Expecting a bundle of joy!

United States
March 30, 2008 7:20am CST
Okay so the reason I haven't been up here lately is that I found out that I am expecting a little one. This will be my third child. I am so excited. But on top of that I lost my job because of lack of experience which they knew I just graduated from school and only worked at one other place before them. That was so a crap of bull. But I am over that. Thankfully my husband got a raise, a bonus, and a promotion the same day that I got fired. We are both excited to receive our little one. We are due December 4th, 2008. I found out way early about the pregnancy but it's my last one so I will enjoy every bit of the pregnancy and more. :) What's going to be so ruff about this baby is that the other two kids have a different dad. Though they see my husband as a father figure they still go away every other weekend to there biological father. But I guess that will come as time goes. If anyone has any advice on how to approach that conversation with the two I have now and the one that is due when the time comes. I would greatly appreciate it. I know that my two now will ask why isn't the baby coming with us. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
3 responses
@fredgame (1260)
• China
30 Mar 08
i think since they know their biological father and they visit him. the best thing to do is tell them the child will grow to follow them though it has it's own father. they should be handled as well to feel at home and since they take your husband as their father it's the best respect. it might be a little while before they know what they should do, where to go. good luck and safe delivery.
• United States
30 Mar 08
Thank you! I'm just nervous on how the two I have now will react to having to leave there new sibling behind.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Congratulations! The conversation will probably be surprisingly easy. Just tell them that you and your husband are having a baby of your own together now. I bet they'll understand. I'm divorced and had more children with someone else and my first kids were fine with it.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Mar 08
first, grats on the new baby!! i think in the beginning when the baby is little IF hey ask why he/she doesnt go with them, you can just tell them he/she is too young to go. you didnt mention how old yer other two are, but if they are very young, itll also boost their "im a big kid" confidence a bit. when the child is older.. if you and yer ex get along well, i dont see any reason why yer third child couldnt once in a while go with them. ive known lots of people with the extended ex/step/etc families that include half siblings who are very involved with each other, and it works out very well. good luck and grats again!