Does anyone here watch Paradise hotel2 ???

United States
March 31, 2008 9:36am CST
I am hooked on a new show on fox reality called paradise hotel 2 I didn't even know about #1 but oh well..This show is pretty good it just comes on a little to late 1:00 am here in Ohio. But it has a lot of twist and turns that I like on a reality show. Do you watch it and what are your thoughts on it. I'll be watching tonight and get back on here with up dates and what I thought of this weeks episode. Thanks for your time.
2 responses
• Canada
8 Jun 08
I loved the first Paradise Hotel and have been waiting on tether hooks for a second season to be released. Sadly, I don't think it lived up to the awesomeness of the first season. There were so many things lacking - studio audience/participation for one, more episodes, more relationships/hook-ups. And I didn't especially like the contestants. I don't think I could sympathize for any of them. They were all quite self-involved. Which, I suppose, to participate in a reality tv show, you have to be. There were also too little episodes. This was over in like 16 episodes - that's not enough time to really get the crazy going! Regardless, I watched and enjoyed PH2 for what it was, but I really pine away for the days of PH1.
@anewlevel (173)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I'm a fan of Paradise Hotel 2 as well. The first season of Paradise Hotel was on tv in the summer of 2003 and it was awesome. I was so excited when I heard that the show was coming back this year. Even though I am enjoying this season, there was one thing I liked better about the first season. I seem to remember that there were certain times when people from a studio audience were chosen to be contestants on the show. That was an interesting twist that they appear to have eliminated this time around. Overall though, I love the show and will be staying tuned.