Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?

October 31, 2006 1:03pm CST
I dont think so!
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19 responses
@Nattiehan (228)
• United States
27 Nov 06
I have heard this hypothesis before, and I find it very interesting. I don't know enough to say for sure, but I love it when people question the official lines that the US gav puts out there on any topic. They have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted.
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
Well, that is true. So maybe there are Aliens (from other planets) living with us
• United States
27 Nov 06
there are theories that neil armstrong's landing on the moon was a hoax... and there were actually instances that made me believe that this has been hoaxed by NASA
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
Well, it could be a movie.
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
17 Nov 06
nope.. all was played in a stage set.. hhaha
@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
Competition for Star Trek.
@fasha72 (284)
• Singapore
17 Nov 06
Whoever believed it just plain naive. No such thing. If man landed on the moon dont you think we should have more people visited there. I saw 1 programme proved it was a hoax. Well if they can came out with this lie.. then 9/11 might be a scamm also..
@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
No one will ever really know for sure.
• India
17 Nov 06
Why you have that doubt man? History says so. So we have to believe.
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
Don't include me in that.
@findcutegj (1466)
• India
17 Nov 06
Maybe or may not be. The Apollo Moon landing hoax accusations are a set of allegations that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon landings were faked by NASA and possibly members of other involved organizations. A number of groups and individuals have advanced alternate historical narratives which tend, to varying degrees, to include the following common elements: The Apollo astronauts did not land on the Moon; NASA and possibly others intentionally deceived the public into believing the landing[s] did occur by manufacturing, destroying, or tampering with evidence, including photos, telemetry tapes, transmissions, and rock samples; NASA and possibly others continue to actively participate in the conspiracy to this day. According to a 1999 poll conducted by the The Gallup Organization, 6% of the public believes the landing was faked, while what Gallup termed an "overwhelming majority", some 89%, did not.[1] The hoax claims are widely dismissed as baseless by mainstream scientists, technicians and engineers, as well as by NASA.
@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
And yet no one really cares.
@pisshole (493)
• New Zealand
1 Nov 06
You have to be retarded to believe the conspiracy theorists. Seriously. The arguments for why we didn't land on the moon are just bad science. Read the Wikipedia article "Apollo moon landing hoax accusations" if you still think it's a hoax.
@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
17 Nov 06
u cant convince me that i'm retarded coz i kinda believe on the hoax theory. but i'm just not making it my career.
@crabby1 (304)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
The "Parkes Radio Receiver Dish" in New South Wales in Australia was the first to pick up the telemetry and conversations of the Astronauts landing on the Moon. The traffic was sent back to the U.S.A. on by the Australian Overseas Telecomunications Commission's submarine cables. The dish was pointing at the Moon not anywhere else so the transmission HAD to come from the Moon due to the curvature of the Earth. Go down to your local video store and ask for an Australian movie called "The Dish" . its very informative about the landing combined with plenty of humour. Go on you could do with a good laugh.
@infohome (1219)
• India
17 Nov 06
Yes because there is video proof and i have hear somewhere that there was live telecast on tv of that moment so there is video proof.
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
It's possible but does anyone really care?
@exodamus (1625)
• India
1 Nov 06
Well why the doubt after so many years.It is a landmark in the history of mankind.So when it has been like that let it be.
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
A person can doubt if they wish but it doesn't change things.
• Canada
31 Oct 06
My husband has suggested this numerous times. Personally, I can't say either way whether I believe that Neil Armstrong was the first person on the moon, but wouldn't it be funny if it were a lie? Really, what is the point of faking a moon-landing? Not to mention, that would be one helluva secret to keep! I'm pretty good at keeping secrets, but I don't know if I could keep that one my whole life. I think I'd have to tell someone. I have always wondered, though, how at the time the "moon-landing" happened, how technology was so advanced in some ways, yet so lagging in others. I mean, would you want to be the first person on the moon when we weren't even really sure it was possible? I think I'd be giving that responsibility to someone else. I'd be the one saying "Go for it! I'll be waiting here for ya when you get back..."
@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
17 Nov 06
it was said that for all the cost they put into making armstrong land on the moon, they had to tell the people that it was a success! they wouldnt want to be tagged as the men who spent a fortune or a failure!
• India
31 Oct 06
no man he didnt landed on moon, its being already proved by GERMANS tht ARMSTRONG didnt landed on moon, all the pictures tht is showing tht he landed on moon are the pictures of some place in AMERICA.. GERMANS have given some strong reasons tht proves ARMSTRONG never landed on moon, and they hve asked AMERICANS to prove it tht ARMSTRONG landed on moon, and AMERICANS are not able to prove tht ARMSTRONG really landed on moon!!
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• United States
31 Oct 06
What makes you think they didn't land on the moon?
@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
17 Nov 06
u should see the documentary video i watched about it. i'm not so sure if it was on national geo or discovery channel. they explained a lot of the pictures- if i can remember some of it, the pictures were taken somewhere in texas
9 Nov 10
yeah my aunt had this picture she was in the air force that they sent her it was like a post card it had a picture of them walking on the "moon" when if you looked behind them the real moon was in the back ground and it said we are closer than you think
@wiseper (787)
• Philippines
17 Nov 06
then probably u saw the documentary in, i dont know, national geographic or was it discovery channel? i saw it too! and they were explaining this hoax that they said happened! i dont know, maybe neil armstrong didnt really land on the moon but i cant really figure it out. that is way out of my league!
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
Probably, but who really cares?
@gbabee (133)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Of course he did. Didn't you see proof like the rest of the world?
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
I agree
• India
17 Nov 06
• India
24 Oct 08
Today we Indians are also in to this mission.Tommorrow if some Japanies scientist say Indians are telling a lie would you believe ? We too have scientists who are associated with such missions. These are the stories of negative medias.Science is growing and scientists have no time to mylot like us.
@getjimmy (2242)
• India
31 Oct 06
Yes man landed on the moon. The flag was not waving in any kind of breeze. The flag had a wire in it so that it appeared to be standing out in a breeze. NASA thought that would look better than a flag simply lying flat against a pole. Really now, if NASA was bright enough to pull off this kind of conspiracy, don't you think they would have had enough sense to make sure a flag didn't move.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
and that flag on the moon serves as the signature that they really landed there.... it may be compare to a breaking of the hymen of the girl which means "not a v1rgin anymore" that flag is the evidence to support that the mission "success".....
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@rebelann (113396)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 21
anything is possible @mantis36
• Sri Lanka
17 Nov 06
The theory that the moon landing was a hoax came first from Muslims who were devastated when Pork Eating sinners (Magians) landed on their religious symbol. Few uneducated buddhists also told that it is impossible as in their books it is said that God "Sakkra" drew the rabbit on the moon. Then once nothing could be done a rumour was spread that Neil Armstrong heard the word "Allah Hua Akbar" on the moon and recognising the voice while in a muslim country conveted to Islam. Someone wrote a book and cashed in on this belief. The moon is nothing more than another territory which you and I cannot afford to visit. But come out of your shell. The world is advanced and people are reaching out to places that people did not venture before. Do you believe that the stars are actually animals in space. Some people did believe so upto the recent past. Coppernicus was burned at the stake by religious fanatics for claiming that the world is round. Do you believe that the world is round. If you do can you prove it?
@crabby1 (304)
• Australia
17 Nov 06
Back in the 1920s my Mother (as a young girl) was sitting in class daydreaming while her Teacher droned on about the vacume of space and the distance to the stars. The Teacher noticed she was not paying attention and quitely said The Moon is made of Green Cheese, and promptly asked my Mother, What it was made of? Green Cheese my Mother quickly piped up and promptly had a stick of chalk thrown at her.
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@Holv03 (534)
• United States
25 Oct 08
People who say that he didn't land on the moon have not seen the real video. There is always going to be theories out there because a lot of countries are jealous that the USA was the first country to land a man on the moon. Neil Armstrong did land on the moon and whoever thinks different doesnt know anything.
• India
29 Oct 08
You are right.This argument was decorating our Indian media also a couple of years back. I dont understand why some media wants to make every news sensational. There are people to read and enjoy such news.I too agree many are jealous about US, but in the times of natural calamities they are the first to attend and help.GOD bless the Americans. Today India is also into the mission of Moon journey. Now the same media is talking in favour of the mission.