how much you care for mother

@s2a2n2 (1732)
March 27, 2008 1:01am CST
how much you care for your mom when comapared to others
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7 responses
• United States
28 Mar 08
well i have so much love for my mother but she just dont know it cause we dont talk no more.
• United States
29 Mar 08
I love my mother and we talk alot and she is my best friend. We share some intrests and if she was more healther I would proble take her out more and do some shopping she is a shopping diva. We would proble drive my dad crazy. lol
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
29 Mar 08
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
29 Mar 08
ok,, try to share and talk more
• United States
1 Apr 08
I could and never would compare my love for my mother to someone else. When my parents divorced when I was 11 I wasn't close to my mom at all. But after they divorced I moved in with her and our relationship grew like no other. We are best friends today and I couldn't imagine her not in my life! She too had made me what I am today.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
2 Apr 08
so sad to hear first up on divorse of your parents...but now you are happy wishes to you ur mom...
@Swaana (1205)
• India
27 Mar 08
It is every one's duty to do chores for mom. The chores that one needs to do for mom is not a help at all.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
27 Mar 08
yes ofcourse!
@leeapollo (611)
• China
27 Mar 08
yes, I agree with that we should not compare.we know we all love our mother. it can't be compared with others.every one has their own way to show thier love to their mon. best wishes to the mom all over the world.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
29 Mar 08
yes i do join u in wishing all moms
@lishiwei (1550)
• China
27 Mar 08
We shouldn't compare it to others.It's the thing that we need to do.And we shoul do it as better as we can.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
27 Mar 08
yes exactly, how do u show any possible manner
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
29 Mar 08
well the fact tht my mom isnt my real mom makes things different, but it dosent change tht she like a mom to me and i wouldnt trade her for anyone. she helped me all my life and because of her i am who i am today, and i thank her for tht. i help my mom in any way possible with out her asking for it, cuz i know tht she would do the same for me. as far as comaparing her to others thts a different thing the love for ur mom is different the love for friends, partners.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
30 Mar 08
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
14 Aug 10
She is my best friend, to share and decide. Thats my best mom and she is unbeatable!I love her so much