst is his choice. As far as the bar goes I wouldn't care but he thinks that if I can't go and the kids he don't belong there. Me and him every now and then do go out by ourselves but usually we just can't wait to get our kids and go home with them. He used to go out every week to play poker but now he don't even do that and that is his choice too. But I would have to say is if he wanted to go to the strip club all the time I would feel that I wasn't appealing or attractive to him any more because he would be coming home to me afterwards and I would just feel used. That is me though. He used to go out all the time when he was single but since we have been together he stopped and he did that by his choice which I would rather have him home any way since he was gone from us for a year and he missed out on so much.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
You say he went to the strip club all the time before you met and all of a sudden he doesn't want to go any more? I don't get it. You either have him trained really good or your being lied to.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Im no longer married but when I was, that was the least of my worries. I am very independent and like my own space so I certainly understand someone elses need to have theirs.If trust is there, then there should be no issue at all. If it bothered me that my boyfriend or husband was spending time with friends, I'd have to kick back and think about our relationship itself. something isn't right if that is the case. As far as how often...well, I think if my boyfriend or hubby were spending more time out than with me...again...I'd have to look at our relationship. A good relationship would not have to question such things. Quality time together would make time apart comfortable and okay.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Personally I think if there isn't trust then there shouldn't be a relationship. I know I couldn't continue to be with a man I didn't trust. I just don't see any reason in the world my husband could give me not to trust him, even if he did go to the strip club.
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@kezabelle (2974)
25 Mar 08
My partner is out as I type this lol! Playing in a snooker match which he does twice a week and he meets up twice a week with his mates also, 4 out of 7 nights is ok with me unless im ill then I prefer him here totally selfish for a bit of sympathy and so he can be here if the kids wake up. Strip clubs i dont know its never been brought up and I dont think he would go to one to be honest so cant really say how Id feel about that but I would probably be ok with it. If the nights out a week got more than 4 every week then id soon ahve something to say about it as we still need to spend time together.
@jaredlp (418)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Me and an old high school buddie go to play pool ever sat that we are both off work. Its a fundamental part of our lives. We always invite others to join if they want but make it clear sat nights are pool night, you know where to find me if you want my time. so far hasnt been an issue, and if it is well guess just have to deal with it.
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