What are your thoughts on abortion?

United States
April 1, 2008 8:40am CST
A friend of mine had come to me and told me that his gf had an abortion. He is having a hard time coping with the loss of his child BUT he still loves his girlfriend. They are trying to get past this.. I don't believe in abortions. They have never been an option for me, and I have a hard time relating to others who have decided on them. This girl was 10 weeks pregnant and claimed that the baby would of been retarded anyways. To me, this sounds like an excuse and is very selfish. My thoughts may of been influenced by my own hormones. I recently found out that I'm pregnant and I'm not even as far along as she was, and I couldn't do it. Am I the only one that feels this way?
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15 responses
@roxanne271 (2034)
• Trinidad And Tobago
1 Apr 08
I believe abortion is a big and personal decision. Its interesting that you should say what the girl did was selfish and I can't say I agree or disagree. I really don't have any real view on what she did. But a friend of mine who is significantly older than I am, never had kids and we got around to discussing the topic the other night because at this age I have already decided that I don't want kids *ever* Now, I know it actually sounds selfish to not wanting kids, but I don't want the responsibility to be honest. Okay, so I got off topic here, sorry. Back to abortions. I think they can be justified if a girl was raped and got pregnant in that way cause it can be really traumatic for her. Now, if you got pregnant from "being careless" and you don't want the baby...well I think maybe you can either abort it, because maybe you know you won't be able to care for the child in the proper manner or if you know that this child is going to be neglected or abused. it might be better not to have it. Now the other option is to have the child and give him/her to an adoption agency where they can find a better family, which I think is a good option but can sometimes be a bad experience for the child. Honestly, I can't say what I would do if I were in her position. Because I do everything to ensure that I won't ever have to deal with that type of situation.
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• South Africa
1 Apr 08
I am strongly against abortion.. From as early as 6 weeks there is a heartbeat.. so I believe it is murder.
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@p_vadla (1685)
• India
1 Apr 08
Unless medically required, they should not be encouraged. Our education should be such it prevents such exigencies.
• United States
1 Apr 08
I feel the exact same way. :-) She had other options but she didn't educate herself with them. We always have choices. It was an unfair decision of her and she's the one that's going to have to live with it.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
2 Apr 08
My personal opinion is that abortion should be illegal and immoral except in cases of pregnancy by rape, or for medical reasons when the mother's life is in danger due to the pregnancy.
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@Annmac (949)
3 Apr 08
No many people think abortion is wrong! At least on non-medical grounds. I myself refused an abortion that was recommended on medical grounds. I weighed up the pros and cons very carefully and decided to go ahead and I was lucky and had a small but perfect baby! I'm also a care-worker for the Disabled and know what parents face. I feel strongly that on medical grounds no-one should be made to feel guilty if they abort to save their lives or feel they are not strong enough to cope with a disability! If they choose abortion just because they were careless with contraception then it's the selfish act of murder! If they do it without consulting the father it's very selfish! No-one seems to care if they want the baby and could care for it. No-one really understands when life begins and to me, once I'm far enough on to know I'm pregnant it's a baby! Realistically I know that they are not fully formed and that nature could 'abort' the pregnancy without me knowing, but it still feels like a baby! After the first 16 weeks it is a baby and not just a blob of cells. If I'd chosen the abortion I know I'd have lived with the regret, I lost a baby by miscarriage and one at 3 months old and I think about them BOTH even after 30+ years. I had no choice in them being taken but I'm not sure I could live with the guilt if I'd made that choice for them!
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Abortion is a very strange subject. In the US we are schizophrenic about it. Let me explain. In the US, you can have an abortion for any reason. You can even be a minor and get one without parental permission. But if you have a headache at school, you can not get an aspirin. so you can have minor surgery but not a headache remedy. Remember Scott Peterson? He was charge with 2 counts of murder. One for his wife Lacy and one for their unborn child. Now if Lacy would have had an abortion it would have been ok. But since Scott killed the baby it was murder. I have to wonder if he was a licensed doctor, would he still have been charged with the murder of the baby. If you disturb an eagles egg so that the mother abandons it and it doesn't hatch, that is a crime because the eagle is an endangered species. But if you abort your baby at the same gestation age, it is ok. In the US we all seem to agree that abortion should not be encouraged and that, as Hilary Clinton said, "They should be safe, legal and rare". In the US there were approximately 1.2 million abortions in 2005. Of these 1% were because of rape and incest combined. 3% were due to the health of the baby. And 6% were for the health of the mother. (These numbers are approximate since the sources I used varied a bit in their percentages due to what conditions they included in each category. I used the higher numbers. They may in fact be lower. They all agreed on the 1% for rape and incest.) So 10% of all abortions were due to these extenuating circumstances. 10% equals 120,000, so 1,080,000 abortions were basically for the convenience of the mother. That is a heck of a lot of abortions. They may get safe and legal, but they sure are not rare.
• United States
2 Apr 08
It does not mean the stats are wrong. If you have any desire to do so, you can check them out for yourself at a variety of sources from the AMA, to the Guttmacher Institute which is affiliated with Planned Parenthood (I have references to their affiliation but I have not had the time to verify that. So I may be wrong about that connection.) What it means is that I used a poor example. But something else that you posted makes an implication that is false. Planned Parenthoods website explains the different types of abortions available and at what point in the pregnancy they can be performed. According to their website, abortions can be performed up to the 24th weeks of pregnancy. After that they can only be performed for 'serious' medical conditions. As to the viability of the fetus/baby, it is hard to find hard facts on this since both sides of this debate adjust the numbers to suit their agenda. Planned Parenthood says that viability begin around the 23rd week. The NY Times provides documentation that there have been cases of babies being born at 20 weeks that have developed into healthy children. So it seems that viability is not really a concern for those seeking abortions. My only concern here is that we speak of facts and not propaganda. Everything that I have posted can be verified if one is so inclined. I did not post the links because they are quite lengthy and I still can not copy and paste. I simple search of the sources I provided will confirm them. If fact I even pointed out the facts that were unclear.
@sisco100 (2338)
• United States
2 Apr 08
personally i think its wrong unless it happens in the first 3 weeks of birth
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• India
2 Apr 08
No you are not the only one and abortion does have its pros and cons. In case of this lady, it was definitely very stupid on her part to go for abortion this late and selfish too, to think that the baby would have been retarded. Wonder why she thought that? In any case, abortion should no longer be an option with so many contraceptive options available for both partners. I don’t think women should be expected to carry the child even if they don’t want to, its been very very selfish on part of society towards women for centuries and so the advantages that medical science has to offer in terms of avoiding pregnancy, should be availed of now. Be pregnant only when you want to and are physically and mentally ready for it, otherwise go for contraception.
• United States
2 Apr 08
I dont believe in abortions either. My wife and I cant have any kids because of physical stuff and we really want kids. When I hear of women getting abortions it really makes me mad. I think that if they did not want the child at least they could give birth and then put it up for adoption so those people who cant have any kids could adopt a child. Your not the only one that feels this way.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
2 Apr 08
abortion- i do not really support this., i think this can be only consider when there is a threat of life. otherwise it is just equivalent to murder.no you are not only one taht feels so.
@bintil (86)
• Indonesia
2 Apr 08
i disagree abortion, i can tolerate for medical purpose only.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Apr 08
I think most of all, it should be the mother's decision. She must have enough reasons to make a decision about it. And nobody should blame her decision. In fact nobody wants to have an abortion, it is a very sad decision. But sometimes life is not easy. And we have to be understanding to her decision. All we have to do is to comfort her and support her and tell her to be careful in the future and not to make the same mistake again.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Apr 08
i personally could not do it but I am very strong on freedom of choice. what is right for me is not necessarily right for someone else. About your story...I do feel the fathers should have some say in the matter....it is after all their child too. I know it is the womans body and all that but still....it is their child too. there should be some compromise here. Abortion done after the first trimester is nothing short of murder...it is ugly and should be illegal unless the mother's health is at risk.
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Oh yes I am SO with you on this one. I hate abortions. I do not believe in them. I can see if my life was in danger and I had a great risk of loosing my life... they yes. But other then that NO! Even rape to me is an excuse. People say well I dont want to raise this baby. Give it up then. Or that guy could have had a disease. Well if he did you have it already. And being retarted...? I do not think they would know at just 10 weeks. That's usually determained around 20-25 weeks when they start testing for those things. I am sorry your friend feels this way. But it is her decision and theres nothing people can do but there should be laws out there preventing this murder! That is exactly what I consider it too. Those are little humans and their dying left and right. I completely support you.
• India
2 Apr 08
Abortion ? Well It's Their Personal Decision ! But killing A Baby ! Well It'S An Murder & MURDER IS CRIME !
@chazsgirl (256)
• United States
2 Apr 08
sometimes things happen that you have no control over and life takes alot out of you and I think fopr certain circumstances you have the right to choose what you do with your life and your unborn childs life! I am against those trashy women that get several as a form of birth control as I know ortho-tri cyclen's generic- tri-ness is only $30.00 get that instead of paying $400-$600 and having a lifetime of hurt.