Castor oil as a skin cleanser
By nirvana_hyd
@nirvana_hyd (8)
April 4, 2008 10:16pm CST
Hello! This review is mainly of Castor Oil as a skin cleanser - I'll be explaining how its believed to work, how to use it, and what the results are like. This method has been spreading through alot of natural living communities as it's had such positive results!
What it is
OCM stands for Oil Cleansing Method - a method using oil (primarily Castor Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil but you can adjust the oil types to suit you {see below}) to cleanse and moisturise the skin. You make the mixture yourself, either in a bowl for single applications, or in a glass bottle if you use the method daily.
How it works
"When cleansing and moisturizing your skin, it is imperative that you keep in mind that oil disolves oil. Do not be afraid of applying oil to your face. Oil, alone, will not cause you blemishes. Pimples, cysts, zits, blackheads and whiteheads are a result of several different factors including hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the buildup of these factors. Your skin naturally produces oil because it needs it. It is not a malicious force to be reckoned with, it is there for the benefit of your skin. It is naturally occurring. Oil helps lubricate, heal, protect, and moisturize your skin so that it may function properly. Properly functioning skin is beautiful, clear, and glowing."
"Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is used for moisture, while Castor Oil (CO) is used for cleansing. Castor Oil tends to be a bit on the thick side, so a mix of the two (EVOO/CO) is frequently used. This allows for the Castor Oil to really sink into the pores and draw out the dirt and grime to the surface. You can vary this ratio to match your skins needs. More EVOO for moisture or more CO for cleansing (25/75 EVOO/CO for Oily skin, or 75/25 EVOO/CO for dry skin). EVOO is incredibly high in antioxidants, while CO is excellent for drawing and healing. CO has been the focus of many books and medical discussion because of its seemingly "magical" healing properties. It only makes sense (after a bit of research) that one would use CO on their face to help treat blemishes and acne, or simply to make their skin look and feel better.
As quoted in The Oil That Heals by Dr. McGarey, a country doctor (unknown?) states, 'Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it.'"
Why I find this method so brilliant
+ The greatest thing about this method, I find, is that you can adjust the quantities so easily to suit you. With any cleanser you buy on the market you can't adjust it if your skin changes. One day you'll be using a product that's worked for your skin for weeks, then the next you'll wake up and it irritates your skin. With this method, if you find your skin changes for whatever reason, you can merely adjust the quantities to suit how your skin is at that time.
+ Secondly, you know exactly what goes in it because you put it there! You can always buy organic oils and make an organic version. You can add various essential oils (please read the directions & warnings on the bottle, and make sure you know what you're doing before using essential oils otherwise they can cause more harm than good!) to suit you!
+ It's great value for money! I use extra virgin olive oil all the time in cookery anyway, so I just use some of that, and the basic Castor Oil is around 80p a bottle from your local chemists (it is sold as a laxative)! On days when I only use OCM in the evening I use Distilled Witch Hazel (see below for other recommendations) in the morning - which costs around £1 a bottle.
+ Although it'd different for everyone, you don't usually need to moisturise after using OCM & you toning with a splash of cold water tends to be enough.
The Method!
"While I'm talking about the benefits of oil applied externally, I'd like to mention how important it is to moisturize from the inside as well. WATER! Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day. If your skin has issues with blemishes, drink up! Water will help release and remove the toxins from within, leaving behind glowing, dewey, toned skin. Carry a bottle of water around with you throughout the day so water is always available.
Now, to the point of this article.
(After mixing your personal quantity using the above {How it works} as a guide)
* Massage a substantial amount (the cup of your palm, while hand is held open) of EVOO/CO into your face and neck.
This is to be done over makeup or any visible dirt. Take this time to give yourself a facial massage. Really work the oil into your skin. Take your time, breathe deeply, and relax. Sit down to do this if it helps.
You, of course, do not have to sit and relax, but keep in mind that stress isn't good for your skin and you should take any moment you can to destress and let tension float away.
* Take a washcloth, terry cloth or flannel preferred, and soak it in steamy hot water. Wring it out and drape it over your face.
What we are doing is steaming your face as an esthetician would, but without the steam machine. You want to open your pores. This helps release any impurities from deep within your pores.
* As the washcloth begins to cool, gently wipe the oil and dirt away. This will also help remove any dead skin cells that are stubbornly clinging on.
* Rinse the washcloth out in hot water and wipe away any remaining impurities. You may have to do this two or three times more to remove any remaining dirt and oil residue, but it will come off leaving your skin with a beautiful, healthy glow. No additional cleansing is necessary.
* After you have rinsed well, you can either splash your face with cool water to help tone and close your pores, or if your face feels tight, you can moisturize.
* If your skin feels tight, take a tiny drop of your EVOO/CO, rub it between your clean, damp palms and pat it into your damp skin. Massage any oil residue into your skin so there is no film of oil left sitting on the surface. Being prone to breakouts, myself, I've found that this is perhaps the most important step.
Your skin should glow now."
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1 response
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
21 Dec 10
Thank you so much.
Professor ‘Bhuwan’. .
Merry Christmas