do you do late night talks?

March 27, 2008 2:26am CST
what's the scene when you do late night talks that ends up early sometimes or a never ending process until you collapse somewhere finally in deep sleep... do people around gives some vague expression,sometimes screams,scoldings and looks up to you as if they have a question for you that are you in your senses?are you normal and passes a statement that normal people goes to sleep by this time and why aren't you? you'll be puzzled like everyday that what's the matter with these people,why cant they behave normally,what's their interest and issues on people talking late night talks...and if they have some peculiar problems why they are not at sleep and why they are still awake to see our faces in late one can really understand what's happening on the other end as late nights talks will keep you so busy. it's the time to talk about many issues sometimes in a hidden manner sometimes openly and the process goes on... it' the time you will love to talk about's sometimes a secret or confidential kind of talks. what happens the next morning is that people around will be interested to talk to you about what kept you so busy that you didn't sleep the whole night. so many things happens on the scene the last night and their next morning which won't end up your late night talks. life sometimes goes like this.
1 response
@rohit0471 (195)
• India
28 Mar 08
ya u knw na tht i do late night talks..... but its also true that u get tired over the course of several days...