Personality versus Game Play...
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
April 1, 2008 2:31pm CST
Natalie has been saying that if she is in the Jury at the end of the game, she will be voting for the person who treated her the best. Great! Never mind the person who played the game best. Let it all be personal.
If you were in the Big Brother house and you didn't make it to the final two, how would you vote? Would you vote with your heart or with your head? Would your vote go to the person who played the hardest and the best or would you vote for the person who yelled at you the least? The person who didn't get out your non-boyfriend boyfriend kicked out?
I would do my best to vote with my head and vote for the person who played the hardest and work the hardest at getting where they are. Basically, if it is Natalie's way and she is forced to choose between James who played his butt off to get where he got, or Sheila who didn't win a single competition and only made it to the end because no one was afraid of her and they figured she wouldn't end up in the end anyway...she would choose Sheila.
Who would you choose in that case?
You know I would choose Sheila!
Just kidding! I would choose James!
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10 responses
@starr4all (2863)
1 Apr 08
I'm sorry but Natalies a frakking idiot! I would vote with my head. I would vote for the person who actually played the game. Won some of the games and made moves when needed. Being nice and all is good outside of the house, but this isn't a game of who is the nicest. It's of who can play the best game and make it to the end. Personally, I would love to have james and josh at the end. They've both been playing the game and not been floaters. I don't want natalie, sheila, or sharon to win either. I don't think they have deserved it.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I agree! I mean, I guess I can see playing with your heart but, I am more inclined to play with my head. I don't want someone who was afraid to make a move that might disrupt the house in an effort to further themselves in the game. That is why I really want James to win. He has ticked me off a few times but, I was his biggest supporter when he took Matt down. Yes...he went against his word but, he took the opportunity when he had it and I can't fault him for that. Who knows what being a the nice guy would have gotten him if he got rid of someone over Matt his week in HOH. He may not be in the house anymore. But, he is and that says something.
I also like Josh. I wouldn't mind seeing him and James up against one another in the end. I would rather she Josh and James together than James and anyone else as, I have liked them both along the way.
I will hate it if I see Sharon and Sheila in the end. I might throw something at my TV. No floaters should ever win this game. EVER!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Apr 08
jlcook, I do sort of see your point. But, he and Sharon did win one HOH so, he hasn't been a complete floater. He has used Sharon as a shield but, that is sort of what gives him good game. To actually be able to manipulate another person into getting the HOH to put them up on the block instead of him...that is impressive. Not exactly ethical...or moral...but, good nonetheless! LOL!

@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I'd probably vote for who I liked the best. That's the thing about this game. I respect people more if they make it to the end without stabbing me in the back! Others will vote for the person who stabbed them in the back b/c they will say it was a good move, but I won't.
Sheila and James are equally annoying to me so I'd have to think about that one :-D But overall, I would remember how James/Chelsea were jerks to people at times, even if it was mostly Chelsea, and I wouldn't want him to win.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
10 Apr 08
That's another thing about this game too... people can vote how they want! If someone wants to go based on pure game play, that's their prerogative. If others do it based on who they like the best, that's their choice too.
That's why the smartest way to play is by making a lot of friends while still scheming your way to the top.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Yeah I know everyone in this house has done things like that. Sharon does seem to be a really straight up person. After hearing her family last night and seeing all those more personal scenes of her, she really does seem MORE religious than Natalie except she's not crying it from the rooftops! She's the respectful kind of religious. Natalie is the.... religious b/c of the situation kind of religious.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I can see that. In my case, if I were in the house, I think I would have gotten along with James but, you never know. I liked him but, can't be sure he would think I was someone he could get along with.
But, as far as who was a jerk as opposed to who was nice, I would have to say that the only person who has been respectful of others has been Sharon. She has managed to say minimal bad things about others. And, really, nothing bad. More like "We need to get him/her out of here" which is pretty vanilla as far as what can be said in the house.
But, with respect to Sheila versus James, James was outwardly vocal about his feelings. He said it right to someone's face. Sheila sort of talked smack behind people's backs. So, that is a tough call.
And, it unfortunately doesn't matter anyway since James is gone. 

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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I would vote for whoever played the game the best. Shiela and Sharon are just cruising, they haven't done much. But then that might be part of their strategy to just cruise and not make any waves. I surly hope that Nat doesn't win, she can get on your nerves. She is better since Matt left but she still gets on my nerves. My vote would go to Ryan, then James, then Adam, Shiela, Natalie and last Sharon. I am so glad that Josh is out of there, I did not like him one bit.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Now that you said something about Nat talking about God all the time. She does, yesturday when she was saying that God was going to help her win. I found myself saying, I don't think God is one bit worried or concerned about who is going to win this game. Natalies voice gets on my nerves and the fact that she thinks she is all that does too. Ryan has been such a gentlemen throughout the game. He has been winning and has played a good game. James has been playing hard too, like they have said before he has 9 lives. If he was in the final 2, he would deserve to win. I think at the first opportunity the other houseguest will vote him out, they are afraid of him, he is a strong player.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I agree that I don't want to see either Sheila or Sharon win. I might be able to believe that Sharon's strategy is to skate but, I don't think Sheila actually has a strategy. I think she isn't very skillful and can't win anything. LOL!
I don't really think Natalie has been better since Matt got the boot. Since Matt left, she doesn't have him to stalk anymore in the house so, she has turned to stalking God. She can't stop talking about him, talking to him, saying he talks to her and saying that God will help her win the game. She is a hypocrite. She just annoys the fedge out of me! LOL!
I liked Josh but, he had moments that made me annoyed.
I just can't get on board with cheering Ryan on. I don't hate him, I just don't totally like him either. If James leaves...which I think he will, I will no longer have a person to cheer for. He has played the game he hardest and the best. I guess, Adam would be the one who has played the next hardest. Then Natalie and Ryan might be tied but, I would rather see Ryan win it over Natalie. Sharon and Sheila are just useless.

@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
1 Apr 08
Well id choose with my heart. I think treating people with respect is a good trait to have. Plus no offense but I dont like James much. Then again I dont like any of the HGs right now they all bug me lol. Yet im so addicted im still watching.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
1 Apr 08
LOL! I think treating people with respect is a good trait also! But, that is hard to find in the BB house. And, I have had moments where I wanted to wash my hands of James. But, he reels me back in with each next word. I just think that there is still this deep down, caring and nurturing guy and, perhaps it harkens back to when he jumped right in and took care of Amanda. There is just something about him that is more than his exterior and more than the way he plays the game.
But, I can appreciate that you would choose with your heart! There have probably been times where I would have voted with my heart as well!
@jlcook (166)
• United States
1 Apr 08
James can be confusing, like you said one minute jumps in there and helps out Amanda, and then the next he is doing something that makes you shake your head. He has lied just like the rest of the people in that house. hopefully Ryan and James will make it to the final two. Maybe they should get into an alliance.
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@jlcook (166)
• United States
1 Apr 08
First off, I wouldn't vote for Sheila if she were the only person left.......I would choose a person based on strategy, and how they played in the competitions. Even if I met someone there who was my "soul-mate" I would see if that person actually played the game, or just rode on everyones coattails the way Sharon has been doing. I like Ryan, he has gotten off the block 3 times, has won head of household comps, and has used major strategy in the house. He just needs to get away from Natalie, to her is like nails on a chalkboard.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
1 Apr 08
If I had to pick a wienner (yes I spelled that right) it would have to be Ryan hes played a good game yet managed to treat people with respect for the most part.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
1 Apr 08
I like Ryan...sometimes! LOL! I have always liked that he keeps a pretty level head in the game. That is an unusual trait in a BB HG. And, he has done well as far as the competitions. So, I wouldn't mind seeing him and James in the final 2. I would still probably want James to win it if it were the two of them simply because he has been my favorite practically from the start. However, there have been moments where I wanted to wash my hands of him. So, while I want James to win it, if Ryan won it over James, I would not be terribly upset about it.
And, Amen...yup! I said it! LOL! Natalie's voice kills me. Seriously...I just thought about this. And, here is a random thought. I seriously don't even know why this thought popped into my head when I thought about a way to describe how annoying her voice is but, here it is: Her voice actually could be used as Birth Control. LOL!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
2 Apr 08
James is playing is butt off and if he makes it to the final 2 no question he should win it. Look how many times they have put him on the block, and then has taken himself off the block. If they wanted him out of the house they should of kepted him out and voted the mystery guest back in. They really messed with Nat's head cause Josh told her to vote for him. It's their own fault. Shelia is the whinest one out there. Come on "your voting me out?" I am no threat to you. Blah blah blah. Grow woman your 45 frigin years old. IT'S A GAME!! Your going to be voted for cause you don't win any comp or have wone anything. Oh wait you got the unitard. She needs to go home next week and hope that she does. PUT HER ON THE BLOCK AND SEND HER HOME!!!!!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Sheila is an idiot! She seems to have adopted the game plan of "not a threat". What the fedge kind of game plan is that? None! So, you aren't a threat! That doesn't mean you should stay in the game and win it!
And, you are right! James is playing his butt off. He does deserve to win. He fights to stay in that house every single week. So, for any one of those hgs to say that James doesn't deserve to be there...frankly...they couldn't be more wrong!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
2 Apr 08
If you ask me she is a threat. That's the thing with Big Brother. Ok mind you she has never won anything. I think sometimes she does try but not very hard to say the least. The only other person that I see that has tried in this game is Ryan. He has won some things and has tried. It's just the luck of the draw. As James said in his speech last night. You have to want it that bad. ED even said that.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Well in that case—I would choose James as well…. But James is my favorite player. I’m not sure exactly how I would vote if I were in the house- I’m guessing I would vote with my “heart”- I’m that type of person…. Who do I like best ~ who do I think needs it most- then vote.
I do think that James is playing the best game- and I hope he wins HOH this week… so that he can stay longer- or I hope that Sharon or Josh (whichever is left in the house) wins HOH--- I think James would be safe then too. Then again James plays best when he is fighting for his life-
We all know that Natalie is a wacko--- and she will vote with her heart- She wants James gone- because he took out Matty.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I would like to think that I could separate the game from my heart if I were in the house. But, it is hard to say. Easier sitting on the sidelines just watching. LOL!
My hope is that somehow James can pull off a miracle and manage to talk the hgs into keeping him over Sheila between now and the live vote. But, I doubt it. We are never that lucky! LOL!
@AmyKay618 (129)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I think that emotions get the best of everyone in the house but for most people, they would end up voting with their heads/brains (if they have one! lol). I think that spending time in sequester gives their emotions time to heal and think more clearly. James is definitely playing hard to stay in the game and he is a huge threat to the others. If he makes it to the final 2, he would be the one to win if everyone voted with their head. Sheila has skated through this game by playing both sides and hasn't won a competition so it would be hard to give her a vote to win. Natalie is a strong player but lets her heart lead the way most of the time. Adam and Ryan need to step it up and start winning competitions if they want to get the votes in the end.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I totally agree AmyKay! And, BTW...nice to see you! I was worried about you! I haven't seen you around for a while!
I am looking forward to tonight's eviction and competition. I am completely thrown as to who they are going to vote out. One second it is Josh, the next Sharon...and back and forth all week long. They have really confused me this week.
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I never watched big brother before. Actually i had no idea what this post was about but just saw you as the person who asked it and thought hey! i haven't seen any of her discussions in awhile!
So since I can't offer any useful opinion or vote about this I thought I'd at least drop by and say hi!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Hello vera5d! LOL! Thank you for dropping by! And, you should watch Big Brother one of these seasons! It is so fun to root for the ones you like and throw hate at the ones you don't! LOL! It is very addictive as you might see from the others that have responded to my discussion. LOL!
Anyway, thank you for stopping by! It was good to see you!
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I'm an emotional person, so I would choose with my heart instead of my head. As much as I hate to say it, revenge would be worth more to me at that point. In the scenario you placed, I would pick Sheila because James get's under my skin and I'm not even in the house! Another reason is her kids. If I didn't win the money for my own family, I would want it to help another family.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I'm a pretty emotional person too. I think it might be hard for me to separate my emotions from the game as well. I actually have found myself to be a bit of a hypocrite while watching this show. I wanted James to get his revenge on Matt and send him home while also seeing that he needed to get him out when he could because Matt was a threat as he was good at manipulating people. He wasn't necessarily a strong player but, he was good at puppeting people. But, now that James is probably going to be gone, I am ticked off. I don't want him gone. I understand the need to have him evicted because he is a strong player and a huge threat to the others. But, I feel like they are also hiding behind revenge as a reason to get rid of him and that is ticking me off. See...I am a hypocrite. LOL!
I would still pick James over Sheila regardless of her son. I think she has used her son as a ploy to get sympathy too much in the house and that bothers me. We all have families. Unless you are a millionaire, we all need money. So, to try to say you need it more than the other hgs is crap. Everyone in that house could use the $500k or $50k. She has just found a very specific way to pull at heart strings by saying she needs it for her son.
But, I do appreciate your point of view and thank you for your response!