Developing and Keeping A Positive Attitude
By terilee79720
@terilee79720 (3621)
United States
March 25, 2008 10:43am CST
Yea, yea, I know, some of you are going to tell me there's just no way for you to be positive about anything when everything is so bad in your life. I'm sorry things seem so bad for some people. I really am - but being negative about things doesn't help you or anyone around you.
Instead of dwelling on how bad things are, try to look at the positive things in your life.
I don't remember the entire saying, but, I can remember some of it....
A man complained about his shoes, until he met a man who had no feet. The man who had no feet complained until he met a man who had no legs. The old saying goes on...
When you think you have it bad, just look around at people you know who might have it worse than you.
It's not the issues in our lives that are important. It's how you handle those issues that really count.
There's always someone who is worse off than you.
Try to develope and keep a more positive attitude. You'll feel much better when you do.
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12 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Hhhmm as much as I agree with you and I actually apply that attitude in my own life, for some ppl it really ISNT as easy as it sounds...there was a time when my depression was SO BAD it was actually impossible to apply that sort of positive flow to my life...i have a couple of offline friends who have had SUCH a rough go for so long that its hard for them to apply it (but when they do it works) becuase there are so many things preventing it from happening let alone working for them...
I think the BEST way to go abut it though is to FIRST realize that NOTHING in life is set in stone....Crap happenings are just "hiccups" as my husband likes to put it..and hiccups can be cured and will go away IMO and in my experience.....Changing the angle a person looks at life from is the first place to start as far as I'm concerned THEN you can slowly start to change your mindset and from there you can learn to have that positive outlook and flow in your life..
thats how it works best for me at least...
nice thread 

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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I know raven, some people just can't. At one point in my life I have to admit I had a hard time too.
I like the 'hiccup' thing. I'm going to remember that.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I like that - a day above ground is a good day.
I'm gonna remember that one.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I try to have a positive attitude too but sometimes its hard and I don't succeed, but I do agree with you. It does make things better when you have that outlook. I've read books on this subject for inspiration. It seems I do well for awhile then I fall into the old negativity habit. Perhaps I should drag out my old books and start reading again.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Mar 08
And maybe find out what it is that continues to take you down that negative path lucy......then deal with that on a different level.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Sounds like good ole law of attraction to me here...
I'm trying to make a real conscious effort to dwell on the pluses, the positives in life not always easy especially if one is going through a major challenge in life, but I still try to have a positive attitude and maybe even "laugh" at the problem or challenge. I think everyone goes through a time that's really bad for them, and maybe it's one thing after another like a snowball effect to the point one asks,..."What next?" Well the year 2006 must have been my humdinger year for really was one thing after another, and the kind of events that probably would have drove most people to a nervous breakdown..yet ironically I wasn't as stressed out as I could have been, in fact many of my friends asked me, "How can you be so calm?" Not a clue really, but there must have been an inner realization that getting into a panic about the events wasn't going to solve any keeping calm I came up with solutions to those problems and everything worked out almost by "magic"--it also made me really realize a phrase one hears all the time, to live one day at a time..never was that so true as it was then...worrying and fretting about the future, or what might be, the what-ifs wasn't going to help...I HAD to live moment by moment, day by day
Also some themes with the positive be Joe Vitale says in The Secret...(and doing this from memory)..."You might not have the car you want, the house you want, the health you want, the spouse you want...back up, back up...those are all the things you don't want...concentrate and be grateful for what you already have, and it might be the eyes to see this.." Isn't that true? Yeah I sometimes beech and complain that my apartment isn't a palace...but yikes I'm ever so grateful to have a place to live, a place of my own....almost didn't at one time. Every day when I wake up I do a little ceremony type thing..I read my "goddess" prayer
"Please protect me in my magic and life, Guide my thoughts and deeds, and give me the power to live life according to your generous wisdom..."
Then I burn some sage and "fan" it to the four directions--being of Native blood you should recognize the significance of this and then just say "Thank you." I"ve done this little ritual "religiously" for I don't know how many years...if I didn't my day would be out of whack I think..LOL

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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
It all depends on the latest trend and who's written a new book about an age old issue pye. You know how I feel about that......
I'm one of those nuts who believe everything happens for a reason. I can usually 'see' the reason, but for those times I can't, I don't question it, I just let things happen. I realized a long time ago, there's just a certain amount of control I can take. When I've done the things I know to do, I leave it up to a higher power.
I also believe, no matter what the circumstance, someone is going to be blessed out of it all. That's another reason I don't question.
I've found a huge difference in the things someone 'wants' versus the things they need, and the value of those needs.
Every day when I wake up, I realize I have a choice to make. I can wake up and be thankful for another day or I can go into a poor me syndrome and start my day off with a pity party, worrying about the things that might happen. I choose to wake up beleiving it's a great day, and great things are going to happen. Some people might call that the law of attraction. I prefer to call it being under God's good grace.
That's not a very popular view these days, but it works for me.
I recognize the significance of my Native blood and embrace it gladly. It's a part of who I am. But I've also recognized that I am also Irish, Jewish and German and well, you get the picture.
First and foremost (for me) I believe I am a child of God. That part of me will never change.
Much like you, if I didn't perform my little rituals and prayers, not only would my day be out of whack, my life would be in the
@DarlingGirl (745)
• United States
26 Mar 08
You're absolutely right, Pye!
But I have a particularly curious problem.
I find it hard to worry, even when things are "really bad". Right now I've got about $7.00 until Friday, and I don't really care. We're going to have to scrounge to make the rent -- and feed ourselves for the next month.
Do I care? Right now, for some stupid reason, I don't care. Not consciously, anyway. Somewhere deep inside my alarm clock is going off and saying, "Where's the money going to come from?", but I'm not down.
I think it has a lot to do with what's happened in your life: I've had so many traumatic deaths in my fmaily that right now I could probably deal with WW3 on American soil with a cheerful face.
I can't stay mad at anyone...
I also credit my Goddess worship to this calm that I feel.
And when I feel down, I just scarf a chocolate bar or two. (They say it's better than kissin' and huggin'!)
Well, it certainly lasts longer.
Seriously though, when I feel I have a very pressing need, I call on the Trinka 5, the Goddess, and usally things turn out okay, despite the twists and turns that it takes to get there. I've also learned to beg very well...sometimes, one has to drop one's pride, and just scrape and drag through the situation.
This is what I'll do to get through the next month.
I know it'll turn out alright. :)
@DarlingGirl (745)
• United States
26 Mar 08
You're absolutely right, Pye!
But I have a particularly curious problem.
I find it hard to worry, even when things are "really bad". Right now I've got about $7.00 until Friday, and I don't really care. We're going to have to scrounge to make the rent -- and feed ourselves for the next month.
Do I care? Right now, for some stupid reason, I don't care. Not consciously, anyway. Somewhere deep inside my alarm clock is going off and saying, "Where's the money going to come from?", but I'm not down.
I think it has a lot to do with what's happened in your life: I've had so many traumatic deaths in my fmaily that right now I could probably deal with WW3 on American soil with a cheerful face.
I can't stay mad at anyone...
I also credit my Goddess worship to this calm that I feel.
And when I feel down, I just scarf a chocolate bar or two. (They say it's better than kissin' and huggin'!)
Well, it certainly lasts longer.
Seriously though, when I feel I have a very pressing need, I call on the Trinka 5, the Goddess, and usally things turn out okay, despite the twists and turns that it takes to get there. I've also learned to beg very well...sometimes, one has to drop one's pride, and just scrape and drag through the situation.
This is what I'll do to get through the next month.
I know it'll turn out alright. :)
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@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I had never heard the story about the man who complained about his shoes and so on. I have however heard that whenever things are bad try to look for the positive side of things. I have also heard when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Many times in my life I have been in bad spots or even horrible spots. But I have pulled myself up off the ground and tried again. I have come to realize that when life comes to kick at me I will kick back and be strong.
There are several things in life that we cannot control, nor should we try to as we will learn from them. I have learned quite a bit and more in the last 2 years.
I will remember the man who complained about his shoes though. Might have to write that one on my dry erase board to read every morning when I get up. 

@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Mar 08
I wish I could remember the whole story miller. It goes on and on and is a good one to help make you appreciate the things you DO have.
I'll look for it again.
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@Goatlady (159)
• Ireland
25 Mar 08
To develop and keep a positive attitude is extremely hard work, and in order to keep it up, every once in awhile you really need a breakdown, a good cry, then pick yourself up and paste the smile back on. I know - I've felt so horrible the past week, but I keep smiling for people, and though we have lost a lot of animals, I know I have to keep the dream going. But I did have a good cry, and felt better, but I havent smiled in a week !
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Good cries are cleansing cries lady. I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes we have to wear that mask until we come to the point we can take it off. Good luck lady.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I will admit i have very short moments of negative. I think if we change our perception of what the world is, then we will begin to live happier lives. I think once you see the world through loving eyes then loving and wonderful things start to happen. the world is not a bad place and your life doesn't such, the way you see the world and your role in it sucks. once you get to see the beauty of your past, only can you see the beauty in your future. I choice too see the world with loving eyes.

@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I think that is because they don't understand that God is the only choice. Love is the only choice. When they understand they are not in control they can then see the only choice is to let go and let God handle it. Once you do that, the only way to think is positive because that is where Love leads you
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Me too momma. me too..........we have a choice. There's sure a lot of people who don't see it that way though.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
26 Mar 08
You are so right. I have enjoyed reading this, as it has been a blessing to me. Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, God always shows me someone who is worse off than me. We even sing a song that has the line that you mentioned in it. It says, "Be grateful because there is someone else that's worse off than you. Be grateful because there is someone else that would love to be in your shoes."
As a child of the most high God, I know that my circumstances do not determine my moods. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I know that whatever issues I have, God is already working them out for my good, so why should I fret?
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Amen to that Rozie. It's so nice that you believe this (as I do). It amazes me that so many people refuse the soverignty of Him. I would be so lost without Him, I don't know what I would do.
I love what you said, "God is already working it out, so why should I fret"? So true....
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
25 Mar 08
You are so very correct. No matter how bad we have it, there is always someone, somewhere who has it worse than we do. I don't like to be negative, but sometimes, I think it is hard for all of us to always stay positive, I really wish I could be a positive person all the time. You are also correct about how it makes you feel, when you have a positive outlook on situations in your life, it really does make you feel much, much better. You feel less stress and just feel all around happier. Okay, I think you have my brain turning. I am thinking that I really need to get back to that positive person I once was. I have been somewhat negative lately and don't like that part of me. Thanks for opening my eyes, even though it is something simple that I should have seen myself, sometimes it just takes someone pointing it out to make you realize you need to change something. Have a great day and thanks for this post.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Mar 08
Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees nelly. Stay positive. Don't let things get you down.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
You got it right, but there is an easier, and better way to accomplish those goals. Actually life is good. Thats why there are so many of us here having a Great Time.The trick is to be Thankful. Count your blessings and you will see the positive side of things.I'm Spiritualist, rather than Christian and I am Eternally Thankful for the Good Things in Life. Even the "negatives" that you mentioned have positive aspects once you learn to recognise them. Remember, there's nothing so bad that it couldn't be worse. And even thought It seems like it at the time no one is worse off than anyone else. Its all in how you see it!
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I agree with you barehugs. Even the negatives can bless others. Thanks barehugs.
@Marg12 (329)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I am a huge fan of being positive. It is very hard to do but it really does help. I had cancer and boy, that is tough. But the way I got through the treatments is to go day by day and I made it through. Also I just try to think positive thoughts especially about the cancer coming back. I am determined that it isn't going to come back. I have been through a lot of other things and being positive is really important. I know that sometimes the world doesn't make any sense but that doesn't mean you can't try to be positive about things. For some reason thinking positive thoughts really does help your whole outlook on life. It has for me anyway.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Way to go Marg. I'm so happy you are winning the battle. I pray you stay positive and that it doesn't come back.
Did you change your diet in any way? I'd like to know.
@Jamielin (18)
• Singapore
26 Mar 08
Hi terilee, looks like quite a number of respondents agree to developing and keeping a positive attitude. Your post serves as a reminder for everyone, including Jamie. Thanks. =)
Jamie would like to share a nice quote she came across...
"Each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits." - Fulton J. Sheen
Don't you think that reflects the importance of keeping a positive attitude? =)
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I certainly do Jamie. Thanks so much for the quote. I like it and believe it. Stay positive my dear.