Who are you having the discussion with? Just the person starting

@whittby (3072)
United States
March 27, 2008 10:17am CST
the discussion, or everyone else making comments as well? In another discussion, it was asked if you read all the comments before responding. Some said yes, some said no. So I was wondering about the point of view you have, are you having a private discussion with the person responding, or are you joining a group discussion? What is your mindset when you respond to a discussion?
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22 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Mar 08
A lot of the time, I guess I am having a discussion with the person who has started it. I do not always look at other peoples responces which I should do really, but when I do then sometimes I will add a comment to that person.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I know sometimes we comment and then we get to look at the whole discussion afterwards. Makes it interesting to compare what others have said.
• United States
27 Mar 08
Hi Whittby, I have had the mindset of just responding to the person that is making the response at that time because it then brings up other issues...then if I read all the comments first my answer may chnge from my initial reaction.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
If your mind changes once you read all the other comments, what do you do then? Do you add a comment?
• United States
3 Apr 08
I think if your mind changes after adding a comment it is your duty to go back and let everyone know that your views have changed.
@Darkwing (21583)
27 Mar 08
I prefer to respond to the person who started the discussion first... post my response, and then read through the other comments. If one makes a point, I wish to take up, I'll respond to them as well, so no, I don't have a private discussion. Sometimes, people will put a comment in to add to my response as well. I think that's the point of discussion. Brightest Blessings.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
As these are called discussions, I think it's good to join in when you feel appropriate doing so. It gets a little confusing sometimes with mutliple comments to a response, but it all works out.
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 08
Yes, I agree with you, wholeheartedly.
• United States
27 Mar 08
I try and talk in such a manner that I will engage my entire discussion and all of its respondents. Sometimes that is hard when a person will respond and you want to answer them directly. So I suppose its a combination of both. Privately and open forum. But what I have found is that you can learn even when there is a small discussion that is going on in the private sector. Often I am touched or educated as equally.
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• United States
27 Mar 08
As far as the my mindset when I join a conversation my first thought is to talk to the discussions author, then I look at what other things are going on in the discussion and will join in as a group participant. I might be able to add insight into someones else's thought or answer a question that has been raised more directly.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Some responses to a discussion will really touch a note within you and bring a response. I think I've enjoyed the discussions here more than at any social gathering I've attended.
• United States
27 Mar 08
I have not had the opportunity to get involved in a discussion as I usually end up responding well after the post was entered. Although I have been known to respond to comments entered on posts. Either way I'm a late arrival but if the chance should arise for me to get involved on a discussion and felt I could add something good or interesting to the flow, yes I would.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I've had some people on here tell me they will respond to any old discussion and I do mean "old" if they want to put in their opinion. I don't know what your opinion of late is though I do understand a reluctance to enter a "stale" conversation.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
By the way, my responses here are six days old I see. haha
6 Apr 08
i really wish i could help but i'm new and don't know how things work around here so can u help me? thanx
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
6 Apr 08
It's truly up to your own preferences. You can set up your email notifications to let you know when your friends have started a discussion. You can respond directly from your email that way. You can also surf around on here and respond to discussion from your interests, new discussions, toop discussions and other categories. You can choose to go through the link from the email and read the whole discussion before responding or just add your response without reading.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
27 Mar 08
actually when i see in my inbox direct i reply without reading any reply from discussion, when i already post my reply then i will try to read other reply in the discussion.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
This is a good way to comment to a bunch of discussions at one time for sure. I do tend to get lost reading on here once I start lol.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
27 Mar 08
If I respond from my e-mail, then clearly its the person that posted the discussion. I am responding to you, as your on my friend list. If my friends don't post enough discussions that I have a helpful response, then I go straight to my interests. I think right now its about 50-50. I do try responding to each person on my friend list, but that has not been possible. My friend list has many members that don't post discussions at this time.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
It's odd here lately how we get so many email notifications, then nothing. I like finding the discussions on my interests as well. We've all had to hunt around lately on site I guess too.
• United States
31 Mar 08
My first and foremost intention is to respond to the origionater of the post, but I do read most if not all the responses, and when one catches my attention I respond. I feel the more input from responders the better. We may just learn something we didn't know, make a new friend, or enemy, but best of all we have enhanced our knowledge, and been able to give our humble opinions. I love My Lot.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I like myLot too. I learn a "lot" from the discussions here too. I read tons of responses which may be why it takes me so much time on here.
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
When we open our mylot thing, what will appear are those coming from our friends and those with same interest with us. What I do, I opened up my discussion with comments, and from there I answer their comments. I answer them one by one, the first one on the list I comment. I dont read all before I comment on one. But there are times my answer is somewhat related to my answer to other because their comments are also related to mine. Then after that I go to those items I like from my friend. But there are times when you open up something then it will be posted the same topic you will see, then from there I also discuss with them.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I'm trying to follow your procedure here and I think I get it. When I answer, like I'm doing now, I do one by one rather than read them all first.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I sometimes do both. I like interacting with all people. I try not to steal the OP's thunder though by chatting it up with others, unless I feel THAT strongly that I HAVE to respond.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I never thought of it as taking the discussion away from the OP by chatting it up. I wonder how many feel that way on here, both as originator and responder? You get to ask!
@naseefu (1607)
• India
1 Apr 08
Most of my response is to the starter of the discussion.But a few times I also done what you mensioned.Thanks
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I like your avatar by the way.
• China
28 Mar 08
I see the title of the discussion first. If the subject is just what I am familiar, I will read through the above responses carefully and add my opinion. I seldom response without see what other friends' points of view.And I usually have the discusses starting by others more than my own sponsored discussion. I read all sorts of groups without limited.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I will be looking forward to your discussions and commenting.
• United States
31 Mar 08
When I respond to a discussion, I'm usually responding to the person who started the discussion.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I respond the the person who started initially from the email notification. When I'm on here and find a discussion, I read all the comments first and sometimes I feel like I'm responding to a few more folks - although I know that the only person who may read my comment is the originator of the discussion.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
27 Mar 08
For me it depends on the topic. Sometimes there's just not much reason for the responders to "discuss" things with each other. Some topics, I really enjoy having lots of interaction and I'll leave comments on other responses and get lots of comments on my own response. Usually it's either a very heated discussion or a very fun one but either way I think it represents the kind of discussion mylot wants.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I won't enter a heated discussion unless I can do so by stating my case without escalating things I guess. I do like expressing a different point of view though.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I want to talk to the person who posted first... but its like any conversation with good friends around... the more the merrier! More input means more information, and that is never a bad thing! Its fun when a discussion turns into a chat between friends!
@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I never get into those long back and forth comments, although I get a big kick out of reading some of them! The art of witty repartee is better left to others in my opinion (my sense of humor escapes even me). A good discussion on here would have a good amount of back and forth.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
27 Mar 08
I have never thought of it quite like this before, but you are right in asking this question. I think that i am probably having a private discussion with the person who started the discussion because I only respond to it and don't add a comment to any of the other responses, not very often anyways. But I do read the ones that come up on the page that my response gets posted on, after I respond since I am responding through my emails and can't read them till after I post mine. I have never thought of it quite this way, as you state, and I am glad you started this discussion about it because it is so true. I will have to try to change my ways here as this is a discussion forum and I like to be a valueable member.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I never thought about it either until today. You're right this is a discussion forum and as long as we don't get ourselves into trouble responding it doesn't hurt to participate further. I won't argue my points..
• United States
27 Mar 08
Coming directly to this discussion from the email notification, I'm responding to you, whit my friend. If I'm browsing interesting topics, and see responses of others -- I usually respond to the topic, but sometimes respond to a comment somebody else has made. It is a group discussion -- but my feedback isn't to the group. It's to the starter or another responder.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I think I probably do the same myself. And if I'm feeling strongly against the group think on a subject, it may very well be a topic I should stay out of!
27 Mar 08
I mainly reply to the person who started the discussion but then once ive posted my reply I read others and add if I feel nessercary. The thing that attracts you to the discussion is what title the main person has given it, sometimes you may be the first to reply so it will be a private discussion to start of with. Is it really important to reply to someone elses view? What about you, do you reply to the person who made the conversation or as a group??
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
27 Mar 08
I don't rely on someone elses view, but I like to think about it for sure. It's not really important to reply to that view unless something really strikes you about it and you want to communicate with that person, in my case anyway. I can go back and read over the discussions I reply to, but don't often.
27 Mar 08
I guess it all depends. At the moment i am responding to you but this will not always be the case. I find its best to find a topic that interests you then respond to the appropriate people depending on what you have to say. sometimes u can can respond to the post creator and also multiple post replies as well :)
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Each discussion seems to bring about a different set of responders - some of the same and new ones as well. I like the diversity and opinions and will respond to a comment that appeals as well.