why why why?

United States
April 1, 2008 8:09pm CST
Okay time to complain.....as some of you know I am at least 3 months pregnant mabey more and had no health insurance so have yet to see a doctor. Well I now have insurance yippeee. Well I called to schedule an appointment and well they said because im so far along they would have to find a doctor willing to take my case. I mean this is silly you would think they would want to get me in as soon as possible not stall like this. Im gonna call a different clinic tomarrow because I dont think I like this place. I mean I am literally just a case number too them. Im surprized they even asked my name. So what is wrong with the medical profession these days? Or is this mabey just a one time issue? Please feel free to share your stories or opinions. Oh I feel better thanks for reading my whiny complaint.
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22 responses
• United States
2 Apr 08
its a sad day in america when insurance companies will not allow you there service because your to sick......i realized that when i was checking into some insurance companies that certain illnesses you already have stop you from getting health insurance some even turn you down for being to fat lol money is certainly the root of all evil and it seems were all just another case number or statistic...
2 people like this
• United States
2 Apr 08
The sad part is I have insurance its the doctors that are declining to take me as a patient. I mean this is driving me insane I got insurance they will get their darn money take my case. Its not like im high risk or anything.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Good advice thanks I will try but I am a woman so its not that easy to just relax we live for stress lol.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 08
well good luck i certainly hope things work out but in todays society who knows even life itself seems to be a toss up....im sure things will work out though just be patient getting aggravated only makes things worse
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Yay!!! That is great you got insurance. I think you are right to consider finding another clinic. The one you called obviously will not have your best interest in mind. I hope you find a clinic that you just love very soon. How is the pregnancy going? Still having morning sickness?
2 people like this
• United States
2 Apr 08
I got an appointment monday at a different clinic I will have to start a post to let everyone know I guess lol. The pregnancy is going good I still get sick ever so often but its much better. Now I just need my energy level back thanks for asking.
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• United States
4 Apr 08
The morning sickness has gotten better now I just wish I could get my energy level back to normal lol.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
2 Apr 08
That's great. Your energy should come back during your 2nd trimester.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 08
That is just terrible they can't do that it does not matter how many Months you are pregnant this is terrible do they not realize that they are playing with a Life here? I hope you find somewhere Minnie Here in the UK that would not happen
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• United States
4 Apr 08
Yeah well they tried to call me 3 days later to say they could get me in to see a doc in a few weeks I laughed. I thought the larger clinic would be able to get me in fast but no the smaller clinic I called with only one OB got me on Monday.
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@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Wow! I know how terrible insurance can be. Believe me. When I was pregnant with my daughter, they sure tried to make it as complicated as possible and then they'd get frustrated with me. It's all a very long, and confusing process. Hopefully you can get into a doctor as soon as possible!!!
• United States
2 Apr 08
Well it wasnt even my insurance it was just the stupid clinic but its all good im gonna see a doc on monday. thanks
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@jeseravi (337)
6 Apr 08
I've heard of this happening before, just because doctors like working from the beggining, (it saves a lot of time that way) But I don't know why they would need to find a doctor for your case, because they usually only say that if you're over 6 months into pregnancy...
2 people like this
• United States
8 Apr 08
Yeah well I went to a new clinic and got in right away. It took the clinic over 2 days too get back to me and tell me one of the doctors was willing to take me but couldnt see me for 2 weeks whatever I told them I found someone else.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
2 Apr 08
Congrats Minnie! It is against the law for any Hosp. to refuse a patient but they don't want to tell you this. They also have emergency funds for the poor that will pay everything if you tell them that..another thing they won't say and it has nothing to do with medicade. Since you have insurance really you are worse off then someone without cause of what you are going through now.They either won't take you or your Insurance for odd reasons?? Boggles the mind of How behind we are here in the Great usa??
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Thanks. Well it wasnt a hospital so Im guessing its different for them but whatever I found a new clinic that didnt care one bit i even told the full truth that I could be almost 5 months along and they just wanted to get me in faster. Im not poor my hubby just forgot to add me when we got married so we had to wait till open enrollment. Although sometimes i feel like i am poor but by Minnesota guidelines i am not poor i guess. But thats not much a family of 3 has to make less then $600 a month to qualify as poor.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
2 Apr 08
When you call the next doctor's office, don't include that you know you are at least 3 months pregnant, tell them you don't know how far along you are. Then when you are already at the appointment, tell the doctor when your last period was. Let their offices do the math. Congradulations on your pregnancy. I hope everything works out.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Well I called a different clinic anf they have no problem with my due date they just have to find me a doctor that has an opening for me. But they said they will refer me to a specialist if they need to. Much more help then the 1st place but still a waiting game.
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Good, glad to hear it. Good luck with your new doctor.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Apr 08
MOst to day one want ya from the start but then to do you have a primary Doctor if you might be high risk they might have to find one that can take you if not they should take you as a pateint any how. Think I only went o doc very few times with my first 3 4th one just went to get a doctor think I saw him 4 time and the last one we werre ttraveling and working away from home So I seen the Doc 2 times and then he was on vacation when I had my last son So another Doctor did the delivery but that was years ago 39 and I wasnt up much on going to Docotors
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Apr 08
yup I would too no use to using a doctor ya dont like!
• United States
2 Apr 08
Yeah well this is my 3rd and well no complications for those two and no issues right now so I cant see the issue. Im going to a different clinic cause this was just dissapointing to me.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Most Dr's prefer having a patient that they have seen since conception actiually so this is kind of normal. But please, they could have least offered another Dr somewhere? Love ya girl. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM DADDY!!~
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Well I called Health partners and they only have one doctor that does prenatal and i was taken no worries except they want to get me in fast. I go Monday at 130 let mom know she will be glad. At this appointment the nurse said they will probly schedule an ultrasound right away.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
2 Apr 08
that sounds really strange to me. When ever I have been pregnant the doctor's would not even consult me (after confirming blood tests were done) until I was at least 12 weeks along... even though I am proven high risk pregnancy. I would call around, too!
2 people like this
• United States
2 Apr 08
I am calling a different place today that clinic can kiss my butt lol.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
I have found that many doctors will not take a new patient after they are past the first trimester (12-13 weeks), yet they will not usually see you for your first visit until that time either. Do you have a GYN you have seen in the past who might be willing to take you in? The only other suggestion I have is to tell them you are not sure how far along you are (you do not remember the date of your last period) and tell them you think you might be about 10 weeks or so. They are probably going to do an ultrasound and will likely adjust your due date based on that, but they will have already accepted you as a patient. I am not one who normally advocates "fudging" the truth with a doctor, but I also know how difficult it can be to find a doctor to take you when you are more than 3 months or so along and pre-natal care is extrememly important for both your baby and your own health. Best wishes to you and congratulations on your pregnancy.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
My past doctor retired sono luck there. I may just have to fudge a little bit cause it is too important. Thanks.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Apr 08
Minnie, I am sorry you are being treated poorly. Health insurance is crap! I don't know why they are treating you that way. What should it matter how far along you are, as long as you are trying to be taken care of. That is ridiculous. I hope you get it worked out!
2 people like this
• United States
2 Apr 08
Thank you i reached another clinic so now im waiting for call backs this bites.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Apr 08
It sounds silly to me also. why not take you in as you are not that far along for heavens sakes. I was about three months along before I went to a doctor and I was not given anyduff about it. of course I was working as a nurses aid and the doctor I went to recognized me as he had some patients at the same hospital. and againthis was a long time back so probably things have changed. But I had no trouble gettingin and seen.
• United States
9 Apr 08
Well I was lucky enough to find a new clinic that would take me and right away so im set now thankfully.
• United States
2 Apr 08
I don't understand this, only because here in RI most doctors don't even see you until 12-13 weeks along. The first time I was pregnant they saw me right away, but this last time I had to wait til 12 weeks and thought that was kind of strange, but when I asked around to friends and on an online parenting community I belong to everyone said they waited til 12-13 weeks as well.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Yeah I thought it was silly. And they still havent called me back but its okay I got an appointment Monday at a different clinic.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
2 Apr 08
I find that hard to understand. My daughter guessed she was pregnant, when she also was doing a lot of other things, and although they had insurance, she did not see a doctor until she was about that far along, and she got into an excellent clinic just about as soon as she checked. I was not really nearby, but from what I heard from her, the care she got in the suburbs of Minneapolis, was excellent.
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Well fairview in Apple Valley MN doesnt seem to want me so im gonna go try a different clinic. Good to hear your daughter got good care and in MN also. Thats good news for me.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
2 Apr 08
I am surprised that you couldn't even see a Doctor with no health insurance. Here in Australia, any pregnant woman can see a Doctor with no health insurance as often as she likes. Now that you have health insurance, why would they be concerned about how far along you are & finding a Doctor? I just dont get your system of mnedical care?
• United States
2 Apr 08
I can see a doctor but im gonna pay dearly for the visit. Our healthcare system here in the US is not the best for sure. Alot of clinincs and doctors have gotten to be so clinical we are just a file too them. I had a good doctor for my first two kids but she retired. Im hoping to get lucky ive been praying to god for help....He got me my insurance so now i just need the doc.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
2 Apr 08
i also think medical profession is just not that much good or noble now. i have seen this casual behaviour of the doctors. i also fail to understnad why they can be so casual with life of people.its just very sad.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Apr 08
It is very sad what the medical perfession has become.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
2 Apr 08
I don't think three months is too far along the pregnancy... some women only discover that they are pregnant during that stage... i think you better go to a different clinic... where one's current condition doesn't matter... Somd doctors are just too picky... and i think this is wrong... when they entered into that profession... it should be no matter what and no matter who...
• United States
2 Apr 08
But now it seems to be all about who will get be the easiest and fastest money.
• United States
2 Apr 08
My solution to being "just another case" with my first child was to see a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) for my third pregnancy. (I miscarried my second.) She spent a good amount of time with prenatal visits not acting like it was a bother if I had questions, and she attends hospital births (my husband insisted on hospital). She has a back-up doctor in case of complications. It was wonderful to get treated like an intelligent human being with rights. (Not that OBs can't do that, but I haven't had that experience.) Not everyone feels comfortable with not having an OB, but most developed countries where midwives do most of the prenatal care and hospital deliveries have better outcomes than the U.S. statistically. And the midwife is there at the hospital (not necessarily always in the room but available) throughout the labor. The nurses all seemed to have great respect for my midwife. If you are high-risk, you will have to see an OB, but you should shop around until you find a good one for you (same with midwives, not all are the same). You should feel like a satisfied customer there, not an inconvenience.
• United States
2 Apr 08
Thanks I will look into that.
• Philippines
2 Apr 08
Doctors nowadays are like that, haha, thy don't really care about others, all they care about are their selves and the people that are in their life... some doctors care so much for others, but only a hand full still remains.. :P
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• United States
2 Apr 08
Yeah I wish my old doc didnt retire she was great. She actually knew me and my family and cared.