dress up
By ally42881
@ally42881 (73)
United States
April 4, 2008 2:46pm CST
what do you think of pet owners that dress up their pet? my sister and i bought our dogs matching shirts for our family reunion this summer. so do you dress up your pet? does anyone say anything to you about it? do you make fun of those who dress up there pet?
5 responses
@Annmac (949)
10 Apr 08
If a dog needs a coat I see nothing wrong with the 'old-fashioned' design! They've kept the thin-coated Greyhounds warm enough for years!
I hate seeing animals treated as 'toys' and I don't care what excuses people make for why they dress their dogs in outfits based on human designs. It's never for the animals benefit, it's for the owners pleasure. A dog may get excited when you dress it, but the excitement is caused by the attention you are giving it, it doesn't understand the concept of clothing!
I don't make fun of people who dress their dogs, I think it's anything but funny!!! It's irresponsible and stupid!
It worries me that children are seeing these animals dressed up like dolls or small furry humans! It sends out the WRONG message to them.
They think that it's cute and cuddly and that it's something to play with as they would a doll! After all isn't that your excuse for dressing them, they look 'cute'!!!!
The trouble is these 'toys' come with teeth, and a limited understanding of human behaviour. Already the figures for dog bite injuries is rising and I can only see it getting worse!
I certainly wouldn't dress my German Shepherd in a silly pink hoodie, I wouldn't want any child approaching her thinking she was 'cuddly'.
How can we teach children to respect animals and to think of their welfare and rights, if we as adults don't treat them properly.
@babystar22 (127)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I think you misunderstand ...you are calling us bad dog owners. Which I can assure you we are not! I would never take an aggressive dog around children or in a public place where people would approach it. If your dog is aggressive to the point where you are afraid of someone getting bitten by approaching and petting it then YOU are the bad pet owner here! A dog should NOT be aggressive like that! I have owned plenty of dog ranging from my chuston terrior above to a German Shepard to a pit bull. I used to paint my Shepard's nails. I see nothing wrong with it as long as you are responsible and have a well trained dog. My dog visits the vet regularly and eats Purina and is taken care of better then I take care of myself. I just cant believe you would blame a shirt for a dog attacking someone. That is crazy! With or without a shirt it is the dog's owners fault for a dog attacking. My dog is approached by people and children all the time and he is usually not wearing a little cute outfit at the time. I also make sure to tell them yes its ok to pet him but always make sure you ask first because some dogs it is not ok. By the way how many small breed dog attacks have you heard of? I give my pet attention all day long he goes with me to work, or to any other place I go. Sleeps with me at night plays with my daughter at the park.....he does not get any extra attention when i put a little shirt or coat on him. So forgive me for saying so but YOU are stupid for not training your dog correctly and putting yourself and your pet in a very bad position. You could be sued and your dog will get put to sleep because you did not provide it with proper training. I am just astonished you would even post this dribble! So now I am done feeding your stupidity.
@Annmac (949)
22 Apr 08
Actually my dogs are always trained! I've even in the past entered Obedience Competitions and won! I've been a dog owner over 50 years. Mostly large breeds as I prefer them but I've owned Terriers too.
Sorry but you can't tell me little dogs don't bite! I'm also in the care profession and have seen many injuries caused by small breeds. A lot of my co-workers have been bitten by little dogs and it has to be reported to the manager and we have to attend the hospital for insurance purposes. (I've never been bitten but perhaps that's because I treat all dogs with respect.) My sister is also a Casualty Nurse and she's seen lots of dog and cat bites, usually the patient hasn't attended till the bite has become infected! Most little bites are ignored as the damage is usually minor compared to a bite from a bigger or stronger dog! They often go unreported even when more serious.
I'm not saying ALL owners who dress their dogs are bad owners, I know some very well treated and well behaved little dogs who are dressed up but I still think it's the wrong message to give children. They are living creatures not TOYS!
Most dogs already have a coat which is far more beautiful than anything a human can create!
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
5 Apr 08
We would never dress up our pooch. First off Kai would be too embarrassed to be seen in public. I don't believe in putting clothes on dogs as it seems that the owners want to make them seem more human. It makes you wonder if anyone ever asks the dogs if they want these things on them. Dogs are dogs, let's respect their feelings.
@babystar22 (127)
• United States
6 Apr 08
actually my dog is the little black one in the photo. He likes wearing his shirts and jackets. HE gets excited when i pull one out and comes running over. Also for his small breed and short fur he DOES get VERY cold in winter very quickly so if I didnt put a doggie coat on him he would freeze. I dont always have him wearing clothes especially if it going to be hot.If I thought for a second that it made him uncomfortable or he didnt like it i would not put it on him.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Apr 08
I always look at dogs that are dressed up and think that they do look cute, I saw a girl the other day and she had a little dog and it had a really cute pink puffa jacket on with a fur lined hood and both me and my 2 year old daughter thought it was cool! I do not think I would dress up my dog if I had one, but there again you never know, especially if it was a little dog and I saw something cute for it!! I do not make fun of anyone who dresses their dogs up though.