Obama team plays a dirty kind of politics at my County Convention in Texas
@asuniqueasyou (354)
United States
March 29, 2008 6:35pm CST
So I have just come home from my County Convention. I live in Texas and I was selected as a delegate in my Precinct convention so I went to represent my candidate. In my precinct convention, Obama had won 27 delegates and Hillary won 9. At the County Convention all 9 Hillary delegates showed but only 23 Obama so there were 4 open seats. There were no alternates present from the Obama team but 4 from the Hillary team. All 4 Hillary alternates were able to fill the open seats that the Obama members did not represent. We thought yeah big win for us. So the strategizing begins. 2 of the 4 converted delegates were not very participative and were making strange comments and behaving unenthusiastically almost to the point that it was uncomfortable. It was time for the converted delegates to go up and change their status from alternate to delegate. the 2 people who were acting strange went up and received their delegate card then went straight to the Obama group. Everyone is entitled to vote how they choose but these 2 people sat in our strategy session and knew how we planned to vote, led us to believe they were voting for HIllary and supporting Hillary and then went over to the Obama team and told them our plan. This is just wrong. The good thing is that we had enough people to win one state delegate seat out of three avaialble to our precinct, but this just angers me. I cant believe those two people sat and spyed on what we were doing then jumped ship to go tell what we planned to do. This, to me, is just down right dirty. We all carefully observed their behavior after they switched and it was obvious that it was a planned move.
The delegate chair was an Obama supporter. she refused to have a vote process that was equal to both candidates. we had to nominate 6 people from each group to be voted on for the state delegate spots. We made a motion to vote on a clinton nominee, then an Obama nominee, then a clinton, then an obama. This way there was no chance that strategies could be changed after the voting process had begun. The Obama people refused to do this and rejected the motion. They made the Hillary supporters vote first, then they changed their strategy after we voted. One of their supporters told our convention captain they would be voting 10, 10, 5..which meant that we would win an alternate spot with the way we voted in addition to 1 delegate spot. After we voted, they changed their strategy to 7, 7, 6, 5 to push out our chances of winning an alternate. It was so obvious of the strategy change when they huddled up in a group and said plan B. unbelievable. This is not a type of politics I will support. I know that we as democrats need to unite when the nomination is finally made, but I just wont support these types of tactics and all I see from the Obama team is this type of dirty deeds. I just cant vote for him if he gets the nomination and stand behind my decision to just not vote at all should he win.
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3 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Why am I not surprised. Of course again Obama will deny any part of these underhand tactics. Thank you reinforcing my opinion that Obama's supporters/volunteers become IMO less than honorable every day.
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I have to admit that the process you describe is somewhat confusing but if there was some wrong doing or any breaking of the rules then you should report it to the proper authorities of the DNC. There should be representatives from Clinton and Obama there to make sure there is no wrong doing if I understand the Caucus properly.
I don't really understand how 2 Obama supporters could infiltrate your group because I believe the individual campaigns appoint these people but if there was something done unethical I would report it to the DNC. If they had a better voting strategy I don't think you have much of an argument but if there was something going on under the table then you probably do.
I support Obama but in no way support any sort of arm twisting to get a vote. Obama can beat Senator Clinton fair and square and if there was something sinister going on I think you should report it even though I very much want Obama to defeat Clinton.
@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
30 Mar 08
It is a very confusing process. I dont know why Texas has this caucus...a simple primary would have been ok. The 2 people who posed as Hillary supporters had signed up to be Hillary Alternates but in fact were Obama people. They even went to the meetings that were held previous to the caucus. I spoke to our precinct chair last night and explained to him what happened. We both agreed that it was foul play..he is an Obama supporter...but we also both agreed that the ultimate outcome...we wont 1 delegate was the better prize than pulling an alternate spot. He was unaware of why the couple did what they did and I genuinely believe him. We will not file a complaint with the DNC but we both agreed that we want better things for our precinct and have decided to work together for the betterment of our area.
@jormins (1223)
• United States
31 Mar 08
That is pretty hardcore for an Obama supporter to infiltrate like that. If I understand the process right (I'm so glad we don't have caucuses in Illinois) these people voted for Sen. Clinton at the original caucus and convinced the other Clinton supporters to name them as alternate delegates (from what I understand only the most loyal supporters get chosen as delegates) with this infiltration in mind from the beginning.
I would report it to the DNC I think if I were in your shoes. I think if these primaries in any way look bogus in any way (like the Super Delegate problem) many voters will be turned away and McCain will be our next Pres. equaling no Iraq withdrawal and I think even a chance we attack Iran in the near future.
@bond0077 (375)
31 Mar 08
this will unfortunately be how obama will run the country as president,a lot like nixon!very under handed!i am not surprised by this obama after all is from a culture where under handedness is the norm!doing what it takes to win at all cost!cut corners,do things the easy not the best way and if he should become president America's high standard will go way down!obama claims that he is best suited to represent the both the whites and blacks and even all other minorities,yet i find blacks when they see a half black and half white or other minorities,they consider that person black or more black than anything else!so i wonder how he plans to be black when he is with a black group or white when he is with a white group?because i am sorry obama i think this makes you more segrating than united but what an ego to think you are the one to do that!
@jormins (1223)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I hope you don't take offense 0077 but how does this is any way reflect how Obama will run the country? A lot like Nixon? While I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure Obama was on a bus in Pennsylvania and does not have some master plan of deceit to destroy us all.
While its true our high standard is tough to keep considering the great job George W Bush has done, I think Obama will be just fine. It seems like you have much more of a fixation on race than the majority of the country. Choose the best candidate not the best white guy, black guy, woman, etc. Listen to Obama's latest speech on race and perhaps you'll learn something.
While perhaps in the 60's you would be a majority. I am very glad in the current era how far our country has come. I can't wait for the best person regardless of gender or race is elected to be our next President.
@bond0077 (375)
2 Apr 08
jormin did u read asuniqueasu's experience at the hand of obama people?u r the most nieve supporter i have ever come across!don't think if someone is under handed during an election he MIGHT be the same once he is in office?like say richard nixon?by the way jormin there are far worse things a president can do than george w bush has already done!how about start the third world war?what if obama becomes president, remove the troops from irag too early?allowing the terrorists to grow into a more letal organized force,aquiring nukes for instance would that not be worse than what bush has done?obama is nieve in thinking he can just use talk to solve the world's peace problems!don't you think?