How and Where Did You Meet Your Partner?

@ellie333 (21016)
April 3, 2008 2:28pm CST
Hi all, I'm curious, being sad and single LOL and happy I just wondered how and where you met your partner and if any of you have any really unusual or funny stories to share. Ellie :D
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17 responses
@littleowl (7157)
4 Apr 08
hi ellie-i had a friend about 14yrs ago now but we lost touch but it was through her she introduced me to an old schoolfriend-he is a lovely man we were friends for about 10yrs and he worked in the stockmarket and was the managing director there, he retired early and know has his own stable yard in lambourn-we may not live together but we are both independent people and our friendship turned into a relationship even though it is long distance-he is half italian 6ft tall and i'm only 5ft 1inch tall o he has great pleasure of looking down on me and now and then will say 'i forget how small you are!'-but he is so witty and charming a perfect gentleman and i feel very blessed to have him in my life-he also is very open-minded especially to my beliefs although he is a catholic--blessed be your friend littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Hi Liitleowl, I'm 5ft 1" too, something else we have in common eh and any men I meet tend to be at least 6ft, what is it with tall men and little women? I think a lot of people meet through friends and it is lovely that you have the relationship you have even though a long distance one now they work as long as you both trust and allow each other to be which it sounds like you do. Thanks you so much for sharing. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
12 Apr 08
I think you were right on number one they like to protect us, so we let them think that but the reality is we may be little but we are quite capable of protecting ourselves, but as long as we let they think they are thats ok eh! LOL. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
12 Apr 08
hi ellie-it is quite amazing how much we do have in common eh? i think the fact men choose subconsciouly a small woman is because they feel protective over her-or that the small woman feels protected by the height of the man-one of the two-your friend littleowl
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I met my husband 16 years ago at my aunts house on Thanksgiving. She always teased with him and told him she had someone for him to meet and he assumed it was her mother-in-law, which was quite older than he was. He was surprised when he found out it was me. We have been together every since then.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I do give my aunt credit for making sure we got introduced but she isn't a very wise woman though, honestly. She ruined my wedding by starting and argument with my mother-in-law before we ever got to the church. Everyone was quiet when we walked in. My aunt likes to keep trouble stirred in the family. I am glad she did one good thing in her life though and that was introducing me to my husband.
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
Aaaah that is a lovely story. Sixteen years wow. Your aunt was obviously a very wise woman. Thanks for sharing your story. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
well respect her then for introducing you but nothing more and move on from the situation. Good always comes from bad no matter what the situation. You win, you got married, you have a happy family unit, forget her. Ellie :D
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I met my honey online. We have been together for 4 years and have a wonderful little girl together. We are engaged and will be getting married one day. i think it's kind of common now that people met this way
@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Apr 08
yeah it is becoming the common way to met people now. i think because we all spend so much time here
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@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Thats great, yes it does seem that a lot of people are meeting this way these days.Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I met my s/o online 3 years ago, we were in a chatroom that was geared toward our respective jobs. He had never been in that chatroom, and had stayed home because he didn't want to shovel snow that day. I had been in that chatroom for about a year, gave me a chance to stay in touch with online friends that were firefighters. We started chatting, ended up in a private chat, for 6 hours that evening. He later told me that he thought he was chatting with a couple of guys LOL, I can hold my own in just about any conversation. Within a week, we had exchanged phone numbers, and 3 weeks after we met, he flew to Texas for a weeks vacation, with me. We agreed that we would meet as friends, and see what happened, well 2 months after we met online we were making plans, I was putting things in storage, and packing, to move 1600 miles! Him moving at the time was not an option. We'll have been together 3 years (living together) April 28th.
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• United States
10 Apr 08
He didn't want to shovel snow, and I was studying and almost didn't get online to chat, almost, we both felt something bigger then we could figure out brought us together. Happy Birthday, early :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
9 Apr 08
Wow fate that day made him not want to shovel snow, I bet you are so pleased he did. Happy third anniversary of being together on 28th April (thats my birthday) so Happy birthday to me too eh! LOL Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
10 Apr 08
Thanks for birthday wishes, yes I agree something worker at a much higher level bought you guys together. You both felt it, amazing. Thanks once again for sharing. Ellie :D
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
4 Apr 08
i met my husband in hongkong...the funny thing i have a boyfriend from greece i met him february then this husband of mined i accidentally meet him March so the story begin after a few months of frienship we are alredy married..
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• South Korea
4 Apr 08
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Married after just a few months friendship, obviously the man for you, poor man from Greece LOL Ellie :D
• India
4 Apr 08
I am a student in colg.The girl whom i liked was my junior(1 yr).but we used to sit on the same system.we used to write notes for each other on the system,coz we were not alloweded to talk in college.when ever she didnot my note i used to get frustrsted.but one day her best friend called my brother (thinkin that it was my number) this made my brother to roar,but i handled everything rihtly but to my surprise i heard that she(her friend who called) too was interested in me.this brought a twist in the story what is now called a love triangle.but i tried to avoid.bcoz i likeed my system mate most.i told my teacher give me her thank God he quickly gave it,wen i reched home i was surprised to see a msg already got from that number.i quickly rplied back but she got upset & warned me not to call her again.i think everything is over.but with time everything day she requested for help.i helped her & then she became my friend.last year on 15august i told her to go.coz she was sensitive but i was having a lots love for her.she rplied who am i,by the grace of al-mighty you will get a gud girl sent frm heavens specially for this i told her i think you have been sent for me........ then we used to chat on phone,talk & 1 day we met.........around 20th feb we seprated....
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Thank you for sharing. It is sad that you have now separated but it sounds like you had fun passing notes to each other at college. Ellie :D
• India
4 Apr 08
above 1 has got sum mistakes let me make them right ...................whenever she did not replied my note i used to get frustrated.....i told my teacher to give me her number thank God he quickly gave it.....
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Apr 08
almost 9 years ago I met my mate through an internet dating service, or friendfinder, and I have never looked back since.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Apr 08
Oh thats lovely, thank you for sharing. It does seem that a lot more people are meeting via the internet these days. Ellie :D
• United States
3 Apr 08
I dunno if it's unusual, but I met my fiance on the internet. I went to a website my mom gave me for an IQ test. The IQ test was on a dating website and I had to make a profile to take the test. So after I was done taking the test, I started flipping through profiles out of boredom and I ran across this one and they guy just totally took my breath away. I thought he was absolutely gorgeous. I stared for like 15 minutes. So I e-mailed him with some nonchalant excuse of looking for someone to talk to about shared interests or whatever. We e-mailed a couple days and exchanged chat handles and then we chatted for about a week before I decided I was absolutely in love with him. We chatted for a few months before we started talking on the phone. We met in person about 6-7 months after we first started chatting. We've been together four and a half years since then and we're getting married in less than two months.
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• United States
4 Apr 08
Lol thanks so much! No one's ever reacted like that ^_^ Thanks!
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
I just welled up reading this post. Thats such an amazing story and one obviously that was supposed to happen. Call it fate if you must but you two were so obviously supposed to meet. Thank your mum profusely for putting you in touch with this site and wow a wedding coming up so soon too. Congratulations to you both, thank you so much for sharing. God bless. Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I am single too....I'll be looking to see if there are any intersting stories!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Good for you! LOL.....I haven't been on a date in a long time....LOL..been kinda busy writing books etc!
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
I just realised how I contradicted myself in the actual post sad, single but happy, never mind. The weirdest experience I ever had was when I got asked out years ago when I went to the ice cream van (a previous response just reminded me of this one as he bought icecream on his date) I had my dads slippers on, hair was a mess and was wearing what I call my slouching clothes and I guy who knew someone I knew was in the queue and asked if I would like to go out for a drink????? Me looking at my worst too????. He didn't wear glasses either! I went for a drink but not my type but I would never expected to be asked out for a date looking the way I did LOL Ellie :D
@jason_co (407)
• Philippines
4 Apr 08
I meet my girlfriend at my friends birthday party. We hang out and thing fo fine. That's how are story started.
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@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Thanks for sharing. A lot of people seem to meet their partners through a friend in some way. Ellie :D
@michelyn (717)
• United States
4 Apr 08
My husband and I went to the same middle/junior high school together and had some of the same friends, yet never knew each other! We ended up meeting through a BBS which is a Bulletin Board System. This was an unconventional form of the internet prior to the actual graphical internet we all see today. He was a system operator of a particular BBS that I logged into all the time. You had to be 18 or older so I sent in a copy of my license for proof of age and I got a one week free trial. I enjoyed talking the people there including the system operators (there were 3 of them). When my trial was up, one of the system operators that I had talked to quite often offered to come by my place and pick up the payment since he was going by that area anyway. At the time I lived with a boyfriend of mine, but it was more of a relationship of convenience at that point. We were little more than roommates but neither could afford to move out and stick the other with the lease. So, this guy shows up to pick up my payment and WHAM! I just knew it... I knew there was going to be something more to this and sure enough, before he left, he asked me to out with him that evening, but I declined. He asked about the next night and I agreed. We drove around that night and visited other people that were members of the BBS and had an absolute blast. We've been together for 12 years now and still going strong.
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Thank you for sharing such an amazing story. Still together after twelve years and to feel it instantly thats incredible. How starnge that you had mutual friends through school but had never met, timing eh! Ellie :D
@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
5 Apr 08
I didn't meet my partner till now because i am young and i am not interested to find any partner right now. and thanks for giving me reply.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Apr 08
Thanks for sharing Dasari100 and pleased you are happy without a partner as so young at this moment in time. Ellie :D
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Apr 08
I met my husband over a surgical bed that we were making together He was an orderly and I was a nurses aide in st lukes hosppital in Phoeniz ariz. We had words over how you should make a surgical bed and six weeks later we got married and we used tolaugh about how we met and how we squabbled over how to make a bed. lol
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
LOL! I bet you have a duvet on your marriage bed to stop the arguing. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@heart143 (1202)
• Philippines
4 Apr 08
My husband and I are former officemates. We go to the same office but belong to different departments. His position is higher than mine. He is the boss of one of my best friends in the office. One lunch time he decided to join us and got the chance to talk to him longer. But he told my friend that he disliked me because my attitude is the exact opposite of his. I don't know but he seem to dislike anything that I do and is always annoyed with me even though I do nothing. It was nearing Christmas time of 1997 when I was assigned to take charge of our company's Christmas Party. I was so excited telling everyone about my plans for the party. I started with drawing for our Kris Kringle. I went to his office to let him pick up his Kris Kringle baby. As he was picking his baby, for the first time he was not angry with me. He was smiling and very excited about my plans for the party. And that was the start of it. when our Christmas party came, he was always beside me. He even took me home that night. He courted me for more or less a month before I accepted him as my boyfriend...and the rest is history. Now, we are happily married and our daiughter is already three years old. I'm very happy with him and I could really say that he loves me very much and I have no regrets in any aspect of our relationship.
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Apr 08
Wow what a lovely story, thank you for sharing. It is strange that many couples seem to dislike each other before they fall in love and then stay happily married after. Perhaps he knew you were the one but realised his life of singledom would end the minute he confessed it eh! It was the Kris Kringle baby that did it. LOL Ellie :D
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Nothing really unusual or funny here Me and my guy meet in Biology class in high school honestly the first day i saw him I thought he was high LOL
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
Hi Briony123 That is lovely that you met at school, childhood sweethearts I would call that. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
3 Apr 08
My partner and I actually met in first grade. We were in the same class together. He moved away at the end of second grade and I didn't see him for years. In 10th grade he moved back. I remembered who he was, so my friend decided to invite him to start hanging out with us. He ran with our group till we graduated. I had a boyfriend that whole time. The summer after we graduated I was kind of checking him out at my friends graduation party, but i was still with my boyfriend. A friend joked about us hooking up behind my boyfriends back. Next thing I know he started visiting me at work. We spent the whole summer just hanging out and talking. Nothing physical. By the end of the summer I was in love. I broke it off with my boyfriend. Things with us hadn't been great for more than a year anyways. He had cheated on me. So thats how my husband and I got together. We were offically "dating" after I broke it off with my boyfriend. 3 months later engaged, the following year we got married. This summer will be our 7 year anniversary and we have 3 beautiful kids together.
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
Wow that is such a lovely and inspirational story. I think the fact that you spent so much time together as friends before dating shows that you had a firm foundation for the realtionship and to now be happily married with three children too oh just wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. Ellie :D
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
3 Apr 08
I where to school with my husband but didn't know each other until 10th grade. He was engaged to someone else though. He graduated and went to the Navy. Once he came back he broke up with this girl. I think he came home in Feb. and we met up again in April. We started dating in April and was married in August.
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Apr 08
From April to August, that was a quick wedding but if you had known each other since 10th gradde and he had been off to the Navy and returned why wait. I work at a marine base but my ship hasn't sailed in yet but I lie in hope eh! Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D