whats your opinions?

April 5, 2008 12:48am CST
there is one situation. one boy is going to choose his life partner and find one girl of his kind. they met once. boy like her but due to some reason girl says no. Now after sometime that girl asks for one more meeting to go ahead in this matter. now just tell what that boy has to do in such situation? boy have to think positive or what else?
4 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Apr 08
it depends on how the boy has taken previous denial of the guy.Is he someone that these does not matter to him. or he also has its ego that ok, when she has rejected its well gone.it depends upon the approach and behaviour.
@bimal10p (1218)
• India
5 Apr 08
in my opinion there is no wrong in meeting her..may be she just need to make sure that she going to choose the right person to spent her life with..moreover it would help you to know her better
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I think that you should go just this once if nothing else to see what she wants...because I mean you never really know maybe it was just her having a bad day the first time or something like that and you could really be missing out on something if you don't give her another chance...on the other hand guys hate rejection so I can see it also if you didn't wanna give her another chance..Its just whatever you want to do JHL930
• India
5 Apr 08
Well personally my answer would be yes If i haven't committed to any other girl who is just like the way I want.. If I have committed to another person then I would surely say NO cos I wouldnt take a chance. As they say " A Bird In Hand is Worth Two In The Bushes" she might ask for a meeting and then try to get all cool, you would give up the one you had a steady relation ship and then she would dicth you.. you would be left with nothing then..