short story

April 1, 2008 9:17pm CST
Hi, I wrote this and just wanted to share it and see what people thought. The second hand seemed to be moving unusually slow. Each time I glanced up at the clock it seemed not to have moved. I suppose this was a good thing. As the minute hand moved ever closer to the twelve I was watching my life tick away before my eyes. No one had come to visit me in my final hours. Well, a priest had come, but he didn't have much of a choice. They made him come and try and comfort me in my last hours. My family had disowned me, and I didn't blame them. If my sister had done what I had, I wouldn't want to see her again either. In the time that I had spent here only two others had come to see me: two visitors in three years. The first was my layer, but he wasn't much use. I pleaded guilty and there was nothing more he could do about it. My other visitor was most unexpected. My father's bother came to see me, and I think he was the only one at my execution, apart from the guards of course. But my uncle sympathised with me about my crime. In fact, he was the reason I didn't kill myself in my cell. He came and saw me last week, just after my punishment had been decided. Death, it would be, revenge from the others. Vengeance from the grave. I didn't blame them; I knew it was what I deserved. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth; a life for a life. That was the natural order. That was just the way it went. Not surprisingly, I didn't feel afraid of my death looming before me. I had faced hopelessness and the deep seemingly infinite darkness of despair so many times before. But there was a light that had shined though it all: he was gone and I was in control. I can't remember if I even told my father's brother why I killed him. I guess he will never know. The minute hand had just reached the eleven; five more minutes to go. A guard has just entered my cell, cuffing my hands behind my back, telling me it is time to go. Go where? I wonder. Go to the Death Chamber, the room feared by all the inmates ... except me. That is where I will make my final escape. That is where I will finally be able to escape my life. The executioner takes a strange amount of care with his procedure. He is gengle and even rubs numbing cream into the place the needle will go. He is so kind to me even though I am about to die. I am lying on my Death bed, perfectly healthy in every way. But that injection will change everything. What is known as a device to save people's lives will kill me, but not destroy me. I am dying before they even administer the injection - or did I just not feel it? Everything goes blurry and my eyelids get heavy. I cannot keep my eyes open, so I am left in the darkness. I cannot hear anything, and any sense of smell has vanished. I know I am dying, and I notice that as my breathing slows I begin to feel fainter and fainter until ... I can see them, sombre and silent, taking my body from the Death Chamber. Suddenly I see someone I did not notice before my death. Crying silently, watching my body, I see my uncle. He whispers something that only my dead ears can hear: "I'm sorry for what he did, but now you're free." copyright amymelissa
2 responses
@kuirqs (512)
• Philippines
3 Apr 08
Hello, amymelissa. You have a good premise for a story here. Although may I say that it does have some vague areas to it, that if clarified, could really help your story. One of those areas is, who was killed? A deeper background to the main character could probably help, you don't have to spell out per se who it was the character killed, but could present situations giving a gist of who could have wronged the character so much that he had to be killed. Have you ever joined an online writing community? I've joined one and it has absolutely helped me with my writing. helped me as a writer by having a wonderful community of writers who inspire me with their critiques and support. You can enter your writing of any genre there and have your work critiqued. Also, join contests, forums and sometimes, classes. You can earn cash through some contests and ribbons for some. Virtual money can also be earned by critiquing others' work. Check it out and see how great a site it is. Let me know if you decide to join, I'd love to see you on the site. I'm sure other members will help you and inspire you as well.
• Australia
4 Apr 08
Thanks for your response. I've signed up to that site that you recommended, so I'll see how that goes. I was a member of another site, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to put any of my writing on there as it would probably be deemed inappropriate. And I guess when I wrote this I had a whole back story in mind so I wasn't missing any details myself. But thanks for commenting, I tend to forget that people can't read my mind and get into the head of the character like I can while writing. Thanks for your help.
@kuirqs (512)
• Philippines
4 Apr 08
You're very welcome, amymelissa! An welcome to the One Stop Write Shop! I hope you'll love it there, as I do. There's a Spring Fling Contest now. $3.50 for each entry, $1.50 for additional entries. Maybe you'll decide to join. If not, there are other contests to join just for fun. See you around there too!
• Canada
3 Apr 08
Neat story. You have a good idea there. It needs some work to complete it though. For example, while I guessed that "you" were female, it isn't at all clear. You can add some self-description so that the reader can understand what gender the speaker is. While it is evident that someone was murdered it isn't clear who it was that "you" killed. There is a bit of jumping back and forth such as where you comment that your "father's brother" attended your execution when you had not even arrived at it yet. Also you should use the term "uncle" as it is much les cumbersome that "father's brother". It is a good beginning and has lots of potential, but I think that it is not yet complete. I'd be glad to offer a better critique if you want, but don't want to step on any toes.
• Australia
4 Apr 08
Thank you for responding. When I started writing it I wasn't really sure where it was going (written at the end of a year 12 exam...) and looking back I think I wrote it as an ending for another story that I've written (in which it's obvious the narrator is female). I know I mess up my tenses (something I'm trying to figure out) and speak about things that haven't happened yet...I'm working on getting that right the first time. I used the term "father's brother" to kind of describe the kind of relationship she had with her uncle - obviously not a very close one - and to make it clear that it is the brother of the person she killed. Please feel free to critique more, I can take it. While I'm proud of what I write, I know that with help I can do much better. Thanks again.