How does your cat drive you crazy?
By scribe1
@scribe1 (1203)
United States
March 26, 2008 3:10pm CST
I just got finished cleaning Columbus's barf off of two rugs. It was a muddy mess. I became so angry that I yelled at the cat, although he probably didn't understand why I was so upset. It just seems to me that when he has to barf, he chooses a rug every time! Aside from an occasional poo on the floor, Columbus's barfing on the rugs is his most disgusting habit. I dread the day that he upchucks on the blanket. Ugh!
I know that cats barf, but why, why, why on rugs, which are hard to clean? That stuff is mighty hard to get off a rug too.
Sometimes Waffles poos on the rug, but she senses that she's done something wrong and runs away after hearing me tell her that she's a bad girl. Mimi rarely barfs. Unfortunately, she chooses the rug hands down.
All of the above drive me nuts, and tempt me to take the cats back to the shelter, but I love them too much to do that. What does your cat do?
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23 responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Let me first say, I love my girls so much but, like anyone, there are things that they do that drive me nuts or annoy me.
So, let's start with Purr. Love her to pieces but, there are a few things that she does that drive me crazy. First off, she is a talker. And, it would be one thing if she talked like my other talkative cat. My other talkative cat is Sydney and she is more conversational. She has different noises and it really does sound like she is having a conversation with you. Some are short little meows. Some are louder and a little longer. She has this sort of growl like like throaty, and one person said it sounded like a burp, noise that she does that, is nothing aggressive...just another one of her conversational noise. But Purr! Ugh! She whines. Her meow is long, like she is complaining, loud, constant, never ending and annoying as crap! Then, she stretches against the frames of doors but, she can't just stretch. No, she has to dig her nails in and scratch up the door frames. When we sell our house someday, that is going to be a huge problem. Because, short of replacing all of our door frames, I have no idea how to fix it. I don't know if we can just remove the pain, sand them down and repaint them. I really think, it will be a huge job where they will have to be replaced and it will probably need to be done professionally which will likely cost us a nice big fat amount of money. Yup! That pisses me off...a lot! Then, she barfs. A lot. Cleaning up after her is a chore and a pain. And, that cat is the most needy thing. She can't just sit on your lap. Nope she has to crawl up your chest and get in your face, and talk to you with her nasty breath. And, she has allergies so, her nose drips sometimes which means it gets on you. Nice. And, when she has her allergies, she tends to drool sometimes too. Which means her nasty smelling drool gets on you too! This cat...drives me bonkers!
Then there is Sydney. Really, she is the perfect cat except for maybe 2 things. She is a bit of a princess. Her liter box has to be clean every day. If you forget, she will pee and poo outside of the liter box. I will have to replace the carpet in one of my spare bedrooms if we move someday because, she made a pretty bad mess of it. I have gotten it so, you can really only smell it when it rains but, it needs to be replaced someday. We just keep that room shut now. I am better now at making sure that I keep that liter box clean but, I do forget now and then. Sometimes if I am sick, I forget. I know...I am a bad Mom. I should never forget to clean the liter box but...while I don't forget that often, it does happen.
And, the only other thing she does sometimes is that she caterwals right when we go to bed occasionally. When she does it, she is looking for us to play with her. She will grab her favorite toy which we have named Passport as it travels all over the "world" (our house which is Sydney's version of the world) and she will start caterwaling with it in her mouth. At that point, we know she wants to play fetch. Yes...she does know how to play fetch. She tends to do this more at night right after we have crawled into bed for the night, then she does in the middle of the day.
And, Martini. The only thing she does that really bothers me is how she reacts to the vet. She is really bad about the vet. They don't even really like her. They have to get the industrial strength gloves to work with her and it takes more than 2 people to keep her down while they do their checkups. She is a little heckling! The funny thing is, because I am the one who takes the cats to the vet while the hubby takes the dog, the hubby has never seen her reaction to the vet. He has only seen her when they weigh her as we are dropping the kids off for boarding when we go on vacation. She is bad then but, nowhere near as bad as she gets when they do their checkups on her. So, the hubby doesn't think she is that bad. I can't get him to believe otherwise. Even the reactions to her from the vets can't get him to know how bad she really is. And, he ought to know that if the vets are reacting that way...I mean, they must see some of the worst of the, she has got to be really bad. Right?
So, that is what drives me crazy about my ladies.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
27 Mar 08
LOL! That I do! I don't know about the patience of a Saint but, I just couldn't part with them and there is nothing else I can do to fix the problem. I yell at them a little but, it doesn't do much good because they just do it again! LOL! I guess they are like my kids and, I know how much of a mess kids make so, I realize that someday, the messes from any future children in my house will likely be much worse. I wouldn't send my kids away to live with someone else so, I just can't imagine doing it to my cats either! LOL!
But, boy are those little girls trying!

@jdeforge (224)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I've already responded to this once lol but I forgot a big one. And this is with all cats I've ever had.
They sit right next to you clean their litter box...and right when you're done they jump in and soil it up. It's like they sit there conciously brewing up whatever they can muster so that its dirtied up nice.
My two cats will both sit there and watch, and its a race to the finish to who gets to jump in first....crazy.

@jdeforge (224)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Both my cats chew on plastic bags, I can't leave one on the counter for more then two seconds before they find it. Very stressful.
One funny thing that doesn't drive me crazy, but its funny. One of my cats loves the tub, he loves the water but hates the shower lol. So I turn on the tub every night to warm up my shower, he comes bolting from a deep whatever and jumps on the tub. I turn on the shower and i hear thump thump splat thump (this is him scrambling to get out)and he gets out all spiky from being wet. And every night I saw...Oh mario you're all wet you silly kitty! haha every night, you'd think he'd learn :P
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
26 Mar 08
I can't understand cats' things for plastic bags either. I've shooed Columbus away from my plastic garbage bags, but he keeps going back for another nibble for whatever reason.
And I love your story about your Mario's jumping into the tub, then out again when the shower is turned on. It's so funny how he just appears from doing whatever he happens to be doing at the time. Great story!
@Annmac (949)
29 Mar 08
My cat Kia, loves the bath tub too, and the kitchen sink. She's fascinated by soap suds too and tries to pounce on them!!! She then falls in the water and unlike most cats that would jump out immediately she just sits there or swims around waiting for me to rescue her.
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Mar 08
I have no cats no more, my last cat went missing over 2 months ago now, and I do not know what happened to him. But he used to be sick a lot. He would eat so fast that not long after he would just throw the lot back up! He used to do it behind the tv over all the wires, oh that was such a trial to clean up. But eventually we realised that just before he was sick he would let out a wail and so we used to scrabble behind the tv quick, grab him and run outside with him before he let it out. One day I did not make it and I had cat sick all over my leg and feet, my feet were bare at the time he he, not nice. But I miss the little rogue.
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
26 Mar 08
That's so sad. Sounds like the cat had a tummy problem, like maybe worms or something. Otherwise, he wouldn't cry like that. He might have also had tumors. It was a shame that any of that had to happen. Maybe he's roaming the neighborhood or had been caught and placed in a shelter. You might want to check the shelter out to see if anyone has heard anything about the cat's whereabouts.

@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
27 Mar 08
My Cat i had before now (he passed away at Christmas time) used to hide my car keys under the fridge. He would also attempt to hide himself under there as well if he didn't want to leave home (we would regularly go home from school to my parents house for the weekend). If i ever left my bra/underwear drawer open he would spend the whole day emptying the contents of said drawer and getting them under the fridge..apparently his favourite hiding spot.
The kitten i have now...She likes to be on my table (drives me wacko) chase my earrings all over or money or keys or pony tails. She also likes to try to nap on my plate if i watch tv and eat supper. Once i went to the kitchen came back and she was curled up in my pot of macaroni needless to say i didn't eat it. She also likes to steal the body puffy for body wash from the bathroom and demolish it or the soap from the tub and chase it all over. I've got a sign on the door saying please close the door i don't want to have to search for my soap.
None of these things tempt me to get rid of my cat but since i am on a farm i have been putting spud out during the daytime so things dont go missing and doors can be left open in the house (otherwise rooms get kinda stuffy)
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
27 Mar 08
Aside from kitten-proofing your things, you'll also have to wait until she matures. Hopefully, you won't have to put up with all of that nonsense. Just one caveat, though. Your kitten may still continue to run around like that when she's older. Good luck in keeping everything together. I'm glad that you love her anyway and have no intentions of getting rid of her.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
27 Mar 08
My cat loves to go to our backyard and when she wants to go inside our house, she always sneaks in through my bedroom window. Too bad she can't get out of my bedroom 'coz the door is always locked. She always makes noises while I'm sleeping just to wake me up to let her out of my room.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
Oh how many times I have followed my cats holding out paper towels for them to barf on but noooo...they scoot away and throw up on the carpet! The thing that really gets me is my baby Georgette, she loves to pull on threads. She has managed to put a large run right across the living room carpet. Then we have Siren she looks so cute and innocent, those big eyes. She is a nip fiend. She likes to travel through the house and knock pillows onto the floor then sleep on them and of course shed on them! There are far more sweet moments than bad moments so I scold but never stay mad. I bet you can't stay mad at your babies long either.
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
26 Mar 08
No, I can't stay mad for long either. You certainly have your work cut out for you, though. It's so annoying to pick those pillows up and get all of the fur off of them. Otherwise, that fur winds up on your clothes, and it's embarassing when it lands on the wrong place on slacks and jeans.
I can't tell you how many times that one of my sister's dogs sheds like crazy and leaves her fur on the chair. A few times, I sat on that chair, only to wind up with the dog's hair all over the butt part of my black pants!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
3 Apr 08
You have to realize with the barf and poo on the rug is that the carpet is the closest thing to dirt and grass in the out doors. They usually will select someplace that resembles their natural way of life, which includes burying their poop and their barf so that their predators won't detect their presence. It is a natural inherited behavior that is nearly impossible to change. It is frustrating for their human caretakers, but once you accept the fact that this is their normal way of living it is a bit easier to understand.
I cured the cat's poop behavior with getting a self cleaning litter box so that they don't have to go in a "used" box. It has cured the problem plus it makes things easier for me to clean up.
As for the barfing, is there hair in the barf? If so you might want to get a hair ball control food. It too will help eliminate a problem I changed the food my cats eat to a hair ball control formula and it cured the barf problem too.
You're right, Columbus probably didn't understand why you got so upset, as barfing for a cat is just as normal as a human barfing. The only difference is that we barf in the toilet and cats don't know about using the toilet for barfing purposes. If you look at the cats as little kids, it helps a lot in accepting their barf and poop problems.
I have a MaineCoon cat that will hurk up hair balls on occasion. Fortunately it is pretty well packed and easy to pick up. He has long hair and their hair is impossible for them to digest. I brush him but there still is a certain amount of hair he still ingests. It just can't be helped. It is something you kind of need to work at understanding and accepting. I've had cats and dogs all my life and I figure that if the worst thing they do is poop and barf on the rug I am very fortunate. I have heard of people with cats and dogs that have had their walls eaten through, couches scattered through the house and even worse damage done by the animals. I heard of people that have had thousands of dollars of damages done to their homes and cars, so a little poop and barf is tolerable!
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
My cat does several things to drive me crazy....1)when I don't feed him AS SOON as I walk in the door from work, he moews and meows and meows like crazy....2) when I am sleeping he deliberately jumps on plastic bags or anything that makes noise to wake me up....3) he crawls onto my pillow at night and wags his tail in my face and there are many other things he does but I love him anyway!
@CheshireKat (564)
• United States
26 Mar 08
My parents, about an hour ago, decided that she wanted to climb up in the bathroom sink and investigate the glass jar that they once kept q-tips in.
Needless to say, the jar didn't survive. Thankfully the sink that it fell in, did. I yelled at the cat because she has no business climbing on things in the bathroom, or even being in the bathroom, and for that I was reprimanded by the parents.
I love the cat, for sure, but that doesn't mean I love her strange q-tip fixation. [She also gets them out of the trash whenever she sees them thrown in.]
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
26 Mar 08
Lol, a cat fixated on q-tips. That's really different -- and funny too. Bet that you have to find a way to disguise the q-tips that are thrown away. But I understand your frustration. I wonder why she does that, though. Maybe the smell or thrill of the hunt?
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
26 Mar 08
I had to work nightshift on Sunday night and I got home in the morning and smelt this aweful strong potent odor and new exactly what it was as soon as I got a wiff of that peeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww! My cat sprayed and the only problem was that I didn't know where until my hubby told me it was coming from the bathroom where we kept the litter. I have to get my cat fixed this week because I believe it's time for he has done his first territorial spray. Wow that's strong just like a skunk. As soon as I knew where the odor was from I changed the whole litter pan and haven't smelled it since thank god.
When we had our dog, he had a habit of lapping up water like there was no tomorrow and so we had to cut down on his water during food eating time. When he would guzzle this water after he ate he would throw up on the carpets or wherever and out kitty would run to it and start eating it YUCK! So that's another thing that grossed me out about our cat.
@janujennifer (664)
• Philippines
26 Mar 08
Speaking of poo, that's just how my female cat (Teddy) drives me nuts! We've potty trained them, and the male cat (Paborito) have learned how to, but Teddy, ugh! She was out all day and just a few minutes inside the house, and she will have lots of poop all over! I am slowly losing my patience on her!
@danclement (138)
27 Mar 08
I have a bed which has a gap under it as storage space. When I go to bed (and this happens every night without fail) my three cats will be lazing around under the bed. At about 3am each morning, they decide it's time to get active and start chasing each other round the room, jumping on each other and generally making a racket. Then, as soon as they hear me getting up to put them outside the room, they scoot back under the bed where I can't get at them.
They're crafty. Too crafty...
@evilgary (7)
• Singapore
27 Mar 08
The first time i kept a cat, i seriously had a big shock. The sofa which i bought recently costs about a few thousands and it is made purely of leather. My cat just jumped on it and started scratching it while i was away to work. When i returned, my sofa was in a total mess and i could see the contents in it. I was so mad at my cat that i did not bother to look at it since then.
@recycledgoth (9894)
29 Mar 08
My lovely cat, Moomin, generally tends to pick on my white fur rug, after wolfing down a bowl of food too quickly. I always know he's going to throw up, he knows that I know he is going to throw up, but he ALWAYS pukes on the white fur. :-(
@enchantedleppard (1541)
• United States
29 Mar 08
Hi Scribe. A good cleaner for cat puke is hydrogen peroxide and clear dish detergent. My cats don't really do anything gross.. well Nemo likes to tip over the bathroom trash can and "fish" Q-tips out of it. He keeps doing it because of the attention he gets. Meeca plays ring around the desk chair in our bedroom with her mousie at 3 AM. That pisses me off. So I get up, kick her out, close the door. The thing is, she doesnt do it on a regular basis and then she goes 4 nights in a row doing it. It makes me laugh but makes me mad.
@sassysammy81 (369)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I have you beat with any cat story,I guess me and cats don't get along very well.I love cats,but they hate me.I had 2 cats at one time and oh they were the worst cats I ever had contact with,they used to climb my kitchen drawers and open my cabinets and drag anything and everything they could out of them.I would wake to a horrible mess every morning.I tried to give them to the humane society and they said I had to pay $100 to take them there I was so upset,I finally called and told them I had cats take up on my porch just so they would come get them,because I just couldn't take it any more.So thats what I hate about cats they do more damage then any dog could think of doing.I recommend to not have more than I cat at a time if you wanna keep your house in one piece.
@Annmac (949)
29 Mar 08
One of my cats is very crafty, if she has a hair ball (why do they always look muddy?) she goes to the dogs area under the stairs and barfs. She then sits some few feet away looking disgusted. I wouldn't mind if she did it on the dog-bed it's leatherette and can be cleaned, but she always does it on the blanket that my dog pulls off her bed and leaves in the corner.
The really annoying habit though, and both my cats do it, is lying on clean laundry! Turn my back for two minutes and I've two furry lumps in the ironing basket, and if anyone leaves a jacket on a chair then they are on it before you can reach for a hanger. If it's a pale colour the black hairs show, if it's black the white and grey!!! They are tabby/white and tuxedo. I spend a large portion of my time removing pet hair from everything. (the dog is a large blonde German Shepherd)
I wouldn't be without any of them but sometimes I could just 'scream!.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
29 Mar 08
Sunshine is a sucker. He likes to climb up on me, knead with his paws and suck on my pajamas. I used to let him until I realized that it smell like cat food after he did that.
Oreo is an outside cat that we are trying to turn into an inside cat. He's an absolute darling but when he wants out, he has the loudest, most insistent meow!
With Tiger, it's usually cat barf. That, and he loves my computer chair. Must think I bought it for him because any time I'm not in it, he is!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Our cat would break in to meat packages and start eating the meat. If I was about to cook meat and left it on the counter and turned my back for one second he would be up on the counter eating my meat. I also just found it gross that he would be on the kitchen counter period, but we only had him the last couple of years of his life, and this was apparently something his old owners didn't mind, and never discouraged.
He also peed on our Christmas presents one year. That was not cool