Parents not watching their kids at the playground
By keyers
@keyers (159)
United States
March 26, 2008 11:51am CST
I don't know about anyone out there but I am sick and tired of parents not watching their kids at the playground.Just today I took my kids to the park and there was a boy who looked to be 4 or 5 years old and he was trying to push in front of my 3 year to go down the slide first he was starting to pull her by the head to get her out of his way.I had to step in and tell not to put his hands on her his mon was no where to found.Then there was another lady who had a baby that looked to be around 1 years old and the mom was telling her to go play so she could talk to her friend.I am sorry but there is noway in hell i am going to let my 1 year old roam the park by herself.Parents need to step up and stop being lazy and watch their kids.
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21 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Mar 08
Believe me I have seen this happen lots of times, the worst thing I saw was when we were on holiday and there was a play area in the middle and then there were tables and chairs around the edge and then there were kiosks to get coffee and drinks and icecreams and food. A lady and her family came and they had a child with them who had some behavioural problems, now that is not a problem, but the child was running around the play area like something possessed and pushing all the kids out of his way, he then went up to a tiny girl of about 3 or 4 and slapped her across the face and pulled her by the hair, she was terrified, then he picked up the bark chippings on the floor and was just throwing them in this poor girls face. The girls mum ran over and tried to get the child away and was obviously looking for the boys mother, who was in fact just sitting there smoking and talking and not paying the slightest bit of attention. When she did finally notice she did not even seem bothered by the little girls distress but started trying to use the boys behavioural problems as an excuse. I have no prejudice against children with difficulties whatsoever but the way the mother behaved was terrible. A lot of parents seem to view a playground as a place where they can let their children go and then not have to worry about them, but sometimes you have to worry more.
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@keyers (159)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Thank You I am glad to see that I am not the only one who notices things like that.One day at our city zoo the was a small area roped off and these kids started to play in the area and their mother said since nobody was stopping them they could play there.The area was clearly blocked off come on now you are the mother you stop them.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Mar 08
So true, but many do not, the small minority that is. Some of them also think it is funny to let their children run wild.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Mar 08
I have also heard people tell me that children are better off if they are left alone. To me it is an excuse for not looking after their children properly, out of sight, out of mind
blessed be
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@serenidity (641)
• India
26 Mar 08
I have seen this a tad to often and these days it doesn't disturb me, if any unsupervised kid happens to be pushing or pulling my child when she is playing I make it a point to sternly tell that kid not to do so, after all the parents are not around to remind the kid to behave and I am not going to let my daughter suffer because of that. It is really sad how parents simply turn a blind eye to the dangers of letting very young kids be by themselves. Kids don't know what harm they can cause to themselves and other kids but adults do ! I agree, unsupervised play is necessary so that children develop in a healthy way but let that happen in your backyard or home or with inner circle of friends, not at a public place like a park where other kids are at risk.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Believe me, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm tired of parents not watching their kids no matter where they are. They think places like Chuck E Cheese's is a babysitter and it's not. You still need to keep an eye on them. There's even been an incident recently where a child was... well, we won't get into it, but there are lots of creepy people out there and it only takes a second for them to do something. I've even seen kids roaming around by themselves in an arcade/bar where minors are SUPPOSED to accompanied by an adult. It drives me crazy and makes me wonder why people even have kids in the first place.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Right, but it's not just kidnapping that's the problem. There are some sickos out there who will try to say... maybe molest a kid while nobody's looking? I heard about something like this happening not too long ago.

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Mar 08
this offends me too, I see parents take their kids to a park and a playground near me and they are often left to play alone for hours at a time. As a mother of two young daughters I wont let them out of my sight
blessed be
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Oh I agree with you I will tell you something that made me sick my hubby an I were in walmart an there was a new baby maybe 3 weeks old in a carry sit in the shoppping cart an none around I told my hubby an we just kept waitting for someone to just grab the baby then the mom came back from the toy department with her other child she was buying him a toy wasn't that sweet of her I told her someone one could of took her baby an she wouldn't of even have noticed yes she told me to mind my own bees wax
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@Phlamingho (7823)
• Denmark
26 Mar 08
Maybe the mother of the 1 year old only allowd the kid to play near her, and kept an eye out? Otherwise it's really crazy... who would take their eyes off that young a kid?
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I agree! I keep my eye on my kid the whole time. Some parents think the park is a babysitter, and it drives me nuts. If their sweet little angel did something like push my son down, they won't believe it or give me the evil eye if I break up a fight. I really wish some people would realize how precious their child is and spend time with them.
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@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
26 Mar 08
What upsets me is that it is not just playgrounds! Everyday I see kids walking the streets of my town of all ages, including some 2-3 year olds! No adults in sight! I know I can be overprotective at times, but this seems insane. Last summer, after moving into our new house, a couple neighborhood kids came to our door wanting to play with my sons because their parents KICKED THEM OUT OF THE HOUSE! They lived a whole block away! Their parents had never met us and had no idea where their kids were, and apparently didn't care!
My oldest son has a new favorite phrase: OMG, ILIM! (OH MY GOD, I live in Marion!)
Feel free to insert your town's name!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
27 Mar 08
completely agree with you. some years back.. i was at the local beach swimming, and a toddler, couldntve been more than 2 years old.. was all by herself. i watched her for a while, at least 20-25 minutes, waiting to see if any adult checked on her, and no one did. so i scooped her up, and attempted to find whoever was responsible for her. i had her with me for a good 45 minutes and still couldnt find anyone she belonged to, and i had the lifeguards looking as well. finally one of them came over and took her from me, and i still kept watch. the lifeguard had her for another 30 minutes before finding this childs mother. then came back to me to let me know she was OK, and informed me the frigen mother hadnt even noticed she was missing!!!! what if i had been some psychotic ?!?! i couldve walked away from there so very easy with that baby, and no one wouldve even noticed!! i snapped on the mother and flipped out on her from one side to the other, and then left disgusted. sadly.. a few weeks later, another child not being tended to by his parents.. was taken from the exact same beach. they found his body stuffed under the rock that was used to crush his skull. i had nightmares about that baby girl for a very long time after that. PARENTS.. public places are no place to leave your children unattended just because there are other children around!! PAY ATTENTION!!!
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@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
Maybe some mother are not aware of watching their kids during playtime at the playground... even though inside the mall you will noticed some kids are alone and no one is watching them...
But you need also to consider if their parents are with them or they are with their nannies... Not all nannies are too attached to the child, that's why they just let those child play alone...
You can also see these seen on television or movies...
If i were on that situation... i just take care of my kid and give some attention to other if i can...
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@karma118 (294)
• United States
27 Mar 08
In all honesty, some people just weren't meant to be parents. I mean seriously, if you have time to go to the park, PLAY with your child. Save the chit chat with your friend when you are at your house or alone without the kids! Come on now, why have kids if you don't want anything to do wiht their lives? It's just so horrible to see kids get neglected. I let my 3 year old play with the children at the park while I sit on the sidelines because he likes his independence but I watch EVERY move he makes. EVERY MOVE. When he tries to hit, shove, push, throw etc. I step in. When someone does it to him, I don't care if the other child is mine or not, I'm going to say something to them. So parents, if you don't want me to yell at your kid, simply watch what their doing!
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@noyarbry (77)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
those are the kind of parents who produces incompetent citizens. they cannot even watch their kid while playing. all that they do is to talk to their friend. that's also the reason why there are a lot of bullies. because the parents are letting their kids do a lot of things. moral values and good deeds should be taught by the parents to their children.
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@kezabelle (2974)
26 Mar 08
I wouldnt let my two year old roam the park by herseld not a chance!!!
I avoid toddler groups due to parents who can watch their children and stop them hurting mine, i know it happens both mine have hit out sometimes but at least i tell them off so they know its wrong
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@AnnaB7 (756)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I don't understand people who don't care where there kids are.
I remember once when my own children were very young, some neighbors kids stopped by the oldest was 7years old the youngest about 2. And these kids were from different homes not all the same home.
They stayed nearly all day, I ended up walking them home because I was concerned something might happen to them, their mom was asleep on the sofa, I don't think she even noticed they were gone, I don't know if she was sick or just over tired.
Her kids ended up coming over nearly every day while we lived there, they kept wanting mine to come wander the neighborhood with them, mine were just barely walking and about a year and a half old. Needless to say I said no.
But I did allow them to come over to my house, they all played outside and I usually gave them lunch, and walked them home, I was probably a free baby sitter.
But I would rather let them stay there safe than to know they would of been safe at my house, but instead I just told to go someplace else, my place was closest to a busy road. I could not of lived with myself if they would of gotten out into the road. And they were not mean kids they were fairly well behaved kids especially as they had no supervision during the day at all. Except the time they were at my house which was very limited since they were not really mine.
It scares me to think what could of happened if instead of my house they had went to someone elses home.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
27 Mar 08
when I was 10 our friend Andy was kiddnapped from a public pool across the street where he lived a place everyone hungout at an it was crowed now 31 years later still nothing so I guess that has made me overprotected of my girls they like to say mom we are not in mass we are in sc but I let them know it happens everywhere an i want to know where they are at all the time
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Man stupidity must be raining today ... But seriously I have five kids I can't keep an eye on everyone at all times but I keep my eye on my 4 and 5 yr old the most and the 6, 8, 9 year old are in my line of site. I walk and play in and on the equipment with my youngest and if I can't see a child I make sure to let them know I can't see them and to get back to where I can see them or we're going home. I have this fear of not being able to see them and them just disappearing.. I have to be vigilant. I usually have my other half with me or a friend who has kids also and we make sure to keep an eye on eachother's kids and so we are in the same area as eachother unless we are standing on the big play set in the middle where you can see everywhere and even then we are keeping tabs on our kids and telling them to be nice and polite and running after them. I sometime wish I can shake other parent until they are smart.
@msfreeze (89)
• United States
27 Mar 08
i agree 110% i watch my daughter like a hawk everywhere we go. some people call it being overprotective i call it being a mom. there are lots of crazy people out here just waiting for a child who isnt being watched i wont take my chances. i took my daughter to an indoor jump house a few days ago and kids were running around like crazy i basically "adopted" this little two year old girl who was wondering around so i kept her close to me to make sure she didnt get trampled by the 8 year olds acting a fool. i turn around her parents were going down the slide are you kiding me! everyone always know when i am around i am the one looking after someone elses child or yelling at someones kid lol.
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@miller1978 (1101)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I have seen this as well. We don't frequent the popular parks anymore due to so many children being unattended and able to bully other children. I take my 5 ..... yes 5 ....... children to the park, most of the time by myself. I have a 6 month old, 3 yr old, 6 yr old, 8 yr old, and 11 yr old. They all mind fairly well. I don't sit on my bum letting my children wander off wherever and whenever they want, I watch them. The parks we go to aren't that big and not many people during the hours we go, which is helpful. Most of the time I let my 6 yr old go with her 2 older siblings to the slide and the merry go round but my 3 yr old and 6 month old do not leave my side. I am out there playing with them on the slides and in the swings like a big kid myself. People have just become to lazy and dependent on other people to watch their children. Not only do they sit with their friends and talk, talk, talk they also would rather be on their cell phone or texting on the cell phone. I do take my cell with me when we go to the park, but it is off unless something happens.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Mar 08
I have also started taking my kids to a park further away now because it is safer. It's smaller and completely closed in and the one gate to it is too heavy for a child to open. It means a 30 minute walk instead of 10 minutes but there is usually no one else there so it is perfect. Although, it is nice to take them to the popular parks occassionally because my kids (especially my youngest) likes to meet and play with other kids. I guess it's not a problem for you with 5 children!
@3vilpriest (27)
• United States
28 Mar 08
thats crazy i would never let my kids roam either but some ppl are comfortable with that this world is too crazy for me i read a sad post higher up on the list about a friend kidnaped sorry btw but i am not here to cast judgement or praise
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