What Does It Mean?

@AD11RGUY (1265)
United States
March 30, 2008 3:41pm CST
There you are, trolling for discussions that catch your interest. A HA! HERE'S ONE! you think to yourself. You read it, it thoroughly inspires you to respond and so you do. You give it whatever time amount before you go back to see what response the poster has to your response. It's a decently involved subject and you just KNOW that it will bring about some healthy exchange of ideas. Well, you keep checking and all you notice is the number of responses are growing. Most, if not all, are very worthy and topic specific. A week goes by and still nothing from the poster or at best, responses only to the first two or three respondents. You finally give up the daily check. Two weeks later you go back. Still no more responses from the poster yet the poster has picked a best response. So what does it mean when a poster responds to the responses in this manner? Are the un-repsonded to ones not worthy of a response? Was the poster overwhelmed by the number of responses and too shy to admit so? Maybe they're actually a socsh? Any ideas out there? (BTW - To keep in line with what the post is about I won't be responding to any of you.) (J/K)
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15 responses
@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Mar 08
i dont respond to every response on my posts, and usually its because someone else ( or more than one ) has posted the exact same thing or near to, and i dont like just responding with a "thank you for your response" generically to everyone.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Okay, that makes sense. But I haven't noticed the trend you speak of...where others come up with responses you would've to your own post. Something for me to look out for. I am learning quite a bit here. Thanx!
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Oh! Thanks for clearing that up. I would've been looking for years on that one!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Mar 08
not the same things *IVE* said.. but repeatative responses, meaning 3 or 4 people all saying same thing as a response to my original discussion, so i post a reply to one of them.. and thats it, rather than cut & post the same thing to everyone. altho i have been known to simply say "see above ^ "
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Some times that happens to me. I post a discussion and then after a while I feel like I'm answering with the same thing over and over and again and since we cant just answer with thanks for the response I stop answering. I do however give everyone who answers my posts a positive. If I feel like I can answer a post with something different than what i have said before I will answer that one. So in case mine is like everyones elses I understand if you don't answer.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
31 Mar 08
LOL I agree with you after I posted i got to thinking about it and realized I should try harder to make my brain work. Its kinda painful but guess I can handle it. Thanks for opening my eyes and giving me pain lol.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
30 Mar 08
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Couldn't resist. I haven't gone to your profile yet so I am assuming that you get LOTS of responses and thus why you eventually give out pluses. I can see that happening after 2, 3, 4 pages of doing so. It can be tiring. And as to repeatedly repeating yourself, I can understand that too. When I'm stuck with that myself, I resort to some sort of creative way of responding so that the commenter doesn't feel their effort was in vain. Since I get few responses to my posts (and post so few), it is easy for me to achieve this. I just think it's a nice feeling for the human recipient to respond in a humanly recipient way. Kinda adds the warmth to the conversation.
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• United States
31 Mar 08
I'm guessing it means some people are not trying to engage in discussion as much as they want to boost their earnings. Comments never seem to add to earnings directly, only indirectly. Therefore, I think those who start oodles of threads without responding are short sightedly trying to raise their earnings. This is as if anything you did would make the money worthwhile, which is not possible!
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
"This is as if anything you did would make the money worthwhile, which is not possible!" You win the grand prize for the most accurate fiscal assessment of myLot! Here is your .00015 cents! ENJOY! I'm really beginning to think you're right about this. But just how much effort raises enough $$ to make it seem worthy to these select folks? I've got nothing against watching water run through a sieve. I could watch that all day. But if I'm using it as a container for refreshment, I'd at least look around for duct tape. And when I see nothing around, I'd go to find a container that doesn't have holes in it, keeping the sieve for it's entertainment value. But then again, I'm WEIRD.
• United States
31 Mar 08
I've often wondered the same thing, but can be guilty of letting a comment sit for weeks before responding. That is often due to the fact that I'm either not in the mood or not ready for something that is going to cause me to go into depth, or whatever the case may be. Of course, I have read many of your comments/responses, and frankly, I think you often present points that folks find a little too close to home or irrefutable. Some folks won't debate, they'll ignore. Other than that, I can only think of rudeness or laziness for an excuse...like you said, an over abundance of responses can seem overwhelming. Great to see ya after such a long time :D
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• United States
5 Apr 08
HOFLMAO!! Seriously tho, Sire, you should make thine point into a full discussion. I bet it would get some serious feedback. It probably won't change anything, but that small boost of cash could mean the difference in getting a payout or waiting a month. Besides, who would ever dream of interacting in a forum. Particularly to respond to answer to a question the poster asked. Conversate? Online? In a paid forum? Insanity, I tell you. It would never work, Sire.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
DIVA!! (Bowing in a most honoring fashion ) Understood skipping some. But neglecting the remainder of say only 10 after answering the first 1, 2 or 3 is what gels my diesel. I realize there are some posts that have endless responses to them and of course I expect to see a diminishing number of responses from the host. But when the number is low, I, the foolish and naive one, think the host would be happy to respond. Why else ask a question? But I suppose the rules require that, and thusly that is why their post ends with one. Maybe we need another rule: "If you are not looking for responses and/or intend not to respond to any responses, please leave a postscript saying so. Some people might think you seriously want to interact with them, especially if you are on their 'friends' list." What do you think? (Oh wait a minute! That should be a post! Ah heck! Just missed out on some valuable cash here! Wait! This is a postscript! What was I suppose to say here?! Wait! Where am I? Dorothy? Dorothy who? [rrrarf!])
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
30 Mar 08
It can happen like that sometimes and no matter how many times we go back to check there has been no reply to what should have been many responses to. So we plod on doing what we do best and live in hope that as time goes by there is somebody alive out there that will spark up a response and make the ball start rolling.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Yeah, but it is so frustrating. It's like talking to someone in person and they never say anything back. Sure, we're typing here and there's all different schedules, time zones, etc. But still we are communicating with another person and it is normal for that other person to respond to us. So waiting for some commenter to get the ball rolling again seems to be disheartening cuz it is the poster that we wanted to hear back from. But good thought anyways. Sometimes the commenters are better than the posters.
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
31 Mar 08
I guess so as there are some who have thier lights on but there is no one there or maybe thier lift does not go all the way to the top.
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• Canada
31 Mar 08
I don't always reply to the replies in my topic if I am not inspired to reply, or if I feel that I can not reply with something of a quality worthy response. It is nothing personal to the replier at all. But if I feel that the reply I am making is just for the sake of repliying then I do not reply.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
31 Mar 08
That's a fair and honest policy. But ever so rarely do I have a response that doesn't inspire a response from me. Yet I learn more! Thank you for your comment!
• Canada
31 Mar 08
If Someone replies with one line or all I can think of to reply with is "thanks for the post" i generally do not reply. It drives me absoutly nuts when I get email notifications as to a reply from my response and it's "thanks for the post".
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Well, my problem is not that I do not care about what others have to say. I do try and get in and read the responses people have given in here and choose a Best Response, etc. when I can. Part of the issue for me though is time... I work Full time and so some days I am hardly in here at all. I am really Far behind in choosing Best Response, etc. for a lot of my discussions and really need to get working on it. Part of the isssue for me as well, is I like to pay back the people who respond back to me, and check out and respond back to one of their discussions as well, especially when it is someone quite active here, or on my Friends list. These are just some of my thoughts.
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Thanks for the insight. But even still, it sounds like you do respond to a number of respondents before you quit all together, vs. only 1- 3 and then 2 weeks later select a best response. I know all of us have other things to do that take us away for a long while sometimes. But most people still respond to most responses and that's what I've gotten used to. I don't need an internet connection to type my thoughts about a topic on a computer. I need the connection so I can connect with other people. I know - I'm a weirdo.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
31 Mar 08
I post very few discussions and get very few answers so I can and will respond to all. Lately I have noticed that for a year now I have been responding to a lot of discussions that interested me and yet certain people have not once acknowledged my response, even though I am a regular contributor to their discussions. Some are on my friends list some are not. It does make me wonder if my responses are so dull, so devoid of any useful information, or even unwanted. What does this mean? Honestly I don't know. So now I am concentrating more on discussions with no responses or new users discussions.
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I know the feeling! Ditto for the most part on all you said here. I have regularly gone to the unanswered and new discussion sections looking to broaden my horizon, so to speak. I really enjoy this site and the money means nothing to me. What I've made over the last 6 months here might get me 2 cups of Starbuck's - yeah, that's worth sweating over! I just figure everyone else with more than 50 or so posts has also figured this out and is here for the conversation. Dumb, dumb me!
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
Okay.. i think if the owner of the discussion is not able to come back to his discussion to give comments and or thanks to those who rsponded to him/her i think it doesnt mean that those who got "ignored" are not worthy of his time and effort. It could just be as simple as - (1) he has not yet checked on his own discussion (2) he grew tired of giving responses, as he know there are too many of them that he needs to acknowledge (3) he doesnt care what we think about him, he is just here to post, reply, start discussion, reply, earn. :)
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Number 1 I might buy, but after 2 weeks or more, I would think they would've checked. Number 2 is a reality when there's more than, I say, 30 responses. I mean, c'mon - 2 weeks to type only 30 something or others to show appreciation for one responding to the post? I don't think that's asking too much. But now number 3 seems to hit home. I'm beginning to think that's what's going on here. But the pay is so infinitesimal, I can't see putting so much effort into it. Kinda like greasing a climbing rope. Yeah, you still can climb but at what cost?
@subha12 (18441)
• India
31 Mar 08
i think if you set your email notification for the comment, you will be nitified with email after you get the comment from the poster.i have seen if for a discussion the poster get many many responses, then its difficult for him to answer all.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Oh, I'm not expecting all to be answered if there are many responses. That would be insane. But when there are 25 or less responses, I don't think it's too much to ask to respond to that few over the course of a couple of weeks. I've already done the e-mail notification thing and it SWAMPED my inbox with every lil response to anything I've been part of. So it's now easier to just go through the site to look for responses to my comments. Oy Vey!
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
Well,sometimes people just have no time to respond to responses but they are not being rude about it. I do that but when I have time I respond to all of it. I read the responses everyone gives me but I am really just so busy at times and I do really want to respond to all. So I am really sorry if some of you wait on me but I really do appreciate all the responses even though it's a negative one and some kinda rude. Thanks everyone.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I understand running out of time to respond. But responding to only 1 - 3 out of say 10 or more somehow just looks rude. Like picking favorites or something similar. It would seem more acceptable if the BR was picked from one of the ones that the host responded to. But when it's # 9 for instance, it comes across as 9 comments being read but only 3 worth responding to. That's what irks me.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I have no idea what they are thinking when they do this. Could be that they are overwhelmed, could be lazy, could just be worried about making those few cents? Who knows. I love responses as much as the next person but I don't go back and check on my discussions a bunch of times (the ones I answer, not the ones I start). I have my notifications on so I can get an email when I get a comment back. I know for me, sometimes I just run out of responses before I feel like I am just repeating myself. I do try my best to rspond to everyone that comments on my discussions; I don't start many because I want all of them to get the attention they deserve. I would rather not get any response than have the same carbon copy response as the 12 people who posted before me.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I'm pretty much the same way about posting. I feel if someone made the effort to tell me something about what I wrote, they at least deserve some sort of acknowledgment. And that's why I check on my responses to others' posts. I feel, un-arrogantly, that I am worth SOME sort of response. And no, it doesn't have to be a nice one. Just something to let me know they got my message - yeah, maybe even a carbon copy response. Thank you for responding. Have a blessed life. Thank you for responding. Take care! Thank you for responding. May the fleas of a thousand camels sleep in your bed tonight. At least it's something!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
2 Apr 08
It means that they have gotten busy with other posts. It also may meaan they have their email notification from mylot turned off. If they eventually pick a best response, then they at least read peoples posts. It jujst isn't in their mylot plan to respond to ever post. Only guessing here.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Mar 08
I do not really know but I know that I get behind in spite of everthing and have to work like the devil to catch up and it is not because I do not appreciate the responses I get it is just that I got behind and am going to respond just as soon as I have some time
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
30 Mar 08
Catching up is one thing. That I understand and it is obvious when the poster is doing so. What I'm talking about is the complete lack of response other than they picked a best response sometime after the first batch of responders ended. That's what gets me. No attempt to respond. And you know they've been there since you commented. Seems insincere at the very least.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
2 Apr 08
i do take it lightly as the one which is catchy to me may not be same for others...
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