Grocery Cart Types...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
March 31, 2008 1:59am CST
In the old days when you went to the general store for your supplies, you told the clerk, he collected it all and it was put in a box for you to take home. If you had a lot of things they’d help you load your car or truck. Some stores still have stock boys that will take your cart out to the parking lot, put your items in the car and take the carts back in for you.
These days you take your own cart…more often then not only 3 of the 4 wheels are working…push it to your car, put everything in your car and then do one of 4 things:
You look for a stall to stick your cart in…it’s usually a row or two away.
You take it all the way back in the store hoping no one steals your groceries while your gone.
You look for a non-existing stock boy that might be getting carts from the stalls to take yours.
Or you try to park it next to a pole and hope it doesn’t roll into someone’s car.
I generally do the stall…I hate hiking around the parking lot looking for one and am always worried I’m gonna get hit but it’s still easier and safer than the other choices. My Mom is a pole leaner. She parks her’s by a pole and hopes it stays there. My Brother insists on taking it back inside every time.
I’ve seen some parents that let their kids take them to the stalls or back inside and there is nothing worse than a rambunctious kid with a metal basket on wheels running wild and not looking where they are going.
I wish we still had those great old general stores…seems like they were so much nicer.
So, what type are you? Do you let your kid run around with them? Have you ever run into anyone’s car with one?
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27 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I do one of 2 things, place it into the stall or I take it back into the store..And no, I never allow my kids to crazily push a cart..My 5 y/o is too young still, but when he gets older, he can do that job by himself, for now, he helps me push it..
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I always take mine to a stall that some stores have just for the carts. I've even taken other ppls' carts there as well so they aren't blowing wild round the parking lot to hit someone or a car. Aldi's has the best concept. Pay a quarter for a cart and get it back when you return the cart to where they have them next to the store. I realllllllly wish all stores would adopt that concept. It would virtually elminate the cart chashers, therefore, saving the store money and hopefully save us money down the line.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Aldi's has the best concept for the carts. As some one else said that it cost you a quarter to get the cart then when you put the cart back you get your quarter back. We have one chain of grocery stores that the bag boys are expected to take your groceries out to your car. even with all the problems that carts create I don't want to go back to the days when the clerk behind the counter put the groceries out for you. They didn't have the choices we have today. Then again maybe we have too many choices.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I think it's too many choices...I mean I can go to the store and they have 8 kinds of fruit's all basically the same...the only differences is the price, the packaging and the size. The same applies to just about everything. I think I'd still like the old ways.
Thanks for responding!!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Apr 08
I never thought of it because I don't have a car but when I have been in one you are absolutely right,
when I go to the grocery store, I take my cart get to the counter tell them I am taking a taxi and the boy brings the cart out to the taxi and I tip him and returns with the cart to the grocery store. Or I ask for a delivery and the pack the stuff and I get a receipt and I don't see it until I get home.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
10 Apr 08
If I had kids, no I would not let my child run around with a shopping cart because they're too small and could get hit by a car. When we have our God kids for the summer, they don't run around the store inside or out because they know it's not tolerated by hubby and I. The oldest is old enough to return the cart however the two younger ones have to do a little bit of growing before I'd let them return a cart.
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@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I always try to park close where ya return the carts to. If ya leave them in the parking lot and if the wind is blowing hard enough it can make the cart go into someones car and scratch it up
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I have to tell you- I loved this discussion. Ever since I’ve been old enough to remember- I can’t remember ever having someone from the store come load your car for you with your groceries. Yes I’ve seen this happen this day—“helping hands” it is called in the stores- usually for people with disabilities, or the elderly- or even a mom with a lot of young kids. I think it’s a great service that the stores offer.
I am the type that will take my cart back to the cart corral. I won’t leave it in the parking lot- I think that it is rude… you never know if a big wind gust will smash the cart into someone’s vehicle. My daughter is 11- so a lot of times she will take the cart back to the corral. She is careful though : )
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Where I shop for work, you need a quarter to get a cart and most of the time the carts do end up in the stalls.
But when the weather gets bad, people don't care about the quarter so the carts are all over. The other night, it was like a video game, their is a slope in the parking lot where I shop and carts were just flying down the parking lot crashing into car. As I was driving away, I had to dodge the carts and since I was driving my employers van...I had to be doubly careful.
Consider I was shopping for 4 big guys, I would need most of the staff to help me carry out those groceries.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I take my cart back to the store most times. There is usally a spot in front of the car park area where we can leave them for the boys to collect. I don't let my 5 year old son take our cart back for any reason so either I do it or my husband. If it's too far to walk then I look for the nearest stall to place the cart in.
I don't like it when others just leave them on the side and not even bother. It's dangerous even if they think they have placed it so it doesn't roll. It isn't that hard to wheel back the trolley to the nearest stand or the store.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Adding to your list- if you opt to take it back to the store or a stall & you have small children; you also make a choice if you want to leave them in the car for those 30 seconds alone or if you want them skipping through the parking lot for another minute while you worry about crazy drivers.
I do not remember days when the grocer helped you gather your items, but I remember when bringing it to your car was standard practice. It seems like a small service that is truly helpful to customers, and more stores should consider re-instating those policies.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
8 Apr 08
There are cart areas clearly marked that are quite large in our parking lots. If I will be buying enough groceries to need a cart, I park next to one of the cart areas so I can return it easily. I put my groceries in the trunk so I never have to worry about someone stealing them or I put them in my car and lock the car.
No I don't have any children, but the people who do and let their kids run into people should get into trouble. They could hurt someone.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Apr 08
My kid is grown up but about parking grocery carts listen to this I was waiting outside my favorite grocery store for a taxicab and the wind was blowing really hard. while I watched one cart then another and then two more carts went scooting across the parking lots just missing cars and one stopped in front of a car and the driver had to slam on his brakes. these carts had not been properly parked at all. wow what a mess.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I always take them to the stalls I hate when people leave them just any where and have had our car hit with them and they leave dents and scatches on your car but by the time it has hit no one is in site.
Would be nice to have the mom and pop stores back. They had so much better meat and ya could tell them how ya wanted it cut not now ya take what they have packaged and ya pay some for them packageing like at Wal-mart or Albertsons!
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
31 Mar 08
Well hmmmm, ummm I never bring them back to the store.... not since my back is so bad. What I will do is bring one in with me from the parking lot if one is near the car... I feel I am at least helping someone, knowing that they will have to bring my cart in later. I can't walk very far so I usually use the electric cart once I am in the store..if they are available. If I do use one..which is most of the time. I will ride it out to the car, empty it and then ride it back to the store, walking to my car.
The grocery store in our town however has bag boys and They take the groceries to the car and load them if they would just come home with us to bring them in the house and put them away. I used to have the groceries delivered from "Peapod" when I worked in the last group home. The ladies were getting older and couldn't really shop anymore so I would have them delivered and they could help put them away. It worked out really well, I was impressed with the quality of products we got. I have tried in vein to do it at Mother insists you have to go to the store,,they can't be
Blessed Be, Mari
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I always push the cart back to the stall they have for the carts.I never leave the cart out so it can be hit by cars or hit cars.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
1 Apr 08
And this is one of the good things about living in a rural area. I generally am able to park next to a stall...most helpful with the kids. LOL I actually do it more because of the kids than because I care about the cart...see if I'm parked right next to the stall(and this really only applies in the winter) I can put the kids straight into the car before they freeze, then load the groceries and put the cart back all without being more than 3 feet from the car.
If I can't park near a depends on the weather. On a cold windy day I'll leave it right there in the middle of the parking lot. Getting the kids out of the cold is more important than the cart or what could happen if it rolls (I mean stores just need to put more stalls around in the winter so peole aren't hiking halfway across the parking lot!)..of course I try not to even leave the house if it's that bad but sometimes I have no choice.
During the summer I don't care where I park. I'll drop the groceries off, roll the windows down and return the cart with the kids with me.
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
31 Mar 08
I usually try to park my car near the cart stall, so it is easier to return, depending on where I'm parked I will put it in a cart stall or walk it back up to the store. I always feel bad for the people who have to collect the carts, so I try to help a bit.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
31 Mar 08
One of the grocery stores that I go to fairly often the bagger always asks me if I need help out to my car. I have never asked for help though. I always do it myself. I would say that 99% of the time I put the cart back in the cart return when I am done unloading. I occasionally let my son return it. He is very careful about steering it when he does it, so damaging someones car is not an issue with him.
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