Why dont you believe in God?

United States
March 28, 2008 11:59pm CST
I have read every reason under the sun from people and now it is your turn. Please tell me respectfully why you do not believe in God. And lets go deep here take all other humans out of the equation, I mean dont say well a priest molested a child. That has no bearing on someone elses existence. Did that make sense? One final question after you tell me why you dont believe could you tell me that if the bible were proven to be accurate would it change your belief?
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14 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
29 Mar 08
I was going to say "Which God? Whose God?" but since you mentioned the Bible, I'll guess you're talking the Judeo-Christian God. I don't believe in that particular deity because he's never spoken to me. It's that simple for me. I've gone to Christian churches, read the Bible, talked to people who believe in God, and yet he has never seen fit to speak to me. What would I follow a God who doesn't speak to me? Even if the Bible could be proven true, it wouldn't change my own beliefs, because it still wouldn't make that God speak to me. I follow my Gods because of the personal relationship I have with them, not for any other reason. Without that personal relationship, I can't see any point to a religion. I know Christians who claim to have a personal relationship with the God of the Bible, and that's fine for them, but since I don't have that relationship, I have no reason to believe in or follow that God. The other issue is: I've already made my allegiances. I am too loyal to betray my Gods, who are like family and friends to me, just because you could prove the Bible true. Logic is great and all, but without my honor, I'm not me.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
29 Mar 08
That's basically it. If the Bible were true, that would mean the God spoken of in the Bible exists. So if it could be proven, it wouldn't really be a question of believing in that God or not. However, just believing isn't the same as following or worshiping. I already admit that Gods other than my own might exist, but they aren't my Gods, and therefore not my business. Even if you could prove a certain God existed, it wouldn't change my personal loyalties, because I put those loyalties above everything else. I swore to my Gods, especially my primary Goddess, to follow them all the days of my life, and beyond, and that I will do.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
30 Mar 08
Um, actually my Gods do talk to me. Otherwise my comment wouldn't make any sense. Initially, my primary Goddess did speak to me in dreams when I was a child, but since that time I have heard their voices and seen them in other ways as well. I wasn't just being facetious with this post, I'm being serious. I don't understand following a deity that doesn't speak to you personally, and doesn't give you particular things to do with your life. My Goddess spoke to me first because I needed strength, and later because she had use of that strength she had nurtured in me. My other Gods also ask things of me that help others around me and such, and this makes perfect sense to me. As their follower, I am part of the impact they make on the world. I've heard people say that the Christian God speaks to them, or calls them to do certain tasks, and generally I don't doubt their testimonies. It makes perfect sense to me that they follow the God that called them, and I follow the ones that called me. *shrugs* It's simple.
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• United States
29 Mar 08
I appreciate you candor, I too understand loyalty. So its not really that you would continue to not believe but that you would choose not to follow God? Because you would continue in your loyalty to your chosen Gods? That is interesting to me. I mean if the bible were proven to you it would be proven that God of the bible does exist? Very interesting.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Mar 08
I do believe in God, but not in a Christian sense. This may sound odd to you but I'll try to explain. My belief is that there are several "energies" which determine a balance in the Universe. These, we see in our minds as deities, so that we are more able to understand them, and know that they are there. The reason we do this is because we cannot see and determine the energies in any other way. I have two main deities, a Goddess and a God, and also believe there are many others, (in the form of energies), which all come together to make one supreme power. This supreme power is not one single being, it is like several atoms, coming together to make one large molecule. We need to know how to harness these energies, in order to advance in life, in balance. So, it's not that I don't believe there is a Christian "God", but the way I see him is different. He is just an atom of my molecule of Earth power. Brightest Blessings.
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Mar 08
Well firstly, I don't believe there will ever be any proof of a living, breathing God. The Bible never proved anything to me yet; in fact it made me even more doubtful. I was christened, as a young baby, into the Christian faith, but I changed my path. Nobody has, or will ever prove anything to me by showing me a book of stories, from any religion. I have seen my Goddess, and I have seen the Crone. They talk to me, by giving me signs, and I feel them beside me everywhere I go and in everything I do, but you tell me how one God can control the lives of millions of believers in the World, and I'll tell you whether I'll ever accept proof of Him. Even killers say they've committed the act because they heard God tell them to do it. Now, come on, would you believe that, or do you believe what you prefer to believe? Another question... if it were proved that God was not the controlling supreme power, and that my God and Goddess were, would you follow my God and Goddess? If, and it's a big IF, a supreme being called God ever proves to me that He is there, then I will have a few questions for him, and no, I won't change my beliefs and follow Him. My beliefs are very solid and true, and I have found an inner peace; a peace of mind on my pagan path. I like what I am now, far better than when I was a follower of the Christian faith. So... I would have to say an emphatic "No" to that question.
• United States
30 Mar 08
But what if there were proof of the bible and therefore God of the bible? Not just energy but a living breathing God, would you follow him if you knew it were true or would you not?
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@mic_tcs (264)
• Malaysia
29 Mar 08
First of all, I myself believe in God. I think others who don't believe in God is because they cannot accept the fact that God really exist. Even if they believe that God exist, but it's actually none of their business. As far as I know, bible is already proven to be accurate by the scientists in the world. There are so many proofs that bible is the living words of God. As a Christian, I urge that all the Christian in the world have a good testimonial among family, friends and colleagues. If we as a Christian do not live out our faith, why do the non-believers will like to believe in Jesus Christ?
@mic_tcs (264)
• Malaysia
29 Mar 08
Thanks mbcousins for your comment. You are right at your point. The accuracy of Bible and the resurrection of Jesus Christ do not need to be proven by scientist. Like what you say, it will be meaningless for all who have faith in Him if He need to be proven by others.
• United States
29 Mar 08
I absolutely believe in faith but werent the works of Jesus aimed at increasing faith? Didnt he even say that the raising of Lazurus after several days was to bring glory to God? Kind of like see and believe? I know that is not faith but I dont think we can discount that somethings were "proven" by Jesus. Remember Thomas, I will not believe until I see? And Jesus honored his request. My main motivation for this discussion is to see if people who dont believe allow for any reason to believe. Or if it is the people of God who have turned them away ect... I want to know why people dont believe so I can understand them. And maybe we could put hatred out of both camps.
• China
30 Mar 08
I hope the God can protect me and give me some suggestion as can help me to finish something.and i'm reading the bible now.LOL.
• United States
30 Mar 08
Well, I pray he will protect you as well. If its not too personal what do you need to finish? (you are more than welcome to tell me none of my buisness! lol)
• Russian Federation
29 Mar 08
i don't beleive in god, everu thing exists naturally. so we need some one to blame, we name it as god........
• Belgium
30 Mar 08
I don't believe in a god because to me, it's all a bunch of fairy tale nonsense. To me, not believing in a god is using logic. History has constantly shown us that religions have been created to control the masses and answer the unknown. Eventually, those created religions are proven wrong by scientific evidence. I don't see how the religions that are around today would differ from previous religions.
• Belgium
30 Mar 08
Oh sorry.. I didn't mean to answer to your post. I meant to answer to the topic. .
• United States
10 May 08
You have to admit though this paticular religion has been around for over 2 thousand years. How many disproven religions have made it that long?
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
29 Mar 08
cuz too many incent people die, and the only thing tht they say is tht god had a plan, well thts a crappy plan i have to say. if he was so good then y arent there less people tht muder, rape, and things like tht. even if i found out tht he was real i still wound belive in him or pray to a good tht allows things like tht. plus thts to much power of one god to have. i'm more like to be a follower of the greek, egyption.
• United States
30 Mar 08
Do you have children? If so have they ever done something you would not want them too? Or broken a toy you gave them? What if that is the way it is with God? He gave his children a big world to play with and we broke it? Just wondering.
@ana3173 (420)
• Philippines
29 Mar 08
bible - bible scripture
I really believe in God, and the bible is very accurate, one example is the verse in the bible, book of Isaias, Isaias 40:22 tells that the EARTH is round/circle about 4000 yrs ago, and it shows a lot of evidence about that the earth is round when the man landed on moon. how come that the old bible scripture tells this though we don't have that high tech equipment like hubble telescope at that time. how can you explain that. so you still don't believe in our almighty creator.
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
I believe in God what I don't believe is in some people who says they believe in God but do ill will against others. I was a Catholic converted to Christianity and I was going to church and in the choir too but then I saw people who attended church and read the bible almost everyday but most of them turn out to be bad people. They are selfish, unkind and dwells on making rumors about other peoples lives..and they attend church every Sunday and other people think they are good people when they are not.I am speaking particularly of people I know and some happens to be relatives of mine and my husbands. I just don't get it. Why speak of God and what's in the bible but do bad unto others. I am now a Wiccan..I don't go to church or read the bible but I still have my faith intact and I still believe...I am not perfect but I have a heart..I pity others and I am not selfish...I help when I can with nothing in return. I do love children, life and nature..and I don't dwell in hatred. Sometimes if people in a certain religion are showing that they are bad they lose others off that religion. This is just my point of view not saying it to hurt others in any religion. We have our own beliefs.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I can't say that I don't believe in God but then I can't say that I do. I do believe their is an afterlife. What it is like....who knows? I hope there is one anyway but I don't think any of us knows for sure. What I really don't believe in is all that is preached to us thru religion and the bible. That is all created by man. Some will say the bible was inspired by God but the bible was written long after man was on this earth.....I have trouble with believing that. It was written by man...simple. I find the subject facinating and I try to keep an open mind. I am kind to people and try to do what is right and good and hope that it is good enough in the end.
@cricket1 (486)
• United States
10 May 08
I believe in God but not in following a certain religion. Whether the bible was proved inaccurate or not would make no difference. It has a lot of good info in it. I believe basically in good and evil. Hopefully good is stronger than evil in the end. I believed this since as far back as I can remember and this came from within me. I was raised in church and to me the preachers were a bunch of idiots jumping up and down telling everyone they were going to burn in the fires of hell if they done this and that and passed around the collection plate. Then they went out and done this and that. I see the power of God (or whatever name you want to pin on, makes no difference) in life, nature, many things. We were given a brain, we are supposed to use it to do good in our lives, to take care of ourselves, I'm thinking that's why we were given one. I saw a thing on TV about an experiment with prayer, (not by a religious group or church) they proved it worked, so be careful what you pray for.
• United States
30 Mar 08
I personally believe in God and do not know how people who do not believe in God go through life feeling satisfied or happy. I know a lot of people who don't believe and I have tried to picture myself not believing and it just seems so depressing...yes, we have no real physical proof that God exists BUT I have seen many things happen that are just too huge to be called a coincedence. I'm not saying that people who do not believe in God are bad people or wrong, I just do not understand how they can go throughout their lives being happy and believing that there is no Heaven after this hellish life.
• United States
29 Mar 08
i do believe in god.. and the bible.
@goergineo (1498)
• Jordan
29 Mar 08
I do believe in god. Those who dont have their reasons. Well, I heared someone says "If you beleive in god and god does not exist you wont lose anything and if you believe in god and the god exists you are a winner" So simple math suggest that we all should believe in god.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
29 Mar 08
But wouldn't that mean you have to believe in every God anyone every believed in, in order to cover all your bases? In choosing just specific God from one specific religion to bet on, you're still taking a risk, aren't you?
@Ashbiz (148)
• Mauritius
29 Mar 08
I believe in God. The existence of God is obvious as 2 + 2 = 4. However, the only Holy Book you mentioned is the Bible. You have to know that there are a number of people having other religious books and who believe in God. Those who do not believe in God may have been disappointed on the way in which their religion were taught to them. They must have encountered the wrong people.