Should I still continue with my girlfriend??

April 5, 2008 12:25am CST
Hi, first I would introduce myself, I am soft spoken, sensitive, shy and a possessive kind of boy. I came across a girl Maya whom I thought can be my life partner. We both live in different cities. For two months everything was going fine but then I started feeling something is going wrong. The problem started now. One day I called her. Her friend received the call and told me that Maya has gone home. When I inquired about it I found she had gone to meet her friend(boy). Even though I dont like her meeting boys I have allowed her to do so but just to inform me before meeting them. She and her friend lied to me. I was very angry that day so I scolded Maya alot. But I thought to give her another chance so I forgot everything. She also promised me that she will inform me now before going to meet any of her friend and would care about my likes and dislikes.Day before yesterday only when I logged in with her Yahoo Id on Yahoo messenger I found many offline messages of boys which she met in chat room. She knows I dont like her going to chat room but still she did and she wanted to make new friends(boys) even though she has over 50 male friends.. When I ask she lied to me that she doesnt go in chat room but later she was caught that she went day before yesterday only,, so after giving her one chance I found she has not improved.. I could have left her but the problem is I like her very much and am missing her,, but still I cannot tolerate this kind of behaviour.. What should I do now???
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47 responses
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
wow... based on your story you are like holding your girlfriend in the neck. yes you are possesive but i would just like to inform you that you and your gf is two different individual. dont let her change the way she is just because of you. she is not your maid to follow everything you say. if she feels that the relationship does not have much space to grow then i dont think that you and her will be happy in this relationship. how old are you and your girlfriend? your girlfriend sounds like a very out going person.... i think you need to find someone who is shy like you. welcome to mylot vis, happy posting
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
where did you meet your gf? is your relation still new? i can see a lot of conflict and i am sure there are more conflicts in the future. i think it is better to find someone perfect for you. someone who is shy and would understand. you both promise that you will not see any other person, even she promised not to she still does... so i think it is time to go on, move on. if she cant keep her promises then she is not worth for you. in a relationship people needs to do sacrifices and if she is not yet ready to give or to do what she promises then she is not matured enough for a relationship. it doesnt matter how far you are from each other if she respects you she will do the part of the bargain.
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• India
5 Apr 08
Ya i have met her only once and our relationship is 3 months old... Well I would say only one thing you would smack me down but if your soulmate would have done this to you u would have smacked her/him down too.... You are very lucky not to have such partner...
• India
5 Apr 08
Thanks for your suggestion.. See I have never treated her as a maid.. The problem is I cant meet her as v live in different cities so I m not able to show my love for her... Everyone needs something from their relation. As I m possessive,, I demanded only this thing from our relation,, nothing else really. I had demanded this thing from her on the first day only and she agreed.. She is herself very possessive and doesnot wish to hear any gals name from my mouth.. I dont take it as a burden I can understand why she does not like me talking with gals.. Shouldnt she understand???? If she would really care for my feelings first of all would she go to chat rooms,, make new male friends or go to meet guys whom I dont even know the name of...
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I'll tell you what. If my daughter were dating a boy like you, I'd advise her to run as fast and as far as she could from you. The first thing that grabbed me was "I have allowed her". YOU allowed HER? Are you her parent? You sound extremly controlling!! Then you scolded her??? I have dated men like you and I have felt compelled to lie to them simply to avoid an argument and then I broke up with them because for one thing , I never cheated nor never would have. I left my parents when I was 18 and I don't need some guy telling me how to live my life especially when he hasn't figured out how to live his own. I also have found that most guys that do not trust me when I have done absolutely nothing wrong are really the ones that are not trustworthy. Trust is everything in a relationship. When a guy has treated me as you treat your girl it is like saying i am a tramp and I get very insulted because i am not. I would love to sit down and have a chat with your girlfriend...she deserves much better than how you are treating her.
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
5 Apr 08
nice one there sid.... i have three daugthers too and a son. if my son turns out to be like this guy i will smack
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Apr 08
so what are you saying here? that it is your "culture" to be controlling and abusive? That is what this is you know. You say you have only met her once and been with her for only 3 months and you are already this controlling? you want to "smack her down" for doing what? hanging out with other men? It is her life, not yours. What you are talking about here is NOT love or even close to it. Sounds like you have a lot of maturing and learning to do before you are ready to settle into a real relationship. I hope for this girls sake that she is able to see that. It sounds as if she has.
• India
5 Apr 08
Thanks for replying.. First of all I come from a country that people say you should go if you want to live a happy married life --- INDIA-------. Although India is becoming so forward, some of us have not forgotten our culture. I beleive in one woman only relationship. So I would not go to date with any other girl even though how close that friend would be if my partner Maya doesnt like..I was thinking of marrying her in some time.. Her friend(female), her sister everyone told me that I am right on my part..So after giving her two chances I have left her..I know even if i give her chance she would continue doing this but will be more careful then before. Now, how can I put more trust on her.. I am not an idiot beleiving in all her lies and one day she telling me I like my another male friend so I am more comfortable with her... But I had true feelings for her so am missing her.. Dear, You have somewhat different culture. So may be v both differ.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Apr 08
It seems you are actually very much possesive. don't get me wrong. may be this is getting into trouble. May be she is feeling this too much. it seems you just don't like her meeting boys. that can't be like this. don't you believe friendship? Also when you say you logged in to Yahoo, it seems her Id. is it? so it was spying. this can ruin it. I am not saying she is all correct but pls everyone should have some space.
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• India
7 Apr 08
Thanks for msging... Actually i m being a bit over possessive,, this is bcoz v both live in different cities and I m not able to show my love for her.. So I m frightened of losing her...
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@fajmarz (29)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
no you better find the right girl for you.. just be patient.. and ask God to help you fine the right one that will love you honestly and pure
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@Mandyhao (20)
• China
8 Apr 08
Well in my opinion,you are so sensitive that you cannot relaxe when facing your girlfriend meeting other boys.Maybe there are also problems with your girlfriend,it is you who are breaking your love.First you should relaxe and tell your girlfriend how much you love her,and then have a deep talk with her,after you love her so much,you have to do some things.If your girlfriend already hasnot loved you any more,that is all right,just move on!
@kelly_mm (30)
• China
7 Apr 08
Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. If you do not trust each other, the situation here is getting worse. besides,you two live in different cities.I am sorry to tell you that you should not continue with her. I know it is difficult, but short time hurting is better than long. actually, I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. We study in different school. He fall in love with a girl in his school. Though I feel sad, but I understand that distance is the obstacle. above is my opinion. No matter what decision you made. Do not regret,to be brave and just face it. wish you luck!
2 people like this
• India
7 Apr 08
I think you are right,,, v both are distant vch makes over relationship narrow.... I vl never b able to trust her again...And when there is no trust theres no relationship!!! So I think now I should better leave her..
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• India
6 Apr 08
Well, there are two words called freedom and space. If you try yo take control on these two then the other person will definitely feel being corner to one place, where for everything first she has to take permission form you or has to inform you in advance. First create bond and faith between both of you. I know you love her like anything but still be a person she want you to be. Ask her views, ask her what she does not like and like. Rest have wonder fulday
• India
6 Apr 08
I understand this... I should give her freedom and space. But how can I trust her now.. If I would have not tried this all would I come to know her chatting with friends???
• India
6 Apr 08
Can you tell me onething that why has she changed, don't ask her.I want an answers from you what could have gone wrong. If she wants to leave you ask her simply and don't get depressed that you will not be able to live without her. time is a big healer. Keep good memories of her with you and love the way she is not the way you want her to be. may be she is scared and afraid of you. And not ready to tell you, but still loves you.
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• India
6 Apr 08
I don't think she has changed she is like this from beginning. Our relationship is from 3 months. In starting I wouldn't ask her anything but after I found some things suspcious I started inquiring about her.. Even if she may have changed it would be bcoz she is still immature or may be I am not able to give her love as v live in different cities..
@catjane (1036)
• United States
6 Apr 08
First of all, I think if I was her I would have felt a little violated by you sneaking in to my yahoo account and looking at my personal and private life. It doesn't sound like she wants just one boyfriend right now and maybe that's a good thing that you found that out. Young girls can be very fickle. I think you should find some girl who wants a serious relationship, but honestly, at your age, that usually doesn't happen, and it shouldn't. You're too young for this. Go have fun with your friends and forget the girls for now....there will be plenty of time for them when you are more mature. Stick to girls that live close to you.
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• India
7 Apr 08
Actually I m 22 now but in our culture a boy gets married at an age 23 or 24 so I have really little life left b4 marriage.. I think I shouldn't think of this all much and concentrate on my work... And at free time hang out with my friends..
• India
7 Apr 08
Ya I shouldn't think about it this much.. I am too small to get into a mature relationship... So I should chill and hang out with friends,,
• United States
6 Apr 08
You "allowed" her to meet boys? What are you, her owner? Seriously--get a grip. And why did you have her password? What business do you have spying on anyone? She has lied to you, and in your shoes I'd break it off--but I seriously think you need to work on your insecurities before getting into another relationship. You have a right to ask for certain boundaries in any relationship, but they need to be negotiated explicitly and agreed upon before they're in place. You also have to expect that whatever restrictions you want to place on a girlfriend will be reciprocal. If you don't want her hanging out with male friends, or entering chat rooms, or IMing with males, you don't have any business hanging out with female friends, chatting, or IMing with females. My ex-husband was so insanely jealous that he caused me to lose a good job, because he kept calling all day or even showing up there. Outside of work, he actually followed me around at times, or called or paged me several times an hour when we weren't together. When we were together, he was constantly touching me, like he was marking territory or something. It drove me nuts! I wasn't cheating, never have and never will--but he made me so crazy that I was nearly willing to give him something to "find out" just to get back at him. I later found out that HE was unfaithful, so he assumed that I must be too. In fact, every truly jealous or possessive person I've known was unfaithful. Is that why you want your women on such a tight leash?
• United States
6 Apr 08
(I don't know why this is coming up under my own first comment, but I'm replying to you. Sorry!) I'm glad to know that you're so careful. Whether she's frustrated or not is no excuse for dishonesty. If she wanted a change in your relationship, she should have spoken with you and asked for one. Dishonesty is a habit. People tell one little lie, which leads to another, and another, and after a while they lie even when they don't need to do so. It's a nasty cycle, and something she'll have to work on herself IF she even perceives it as a real problem. I'd suggest breaking this relationship off, and concentrating on finding someone local. It would be easier on both parties. I don't know how easy it is to find there (I take it you aren't in the U.S.?), but Brad Blanton wrote a book titled Radical Honesty that I strongly recommend to anyone. It's not a long book, but it is powerful. Even those of us who are fairly honest lie to ourselves in various ways, and we hurt ourselves by doing so. Good luck! Cyn
• India
6 Apr 08
Actually i created her yahoo ID so I knew her password... C if I was unfaithful I wouldn't post a discussion regarding it here nor would I keep her missing whole day long.. I have four female friends and Maya knows all of them. Maya is so possessive that she doesn't want to hear any other gals name from my mouth. I dont take it as a burden,, i admire it as it is her possessiveness. What I want to tell is should she do things which hurt me? I take care not to do things which would lead me to be unfaithful to her. I do whatever she likes or dislikes. I give her whatever she demands like if she wants i call her at late nights etc.. As we both live in different cities I am not able to show her my love. So she may be frustrated from our relationship?? I really dont know!!!
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Wow..ok first of all..i don't know where you live but htere isn't alot of women around here thats gonna let any man tell them what to do like that...and I wouldn't worry about it too much because I am a guy and I know that women are gonna have guy friends and all of that and thats normal...I mean as long as you don't suspect anything of going on(such as things start to sound a little strange)I wouldn't worry about it too much...I mean like I said that is a normal part of life like I am sure that you have friends that are girls...well women have freinds that are guys and if she loves you she won't cheat on you and if she does..then it just wasn't meant to be and you need to move on to another girl that won't cheat on just give her a chance to prove that she can be trusted...I know soemtimes you might get a little uncomfortable...but it will pass... JHL930
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• United States
6 Apr 08
The same thing happened to me, my girlfriend went to wish her male friend for his birthday and which I never liked. That was utter disgusting for me. Instead of suffering alone like you are doing now, I gave a call to my other friend, of course female, and asked her to go out with me. I took her with me on ride, I wandered with her and I walked past my girlfriend's house. She saw us together. The very evening she came, she cried, she yelled, she screamed and I promised her that I would never do that again but only if she commits thing like that in future. She knew what I was upto. YOu shouldn't always be suffering brother, if your girlfriend truly love you, she should be back, else, she must be fooling around. Don't give her second chance and don't you put yourself as an alternate to her. good luck to you ..
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• United States
7 Apr 08
just be natural buddy. don't let her friend that you're upto something.. regards bro
• India
7 Apr 08
Thanks for four good luck wishes. I think you are right.. Her (female)friend who works with her in the mall still talks to me so through her I can make her jealous.. I may say I have fould a new friend her in my city v r going to meet today and all that stuff.. Her friend vl definitly tell her. Then she may realise her mistake of how it feels..
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Trust is a very important part of a relationship. If you can't trust someone you can never truly be comfortable with them. It sounds like this relationship is too stressful to maintain. You shouldn't have to check her messages like that, nor should you. If she leads you to feal like you need to do such things, this might not be the girl for you.
• India
5 Apr 08
Thanks for your reply... If I have not logged in with her Id how would I have come to know about this all stuff... She is also very possessive and would have never liked me to go to chat rooms and meet girls without informing her... If she would have truly loved me would she do this???
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Honestly you still should not have done that. You have not been going out with her long enough to do that sort of thing, not that you should ever do that. If the male friend she is meeting is really friend then I would not worry about it. Perhaps she lied to you because you are too posessive, and she didn't want to be ridiculed for talking to a friend. She may truly like you but fears you on some level, and that is why she lies. However if you truly believe that these men are not friends and she is talking to them because she is interested in them, then cut her loose. She sounds like too social of a girl for you to handle. This really does not sound like the relationship for you. Instead of trying to change this girl in to what you want her to be, you should find someone who makes you feel more comfortable. I am guessing that you probably make this girl feel like she a nuse around her neck, the two of you have very different personalities. Would a woman search out other men on the internet if she was truly in love? Probably not. I hate to be so brutaly honest, but I don't think that you and this girl can ever be truly comfortable together. You need to be with someone who makes you feel more comfortable.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
5 Apr 08
I think you are both too immature for a relationship. Your attitude is wrong. I'm sorry but it is not up to you to control any aspect of a friend's life and it is totally wrong for you to invade anyone's privacy as you do. Your friend is not committed to a relationship with you and she probably never will and I can't say I blame her. None of your feelings have anything to do with love.
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5 Apr 08
hi i have male friends that i talk to on the internet and i have been happily married for 14yrs and my husband knows about it but he doesn't go looking in my messenger or my when i'm on the internet as he trusts me and like i said i even talk to them when he is about because he knows that i'm with him at the end of the day and not out about meeting these guys i think if you really do like her then you should trust her more as a relationship should be based on trust and what you did was wrong by going into her messenger. yeah maybe she lied to you cause she knew that you would react in this way you must think to yourself that she is only talking and not doing anything that she should'nt be doing.
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• India
5 Apr 08
Thats bcoz u can show your love towards him and so can him... I can't even meet her then how can I express my love.... The only way v can show our love is by caring for one another... But she doesnt care about me my feelings......
5 Apr 08
then my advice would be then it is time for you to move on. i know that sounds really harsh and that you love and care for her but you would find it easier to find some one else. then if she does care for you then she will come to you and not have you hanging on and having you missing her
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Apr 08
AWW sweety, There are ALOT of BETTER women out there for you! I know how you fell honestly ( Im not just saying that) I had a friend like that who I had a crush on and he know how I felt about him,BUT as much as I LOVVEEEDDD!!!! HIM! I just did not want to let him go at all what so ever,I felt that if I cant have him no one can. But this is your "Girlfriend" it is okay to let go...later on you eill be glad that you did break up with her. She did you wrong and Im sure you a good guy,there is some other girl out there waiting on you,who will deserve your kindness and protection for your relationship. I can understand you not wanting to talk to other guys,because you want to PROTECT the love and the relationship you have with her,but I say you deserve better! Good luck. There is someone else out there JUST FOR YOU! (and I doubt she is the one)
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• India
6 Apr 08
vishalshah... 'we r the same u and i'. i am also soft,sensitive,shy and possesive. my girl had friends(boys) but not many(only 2). she talks to them often but they r from schools. i really dont like her talking to boys. we r in same class but she is hosteller. i get some feelings that she does something wrong. i told her that i dont like her talking to boys (i'm outspoken). she agreed and stopped talking. one day (1.5 years later) i came to know she talked to her girl friends lover(boy). next day i got angry n didnt talk to her. on seeing her i couldn't forget her. i cried at her and said 'i never talked to any girls u know, then y r u doing like this'. after that she wont talk to any one. i say u that u can't forget her. but u will some day take it easy. say her that i dont like it. if she continues it u can leave her because she needs only fun from boys and not love.
• India
6 Apr 08
Thanks for helping me!! Dear thats the case,,, I told her in the first meet only I am possessive but u can still talk to boys but atleast u should tell me whenver we talk... Let go about telling me she goes to meet them telling me lies... If I am in her life and she has already over 50 male friends do she need to go to Yahoo chat rooms to make male friends??? Her friend Poonam says me that Maya loves me alot.. Now what do I understand!!! But from 2 days not Maya nor Poonam have called me to know how I am!! Nor did I call!!!
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
I think you should trust her if you love her.I admit being a heartthrob with many boys running after me but my bf never doubted my loyalty.but this is another catch,if she loves you,she would avoid things that would hurt you.But I guess what she did is just an ordinary girl thing.It would not be nice hanging out with girls all the time.Guys spice up girls' lives.I guess it is also necessary for her to hang out with others too because she might grow tired of you if it will be always you that she'll encounter.
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• India
7 Apr 08
Ya,, Now I cldnt love her
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
6 Apr 08
Hello! Relatioship is trusting, being honest and believing you, and openess and no secret!If you have doubs think and let go. Will you accept what your girlfriend doing at your back? Why don' you talk o her sraight to the point until when will she stop doing things like chating and meting boys. Maybe your girlfriend is not yet sure of what she really wants. Talk to her and give hr an ultimatum.. now it's up to you... Have a nice day! Life is so simple don't make it complicated!
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• India
6 Apr 08
I beleive in the same thing relationship is openess and being honest.. It should be pure.. I have already told her this things from the first day of our relationship.. Do u know what she replied when i asked "Why shld she go to meet guys telling me lies",, she told she cared for me and didnt want to hurt me. Hell,, if she cared first of all would she go to meet his friend for nearly one hour.. and another thing if she cared abt my feelings would she go to chat rooms and find new male friends.. I agree I am not able to give her love as v live in different cities but would a true lover do this kind of stuff?? I have harsh words for her but still i miss her alot
@kishusia (1066)
• India
6 Apr 08
I think you are not made for each other. It is better to stop this relationship. It will hurt you for some time but time is a great healer. You will get it out of your system.
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• India
6 Apr 08
ya I understand I should move forward in life.. thanks for helping!!! :)
@xenna1986 (228)
• Philippines
6 Apr 08
Well i think, you should be more sensitive. try to weight things. I really believe in a saying that one word is enough for a wise man/person. You mentioned that you have confronted her already about her meeting with other boys, then she should be able to understand you as her girlfriend. If she keeps on doing it over and over again, then i can conclude that she doesn't love you enough.
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• India
6 Apr 08
Ya I mean I m not able to judge whether she loves me or not. Relationship cannot continue with love on only one side!! Else relationship wont succeed!!
@zsxdcf (50)
• China
6 Apr 08
try you best to communicate with her, and find the truth.If she really don't love you.Stop your relation.Time will let you forget her.
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• India
6 Apr 08
Actually now I have ego probs now so I cannot call her but if she calls I will receive it.. But from nearly 3 days now she has not contacted me.. I think she doesn't love me... I should move on in life and try to forget her
• India
6 Apr 08
DUDE ... as u guys live in different cities .... these things are bound to happen. as far as i think your relationship is not that deep, either you guys have not been together for too long or u don't trust her at all ..... YES. if she is going out with her male friends WITHOUT informing u, that means 2 things... #1. as u say... she might be lying to u.... #2 she is just too scared of u and feels that u might just get all hyper for nothing. in any case .... i wud suggest u to go and meet her face 2 face.... tell her what u feel. tell her that u are not comfortable with such an attitude ..... and try to find a solution URSELF rather asking ppl over here ..... the say "if u love something, set it free .... if it comes back its urs otherwise it never was"
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• India
7 Apr 08
Ya I have set her free now.. I did not contact her for last 4 days now.. She may do whatsoever she wishes.. I vl not be able to meet her face to face as v live in different cities.. Only v can talk over phone..