2-seat rocket planned for space tourism...would you take a ride?

2-seater Rocket! - rocket
United States
March 26, 2008 8:02am CST
A California aerospace company plans to enter the space tourism industry with a two-seat rocket ship capable of suborbital flights to altitudes more than 37 miles above the Earth. The Lynx, about the size of a small private plane, is expected to begin flying in 2010, according to developer Xcor Aerospace, which planned to release details of the design at a news conference Wednesday. Shaped something like a bulked-up version of the Rutan-designed Long-EZ homebuilt aircraft, its wings will be located toward the rear of the fuselage, with vertical winglets at the tips. Powered by clean-burning, fully reuseable, liquid-fuel engines, the Lynx is expected to be capable of making several flights a day, Xcor said."We have designed this vehicle to operate much like a commercial aircraft," Xcor Chief Executive Officer Jeff Greason said in a statement. Greason said the Lynx will provide affordable access to space for individuals and researchers, and future versions will offer improved capabilities for research and commercial uses. Would you be one of the first people to take a trip in this rocket? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080326/ap_on_sc/space_tourism
2 responses
2 Dec 08
I'd love to, if I could afford it. If this is only a two seater spaceplane though, I don't see how it would be commercially viable. To get costs down to something that the market will bear, you have to pack in as many passengers as possible. Good luck to them though.
• Maldives
10 Jun 08
No,I'd rather go to Disney world,going to space is a big risk, if something goes wrong, I'll be unable to finish what I've started and what i want to accomplish.If we are going to space we'd have to go through a lot of traning tests, medical check ups and so many things such as emergency features etc.But going to space is cool man.But i dont think i am fit for going to space.