When did your kids start walking?
@vera5d (4005)
United States
March 30, 2008 9:09am CST
I am really starting to worry about my daughter...she is 7 months old now and already standing on her own!
most parents would probaby be happy about this but i am so worried because she is so small (she's only 14 lbs! - in the 4th % of the babies her age!) so when she falls down she starts crying or gets hurt...the poor girl already has a big scratch on her nose she did to herself after falling in her playpen on one of her seemingly harmless toys!
my son did not even start crawling until about now - she can already scoot around the whole house faster than we can chase her! he wasn't walking until about a year or so...my daughter's pediatrician made a bet with me she will be walking by her 9 month check up!
I am not ready for an early walker!!
So when did your kids start walking? if they were early walkers did you try to slow it down or did you encourage it?
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31 responses
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
30 Mar 08
One of my children walked at 9 months. The other walked at 23 months. It's something they do when they are ready. I wouldn't have tried slowing my early one down. He was ready to do it so he did it. I'm sure once your daughter gets the hang of it, she won't fall so much. I honestly don't think you can slow it down unless you keep her tied down in a buggy for the next 6 months!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
30 Mar 08
my daughters were both right around a year old when they started walking. my son is 8 months old now and he is still trying to figure out how to crawl. whew, he's 20 lbs too compared to your 14 lol. I wouldn't try to slow her down, you'll just have to try to limit the falls lol. its not going to be easy. We had a little boy in daycare that moved through his milestones quick. he rolled over at 2 months, crawled by 4 months and was walking by 6-7 months. his poor little legs were bent out for awhile from him walking so early. but they straighted out fine.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
it is hard to keep her safe, that's for sure. people can't believe how old she is when we tell them - they all think she is 4-5 months old!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
31 Mar 08
i do not have kids. but we have kid at home. it is my niece who started standing at 10 months. i think as your daughter is not first child, she is bit matured. it is said so that second one is more matured. may be thats why she is trying it. but i understand the concern. but its hard to cj=heck her.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
that is what they say - the baby sees the older kid running around and wants to join in for the fun!
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
30 Mar 08
My daughter started walking when she was around eleven months old. I didn't try to slow her down or anything like that though. She did give me quite the workout because I had to chase her around the house constantly and if I didn't she had this curious nature that would get her into all sorts of trouble if I wasn't paying attention. She really kept me on my toes for quite a while.
@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I'm jealous! My seven month old JUST started to sit up on her own steadily. She can't stand on her own but she'll hang on to things. I get the feeling my little one will start walking later than most babies. Oh well. I wouldn't worry if I were you though. Let her do what comes naturally to her.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Enjoy that she is staying in one place for now :) In a month or two she'll be speed racing across the floor, lol. It sounds like she is right on target actually - that is when my son started to sit up!
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
30 Mar 08
I wouldn't worry (though it's impossible not to worry
). She will get the hang of it and won't fall down so much. My son was 14 months old when he started really walking on his own. He was cruising and standing alone long before that, but he just didn't want to take those steps until he was good and ready. I would say just make one room in your house as baby-proof as possible, put gates in the doorways, and let her go! Don't forget to cushion corners of tables. My son fell and hit one once- poor baby. It was a soft corner, but I felt so bad.
Believe it or not, I saw on the news last year a baby who was 6 months old and walking everywhere. He looked so much older because he was walking.

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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Sure is crazy to see the little ones walking so soon!
We have tried to baby proof as much as possible...we don't even have a coffee table, lol...The hardest part is little specks of crumbs and such she somehow finds and sticks straight in her mouth!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Apr 08
My daughter and then her daughter (my granddaughter) both walked when they were about 7 months old. They were also tiny ity bity things. It was so cute seeing something so tiny walking. My son walked a few days after turning 1, same as the grandkids. You won't be able to stop her from doing what she wants, all you can do is try to protect her in case of falls. There will be falls and bumps on the head, no matter what you do.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I would encourage her to walk. Baby proof everything that could harm her like sharp corners and toys. My sons were both walking by 10 months. Not very well but well enough to get where they were going with only falling a few times.
The more you encourage and help her the better she will get. Praise her for walking. I know its scary for you being she is small but dont make her stop. Shes not going to. She is developing faster than normal child. Which is wonderfull.
Just make sure to lock the cupboards she can get into and close the toilet or the bathroom door. A baby can drownd in the toilet. There head is heavier than there body and once its in there they can get out. Just a tip. Maybe since you are woried you could designate a room for her to be in and learn without getting hurt. Gate off the living room and get rid of everything she could get hurt on. Then let her at it. You know she will be safe and she will get all the practice she needs.
~May The Kisses Of An Angel Cover And Protect You Always~ Copper

@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Your welcome. As far as the tv and lamps go tell her NO Touch in a stern voice and remove her from it. Give her something to play with to distract her from it. After a few times she will understand. Good luck to you!
Thank you for the best response!!!
~May The Kisses Of An Angel Cover And Protect You Always!~ Copper

@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
we've so far gotten her 2 playpens...she will only stay in them for about a half hour though before she gets mad and wants to be free :)
those are good tips for baby proofing...i am going to have to get some different things...our house is very tiny so it's hard for her to get too far - i just worry about the tvs and lamps and that type of thing the most...
we have just about everything else child proofed because my 5 year old likes to get into everything too.
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@castratton (139)
• United States
30 Mar 08
My first son was a late walker he was a bit over 1 y/o when he took his first steps. Our youngest is just a few days short of being 6 months old and he will pull himself up while holding onto our hands. I hope he isn't going to be too early. I remember how much more work was involved in following my first son around when he first started to walk. But my second son just seems so intent on getting up and following my older son around. My advice would be to only put plush toys in the playpen with her because I don't think there is anyway to get them to stop standing once they've started. And I believe bumps and scrapes are all part of the process, she shouldn't get seriously injured from trying out her legs. Good luck with everything.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
you're right about once they learn how to stand they don't stop! so far she hasn't gotten hurt seriously - but even her just crashing into the side of crib makes me sad :(
@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Wow that's really young! You know, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It sounds to me like she's ready for it (or else she wouldn't be pulling up yet,) so don't worry too much about it. 14 lbs is really small for a 7 month old though!
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
she's teeny...but growing each month so the docs don't worry too much :)
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
31 Mar 08
Hi vera
I've got three children. My first took her first steps three days before her first birthday... it was so funny because it was so deliberate. She stood herself up then looked at her feet with this look of utter concentration on her face then picked up her right foot, screwed up her little face and stepped forward. Then she did the same with her left foot then the right again at which she fell over.
My son didn't walk till he was 14 months. He didn't even bother trying. One day he was just standing in the middle of the floor when I held my arms out to him. I expected him to drop to his hands and knees as he usually did, but instead he just walked to me, completely steady on his feet then looked at me with this stare of amazement as if to say 'Oh my goodness,I did it' LOL
My youngest daughter walked at ten months so she was an early walker. Yes, she probably had a few more spills than her older brother and sister but she very quickly steadied up. I encouraged her to walk, to be honest I was proud that she was walking so early.
It's perfectly normal for them to fall on their faces and hurt themselves on toys and furniture etc. Honestly, it's worse for us than for them, we never like to see them get hurt. But for them, once the initial crying is over they forget it very quickly.
All I can suggest is that you try to be on hand for her when she tries to walk. Don't try to hold her back. Babies walk when they're ready and there is nothing you can do to change it. I know you said she's little but babies are a lot tougher than you might think.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
lol, those are great stories about remembering your kid's first steps.
I was lucky to be there when my son took his first step...i was eating ice cream on one couch and he was cruising on the other couch and he saw what i was eating and wanted some...he the couple of steps all the way to where i was sitting so of course i had to let him have a taste, lol.
@jewelenterprises (1996)
• Australia
1 Apr 08
It's the sort of thing we remember though isn't it?
Good one with your son too... great reward :) That's probably EXACTLY what he wanted too :)
@godfrey884 (17)
• United States
30 Mar 08
My first child now 15 yrs old started walking at 9 months old, my daughter now 3 started walking at 15 months old, my second daughter now 2 started walking at a year old, and my last turns 8 months tomorrow and hasn't even started to crawl yet.
When my first started walking at 9 months I did encourage him . I actually thought it was kind of cute to see this little person walking. I look at those pics now and think wow he really was small when he started walking.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
that really goes to show how different each and every baby can be! That is neat that you have kids 14 years apart - I say this because I'm 21 years older than my youngest brother, lol :)
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Both of my children were late walkers. My oldest daughter walked at 15 months and my youngest daughter started walking at 17 months.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I think it is... lol I hear of little 11month olds walking and my oldest was nearly 1 1/2! I have a friend whos son didnt walk until he was 19 or 20 months though but oh well, every child is different. Good luck on if your child walks very soon. it will be fun. :)
@diane711 (8)
• United States
30 Mar 08
My daughter started walking when she was 10 months. She was a small child as well. If I were you, I would let her play with soft toys since it is a concern for you. I was glad my child walked early. I didn't want to try to stop her. She drove me crazy for a little while especially when I was trying to cook. I would put her in the same room with me. If you have a walker, put her in that. It will slow her down. But, I agree with your pediatrician, she probably will be walking by 9 months. I also heard that boys take a little longer than girls walking and potty training.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
It is true, they'll learn to walk sooner or later, i guess its good to get it out of the way...though i was hoping for another month or two of her staying in the same spot i put her, lol!
@nilanym (184)
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
My eldest son who is now 2 years old started walking during his 1st years.. My daughter started walking after a month on her 1st years. She is now 1 year and 2 months old. They can be really unstoppable when they started to walk. We can't stop them. I just watch them carefully if they started to fall down.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
that's pretty much all i can do is babyproof the heck out the house...we were starting to be less careful as my son got older but now it's back to all the safety latches & whatnot!
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
1 Apr 08
My niece had a son two years ago. Because she was young and inexperienced, she wanted him to learn everything quickly and pushed him to learn to walk by the age of nine months. Before his first birthday, he was already running. But the babies in my family are never small. They are always big babies.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
i am the opposite i suppose, i am in no hurry for her to grow up too fast! but the babies they always do what they want to anyways, so i guess it doesn't really matter much!
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
17 Jun 08
My daughter is 9 months now and practically running! She is still on the small side at 15 lbs - the doctors are making us beef her up!
@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
1 Apr 08
My daughter start to walk at the age of one. We encourage her a lot. Babies are all different. SOme start at 9 others are almost 2 years old. I also notice that she was not talking clear but talkative and we don't understand some while the one who is a week younger than her can say a lot of words and translate some word that her parents ask. Answer what's her name while my daughter can answer only her age at the age of 1 year and 9 months.
I don't worry that much because i know that she was still on the stage of developing her different skills.
Maybe if she was already 4 years old and yet not talking.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
some kids are behind with speaking...it can be great once they can tell you what they need or what they want...my brother is only now starting to talk a little more - he's 5 - he had to do a lot of speech therapy and the such.
my son though will yak your ears off if you let him (he's onlt 6 weeks younger than my brother!) - he's been doing this since he was about 2, so i'd say your little one still seems on target!
@joespez (180)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Your pediatrician is probably right so I'd start "baby proofing" very soon. Since I've got 7 kids and they all started around ten months. One was closer to a year. We thought our 10 year old had something wrong with him because when he started crawling he would drag one side of his body. He walks fine now!
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
it is funny how they start scooting around at first!
I could not imagine having 7 kids for a minute - god bless you & your family!!
@teresa95423 (11)
• United States
31 Mar 08
my oldest son is 14yrs old he started waliking at ten months i encouraged it kids will fall and get hurt but they get right back up a liile kiss from mommy makes it better anyway my sons is very athletic i am glad i didn't stop him it will only make her that more independent and stronger when she gets older my son is
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
we are thinking she might have inherited the athletic gene from my hubby - he did everything from track to baseball to swimming, lol.
i was always more like daria and the volleyball net if you ever saw that show, lol.