a 9 years old boy escaped from home and brought $10,000.

April 5, 2008 2:09am CST
what so surprised when i read it from my local news paper. this 9 years old boy escaped from his home cause his mother angry with him. the story beginning when a mother shout up on him cause of his over naughtiness and seldom to do his home work from school on thursday, march 27. the mother just suddenly said in angrily voice that she doesn't want to see him at those home at those moment, and on that time, a father just came back from his office. after get angrily by his mother, he just opened his father brieft case and took $10,000. could you imagine, it was $10,000, wow, a huge amount, am i right? he brought those money into mall nearly his house and met the security. he told the security that he needed guardian cause he wanted to change his money into local currency to money changer. the mall secuirty agreed to gurad him cause the boy told him that his parents were in USA and they gave him money for his needing. then by guardian of mall security, the boy changed his money and also gave the security about $500 then stayed in a hotel. by Tuessday 1st, this boy came back to his house after his parents reported his missing. the money which still leaved on his hand only $500, and depend on his story, he spent the money for renting room in hotel, buying favourite foods and toys. in your opinion, how could this happened? which is should be blamed in this occurence? do you think it is really hid initiative to do such kind thing?
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14 responses
• Indonesia
7 Apr 08
hi plumwish07. I was also shocked by the news back then. I also heard that the boy spent some hundred dollars to buy PlayStation there? And I just thought "OMG, what has happened that such a boy could have done something like this? How come this young kid could have done it???" But to most part of my curiosity was HOW he managed to escape and that the people everywhere got advantages by this naughtiness and I kept asking myself "does this boy know how much 1 USD worth in our local currency???" I think many people would get the most out of it and tried to use the boy’s "naiveness" to get the money as much as they could. Just take some example like giving away USD 500 to the security. And I thought to myself "What the ??? is that?!" Did the boy underestimate the 500 amount because he had 10,000 USD? I think that’s how he did with the rest part of the money with his spending during the runaway period. I have to admit that I was upset when I heard this incident. I really felt deep sorry for the parents, and I wonder if the USD 10,000 were the only money that his parents had? Someone really has to teach the boy a lesson!
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
7 Apr 08
hi dear, nice to see you again in my discussion yup, the boy spent out the money by bought playstation as his favourite games. but how much price of playstation so that the money spent out like that and only leave about $500? what the parents actually teach to him so he bravely enough to do such kind thing??? i believe that you agree with me, nowadays is too difficult to get $1 but easily to spend out due to price increasing everywhere. many thanks for your response dear
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
6 Apr 08
Based on the actions of this 9 year old boy, he seems to be acting in a more matured way compared to his age. We may find this episode alarming, but what is more disturbing is the behavior traits displayed by the boy. For having been reprimanded for his naughtiness and for not doing his homework, he resorted to showing defiance to his mum, retaliating by being angry, stealing from his father's briefcase, lying about how that money was obtained and then blowing that money away on himself. I think this boy is spoilt and not brought up well to respect elders and authority. I'll pin some of the blame on the parents for his kind of behavior. He really needs some counseling to make him realize the gravity of his actions. Otherwise he can grow up to be a menace to society. What I am puzzled though is why the father would have so much money stashed in his briefcase? Even if his child doesn't take it, it is still not safe to walk around with so much cash in hand.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
5 Apr 08
Oh goodness I think I can hear his parents yelling from hereOh this is something he will never live down and on his 21st birthday, what will be said hahahahah
• Indonesia
5 Apr 08
what a nice comment dear lilaclady. you know, i really don't guess whats happened in their home after some interviewd by media. what the parents gonna do with this boy remembering 10,000 usd is quit big amount and spent out only in one week
• Indonesia
5 Apr 08
what a nice comment dear lilaclady. you know, i really don't guess whats happened in their home after some interviewd by media. what the parents gonna do with this boy remembering 10,000 usd is quit big amount and spent out only in one week
• Indonesia
5 Apr 08
what a nice comment dear lilaclady. you know, i really don't guess whats happened in their home after some interviewd by media. what the parents gonna do with this boy remembering 10,000 usd is quit big amount and spent out only in one week
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
7 Apr 08
Good heavens. This boy is so naughty. What was the Father doing with $10,000 in his brief case anyway? He should be carrying around large sums of money. It seems to me like these parents have no control over their child. They must be horrified that he spent nearly all the money.
• Indonesia
7 Apr 08
from the news, the father brought those amount of money from office cause he wants to bring his family to go to mecca for religion trip. and you are right that i don't see any good control of parents in this case. thank you for stopping by dear
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
6 Apr 08
i was surprised when i read your post, i never imagine a boy at 9 that very young age to do that walking away and stealing the money from the parents, and to think he had the nerve to check-in to hotel and stay there. how come the hotel management allow such a young boy to check-in without companion, is it really allowed in their country? for the party to be blame i guess part of the blame is for the parents, and for the way he was raised, media is also to be blame, maybe the boy is watching too much tv.
• Indonesia
6 Apr 08
well, that was also in my questioning too, but i think the boy really giving good reason so that hotel management didn't investigate him longer. for your information, in my country there are some rich boys cause of the parents who able to do that
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
6 Apr 08
Wow! These people must really have a lot of money. Imagine them keeping $10,000 in cash inside the house. What are they, the mafia or something? Don't these people know anything about checking accounts, ATMs, debit cards, online banking and the likes? It is never safe to keep that much amount of cash lying around the house like that.
• Indonesia
6 Apr 08
what i knew is the father works a s notary, perhaps private notary and those kind work in my country able to earn more. he might bring those amount cause of some needing and nver expected that the money woould be used by his son. thank you for response
@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
5 Apr 08
WOW!!! In this case I think his parents are to blame...why did the father have so much money in his brief case and how did the boy know it was there? Why didn't the mother just send him to his room? I don't get the story too much, seems like there are things left out, but I still say in any case, the parents are to blame for the boy leaving. I think the guards should have investigated, and not just helped him change the money.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Wow!! Definately sounds like the parents were too worried about themselves, and their needs over the sons, and so when something like this happened, they probably blamed the Boy, and took it out on him never stopping to think about why it happened. Personally, at 10 yrs. old for some child to do this, he was looking for some sort of respect and a need he was not getting at home. Why he would even know to do something like this also must have been he seen his parents do this type of stuff from time to time and thought nothing of it. But personally, this is a shame on the parents. Wonder what would it take for them to wake up and see that this could be the first of a long beginning.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Apr 08
Wow he shoudl be punished for stealing the money from his dad dont matter if mom was mad and hollering and what in the world could he have bought that came to that much money
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Apr 08
it is just beyond imagination. i just can't think of it. how the 9 year old can do so. moreover how can he took those money from his father's briefcase? did he not noticed it? I think the child is much more than normal.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 Apr 08
Oh my gosh. That little boy would have a sore behind for doing that. Where in the world was the parents the whole time for this kid to have all of this time to be doing this? That 9 year old should have never been able to leave that house. That kid needs some discipline, badly. I think his father needs to have better ways to carry money around also and not leave it just laying around.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Apr 08
I think in this story, his parents are to be blamed than he himself. Perhaps his upbringing was not as good, as it should have been. His parents failed to teach him good values in life. They perhaps never fulfilled his needs and desires. They perhaps forgot to tell him that we live in a civilised society and their son should know - what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Kids grown up according to how parents raised them. Values, attitudes and manners are learned in the environment which is called' family'. The parents are to be blamed in this case, maybe they dont givemuch attention in teaching this kid that in life, if you have done something wrong there is always a consequence. Shouting too is not a solution or way to let our kids understand. If we ourselves doesnt like to be shouted how much more these kids!We can talk to them in a moderate voice and let them understand in which area they are wrong and why its wrong!
• China
7 Apr 08
what did surprise me after reading this is, they have got $10,000 CASH at home......