Why is Pride a deadly sin?

United Kingdom
April 4, 2008 7:44am CST
I can understand the other sins but I was thinking about this. Now, I am proud of my children, I'm proud of myself when I do well, etc. so I was wondering what exactly is wrong with that? Is it a simple matter of definition?
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8 responses
@nannacroc (4049)
4 Apr 08
This answer may cause arguementsbut here we go. To me this is a way the church could keep people in their place and not strive for a better life for themselves and their families. It's not pride that goeth before a fall, it's a haughty spirit that goes before a fall. To me that means it's people who think they are better than others that are heading for a fall. You have every reason to be proud of your boys.
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@paid2write (5201)
4 Apr 08
Without looking it up in a Bible, I think you are right. I don't think it means your sort of pride is wrong. You are quite justifiably proud of your children and of your own achievements. I would think it means we should all have some humility and be more humble. I think it means we should never boast about how much we own or brag about how wealthy or successful we are. It is wrong to feel superior to other people for those reasons. I think it is not wrong to be proud of how you earned your money or became successful, especially if you had to overcome many difficulties to achieve it.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Apr 08
"I think it means we should never boast about how much we own or brag about how wealthy or successful we are. It is wrong to feel superior to other people for those reasons." Thats interesting and yes i think we shoudnt brag about money and success BUT what about bragging about our children and realizing that some of us ARE better parents/caregivers etc etc? I know I brag about my kids all the time and i also know I'm a better parent than some i know personally...I dont think its wrong to feel that way though..I mean I dont say anything to hurt ppls feelings etc etc ya knwo but I'm not going to deny myself or my kids the right to be ABOVE proud..make sense?
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4 Apr 08
I'm sure you are a better parent than some and you should be proud of that.
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• United Kingdom
5 Apr 08
I will have to agree with Ravenlady! If we ARE better than some, we shouldn't have to pretend we're not. Not brag necessarily. And if our children are wonderful (which mine are and I know Ravenlady's are too) then I see no reason with telling people about it. That can be a good thing because it can help other people to be fantastic like we are. Although I do agree with you, P2W, people shouldn't brag about personal possessions and be all snotty about it and that kind of thing but successful people have every right to be proud of how they got there (well, most of them do anyway!)
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Apr 08
...I think the sort of pride it's talking about is the "I'm great, I'm wonderful, I have no flaws" type of pride. Whereas God prefers us to have a soft heart, not think we are superior over others, and not feel we have no need for God, or his provided forgiveness (in Jesus). God is aiming for people to be humble with soft hearts toward him and other people.. It seems like people who think they are superior get very hard hearts and often become downright mean when it comes to others, unable to understand how other humans can fall so far short.. and cannot sympathize with other's sufferings, etc..
@dorypanda (1601)
5 Apr 08
It's not that kind of pride I don't think. I think it means the 'I'm better than you' kind of pride. I can't really explain what I mean properly, but I think you'll know what I'm on about. Being proud of your children and being pleased with yourself if you've done something good is acceptable, as far as I'm aware, but if you were to rub that in someone elses face, that would be unacceptable, I think that's what that means.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
4 Apr 08
I think the "pride" that the Bible is referring to, is false pride. There's nothing wrong in being proud of your children or of your achievements. We take pride in these things because they bring us joy. Being proud, in the context of being consumed with false pride over others, not being able to forgive or admit mistakes and wrongdoings, not being humble, these are some of the things that are considered to fall in sinful pride. But then again, it's just me and the way I interpret it. :)
• United States
4 Apr 08
Hi pumpkinjam. What I think is self-destructive is when pride, as in everything else, is given excessive importance. I think there is nothing wrong with being proud of our achievements, our loved ones, and even our very ownselves. But a pride that becomes arrogant is something different. When we don't listen to people anymore because we always think we are right, even if we are already wrong, when we start shrugging people whom we don't like because we think we are far better than anyone, when we become too judgmental over people without actually putting our lives into their shoes, when we do not show compassion over those who commit mistake, when we think we are the sole arbiter of what is good and what is bad for us... well these are the types of pride that is not quite helpful in life. Taking pride in the fact that certain aspects of our lives are beautiful, and surely they are, is not wrong. But being proud about wonderful things that happen in our lives does not mean we are better than anyone else. Anything that is taken in excess is dangerous. As the old Roman saying goes, "Virtus in media res." - Virtue lies in the middle. That goes true for pride as well. Any amount of pride must be tempered with a sense of gratitude because we know we are in a place we are right now, not chiefly because we worked ourselves to it, but because we are in a place where everyone works together, and everyone is a fellow to help, encourgae, give meaning, give life to each other. Hope that helps.
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• United Kingdom
5 Apr 08
That is a very desriptive and sensible answer. Thank you. All of the responses have been perfectly good but I think yours deserves the best response. We've all more or less said the same thing about it. I just think you have said it best.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
4 Apr 08
I guess it's all in moderation, there is nothing wrong with lust either, providing no one gets hurt, I prefer lust to love but that's my own personal preference, everything is sinful if done excessively and where do you draw the line? With pride the saying goes cut your nose to spite your face when you are too proud to accept something or deal with something. But as you said nothing wrong with being proud of your children or of your own abilities it's when it starts to affect you negatively or others harmfully that it becomes deadly. All 7 sins are healthy it's the way they affect us and others and there is a fine line.
• United States
6 Apr 08
Our pastor just preached on this. It is not pride in saying that your proud of your family and of your accomplishments. It is when pride exalt's itself above people and God that it becomes deadly. Some people who go to church and claim to be saved have gotten to the point where their pride is a deadly pride. They become arrogant and inconsiderate of other people not remembering that they too were saved by the mercies of God.