Students or the teacher? Who's the one to blame?
By izeeeey
@izeeeey (23)
March 29, 2008 5:25pm CST
Many students blame their teacher when they got low grades. They say that the instructor is not good in teaching or didn't explain the topic clearly. In my experience as a student, you can get higher grades and be able to belong to the top students in your school if you participate and do your tasks, understand whats your instructor is saying and always present in your class. If you are responcible, low grades is not a problem for you unless you're not. Do you agree, don't you?
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29 responses
@SlayingSoul (14)
31 Mar 08
I would say that it is always more the student's fault than it is the teachers. They can blame other students for distractions, even their teachers for poor teaching skills, but in the end it is really their own responsibility to do the work and get the grades that they've been predicted. And in my opinion, the teachers do actually do a good job about assisting the students as much as they can to help them get the grade they want/need.
I admit that I find it annoying when students attempt to blame a teacher, claiming that his teaching abilities are poor, because in the end it is always the student's responsibility. The teachers are just there to help, its the students and the students alone that actually get the grade.
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@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
I must say that it could be one or the other. Some students do their things at the last minute so it's not going to work out. Or else, the students spend to much time on their hobbies and not alot on their school work. However, it could be the teacher's fault. I have this teacher in college and I tell you that if she reincarnates, I hope she won't become a teacher again.It was biology class and her lectures note and just copied sentences from the textbook. There are so many jargons that we can't understand that she doesn't bother to explain. Example, a student asks the teacher what is the different between a virus and a bacteria. SHe said : a bacteria is a bacteria and a virus is a virus. I was just shocked. Another thing? Students had problems with understanding DNA so they come to ask her. She explains the first student who comes to her and tell the rest to ask that student. So amoung the 10 other people around that student, she was clueless since she didn't even understand. There are soo much more things I can tell about her. She was soo bad that the students wrote a letter of complaint to the dean. Throughout the semester, there was only 10 people left in the classroom. The others stayed home and studied on their own because her teaching is beyond what I could think. I hate this teacher with a pure passion and yes the rest is the responsanility of the student to take their future in hand .
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Apr 08
EVEN THOUGH there are some seriously CRAPPY teachers at my kids school...its still not their fault if my kids get low grades (well my son, since my daughter is a straight A student)...He's tried to pull that on me though (blaming the teacher) and I snap on him every time because he KNOWS if he's having trouble, ASK FOR HELP...if the teacher is too busy or that hard to understand BRING IT HOME AND ASK FOR HELP HERE....I dont buy into that whole "well the teacher this that and the other" and the few times my boy has tried to pull it on me over the yrs he's learned REAL quick...LOL come to think of it, it seems like once a yr/grade he tries to use that excuse LOL..its almost like tradition 

@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
1 Apr 08
this is a situational question, and it differs from one case to another. in elementary school, and in lower grades, the child is small and his or her only source of knowledge is that what the elders teach, which in many cases is the teacher. but as one grows up and takes up a specialized course, one has the fundamentals cleared and is big enough to take up a book and understand its contents by oneself. when i was in junior classes, i was no doubt, dependent on the notes given by the teacher and used to understand a subject only when i listened carefully to the lectures in class. now in college, lectures still help, but almost as useful as these lectures is the self-study i do. so yes, in the junior classes, the teacher is to be blamed if a child doesn't perform well most of the times, but in senior classes, the child is just as much responsible.
@ImTheKing (83)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I think it depends because for me its my fault i have low grades cause id rather have a good time then study. But on the other hand my brother is a straight A student. In high school he got As in every class every year expect for English his senior year. I think it was the teachers fault because she doesnt really teach the material she just assigns things.
@janujennifer (664)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
Basically, it's the student's fault, but I have a teacher for a friend and I asked her that question before, and I guess, in a teacher's point of view, it's always the teacher's fault, no matter how irresponsible the student is. According to her, a teacher's job is to make sure his/her students learn, so if a student learned nothing, it's the teacher's fault.
@sabharish (164)
• India
30 Mar 08
In my view the grades of a student 70% belongs to teacher and 30% with student. Only a skillful teacher who understands the psychology of a student can tap his talents and capabilities improving him to higher standards. This applies to stdents who are in the primary level which is the basic for the higher levels. The teachers' role in the primary level is very important than the teachers of higher classes.
@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
30 Mar 08
yeah, i think the student. Student's job only TO STUDY... nothing else, except if they have part time job or even working student. Student is called student, because he/she is the person who studying... Student~Study~Studying... I just wondered, students always find interesting stuff than studying... Or maybe education nowadays bring burden to the student? ahahha. lol. I think student should the one who forces himself to study, no one will force him, he should be the one who chooses his future... be better or be gone! Hahah...
If you never want to study, and what means of your life?Low grades of course the student problem. Nobody will feel bad to see failing grade, but the student himself. He/she of course will ashamed that she/he cant pass his examination.
They cant pass the examination because they afraid to take a deal, never force themselves to get good grades with his own ability... there are many books to read in the library and source in internet, waiting to be read! But no eyes to look at them...
and teachers that will give their few minutes just for the student will ask something... But the student even dont like the teachers/instructors because they afraid they will eat the students!
For me, if my grades low is not caused by teacher but myself. There are many books and person to ask, so it depends on my initiative, wanna read, wanna study, and wanna understand and memorize them... you have two choice: be good or be gone!
@vulgarlittleprincess (919)
• Canada
30 Mar 08
I think that both the teacher and the student are to blame. The teacher may not have "people skills" (applicants are accepted into the education faculty based on their grades not how well they can effectivley teach). They might not be able to help the student, however a student may also be to blame based on the amount of effort put into their studies.
Outside influences may also play a role in the students performance, if the student is having problems outside of the classroom (parent problems, relationship issues, too many extra curricular activities) then this could play a role in the amount of stress they are under and thusly reflect in the grades they recieve.
In conclusion, I do not think there is one specific person to blame for low grades, but instead a combination of circumstances lead to the result of low grades.
@deannatroupe (172)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I think that in most cases it's the student's fault. If they can't understand the teacher, most of the time there is a tutorial session that the student could go to.
@completist (54)
• China
30 Mar 08
In fact , teachers and students are both to blame . Whereas interior factors dominate the result . So students should be primary to blame ! Do you agree with me ?
@Chris1212 (16)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I'm sorry but I think that most of these responses are wrong. The answer to this teaching thing requires effort on both parts(a lot of effort). Yes, the studemt should stand up and say that there is something that he doesn't understand but it is also the teacher's job to notice that there is a problem that is why a teaching degree is required. Both the student and teacher have responsibilities on their part. The student should be responsible and ask questions (never mind what someone has to say, that's the reason for school) , and the teacher needs to be more perceptive and notice when their students are struggling or not and that is where the degree come in. :)
@letitbeforyou (10)
• China
30 Mar 08
In my opinion,there is no doubt that it is the student's think about it,why do the students sitting in the same classroom and listening to the same teacher have such different grades in the same exam?Maybe a good teacher can help to learn the course better.but we can never blame the teacher because of your low grade at all.The grade depends on your time you spent on your study,your effeciency in and after class,your approach to study and so on but never the teacher at all.Study is a matter of your own and nobody can if you instead of yourself.
@dragonart25 (280)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
still depends on what kind of students and teachers... if students really slow in learning no matter how good your teacher was, student cant blame his/her teacher... otherwise the when the teacher was too lazy or no power to motivate his student to be active in his class i guess no wonder why student become more lazy... Learning in school is not jst based on grades but i guess its more on how u understand each lessons and experience inside the school...
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I think it really depends on the situation. In some cases, it could be both. A teacher can be good at getting the topic across but be very boring or could be interesting but not get the point across. Likewise, a student can be very smart but never try so they get bad grades or not able to keep up with the rest of the class because they are not very smart. I agree that even if you are not the smartest student, you can work harder and still get good grades, but not always. I always found that if the teacher was interesting, I was a lot more likely to be motivated and learn something but if the teacher is mean or boring, I wouldn't learn anything. I think it goes both ways.
@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
There are really teachers who are just teaching and not good in this field. Like in history, your teacher will just ask student to read for the whole time and explaining it as what is in the book. So you may say that you don't need a teacher because you can read by your own and memorize it at all. Some are really good because they are planning what are they going to tackle and how are they going to teach it to make it easy to the students. In my case that was in computer programming. My teacher was so detailed and focus n teaching us.
Their grades rely to the students. I believe they can get a high grade through listening because it is easy to memorize when you already know it. Don't depend all things to your teacher, work hard to achieve your desired grades and make things easier even hard to do.
@Qumingqiao (3)
• China
30 Mar 08
Of course,college teacher not only teach you knowledge but also technique.College teacher don't
be like senior high school teacher,they always tell students somethings that they experience but not in books.If you want to get a high grade you must study hard and make a good impression on your teacher.