Did you know that smoking does NOT cause lung cancer?
By Perry123
@Perry123 (363)
April 1, 2008 11:09pm CST
As far as they should be saying, there is a small statisical corrlation. That is it.
If smoking causes lung cancer how come 91% of smokers do NOT develop lung cancer? yes...that is the truth.
oh yes...they are at more risk than non smokers, but that could be for a variety of other reasons; diet, social conditions poverty etc. Take those into account and the stats actually start to lose their credibilty. Also realise that the vast majority of lung cancer is in the 64 plus age group....and age most people would expect to start being at greater risk of dying of something anyway.
But what CANNOT be said, is that smoking causes lung cancer.
Quite simply, that is a LIE.
Don't take my word for it.
Please do not respond to this until you read the following articles from two respected medical and scientific figures.
Now I am not denying hr is a highr risk if you smoke. Nthr are thy. But what they are saying is what every attempt at testing the hypothesis has shown. That smoking, in isolation does NOT cause lung cancer. The animals they tested it on? they never got the disease. But of course they are bred and reared in sterile conditions so there can be no other influences.
So the anti smoking lobby pharmacuticals and the State all have us convinvcd the a lie is the truth.
well it was the Nazis that came up with this idea that smoking caused lung cancer, and in more modern times it was the work of Dr Richard Doll...who studied under a Nazi SS officer in Frankfurt.... on whose results the whole idea was based and still is.
and it was Nazi propaganda minister Gobbels who said:
"Repeat a Lie often enough and it becomes the new truth"
I will leave the last words to Dr Kitty Little, whose evidence has been conveniently swept under the carpet:
"Since the effect of the anti smoking campaign has been to prevent the genuine cause from being publicly acknowledged, there is a very real sense in which we can say that the main reason those 30 000 deaths a year from lung cancer is the anti smoking campaign itself"
So what do you think about that?
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