Woman bites pit bull to save her dog
By MsTickle
@MsTickle (25180)
April 4, 2008 3:42am CST
Amy Rice feared for her dog's life when a pit bull jumped over a fence into her yard and attacked him. So she took matters into her own mouth.
Rice says she bit the pit bull on the nose Friday after trying to pull the dog's jaws off her Labrador retriever, Ella. The dog had jumped a fence to get into Rice's northeast Minneapolis yard, and Rice says she feared the pit bull would kill Ella.
Rice says she drew blood when she bit the dog, and her doctor will have to determine whether she should get shots for rabies.
The pit bull was quarantined. Ella is recovering with staples and stitches to her head and a crushed ear canal.
From aap news.
Would you have this much bravery? I couldn't bite a diog. When a Staffy bull terrier attacked my goat I gave her a couple of big whallops to make her let go and I was unsuccessful. I found out later that you need to smack them on the nose to make them let go. The poor doggy, how frightening for her.
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30 responses

@webeishere (36313)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Will the PitBull have to be checked for rabies as well?

@slickcut (8141)
• United States
4 Apr 08
What a brave woman,i don't know if i could have been that brave or not..I am not fond of pit bulls,and if one got hold of my dog i would indeed try my best to kill it,but i do not know if i could have bit its nose...At least she saved her dog,so i say good for her...They say those dogs are not vicious but there are way to many bad stories about them so i tend to beleive there are more bad ones than good ones.....
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Apr 08
These dogs are formerly hunting dogs I believe. They are now trained by some owners as fighting dogs. They are bred to strengthen these characteristics. It's just disgusting in my opinion. Apparently, these dogs grab hold and their jaw locks on. The way to make them let go is to hit them sharply on the nose. This woman inadvertantly, I think, did the right thing. I would never try to kill any animal but I would do what I could to protect my own.
@kg4bah (78)
• United States
25 Dec 08
To Slickcut:
PIT BULLS ARE HEROES! You want good news about them? Continue reading...
Many people are not aware of pit bulls and falsely believe they are dangerous, this is your case. You obviously don't know much about the dog breed nor do you care. Pit bulls have a bad reputation because of mean people and the media. Pit bulls are very popular in the United States and they always have been. They make great family dogs - I should know. They are very loyal and listen. They are stable, intellegent and excellent companions.
Believe it or not, pit bulls serve as therapy dogs. Hellen Keller had a pit bull as a helper and companion. Was that dog bad? Nope. Are the pits that assist the Sheriffs office in finding missing children bad? Nope. What about helping find escaped prisoners? Nope. What about Petey, the pit on the Little Rascals, was he bad? Nope. There are TONS of pit bulls out there that are PERFECT dogs, people like you tend to not realize this. You see what the media shows you and the media always shows bad things. If the media started showing all of the good deeds this breed has done, then it would out number those bad ones. The Crocodile Hunter, Linda Blair, Rosie Perez, Usher, Vin Diesel, Alicia Silverstone and Bernadete Peters are only a few celebrity pit bull owners and they are all good dogs.
Believe it or not pit bulls are our heroes. America's first war dog was a pit bull names Stubby. During WW1 he earned several different medals and was honored in the White House. The Ken-L-Ration dog in 1993 was a Pit Bull named Weela.She saved 30 people, 29 dogs, 13 horses and a cat in a flood in Southern California. A Pit Bull named Bogart saved a 4 year old child from drowning in a swimming pool in Flordia. Dixie, in Georgia, saved some children from a Cotton Mouth and was introduced into the Georgia Animal Hall of Fame.
The national Canine Temperment Testing Association tested 122 breeds and Pit Bulls placed the 4th highest with a 95% passing rate.
NOW, you go and say there are more bad ones than good ones....maybe one day a pit bull will save YOUR life.
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@kg4bah (78)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Plunketear - I'm glad you liked my post, yes all the information in the post is true, so you can safely assume. :-) I have tons of pit bull books and I read about them a lot. That is some stuff that many people do not know about pits, they just automatically assume they are bad dogs. Honestly, they are some of the most fun loving animals I have ever seen. I appologize for not responding sooner, I didn't realize anyone had commented. :-)
Take care, Melanie
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@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
7 Apr 08
It is hard to know or say what I would do if that were my dog (We have a chihuahua. I do know that I would do whatever I could to save my dog. I think that woman did what she thought she had to do. I think that would have been very scary for both her and the dog. I am glad that the dog lived though.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
I think if it had been your little doggy that we would be hearing a different story as I don't think a small dog would survive one of these attacks.
Pets to some people are like children...even still if a defenceless creature is attacked by another there will always be a large element of fear and horror. There would be for me anyway. I'm glad Ella survived and I'm sure she is well and happy today.
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
12 Apr 08
If it had been my little doggie (she is like a child to me because my husband and I decided not to have kids.) I would have done something even if she probably wouldn't have survived. I just couldn't see not trying to do something. I am also glad that dog survived. I can't imagine how that women must have felt.
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@myanime (434)
11 Apr 08
Wow! How brave!!! I admire her bravery!!! I don't know if I could do that for my dog... But my sister once done that bravery for our Fujiko (dog). She stop the vehicle that will hit our dog... Hehe I think it's an instinc of almost all pet owners....
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 08
I don't know if I could do that but I did pick Gissi up once when this big Boxer dog tried to get him
The Dog was jumping up at me trying to get Gissi which scared me but I would not let go
The Owner was running after her Dog and when she got to me she said will you just stand still so I can get, well this Bloke came charging up and got the dog of me and he said to the Owner How do you expect the Woman to stand still when she was protecting her Dog and Herself from your Dog, he told me to report it but I didn't not because of the Owner but the Dog
She got warned though if they ever see her Dog again with no lead they would report her

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
6 Apr 08
please forgive me if I answered this one already but I think that woman did a very dangerous thing, she could have been killed herself.
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@kat_princess (1470)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
Maybe I'll just throw stones at the dog.I'm scared of fierce dogs.
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I think Amy Rice is a hero! What she did is incredibly brave. I've heard that nothing, absolutely nothing, will make a pit bull let go once it's got it's jaws clamped down on something. Well she proved that theory wrong, now didn't she?! Way to go, Amy!!! I hope to never be in that situation, but if I am, I will think of her and try to be as brave as she was!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Apr 08
I've heard that as well...but apparently a good hard, sharp smack right on the nose makes them let go.
I've also heard that pulling a dog away from another dog by it's tail works but I'd be scared it would twist around and bite me. I don't know if this works for those dogs that lock their jaws on their prey. Hope I never have to find out.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Apr 08
That is one brave woman! I don't think I'd bite the dog either out of fear of it biting me before I could actually get a hold of it but I would definetely grab it's throat and squeeze with all I had to get it to let go of my dog or if I had a bat, I'd beat the day lights out of it.
How is your goat doing? I imagine much better but I can surely hope that's the case.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
7 Apr 08
I don't think I could do anything terribly brutal but I would try and get it off my dog. I'd hit it but I would hate to mame or kill an animal, even if it was hurting my own.
Pickles is doing really well. He's back to being ok again and his jaw is much stronger now. He is being a bit of a bully to his little girl goat Tulip though.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Apr 08
If I had seen another dog attacking my dog like that I definately would have done something, I don't think I woul have fought to bight the dog, but I probably would have gotten something very large and start hitting the dog with it. The thought of my dog or one of my children being attacked by a dog like that is so frightening. I got attacked by a huge German Shephard once, one of the scariest moments in my life. All I could do was scream my head off and hope someone came to the rescue. They did, thank goodness.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Wow, now there is a different approach. Gives a whole new meaning to eye for eye doesn't it? I am glad Ella is fairing okay, it all could have turned out much worse.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
4 Apr 08
You bet I would, I would have done whatever it took, I would have probably opted for something other than biting it, but if it came down to that, yep, I would. I would not have a problem, tazing it, pepper spray, or if need be and it was an option, shooting to kill. And then the owner would be paying, vet bills, dr bills, and any other expenses due directly to the incident.
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
14 Apr 08
If the bit pull was an entire male, I know what I would have been biting! Talk about making his eyes water. If not, then a hose up the nose, full pelt would have worked. It suffocates them to a certain degree.
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@kezabelle (2974)
4 Apr 08
My sister is an avid dog lover I know she would do anything to save her dog, me im not so keen and would always put my life and health first mostly because my children need me here and id put them above any animal. I dont honestly think even if I didnt have my girls to think of that id knowingly put myself at risk by shoving my face in a dogs face 1 second and it could have changed its grip from the dog to her but again thats probably the mother in me talking.
I dont though blame the dogs themselves more the idiots who own them and fail to train them properly its people like that that help to give dogs like that a bad name
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Apr 08
I think if it was one of your children being attacked you would do whatever was necessary. My children are grown and my animals are my kids now. I love them very much and would do all in my power to protect them. They are in a very secure large yard. I have 2 goats, 2 dogs and a cat and they are all happy together.
I so agree wirh you about the training. it's the owners at fault, not necessarily the dog.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
i admire her bravery. i wish i was also brave as her
i don't have the courage to what she does to the pit bull 

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@98765m (1017)
• India
4 Apr 08
well.........I am just stunned to hear that............It was brave,I must say very brave of her to that to save her dog..........I am also happy that Ella is recovering.
I am also sorry to hear about your painful experience with a staffy bull terrier.........I hope your goat has recovered.............its really painful for anyone to see their pet injured just infront of their eyes.After all for all pet owners,their pets are above all. :)
Cheers ! Have a nice day.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Apr 08
What a thoughtful and kind response. My Pickles is doing very well, thankyou.
It amazes me how people come to th rescue of their animals/pets. It's auch a shame that the owners of the attacking animal can not see the benefit of an animal that loves and is a companion.