Bumps And Scratching In The Night... Whoo-hooo Goes There?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 1, 2008 11:08am CST
Just once or twice before, when trying to get off to sleep, I've heard scratching, and slight thuds, like cardboard boxes being dropped. At first, I thought the curtains in my bedroom were blowing, and pulling across a box which was on the chest of drawers, but on checking, it wasn't that, so I put it down to the birds I have in the eaves above my window.
Then, last night, or in the early hours of the morning, I went off to bed, and wrapped the duvet around me, to halfway up my head, so my ears were covered. I'd been lying there about three to five minutes when I heard this loud scratching and scraping together with little, intermittent thuds, as before, but quite a bit louder. Again, it was windy, so I checked the curtains, and they weren't blowing, so, I climbed back into bed. Two minutes, and it started again, but more fervent. Now, at first, I'd thought it was the birds, but this was more near the centre of the bedroom ceiling, so mice came to mind, but it was far too loud and too heavy a creature to be a mouse. It sounded loud enough for a cat! I took my walking stick from beside the bed and banged on the ceiling... lol. For a brief moment, the sound stopped, but then, started again, and went on and on like this until it was almost light outside. The birds were singing, so I ruled them right out, and had rejected the thought of mice long before. I took my stick once again, and banged really hard on the ceiling, after which, I didn't hear the sound again.
So what was it, do you think? I've never had rats, and I fail to see how they would get up there, but the workmen and working outside my place, renewing the sewage pipes and storm drains, so maybe they disturbed some rats, and they somehow made their way in? I don't know. Could be bats, as there are many of them around here, but I don't think they'd be scratching at the floor. Then, there's my regular owl, but that seems a bit far fetched. Or, it could be a squirrel, I guess. The trouble is, with my knee, I can't get up the ladder to the attic, and although I have a light up there, I have to reach my hand out in the dark, for the switch.
One thing's for sure... I can't handle this every night. So what do you think it might be, and how should I go about finding out and eliminating the problem? Should I call in one of the workmen in his hard hat, or the council pest control? It might not be a rat at all. I do receive other "visitors" from time to time, and the moon is dark right now. Hellllllllllp. I need some opinions and advice, in order to get some sleep at night. 

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12 responses
@littleowl (7157)
1 Apr 08
hello darwing my deear friend-as we know not all is as it seems-firstly get someone to look in your loft just to make sure there is nothing there-but if there isn't then as you may already know it could be one of your visitors-they could be doing it to annoy or get your attention to something-try talking to them-i have thisproblem at times with mine and boy do i get angry
- bright blessings litteowl

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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 08
No, that's for sure in this case. I think there's a possibility it's some impish spirit, trying to play pranks on me. After all, it was 1st April when I went to bed!
Also, I had a week or so, when every time I tried to sleep, possibly the same impish spirit, kept tugging gently at my hair, or tapping me lightly, once, on the top of my head. I talk to them all the time, and I'm not afraid of them as the seem to be friendly, but I really did think this was an animal... still, you never know, because as you say.. all is not as it seems.. and perhaps if I respond, they'll stop.
Thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. It's nice to know there are a few who understand about the spirits, whom I can talk freely with. Brightest Blessings. xxx

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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Apr 08
Oh, how sweet. They probably didn't want you to be late setting out for the West Country... you never know, they may have been making sure you were safe in your travel and missed and accident or something. Do you live in the same house they did?
However, back to me... I have almost made a firm decision now about my "intruder". I think I have a pet owl. For almost two years, I would hear an owl hooting out front, every night, at between 2.30 and 3 in the morning.
I haven't heard it now for over a week now I think about it, but I was sitting here at the computer early one morning... at about 3 a.m. I think. In this room, I have my sacred space, for when the weather is bad and I can't get out. I have one east-facing window and one, small north-facing window. In the bedroom, I have one west-facing window and the same size, small, north-facing window. All of a sudden, there was a loud, fluttering noise and what sounded like pieces of grit, falling on the windowsill. It startled me, because I thought a bird had got in the open window during the day and perhaps been shut in, when I closed all the windows. So, I took a look behind the curtain... nothing. As I sat back down, I heard the noise again, and just put it down to one of the birds who roost in my eaves. But... those birds are martins and sparrows, and this was far too loud through a closed window, to be either of those. It kind of hit against the window and sounded pretty heavy. That happened once more, about a week later.
Then the other night, after I'd banged on the ceiling loudly with my stick, I heard that same sound outside my bedroom window. The next night at about 3 a.m. I heard it again, and it was definitely a feathered creature. The flapping sound, was followed by a scratching sound as though it was pushing itself up through the eaves. So... being there are not many heavy birds that fly at night, I'm assuming I have a pet owl. If I'm right... that's quite a sign, my friend!
@littleowl (7157)
3 Apr 08
darkwing that is lovely to have a pet owl is a blessing and as you say ha
s a lot of meaning-i hope it will be alright in the eaves and have food to eat-do you think you will get someone to look up there for you? it would be lovely if you have got one
no i dont live in the same house as my grand parents did but i know they are always with me and have been told so by quite a few mediums when i have had readings-as you say whoever it was that woke me us up that morning didn't want us to be late-i cannot recall if there was something that went wrong on the train line but it was sweet of them to be so gentle-though it was enough to scare my friend off from staying again! bright blessings littleowl

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I was thinking owl when ya first started never thought about a rat (could be) but they dont really scatch and bump.If it kept up I think I would ask the workman to come look as you cant get up there.
And Bats have sonar so I dont think they would scatch and bump!
HUgs and goo d luck!
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 08
It's something winged, I'm now convinced. I heard it fluttering and scratching above my small window last night, at about 3.15 a.m. To be flying at night, even if it were to a roosting place, it has to be an owl, or a bat.
In this case, I'm not too bothered about it, as the owl comforts me, and the bat won't do any serious harm. It did sound too heavy and feathery for a bat, however, so my mind wandered. There was another little incident here last night, that made me think it might be something spiritual. I'm not really scared of it, whatever it is, but it would give me comfort to know, as you can imagine. The thing that remains is whether it's a small owl, or a larger one, and whether it can get its head through a space in the eaves. There is an owl around here, which I hear hooting at between 2.30 and 3.00 a.m. almost every night, but it's been quiet for a while, so whoooo..hooo knows?
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
3 Apr 08
Yes, I think it could be some sort of sign, or message. Waning Moon, north wall, then eaves to the west of the house. Hmmmmmm. That's the same wall I had a vision once, in my bedroom. I won't freak you out by telling you about it, but I do believe it's an owl and it's not stuck but visits every night, or early morning. Time will tell, my friend.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr 08
I don't know if you have sorted it yet but can you not call your Son to go up there and take a look
It seems a bit strange and I have to admit I would have had it checked the next Day, well you know me I am a Wimp
Hope you have it sorted and it is not driving you mad any more
Love and Hugs xxxxxx

@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 08
Without venturing up there, I've drawn the conclusion that I might have a pet Barn Owl. I hear the wings flapping, and it's not a light bird, then scraping and bits of grit or something falling as though it's entering under the eaves. It happens between 3 and 4 in the morning, and has done for almost two weeks now.
I've ruled out the pesky rodents for the time being, at least. Love and hugs. xxx
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
1 Apr 08
Do not beat about the bush my friend. Call out the council or enviromental health NOW!
They are legally responsible to see to your concerns and MUST look to see what the problem is and report thier findings.
Your peice of mind should be uppermost in thier thoughts for you.
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 08
I think I've fathomed what is is, my friend, and if I'm right, I doubt there's anything permanently up there.
Actually, I'm getting a bit spooked here tonight. It must be nearly time for bed. lol.
Thank you for your contribution, my dear friend, and Brightest Blessings.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Apr 08
It could be all of the above. I often have those kind of sounds but it doesn't go on as long as yours do. My goats sleep under the house and their horns rub on the floorboards and pipes and things. We don't take much notice because we are used to it now. Maybe you just have to get used to it. Try some white noise like a radio playing softly. I hope you find your way back to your sleeping place. Hugs to you friend. (((((Darkwing))))))
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
I'm sleeping fine now, thank you, my friend. I'm more or less convinced it was a barn owl, and it was spiritual, as since I realised what it was, I haven't heard the sound. It was at the time of the dark moon that it stopped too, which is quite significant to me.
All's well that ends well, my friend. Thank you for your contribution and Brightest Blessings. x
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@mummymo (23706)
3 Apr 08
Awww poor Darkwing! If I were you I would ask one of the workmen to have a look for you - I ma sure they would help if you explained the situation! It could be any one of the examples you gave but I don't think I could rest til I knew what it was! Good Luck I hope you get it sorted and get a decent sleep!xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
4 Apr 08
I've tended to lie awake and listen, my friend. I hear the flapping of wings, then a scratching noise and bits of gravel or cement or something falling. This makes me think it might be a Barn Owl. There was an owl, came out front every single night, hooting, at between 2.30 and 3 in the morning, but I haven't heard it for a good couple of weeks. This sound is also around 3 in the morning, and I've tied the two together. I don't hear anything earlier but I feel it might leave at dusk to hunt, and return at 3 to roost. I'm still not completely sure, but as I've said before in responses... time will tell.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 08
Offer him a little something for his trouble? Oooops, that came out wrong, my dear friend!
I think I'll wait to see if it happens again tonight before I ask somebody to go up. I'm sure one of the workmen or a neighbour would go up for me, but I doubt they'll see anything other than perhaps droppings, or nibbled boxes, as I'm convinced that whatever it is, is between the floorboards and ceiling which gap is full of fibreglass insulation.
Nooooooo, it's not an April Fool stunt. I posted after twelve noon, and I'm not scared of whatever it is, just irritated. I can't sleep through it, and I can't get up to see what it is, and that irritates me.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for your contribution. xxx

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@weemam (13372)
1 Apr 08
Lol pal it did sound bad :) . I should have said offer him a fee , is that better , :) . Most men are only 2 pleased to help a damsel in distresss , They would be a lot more able to help you , The thing or whatever it may be would be long gone before anyone came from our council to have a look , They take forever , good luck pal xx
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I do not know what kind of wildlife you have in your area. In my area the possibilities would be a raccoon, possum, or squirrel. My bet would be on the raccoon, Do you have those, or any of their relatives in your area/ They are nocturnal.

@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I think of owls as being too large to do that, but then again, it would need to be something large to make that much noise. I know there are some kind of small owls as well.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Do you have any nice neighbors Darkwing? I would get someone up there pronto because I would be scared to sleep another wink after hearing all that noise. I hate little scratches and noises and I don't think I would be getting much sleep after the first night of hearing it LOL
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 08
I have lots of nice neighbours my friend, even though some of them are too old or incapable to get up there. lol. I'm not exactly scared... it irritates me more than anything, that I don't know what it is and can't get it to stop making a noise so I can get some sleep.
I think I'll give it tonight, and see what happens. It could be anything or nothing, I guess. Maybe when I banged with my stick, hard, I frightened it away. I just remembered about a flapping noise I heard a couple of times, outside my small, dining room window in the early hours. I put it down to being a bird, trying to get up into the eaves to nest... it had a few attempts. It was trying to enter the area where I know there's a wasp's nest, or there was last year, so it just dawned on me that it may well have been a bat. What do you think? Do you think the Queen Wasp might still be there, and giving off vibes to a bat?
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. xx
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Rats and squirrels can do a lot of damage, but its really up to you - Since you hurt you knee I'd let someone else do the searching. If you could get up there, the chances of actually touching anything, besides a sleeping bat
are slim...
I'd let someone else do it tho, you need your rest to get the knee better.

@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 08
Yes, you're right... I couldn't possibly get up the ladder anyway, because my knee wouldn't take it. If it happens again tonight, I'll ask either a workmen or neighbour if they'll take a look tomorrow. That's if I don't fall asleep before it happens.
I think it might be something between the attic floorboards and the ceiling, because the scratching was not on wood; it sounded like the other side of the ceiling. Then again, that space is filled with fibreglass insulation, so goodness knows what would have gotten under there, and indeed, whether we'll be able to find it. I feel that eventually, I'm going to have to get them to set traps, or something. I like to use the "humane" traps but no way would that hold a rat, if that's what it is. lol.
Thank you for your contribution Elic, and Brightest Blessings.

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@DESMASTER2007 (1130)
• United States
2 Apr 08
All I say is just be careful. That does not sound to good. I do think that would be so ignoring hearing noise. I like to sleep peacefully not noisefully. So I know what you mean on that one. But I hope that you will find a solution very soon.
@Darkwing (21583)
2 Apr 08
Thank you for your advice Des... it's much appreciated. I think I've more or less worked out what it is, in that I can hear it fluttering, under the eaves, so for the moment, at least, I've ruled out rodents. Now, I just have to find out which type of winged creature it is. lol.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for our contribution.
@bmwgem (34)
1 Apr 08
i suggest that either yourself or a workman go into the roof to see if you can see any evidence of a rat and if so get the pest controllers in. Alternatively check the history of your house and possibly get a medium in to see if it's anything of another nature!! You could possibly have a new housemate of a different kind!
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@Darkwing (21583)
1 Apr 08
Yes, I think I'll have to get somebody to go up, whether a workman or a neighbour, to seek evidence of rodent presence.
I know my flat is full of spirits, but thus far, they have been harmless. There was only one thing that alarmed me, that happened in the same room... my bedroom. I have a board over the opening to the fireplace in there because I don't use a fire in the bedroom for obvious reasons. One night, not too long after I'd gone to bed, there were three, loud knocks on this board. Then, quiet for a few minutes, and three more loud knocks, until it had happened three times in all. Nothing happened afterwards, but I couldn't sleep, got up and switched on my computer. I've had several "visits" in that room... or mainly in that room. I'm not afraid of them though... and I've told them so. I am Wiccan anyway, and I have protection around me, and certain spaces of my home, so I don't really need a medium or priest or anything.
I'd just like to know what it is, and how it got there. I'm in an upstairs flat, my stairs are on the inside of the front door, and apart from a couple of field mice and a wasp's nest, I've had no problems before with animals or birds. That's why I asked for suggestions in here.
Thank you for your contribution my friend, and Brightest Blessings.