Are you a fast or slow eater? Have you always done this?

@whittby (3072)
United States
April 4, 2008 10:10am CST
I was reading somewhere that one of the keys to losing weight was to eat slowly, enjoy each mouthful, chew your food, etc etc. This is supposed to be the way we eat all the time, even if we are not trying to lose weight. I quit eating slowly when the kids were little and it's very hard for me to slow down after all this time. How about you, do you eat slow or fast? Have you always been this way?
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51 responses
@YennLing (112)
• Canada
13 Apr 08
Yea that's true. The idea is , it takes some time for food to get into the stomach. When you eat slowly, you're like waiting for the food to come down and you will feel that your stomach is full while you're eating. That way you can stop immediately. When you eat fast, you can't realize how much food you ate. After you finish the food you just realize how full you are.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
16 Apr 08
You are so right. After a big meal, in a little while my husband will say "I feel like I just ate a bowling ball!". hello... Me, my stomach unfortunately stretches way too well.
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@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
12 Apr 08
if i'm really hungry, i'm a fast eater but if not, i'm a slow eater
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@TiffanieC (827)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I eat very slowly... to the point where it can sometimes really annoy people around me. Yes, I have always been this way. I wish it would help me lose weight since I'm FAT but it doesn't. I guess maybe if you normally eat fast and you start eating slower it could help (especially if it makes you eat less). I don't normally eat very big portions anyway. When we go out to eat I almost always bring half of my food home.
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• United States
6 Apr 08
ME too! Really! Whenever they show weight loss tips and stuff on TV it doesn't apply to me. Most of the time it's for people who over eat which I don't do (well, when I'm PMSing maybe I over eat a little but not on a day to day basis). I will admit one of my deals is the food choices.. I don't always make the best choices but that in part is because I'm not the type of person who loves to eat. If it isn't something I really really want then I'm just as happy not eating anything. Now I've been all about making little changes here and there in choices and trying to find substitutes for foods that are healthier. Like.. now I hardly ever buy red meat (again, unless I have my period but that's because I need the iron).. instead of chopped meat I get lean ground turkey, before I thought it was a little dry so I started out by cutting it and using half lean ground turkey and half lean ground beef and mixing them together but now I don't really mind using just the turkey. Adding more veggies and fruit into my diet as well. More fiber, and so on. Almost every time I eat ice cream I eat breyers slow churned fat free ice cream and I LOVE IT! They say it's better to eat many small meals during the day and I try to do that but it's difficult. I used to only eat once a day so for me I am finding that slow changes seem to be key for sticking to anything. So, if you want to eat slow... maybe try to eat a little slower and not chew however many times it says.. maybe try splitting the difference.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I wish they would include someone like yourself in these studies. I guess you're right though, if you slow down, it may make a difference.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I was reading over what you said you are doing, and truly it sounds like you are doing an awful lot of the right things. I don't do half as well. Only thing I'm adding is my walking and exercising and that's not doing the trick by itself.
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
5 Apr 08
Hello whittby!:-) I am slowest in eating, in my whole family and group of friends. In fact, it has never happened that some stranger has eaten with me twice or three times and he/she would not have noticed and mentioned my extra slow eating. I wasn't this slow in my childhood, but slow nevertheless. I got changed, more slower, at some point in my early or mid teenage. At any get together or meal with my family and friends, I am the last one to finish even if I have eaten equal or less than other. And, if it is informal, my finishing last is also because I sometimes get into duel, hehe! especially in friends! My slowing down in teenage was because of an article that I read. Weight has never been a problem for me, but I read that eating slow can actually provide the maximum nutrition out of food and it makes the work of digestion easier for our digestive organs. So, I used to think that I'll give them a break. I must admit that it did cut on my food intake but never my energy levels. Good discussion!
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
6 Apr 08
Yes, precisely, whittby! Eating slowly provide for the maximum digestive efficiency, which in turn provided maximum nutrition out of what has been eaten. That is to say that if you eat same amount of food slowly and quickly, the one eaten slowly will benefit you most because you get maximum out of it. There are two main reasons. One is that as slow eating means more chewing, so the food stuff is broken down in rather smaller chunks/pieces which makes it easier for digestive fluids to act on more stuff before the rest is thrown to excretory system. Moreover, the added amount of saliva during chewing helps a lot in digestive efficiency, too. Thus, double the benefit!
@whittby (3072)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I'm thinkng on how eating slow provides the maximum nutrition out of food - because more of the food is digested?
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@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
4 Apr 08
I am a slow eater. I just cant seem to go fast at all and is just about always the last to finish eating. I hate this sometimes especially when out with a group and everyone is there sitting, chatting and waiting on me to finish. I do get a bit of ribbing from friends about I really wish they would eat slower. I rather to not eat than having to rush. I just feel as if I am going to choke and may have to spite out the food anyways. There are times too when I want to finish quickly but it just wont happen. (lol)
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
4 Apr 08
So do you order less food when you are out to finish with less stress? It's a shame to have to leave your meal I would think.
@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
4 Apr 08
I dont eat much. Depending on who I am with if the serving I get is a bit much I just give the extras.
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@savelife (516)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
hahahaha u know wat i eat alot...and even tho i eat alot...i still dont get fat! hahaha... and even if i try to eat slowly....i finish my meal early...dont know y..i dont even hav worms or somthing..yakk...hahaha
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I have always been a slow eater. Am still so slow that I need a head start when joining others for a meal. My food always gets cold before I can finish a meal. I've also always heard it's healthier to eat slow and can also slow down weight gain. I do a couple of things to not gain. One is to eat slow and chew very well and the other is to not eat anything before going to bed. As a result, I am thin. I can't say this will work for everyone because many people have gene issues or other health issues that cause weight gain.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
4 Apr 08
See the comment above on the roommate who ate slow and was overweight. Other factors involved I guess. I was reading to chew a certain number of times - I tried it and it was torture. I may use this discussion as inspiration to slow down and help the weight loss.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I've always heard if you eat slow it will help with weight loss. How true it is, I don't know. I am guessing part of my being able to maintain a good weight for my height has to do with genes. Am sure there are exceptions and everyone is different.
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@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I'm a fast eater. I have been trying to eat slower knowing that I'm overeating. Its not easy to change this bad habit. It started as a child with 2 brothers that would eat everything in sight, then became worse in college. In college, I had one quarter with 25 credits, so I would eat in my car and on the way to class. Now as an adult over 45 its hard to change the bad habits that have been with me so long. I work hard at sitting down to eat, as I do get more done in a day eating while walking. Several days of the week I really need to work harder to achieve eating and sitting like Mondays.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I'm a Gemini, so am a multi task person. I do read a book at times while eating depends on what I'm reading. The Heroes Volume 1 Book is to large to multi task reading the book, as its very heavy.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
4 Apr 08
When I sit down to eat alone, I really like to have a book to read and am still not sitting doing nothing but eating. Habits huh? Are you a multi-tasker too?
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I have always been a slow eater. I had to eat fast once because of a time-constraint but was sorry for it not long after. I got very sick. I keep telling my son, CJ who's 10 to eat slowly. He always takes too big of bites and only chews a few times. I'm trying to instill in him to chew each small mouthful 20 times before he swallows. It takes an awful long time to digest a "clump" of food in your stomach and cramps can occur in the digestive track. It's always best to take smaller bites, chew slowly and long enough to break it all down so that it will pass easily.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
29 Jun 08
My husband used to say I ate like a snake swallowing my food whole. I started this when the kids were young and I was doing childcare as well I think. I know exactly what you're talking about with distress in the digestive track. Although I have allergies right now and when I eat I can't seem to breathe since I'm so snuffly stuffed up. I will eat slowly, I really will eventually.
• United States
4 Apr 08
Whittby, I am almost always the last one finished at the dinner table. For one when we are all eating together I tend to talk more then eat... LMAO now there is a surprise! yes, I have always tended to really enjoy my meal and eat slow. Not sure if it affects my losing weight as I love dessert after dinner. LMAO
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• United States
5 Apr 08
rotflmao thats just it...LMAO I do wait a little bit ....right before bedtime with a big glass of milk :))) Not at all the ideal time to fill with carbs, but its been a habit of mine since I was a child. its like a sleeping pill. In fact I have tried to alter my ways and can not go to sleep because i am laying there thinking of my pie or what ever and glass of milk! Rotflmao
@whittby (3072)
• United States
4 Apr 08
I mentioned a few minutes ago if you wait for a while before eating dessert, you may not want it. I can eat dessert feeling stuffed if it's a dessert I love though maybe it would work for you.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
21 Apr 08
I'm definitely a slow eater. I've always been this way. When I was young I ate like a sparrow and got full very quickly. As soon as I got my tonsils and adenoids taken out I started eating decent sized meals so I think perhaps even though I eat more now, I still eat slowly. I can spread my dinner out over 30-45 minutes if there's something good on TV! It kind of annoys me when I realise what I'm doing because it does take heaps of my time but I guess it must be true about the weight thing because I eat like a horse but don't get fat!
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Just getting back to this discussion. At least after the operation, you could breathe and eat. You have a lovely habit eating slowly and are probably not stressing yourself out.
• United States
20 Apr 08
I have always been a fast eater. Of course that could be a direct result of coming from a family of ten. When we sat down to eat together you had to eat fast to get what you wanted off the table. Eating fast has continued all my life. Although I realize now I have no competiton on getting the food I want from the table.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I absolutely cannot imagine eating with a family of ten. You most certainly couldn't have been allowed to waste food either I'm sure.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
16 Jun 08
I have always been a very slow eater. I am always the last one at the table to finish eating. I taste every bite full and chew it very slowly and enjoy my food. So it just takes me longer to eat than most people. I have also heard that it is better to eat slowly, that you can lose weight that way, but that isn't why, or didn't start out to be why, I eat slow, although it helps now that I am dieting.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
29 Jun 08
I am dieting as well and it would do me a lot fo good to slow down.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I am a slow eater, I don't even have to think about that one. It can be a good diet tool, but you have to remember, if you are still eating or nibbling when everyone else is ready to get up from the table, you find yourself quitting and leaving the table with them.. Then you find yourself starving in just a little while, you didn't get full enough the first time.. I am referring to restaurants, as we do eat out a lot, but even at home, I am a slow eater, and do not get full, so I am always snacking.. I get full too easy and should by all rights, eat more meals but always smaller meals.. I have always been a slow eater..
@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Here is something not brought up here yet. So you eat slowly, but quit before you're full? Obviously this diet technique wouldn't work for you. And I'm all for tons of little meals all day - grazing would be a good way to eat for me.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Apr 08
I have been a medium eater and a fast eater when I wanted to get rid of it before everyone else finished the desert. I eat slower now, mainly because I do not have any back teeth and am afraid of chocking. So I chew everything slower, and in smaller pieces. I used to hate when my mother cut up my food for me when I was a girl, but now I find I am doing it for myself. I guess if you eat slower, you feel fuller. Only trouble is that when I get nervous, I reach for the sweet stuff.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I cut up food for my son still and he can do it himself! I find myself using smaller pices myself too and I don't know why. Maybe so I don't have to chew so much . And maybe if we eat slower, we won't eat quite so much of that good sweet stuf?
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I am a very slow eater and it has always driven the family crazy. I can remember when we would go out for pizza as teens and they would have to wait for me and be so impatient and give me a hard time about it. Even now they say things about how slow I am. I don't know why I eat so slowly since I taught school for 30 years and our lunchtime was not that long and yet I always had time to finish. I don't know about chewing to lose weight since I have been overweight my entire adult lifetime, but I have always been a slow eater.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I don't know why we pick on people for such a habit. And I would have liked to have you and another mylot friend here in that study to see what they would do with you.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Apr 08
i have always been a very slow eater. I have to relax in order to eat. If I'm wound up at all, I can't eat. So I usually save reading the paper for dinner time so I can just relax and take my time. If I were to eat fast I would feel really sick.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I enjoy reading and eating. I find it relaxing too.
@littleowl (7157)
5 Apr 08
hi whittby i used to eat fairly fast but when on a diet was told the secret to eating slowly is that it fools your stomach into thinking its full-since then i have always taken my time over eating food-not intentionly meaning to lose weight -littleowl
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I just inhaled a bunch of jelly beans, when will I learn? And as far as meals, my stomach also needs to be thinking it's full more often.
@Emma_Wang (210)
• China
5 Apr 08
sometimes i am a fast eaten,but not very offen,and now i used to eat more slowly,and if there is some work i should do or something important ,i would eat fast or choose not eat anything.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
You are lucky to be able to choose not to eat anything.
5 Apr 08
Hi, i always eat fast, and my husband is always saying to me , eat slower, but i can,t seem to do this, you are supposed to chew each mouthful a certain amount of times before you swallow it, can,t remember how many times exactly , but it supposed to be better for your digestion.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
5 Apr 08
How many times to chew probably depends on what you are eating I think . Mashed potatoes take less time to chew than steak - just an example. I would surely lose my mind counting chews though.