I Have Just Had An Awful Thought And Need Some Advice... Hellllp!

A Dark Figure - A dark figure of a man, representing my recollection of a very overpowering person..
@Darkwing (21583)
April 5, 2008 7:14am CST
Referring to my discussion about the cannabis "factory" discovered in the next village to mine, the police are asking for any witnesses or drivers/passengers who used the road passing the site, to come forward. I have just remembered something which I feel might be very significant, which is troubling me greatly, and I'm wondering whether I ought to report the incidents as a photofit might be available to aid identification. I'll explain... there was this guy, probably some ten years ago, who used to come into my local pub, regularly. He always wore a black suit, black shirt and a tie, and his fingers were laden with mainly gold, but some silver rings. He wore a heavy link, gold bracelet on one wrist, which I believe, from memory, was his left wrist, and he had greying hair, swept back. All in all, he was quite a spiv, and a few of the youngsters knew him, from a pub about two and a half miles away. I can't remember the name the kids called him by, but we dubbed him "The Undertaker" because of the way he dressed, and his sombre look. Now, the thought just came to me, that this guy could have been involved with the gang who erected the "factory" in the next village. There are a couple of reasons why I should think this possible... one is that the "factory" is one and a half miles away, on the road to the other pub which this guy knew the kids from. Secondly, the amount of gold he was wearing obviously meant he was into a great deal of money. The bunker has been there for over twenty years, and I first saw this guy in the pub some ten to twelve years ago. When he came into the pub, kids that I know smoke the stuff in the village, flocked straight to him. So, I was suspicious then, and now, I'm putting two and two together, battling with my conscience, as to whether I should report this fact. I know all the kids know him, but I don't think they'll report any suspicions or any knowledge they have of him. So what is your opinion, or advice... I'm scared as heck of the guy... he is a very overpowering presence, and it worries me as to what I might be setting myself up for if ever he got to know I reported his presence in the pub. There was also an unsolved gang murder locally, where an unidentifiable body was found in local woods, with head and arms severed, and which shows the lengths these guys will go to, to protect their livelihood. This was about twenty years ago, so in my mind, I've linked the two. What do you think I should do? Do I owe it to village communities across the country, to report him, even if he's not involved, or should I stay safe and keep quiet? The latter is not my style. I'm all for seeing justice done, and after all, this guy is living off the health of the youngsters in my community, and surrounding communities. Hellllllllllp... please!!!
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14 responses
• United States
5 Apr 08
Quite the pickle you are in! I completely understand your fears of possible repercussions, and also your strength of character in wanting to do the right thing. If I were in your shoes, this is what I would do: Go to the proper authorities, tell them that you have information that could be helpful to their investigation, but that you believe you have reason to be afraid. Tell them everything, and they may be able to calm your fears or offer you some measure of protection. And after all, your piece of information could be a key element in helping them catch this guy, and then you wouldn't have to fear him after all. No one should be allowed to feed off of our young ones, in any manner, and I hope this helps you. And know that there is greater protective power around you than one can see.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
Awwwwww, thank you for that very well thought-out response my friend. The request from them is to phone, anonymously to give any information, so I guess that's what I'd have to do. CID are investigating, which I believe is on a par with your FBI. Or, alternatively, we can phone Crimestoppers. You never know who's the other end of the phone though. I do think he will be found guilty of something, even if he's not a grower. Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
5 Apr 08
If you do not talk with the police, your conscience will bother you. I am figuring that the police would keep something like this confidential. Perhaps you could e-mail law enforcement a copy of what you have posted here. It probably will not occur to him that someone from one of the pubs reported him. Have you seen him lately?
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
Yes, it will, Gerty. It's bothering me now, but I have to get everything balanced out so that I'm sure about what I'm doing and how I'm going to go about it. They have asked for people to make anonymous calls, so it sounds as though it would be confidential. I haven't seen him for years, and I doubt he even noticed me there. There's no telling what happened to him either... perhaps he stopped visiting the pubs as a dealer, or supplier, and moved to something higher, or maybe he's even doing "time" for a different misdemeanor. Who knows, but he'll still play on my conscience if I remember him from that far back. Brightest Blessings.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 08
I am behind so I have not got to that Discussion yet With what you are saying here and with how much I love you my Dear Friend I would prefer you to keep quiet, in my eyes you will not be the only one who will possibly remember or know him or suspect he is behind it but none of the others are coming forward to risk their Life's for it are they In my Opinion and I am begging you do not report him, there must be big Reasons why no one is willing to report him and I am more then sure you are not the only one who is suspecting him, so do like the others and please keep quiet I need you for much longer in my Life Love you and Hugs to you xxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
Awwwwwwwwww, I appreciate your sentiments, Gabs, my dear friend, but the reason I don't think the kids will go forward is because they use the stuff, and they're cutting off their noses to spite their faces so to speak. I really feel it's my duty to report anything I suspect. It might happen that he's not involved but my suspicion that he is, is strong. It's one of those situations where you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't, and it's going to take me a little while to gather the courage. However, I'm capable of protecting myself in a spiritual way, against dark and negative people, so I'm leaning towards going forward. They give two numbers to contact, anonimously, in the paper. One is CID and the other, Crimestoppers. You have to ring and give the operation codename, anonimously. So... my thoughts are still pending until I get a solid thought on which way to jump. Love and hugs to you, my special friend. I do appreciate your concern, but I'm not sure whether I can carry the guilt of not speaking up around with me. xxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 08
Well you better be careful as I will be worrying about you severely But I know you and I know that it will make you feel guilty and just promise me that you will be very careful you and I both know that even the Police are not that safe as you never know what they have hidden either when it comes to something like this so please please be careful Love you xxxxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
You have my full assurance on that, my friend. I have no intention of putting yet another dangerous obstacle in my path! I've almost come to the end of my tether with the last lot! xxxxx
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Apr 08
SOunds like a gangster to me and I di beleive you should say something specially if he is still hanging around . Dont let it scare you that he could do spmething to ya he would be in jail and the cops will just have to look out for you but thats how they do it get people scared so they dont talk and they are probably bigger blow hard than ya think. hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Apr 08
thats true too and all of them need to be put in a plae and have this shoved at them till they over dose!
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
I haven't seen him around for some years, but I remember him so vividly. I know he's a bad lot, and you're right... I should report him, and just get on with my life. Brightest Blessings my dear friend and thank you for your input. xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
I doubt it... guys like that don't die.. they help to deteriorate the health of others. xx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
I'm late as usual lovely but I just had to come on and say that with this sort of dilemma I find it good to sleep on it. Formulate your questions in your mind before you go to sleep and hand them over to your higher power. You will have an answer in the morning. Brightest blessings, love and hugs.
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@Darkwing (21583)
12 Apr 08
Yes, my friend. You're right... I very rarely rush headlong into anything... Libra trait! In fact, I could be guilty at times of being too laid back, whilst I'm contemplating the benefits or otherwise of my actions. I like to see peace, harmony and justice, but not at the risk of harm to my own. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. x
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
7 Apr 08
Hi there Darkwing, I haven't read other peoples comment and I know that you posted this 3 days ago but I think I would go to the police with my thoughts. You never know it could be the break they are looking for or it could be just a coincidence. However, I feel it is better to be safe than sorry. Anyway, the police can always check up on him and let you know whether he is something your community should protect itself against. Good luck!
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Apr 08
Hi, Angel. Yes, I think it's probably best, as you say, to report my suspicions. It's up to the police to deal with the information as they think fit, then. My conscience has been telling me that all along, but there was a certain fear which held me back. Just the same, it seems to be a majority decision within these responses, that I should report the incidents, so I'm making my decision based on that. Time now to make a move methinks. Thank you for your support and advice my friend, and Brightest Blessings.
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• Philippines
6 Apr 08
I think you should go out and tell the police what you know but tell them your fears as well and that you don't want to get in trouble about it. Make sure the police you go to is someone you can trust. just be very careful.
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@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
Ok, my friend. Your advice is sound, and I'm beginning to realise that there are definitely people I can talk to, in close proximity, who would watch out for me. I can call anonymously, so that would help, I guess. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
5 Apr 08
I myself would report it. Now with that being said make sure you report it to the right people. I know that is not easy to figure out sometimes but you want to make sure you don't have to tell your story too many times because the more people that know what you told the more at risk you are. I would contact the athorities and ask to speak to the person in charge of the investigation. You don't need to give your whole story to the person answering the phone. Once you have this person on the phone ask if you can meet some place to talk. Not at the pub or your home. This way it adds a bit of safety for you as well. No one you know will see you talking to the person this way. Tell them the story and let them take it from there. If you worry about this person I would not tell anyone else what you suspect. Keep yourself safe. Best of luck to you.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
Thank you Tricia, for your prompt response. It says in the newspaper to either contact CID or Crimestoppers, anonimously, quoting the operation code name. In that vein, I think they may well realise the amount of protection needed for any witnesses, but I still feel just a little bit apprehensive. I know it's my duty to report this guy, but as I said, I live in a small countryside village myself, and word gets around whether you speak it or not! Your life is not your own sometimes. I think you're right though. I need to report it, even if only to clear my own conscience. Brightest Blessings.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
6 Apr 08
Are you able to send an annonymous note of some kind to the Police telling them of this guy? I'm sure they receive annonymous calls or mail from the public. I would probably do that and see if anything comes off it.
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@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
They are asking for anonymous phone calls, either to the CID or Crimestoppers, so that's probably how I would contact them. The general consensus so far seems to be for me to report my suspicions. I have to admit that it would be a heavy load off my mind, so, I'm leaning towards a report. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my dear friend. x Gee, that boy of yours is a handsome li'l guy!
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
5 Apr 08
Go for it Darkwing! They may have already linked him anyway.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
I think they may already have him serving "time" for another misdemeanor which they haven't linked with this operation as yet, because I haven't seen this guy in years. However, he's the sort of guy who, if shown a photograph of him, or seeing him again, you would recognise immediately. Thank you for your support... I'm not going to jump in headlong, but I think yours is the right way to go, even if only for temporary peace of mind. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@mummymo (23706)
7 Apr 08
Sweetheart I know that you are not looking for the easy route here - that just isn't in your nature! I guess you know what I am going to say don't you? if you have the slightest suspicion about this man you have to report it to the police, you would never forgive yourself if you didn't and if he has nothing to do with it they will soon find out! I am sure the police will be able to keep your identity secret but I do understand that fear , honestly I do but i also know you are stronger than that! If you are scared however I am sure that you wwould be able to give them the information you have anonymously , either by phoning your police station or by calling something like Crimestoppers! xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Apr 08
You're right... I have been fighting with my conscience. Yes, they are particularly asking for anonymous calls to either the CID or Crimestoppers, so going on the feelings of the majority here, I think I will be reporting my suspicions very soon. Thank you for your support and advice, as always, my dear friend. xxxx
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Apr 08
I would report it. I mean you just never know. At least they can check into it and if nothing turns up well at least it will be off from your concious.
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@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
Yes, you're right, and I have people around me in MI5, who are friends. A word in their ears and I'm sure I would be looked out for. It's better than feeling the weight of guilt, should I be right. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution and advice my friend.
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
5 Apr 08
This man may not be involved at all, but if you have any suspicions at all, I'd report it and let the authorities figure it out. If he is legitimate and has nothing to hide, then no harm is done. Who knows, they may already have some info on him and you may be able to corroborate some suspicions. Either way, I think telling what you've seen is the right thing to do .
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 Apr 08
I agree, he may not be involved with this particular operation, but I'm convinced, from what I've seen that he's at the very least, a "dealer". I think you're right in that I should report his presence. I haven't seen him for years. Who knows? He may have moved on, or he may be in prison already, but just the same, I would feel more comfortable reporting my suspicions. There are two MI5 guys in the village, both of whom I know quite well, and one who is close enough to give me some sort of protection, so I thought I might asked their advice also. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@chazsgirl (256)
• United States
6 Apr 08
personally I would just keep my mouth quiet! A man that 1st of all you call the undertaker could be come your undertaker if you aren't careful. the gold on his fingers means he has alot of money and prob. alot of people that back him up! ever seen goodfellas! yeah! Witness protection program, you want to run forever and go to a trial and face this guy and his friends and be in fear because of what you think you owe something to people that probably would do a darn thing for you! let me tell you that if they have a weed factory they must have another factory somewhere else and it is a growing business, pardon the pun, which means $$$$$$$. Stay safe, keep your family and friends safe and just watch the trial on t.v.
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Apr 08
Wow... I don't think it's that drastic in England, my friend. Everything that's reported at the moment is being reported anonymously, by phone, and I wouldn't be a major witness and expected to go to trial anyway. There are much more important witnesses out there some place. Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your response, my friend. I'm not making any rash decisions to plummet headlong into this. I'm taking my time and weighing up the consequences.
@Darkwing (21583)
12 Apr 08
Thank you my friend. I'm a Libra, so I will weigh things up carefully, but most of all, a person born under the sign of the Scales, likes to see justice and harmony in life, and weighs things up quite carefully. I'm confident I will make the right decision.
• United States
6 Apr 08
it's good that you are weighing your options and not making any rash decisions. I have never been to England so I have no idea what goes on there but I know what goes on here. good luck to you! I wish you all the best!
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