Bad ultrasound results would you terminate or continue with pregnancy????

United States
October 31, 2006 3:10pm CST
If you went in for a routine ultrasound during what seems like a normal pregnancy and found out your babywould have downs syndrome, or babys brain wasn't developing normally or baby was missing a limb and your into the 3 month of pregnancy would you A abort the pregnancy or B keep your baby regardless of what the ultrasound says. I recently went in for a follow up ultrasound for a down syndrome test and thank god everything was great but it made me wonder what if i had gotten diffrent results what would i have done?
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27 responses
@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
23 Nov 06
I actually believe you have to be further along than 3 months to get a definitive ultrasound that would tell you a yes or no that there is really a serious problem. But I think I would go ahead and have the baby and take what comes.
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• United States
23 Nov 06
I would keep the baby no matter what. It isn't the baby's fault if it is different. God made it that way for a reason and it is none of our business to end that child's life.
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• United States
25 Nov 06
I have two children (& just found out I have another on the way). My younger baby was born with Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC for short). At 33 weeks into my pregnancy an ultrasound done after I went into the ER showed she was in destress & had some sort of intestinal problem. There are 3 main arteries that supply blood to the small intestine. The top two had stopped functioning and without blood flow, started to die. 70% had to be surgically removed shortly after she was born & stabilized. She is 3 1/2 months olds now, been through 3 surgies & after being through all we have.... I wouldn't trade my daughter for the world! But I am worried about this next baby, but would/ will make the same decision again if need be.
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@asazam (159)
• Netherlands
19 Jan 07
well, its wise to terminate the pregnancy if baby is having a serious problem.then the life after birth can be miserable. but we have to keep one thing in mind. the trimester of pregnancy is v imp. if there is danger to mother's health . abortion should not be done.
• United States
16 Jan 07
I don't believe in abortion so that definately wouldn't be an option. No matter what, that baby that you carry inside of you is still a part of you and your husband, boyfriend etc. no matter what it looks like, you would still love it because it's you... I hope people know that a lot of those tests they ran have false readings. Sometimes they show something is wrong when their isn't.. and if someone wouldn't want their baby... their is adoption to consider.
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• United States
16 Jan 07
I would definitely keep the baby. I couldn't imagine going through that. I'm glad everything worked out for you.
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@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
31 Oct 06
Well first of all an ultra sound at 3 months would not show any of those. Thebaby would have to further along to determine if a limb was missing. As for the other thins you mentioned..Down's would require a amniocentsis to determne and birth defects and the brain development would have to be servere to show up on a ultrasound. All an ultrasound does is detect heartbeat, kidneys's very limited to what it can tell you. If there was anything suspect you would bw referred to a neonatel specialist. We went through this with my grandson..he only had one kidney and functioning was limited..the recommended terminating the preganancy, but my daughter didn't want to..My grandson never left the hospital. Looking back I think it may have bee easier on her to terminate even though she was past 6 months. But it wasn't my choice to make.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
31 Oct 06
BTW...I have a child with Autism and other developmental delays..and I would not have terminated the pregnancy had I known before hand. I would have missed out on so much! She is a beautiful amazing child!
@Gahagan (143)
• United States
22 Nov 06
I am an Ultrasound Technologist and would like to respond to this comment. While it is true that only genetic testing like an amniocentesis or CVS (chorionic villi sample) can confirm or rule out Down Syndrome with 100% accuracy, some of your other comments are wrong. In the U.S. ultrasound is used to screen for anatomic abnoralities, date a pregnancy, assess the placenta,cervix and amniotic fluid. It assesses growth of the fetus, estimates fetal weight, and when needed measures vascular flow within the umbilical cord, middle cerebral artery, ductus venosus and sometimes the uterine artery. Traditionally, the anatomic survey is performed in the second trimester; ideally at 18-20 gestational weeks. This is also the best time to determine gender, if the patient is interested. (Usually, but not always, there is no medical reason to determine gender, and deterimining gender is not the REASON your doctor ordered the test). Many of the anatomic defects we find are discrete, and not major as you indicated. Most people have no clue what an ultrasound technologist looks for during an ultrasound exam. It is a shame....or maybe not... people are nervous during the exam. You suggested an ultrasound at 3 months would not reveal Down Syndrome. A new genetic screening is currently being performed via a First Trimester Ultrasound, in conjunction with blood work and maternal data. It has a higher accuracy rate (around 94%, I think) than the traditional second trimester ultrasound (40-60%) for detecting Down Syndrome. It also has a lower False Positive rate than the Multiple Marker Screen (blood test--sometimes called the Triple Screen or Quad Screed) for detecting Down Syndrome. (However, the MMS also screens for other genetic defects like Trisomy 13 and 18 and also Open Neural Tube Defects;like spina bifida and gastroschesis) You also said the baby would have to be further along to determine if a limb was missing. Limbs can easily be seen at 10 weeks and beyond, though we do not traditionally measure any limb until 15 weeks any beyond. You were partially correct when you said a brain defect would have to be severe to be seen with ultrasound. In the first triester the defect would, indeed, have to be severe. But much small defects can be found during the second trimester and beyond. However, ultrasound can only pick up anatomic defects of the brain, and oftentimes mental retardation is not an anatomic defect of the brain, as is the case with Down Syndrome. Additionally, ultrasound is sometimes used to assess fetal well being with a Biophysical Profile test in which movement, tone, amniotic fluid, and fetal breathing is documented.
@Gahagan (143)
• United States
23 Nov 06
excuse me i a just typing this to get it to show on my list of questions ive responded to. For some reason it isn't there.
• United States
22 Nov 06
That's a hard question. I'm not in a situation to take care of a baby with disabilities. I'm pregnant now and I couldn't imagine terminting my pregnancy but I would definitly take into consideration abortion if I knew my baby was not deveolping normal. I have a cousin that is mentally retarded and I see my aunt stuggling day after day. Not to mention that he is very dangerous to be around but his family would never have him institutionalized. I couldn't see my self being one of those mother's besides being too young to be home all day and not be able to do anything but take care of a kid with disabilities.
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@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
23 Nov 06
I often had the same thoughts, as I waited until after 30 to have all of my three kids. I think if it were severe birth defect, downs or brain damage, I would opt not to follow through with the pregnancy. My concern would be who would care for the child in later years. There is enough pain and suffering in the world that I don't believe in purposefully bringing more of the same. The child wouldn't have a good quality of life. If it were just physical minor defects, no way, I would go through.
• United States
31 Oct 06
All depends if it was now that it was happening.I would actually have to be in the situation and make the choice from the actual happening, but I really would probably let the child have life.
@baysmummy (1637)
• Australia
22 Nov 06
There is no way no matter what i found out that i would abort my unborn child just because she or he wasnt going to fit in with what is classed as the "Norm"!
@Gahagan (143)
• United States
25 Nov 06
Hopefully you will never be in that situation. But until you are... you cannot know for sure what you would do. Believe me, I see it on a regular basis in my line of work. It is painful for the patient. It is heartbreaking. Tell me, would you abort and ectopic pregnancy, or would you let it kill you? A life is a life, right?
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
22 Nov 06
Becky and Lahna Mae - My daughter's best friend, and my grand daughter Lahna Mae. Becky was a surprise child, and a real blessing to her mom, who was my best friend before she died.
I work with special needs children, and they can be a challenge, and a blessing. I won't give the trite answer that God won"t give you more than you can handle. I will tell you that challenges stretch you, even those you cannot imagine living through. I would not consider abortion, that is me. I also have heard way too many stories about prenatal tests showing problems that never did materialize. Doctors, machines, and tests are all fallible.
@CMC122003 (316)
• United States
22 Nov 06
I would deffinatley keep it. But I totally understand why some woman don't. It would be very difficult. I'm glad that your test went well. I hope you have a good delivery.
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@Gahagan (143)
• United States
23 Nov 06
Problem with this string, I think. I got "unable to post content, please try again...thank you!
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• United States
19 Jan 07
well..cosidering.,i tried for so many years to have a child..and then i was told there was no way i will ever be able to bare a child..and then i got pregnant after 13 yeras,,at this point..i was gievn a gift from God..second..yes i would keep the child almost no matter what..if he will only be able to live life on machine..yes i would let him go..thats not a life..but i also wouldnt go by the sonogram they arent 100% right on..and who knows what would happen by the 9th month..and for other people..ther is always adoption..i dont believe much in abortion..but like i said..unless they would be a veggie..i would keep my child..and do my best raising him:)
@vhenwood (1061)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I'd like to answer your question, but I don't think I can. I think a situation like that can only be decided upon if you are IN that position . . .you would have to take into consideration so many different objectives and do what was best for your health and the baby's. But it will be interesting to see what everyone else says :)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I agree with you both some what at fisrt i declined the test because i figured withier way i am keeping my baby. But then i thought today right before i went in what if the results arent good what am i gonna do? Is it fair to the baby when i know far in advance that he/she will have a hard life to say just because i wouldn't feel differently to keep it what about the baby is it fair to him or her. But then i said you know what if my mom had found out i would be handicaped and decided not to have me????????????
@keriwebb (294)
• United States
31 Oct 06
There are a lot of factors in making that decision. I am not a mother, so it is hard to really answer your question. Personally if I found out my child was going to be born with downsyndrome I would keep him/her. I can't see myself aborting my pregnancy unless my health or my childs health was in serious danger. *Glad that everything turned out okay for you* My sister went through the same thing you did and it turned out fine, so I can only imagine what you went through.
• United States
22 Nov 06
I would definately keep the baby. I for one don't believe in abortion. I would love the baby regauardless. It may sound weird but with my daughter part of me wanted a baby with down syndrome. I love special needs children and she would have been loved by me so much.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Getting an ultrasound that early in pregnancy would never be accurate enough to prove something like this. I also had a friend that was told 2 weeks before by ultrasound that her baby would be a torso only you know that she would have no arms and legs. Turns out that her baby had both legas and arms she is a dwarf though. She is the cutest and most adorable little girl ever!
• United States
27 Jan 07
well it would matter. if s/he had a missing limb, or down syndrome i would keep him/her regardless. but if the brain wasnt devloping right, i would ask if the baby had a chance to live or make it to the 40 week mark. if the baby would live but have mental problems then yes i would deft. keep him/her, but if s/he was going to suffer and die in the end i would abort just so my baby wouldnt have to suffer. i would first tell them to put me to sleep, cause i couldnt handle seeing that. i wouldnt want to see it, and it would be very heartbreaking. but like i said only if the baby was going to suffer and die in the end anyway. it breaks my heart just thinking of it. when i was pregnant my doctor asked me if i wanted to test for down syndrome and i told him no, cause if my son was going to have it then i didnt want to worry the rest of my pregnancy, and during birth. in the end he turned out perfect!