What if Aliens are the God in the bible?
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
United States
March 26, 2008 7:40am CST
I was thinking alot about aliens, there is this one discovery channel video talking about giants and the possiblity of them being aliens. Then this one group of people had people that were giants that came from the heavens and the worshipped them. I dont know if this is true. Anyways, the reason i could come to this conclussion is many things, God lives in the heavens, which is where aliens would come from, Angels (which would be the aliens that came down to earth) could fly (flying saucers). then the storys of Elijia (was that it) being sent to heaven in a firey chariot, (UFO) So maybe the Aliens came down and told us some BS of how there ruler (god) wants this and that and we must serve him. I dont really really believe this but i know it could be very possible. If you were humans from way back when and all of a sudden a bunch of UFOS come down and some Aliens come out what would you think. You would probally think they were gods or something. Espicially in those days b/c those were the days they looked at anyone or anything extrodnary as gods. What do you think about this?
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8 responses
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
26 Mar 08
that is a very interesting theory...it could be quite possible, think about greek mythology and whatnot...though it would be hard to know for sure.
i think the bible is good for stories, but nothing to swear on!
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
26 Mar 08
Well, this site here offers an interesting selection of articles about alien presence on Earth;
Personally, I find it extremely interesting. But I'm not really keen on believing in such a thing. Hey, it could be possible. It is more plausible than a magical God being. A more intelligent life creating us in laboratories and then bringing us to a habitable planet. But yeah, there's too many flaws in that.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Yea i dont think they created us, if they did anything, but i do think its very believable that while we were evolveing they came down and mated with us or something. this is just a thorey i dont believe it past the point of it could of happened and that people could of thought they were god or something. I also have a thorey that Demons may be aliens that have mastered invisablity, thats because i was watching UFO hunters and they said if UFOs are true some of them have invisablity cloaks. If they have invisablity cloaks for ther UFOs than they would be able to make themselves invisable. This really is no more than a thought i dont even remotely believe it. One of those what ifs.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
16 Apr 08
plotting there every move, and there next move is in 2012 LOL that haliourus. like any of its true
@freethinkingagent (2501)
29 Apr 08
You are sooooo close keep searching, you will find the answers in the writings of Sumer, and the Caananite peoples. And ofcourse the anciant hebrews.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Believe you me, im going to keep searching till i find the truth, thanks for your responces
@freethinkingagent (2501)
29 Apr 08
Ask yourself this, Why is so much attention given to the stars, zodiac, and the processions of the ages in the bible? Who are the gods of the 'nations' and who or what are angels? You are dealing with multiple devine and celectrial beings. The Creator who created all, the gods who themselves were created by the Creator, the Son of the Creator, the sons of the gods (or the sons of the sons of God), demons, and angels. They are all different and all have differnt goals for humanity. Your search sould begin with "The devine councle of God".
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@alexpan (37)
• China
19 Apr 08
i do not believe in god.god is selfish,and unfair sometime,even it's powerful.god cannot prevent disasters and kill the innocent;god cannot prevent wars from breaking;god stampe on the week and help the stronger;god lead the world to the darkness....... Believe in yourself,believe in the simple,the truth,the love,the virtue in your deep heart and what you feel....
the aliens arenot god,cause there're so many if there exist aliens and there's only one GOD.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I pointed out that in the old days people would think that they were gods because they came in UFOs and from the heavens. I always follow my mind and heart, because if there even is a god than he gave me that mind and heart and i believe that thats what he would want me to follow, not a book, or people that tell me what and how i should believe
@freethinkingagent (2501)
30 Apr 08
Johndur, tell me more! Who are the gods of the nations? Where did they come from? Who made them? This is not a trick question, You said a few things and I want to know if you truly know of this.
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@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
I suggests that you read the Earth Chronicles by Zachariah Sitchin. He explained in his books where these ancient astronauts came from and how they created the first civilization here on earth. It comprises of 6 books all in all.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
18 Apr 08
never heard of these i shall look them up thanks, my fiance is the one more into it than i am, he was actually comparing the hebrew story with the Sumerian story (if you didnt know the Sumerians worshiped people that came from heaven from a differant planet) and they are very, very simular only differance is the heberws gets it all mixed up.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I wouldn't be surprised. When one looks at how man would have seen aliens they could presume they were gods. Let's face it things we take for granted today would be considered "magical" just a few hundred years ago. Today we have heart transplants, we live with out our appendix', we talk with people around the world by holding small box, and so on. All of these would be considered as something only the gods could do and not mere man.
So yes I think it's possible. Do I think for sure of that, no. I'm just opened minded and willing to consider it that's all.
@Foxfire1875 (2010)
26 Mar 08
I have heard of this and it makes as much sense as anything else in the bible.
Seriously though it could have happened that way as primitive man wouldn't have known what a space ship or aliens were and would have attributed it to the gods.
If it did happen, which I doubt, then we must be an incredible disappointment to them as they never came back, not that I would blame them. 

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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Yea maybe or they do come back but we just cant see them or something, you just never really know
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