How do you take Advises?

@ciades (1623)
April 6, 2008 2:21am CST
Many of us asked advise in our problems and depressions. Some just give advises even we dont asked them and sometimes they urge us to take of what they advised to us. Did you followed it or you just listen and still follow of what you want to do?
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3 responses
@sweety10 (188)
6 Apr 08
hey!! i asked advise in my problems n i listen also but afterwards than i recall their advise n see whatever they have given me advise is it help me out or not... if yes then i always follow their advises if not then i take my own decisions..but i never dependent on their advises...
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@p_vadla (1685)
• India
6 Apr 08
You can ask for advices.But follow as per your needs. You also need not pay heed to excessive advising.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Apr 08
I listen to advise when I asked for it, resent it when I don't, but even when I asked for it, it has to be good advise, some people give bad advise and I do not fall into that trap.