Obama supporters, please explain, how is it you continue to support this man?
By samrat16
@samrat16 (2442)
March 28, 2008 10:11am CST
Many of us out here in middle-America fail to understand your propensity to continue supporting Barrack Obama as your presidential candidate. Given the developments and revelations that have come forth, admitted by Obama and proven beyond doubt by videos and confirmed by attendees at the Trinity United Church of Christ, how is it that you can continue to support this individual? What is it about Barrack Obama that compels you? What do you see in this racially and socially confused, clearly laying individual that so enamors you that you continue to make apology for him? Where is the reported sense of social decency to which you and your party lay solitary claim? Where is you outright denunciation of the hate and racial division spewed forth from the pulpit of Jeremiah Wright, and to a less vigorous, still evident hate by Wright’s predecessor? Why is it, that despite Michelle and Barrack Obama’s unwavering personal and financial support of that horrifically racist, anti-American, anti-White church, continue to make excuses, ignoring what is obvious to most logically thinking people…that Obamas could not possibly have attended this church for 23 years, unaware of the level of hate this place breeds? How can you claim that such support does not reflect a tacit acceptance and even approval of such venomous, America-hating rhetoric? How can you not understand and distance yourselves from these “leaders,” and simply accept the fact you have been, and continue to be misled, outright lied to, regarding their true beliefs and their suspicious motives? How is it that you can seriously mount an argument that Obama has any useful experience that remotely qualifies him to become the acknowledged leader of the free world, or Commander-in-Chief of the world’s strongest military? What, exactly, leads you to believe that this individual, trained as a lawyer, has any more knowledge, or practical experience regarding the national economy or world economic matters than does Hillary or McCain? Fact is, he does not.
What, exactly, is your obsession with the word “Change?” It has no meaning without substance…and those who bow to the word, without understanding the concepts behind that word, are merely lemmings, blind and ignorant followers of slogans and platitudes. Help us all to understand your fanatical fascinations?
How is it, having seen Obama’s tax records, seriously consider this man a man of charity? Or a man who has understanding of the plight of the poor among us? Not only has he realized substantial personal income, but has failed notably in his reported concern for the needs of the poor through a failure to give generously from his personal wealth?
And what of his relationship with his half-brother. Abongo “Roy” Obama? How can we average Americans feel certain there will be no transfer to this radical Muslim African of US military secrets? Are we to simply trust these men…the ones who hate Western culture and sit in a church that espouses hatred of whites and of America? Reconcile this for those of us deeply concerned.
It is his blackness, isn’t it? Were this man not black, as Ferraro suggested, he would never have been placed on this pedestal to be worshipped without question.
How is you ignore the highly questionable association with the likes of a Rezko, yet choose to make reference to far-less egregious relationships by other public officials? How many lies will he have to be blatantly caught in for you to finally denounce him as corrupt and dishonest, self-serving and egomaniacal? Anti-American? Unqualified? How many lies?
What, my Democrat Obama supporters, will it take regarding this man to render him unsuitable in your collective minds to be president of the United States of America? What, for God’s sake, are you willing to risk and what level of self-esteem are you [prepared to sacrifice in support of such a highly
To most of us out here in America, we must conclude that you simply cannot be thinking clearly and logically. A majority of us Americans simply find your irrational and unreasonable support for Obama completely inexplicable. Where is your consideration and respect for the serious concerns and fears of the rest of Americans? So, just curious…how is it you continue to support this man?
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13 responses
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
28 Mar 08
First off, let me say I do not actively participate or follow politics. What I express in this response is based off what news I do see or read.
I am not an Obama supporter, however I believe you are being a bit harsh. From what I understand, some of the pastor's words were taken out of context and twisted into the wrong perspective. He does not hate America, but believes there are things that should be changed. Alot of what he said was supposed to be metaphors or allusions to make the idea easier to understand. (of course, it sounds like it didn't make it any easier to understand, but rather easier to take the wrong way)
I do agree with you in that "Change" has no meaning without substance. The candidates can make all the promises they want to change things, but we have to remember that our system isn't just the president, but the House and the Senate - which is comprised of many individuals. In my opinion, presidential candidates should never promise that THEY will do things, but promise that they will SUPPORT specific changes that make it through Congress.
As far as everything else, sounds like there COULD possible be some concern warranted. But make sure you're looking at it objectively.
As for me, if I had to pick between Obama and Hillary, I'd pick Hillary. I think she has more experience in politics and therefore has a better chance of knowing what to do once in the position of "power".
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@deepti15 (1190)
• India
28 Mar 08
I am supporting Obama because he is the best candidate. It is that simple.
To me, the biggest thing our next President needs to do is restore our reputation around the world. Right now, most of the rest of the world does not really like the United States. Some countries hate us.
Barack Obama will change that. He will give the world a new view of America. A very possitive one at that.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Mar 08
"He will give the world a new view of America." I agree with that statement "A very positive one at that." That statement I highly doubt unless you refer to Muslims and Africans.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
28 Mar 08
Obama is the first presidential candidate I have seen in a long time who does have substance, and more integrity than Hillary Clinton by far. You don't have to be Einstein to see that. The color of his skin - you have got to get out of the old school here!
When you say 'A majority of us Americans simply find your irrational and unreasonable support for Obama inexplicable.' He is actually leading in the polls so most of America is irrational. I think not, the narrow mindedness of middle America who is caught in the media hype of a loud mouthed minister. I pray you widen your base of perspective on politics and don't see it through Religious eyes. In case you haven't noticed Religion is very crocked these days.
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@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
29 Mar 08
I support Obama since he seems to be the most suitable candidate. McCain doesn't share any of my views and Clinton just doesn't seem to have the personality for it.
To me, he's a welcomed antidote to the Clinton-Bush dynasty. No matter what partisan propaganda wants the public to believe, he is a man willing to look at all sides before making an intelligent judgment. He's been consistently against the war since 2002. He gives off the least superficial image. He has spent less time working with the government, therefore having a closer connection to how the modern, average joe's life is like. He has a better understanding of what the minorities need. He isn't overly-religious, he's willing to keep the government secular and not control people's personal lives or beliefs. He's actually interesting to listen to. He's honest. He's pragmatist. He connects to people.
I just believe he's the perfect candidate. It seems like a lot of the oppositions are trying to do everything to get people to believe otherwise. But really, the propaganda doesn't say anything.
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@cowboybob (38)
• United States
16 Apr 08
SO you seem to really like Obama So here is the question I have do you have any idea what living in a socialist state would be like. Because if Obama or Clinton had their say that is right were we would be Obama is a socialist are you ok with that??
@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
29 Mar 08
I don't support Obama nor do I support Clinton. The Democrats have very little to offer this year as in previous years, but as always politics are blind even more so than love.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
2 Apr 08
I think the anti obama's just hate this awesome politician naturally, could it race, female chauvinism or what-I dont see any difference between Obama and Hillary, any of the could do for the Democrats-so please let the primaries flow and let the Americans have their say!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Mar 08
How can you start this discussion saying...Many of us out here in middle-America" when you are NOT part of the us you live in India. What is the blazes do you know about the real us feels about politics.
Or did you really plagiarize this article from Yahoo Answers??????

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@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
31 Mar 08
Wow, I was on Yahoo Answers and actually found out this was plagiarized.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I notice the article on yahoo answers is from 3 days ago and this discussion is from 4 days ago....so who plagiarized who (??) or are they both from the same person. BTW you have some excellent comments for a 15 year old living in Belgium. Are you an American or a Belgian with an interest in US politics?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
31 Mar 08
BTW did you notice that the originator speaks as if he is an American ( A majority of us Americans). When he is Indian and lives in India....he must not have read the aricle before he stole it.
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@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I do not know samrat, I am voting for Ron Paul via write in. I refuse to vote for McCain, aka, the Manchurian Candidate, plus, he does not fit believe in my values.
But you probably not a repub or convervative so this response is of you use to you, right? LOL
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
30 Mar 08
Probably not Republican? I don't see why he'd be interested in this type of opposition against Obama if he weren't Republican?
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@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
29 Mar 08
Samrat I think your verbosity is clouding your mind. If you could still your fingers, I think you would hear that Mr.Obama has stated that he has not left his church because the pastor retired. He has had roots in that church for years. He is very disappointed in this pastor.
How could anyone suppport McBush who plans to continue the war to a win. There is no winning of the war in Iraq and the American public has said they want out. We do not need any more Repulicans in the White House who will continue to give to the rich and take from the poor. This administration has ruined our country in ways that we will not see recovery from in our lifetime.
It is so sad to see someone rant over information that is not valid. I feel that if you post in a forum such as this, you have a reponsibility to have your facts straight.
Spend sometime looking as closely as Mr. McBush before you vote for him this fall.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
29 Mar 08
I, too, can't understand where the charisma is that draws people to Obama. I felt the same way about Bill Clinton. I couldn't stand the sight of him, yet people fawned over him. I just didn't get it.
Yes, this country has problem, and we always will. There is no one person in the world that can solve everything and make it better. No matter what decision is made on any one thing, it is going to hurt something else. That's just the way it is.
I don't trust him. Period.
Change. Exactly why does everyone think that change is always going to be good? Just because you don't like the way something is now, doesn't mean that change won't make it worse!
Personally, I don't like anyone out there, but I most definitely would not want to see either Hillary or Obama in the White House.
It's come down to 'the lesser of two evils', so my vote goes to McCain. He wouldn't be my first choice, but I trust that he has the best interests of the United States of America and her people uppermost in his mind.
I can't say that for the rest of them.
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@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
29 Mar 08
Well, when it all comes down to it you have to ask yourself; do I like how Bush has left the country? Because, essentially, McCain will keep in place what Bush has left.
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@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
30 Mar 08
Ldyjarhead, there's actually a site that has illustrated all of Bush's failures during his first term.
And apparently a majority of Historians would agree that he was a failure as president.
I'm actually against seeing all things in a manichean light, but when it comes to Bush, he just seems to be accumulating failure after failure.
What would I have done if I were in his place? That's way too much of a broad question and I'm not really in that position. However, that's why I support candidates that can place intelligent decisions.
Hornswaggled, you're insinuating the population should keep their mouthes shut and blindly follow their leaders? Part of the reason we have a government is so that it can satisfy our needs. If we don't speak up, how do you think changes will be implemented? The way you talk actually makes it seem like you'd love having a dictator in power, which some have jokingly compared Bush to.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
29 Mar 08
Exactly how do you think he should have accomplished leaving it any other way?
What things do you think he should have done?
What else would have been sacrificed if he had done things different, the things that you want?
I'm not saying he's perfect, no one is. But it is not black and white. If one does or does not do one thing, it affects other things as well.
Do YOU have what it takes to run this country? Let me see your name on the ballot!
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@marinerteen51 (43)
• United States
29 Mar 08
I honestly have no idea why people support Obama. Although I admit that he would be a far better president than Clinton (if she's elected my entire family and I are moving to Canada). Everyone i've talked to (in person) says they're voting for him because he's black (which I don't understand at all). People i've talked to online usually have better responses, but I always disagree with them.
As for myself... I support Ron Paul (although sadly I can't vote for another year and a half). Why do I believe Ron Paul is the best presidential candidate? Lots of reasons, but here's just one of the things he's said... "By the way, when I say cut taxes I don't mean fiddle with the code, I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS and replace them with nothing."
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@jtr115 (722)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Absolutely! I hope Ron Paul can make it on the ballot. If John McCain makes it instead, hopefully he will pick Ron Paul as his running mate.