A sad story bout what happens to those 'free' kittens.
By blackbriar
@blackbriar (9075)
United States
April 6, 2008 8:50pm CST
This is why I'm so against BYB (backyard breeders) or free animals. Sad what happens to alot of them after they are all given away. All animals' lives are worth more than free.
Copyright Jim Willis 2001
The sign on the mailbox post was hand-lettered on cardboard and read "FREE KITTUNS." It appeared there two or three times a year, sometimes spelled this way, sometimes that, but the message was always the same.
In a corner of the farmhouse back porch was a cardboard box with a dirty towel inside, on which huddled a bouquet of kittens of different colors, mewing and blinking and waiting for their mama to return from hunting in the fields. The mother cat managed to show them enough interest for the first several weeks, but after having two or three litters per year, she was worn out and her milk barely lasted long enough for her babies to survive.
One by one, people showed up over the next several days and each took a kitten. Before they left the woman who lived there always said the same thing, "You make sure you give that one a good home - I've become very attached to that one."
One by one the kittens and their new people drove down the long driveway and past the sign on the mailbox post, "FREE KITTUNS".
The ginger girl kitten was the first to be picked. Her four-year-old owner loved her very much, but the little girl accidentally injured the kitten's shoulder by picking her up the wrong way. She couldn't be blamed really - no adult had shown her the proper way to handle a kitten. She had named the kitten "Ginger" and was very sad a few weeks later when her older brother and his friends were playing in the living room and someone sat on the kitten.
The solid white boy kitten with blue eyes was the next to leave with a couple who announced even before they went down the porch steps that his name would be "Snowy." Unfortunately, he never learned his name and everyone had paid so little attention to him that nobody realized he was deaf. On his first excursion outside he was run over in the driveway by a mail truck.
The pretty gray and white girl kitten went to live on a nearby farm as a "mouser." Her people called her "the cat," and like her mother and grandmother before her she had many, many "free kittuns," but they sapped her energy. She became ill and died before her current litter of kittens was weaned.
Another brother was a beautiful red tabby. His owner loved him so much that she took him around to meet everyone in the family and her friends, and their cats, and everyone agreed that "Erik" was a handsome boy. Except his owner didn't bother to have him vaccinated. It took all the money in her bank account to pay a veterinarian to treat him when he became sick, but the doctor just shook his head one day and said "I'm sorry."
The solid black boy kitten grew up to be a fine example of a tomcat. The man who adopted him moved shortly thereafter and left "Tommy" where he was, roaming the neighborhood, defending his territory, and fathering many kittuns until a bully of a dog cornered him.
The black and white girl kitten got a wonderful home. She was named "Pyewacket." She got the best of food, the best of care until she was nearly five years old. Then her owner met a man who didn't like cats, but she married him anyway. Pyewacket was taken to an animal shelter where there were already a hundred cats. Then one day, there were none.
A pretty woman driving a van took the last two kittens, a gray boy and a brown tiger-striped girl. She promised they would always stay together. She sold them for fifteen dollars each to a laboratory. To this day, they are still together...in a jar of alcohol.
For whatever reason - because Heaven is in a different time zone, or because not even cat souls can be trusted to travel in a straight line without meandering - all the young-again kittens arrived at Heaven's gate simultaneously. They batted and licked each other in glee, romped for awhile, and then solemnly marched through the gate, right past a sign lettered in gold:
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9 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I've heard this story before and I was able to find the source of it...it's posted on a variety of websites and the author Jim Willis wrote a book Pieces of my Heart - Writings Inspired by Animals and Nature
I find it rather ironic that the one source this story can be found is on Craigslist which is notorious in having people post "Free Kitten(s)" or puppies--sort of an oxymoron, isn't it?
Another source for it is here
Here's the Jim Willis' site itself
Yes I get so ticked off by anyone who offers free pets of any kind.....Never realizing if those pets are truly going to be safe...many actually DO wind up as lab animals to be tested on as labs are willing to pay up to $300 per animal for a lifetime of misery

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Thank you blackbrier for the br...since so little is done to call attention to kitten mills it's like yeesh, maybe between the two of us we should start some kind of thing to bring awareness to it...but how???
@JudithP (295)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Hi, I just wanted to let you all know Hunter had her kittens and they are beautiful. I posted a picture. The little one sleeping on it's back is a little girl and the tiny one is a male. The third kitten didn't make it. We already have homes for them with family members. Also a vet here in our area read my letter to you and has agreed to do all the cats for the price of one. I was so amazed.
The other little female that was roaming the bush has also made it to our back door and she too is pregnant. I just can't believe it. She is also a calico but short haired. She's in even worse shape then Hunter was. We've named her Cali. We're still not quite sure whether she's going to make it. She's very weak but eating a bit more every day. By the size of her tummy I would say she's due in about two weeks. She's missing all the fur from around her neck and ears were the big males held her down. She too now has her own little basket on the desk in my office and talks to me when I'm on the computer. I've been washing her neck everyday with ground up oatmeal and warm water. It helps to add moisture back into her skin so it doesn't dry up and itch and drive her crazy. I never thought I'd see the day when a cat would let me give her a bath.
I've come to love both of these animals dearly and I find it so hard to believe that someone would just move away and leave them.
We have a very large Hakida dog who sits outside the two rooms and guards the doors so they won't be bothered. Neither cat seems to mind her at all and they just step over her. It's amazing to see.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to vent.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Hunter sure is one beautiful cat. Her kittens are very adorable. I like how the lil girl is on her back sleeping. As if she doesn't have a care in the world, which is how it should be at that tender age.
Cali is also a gorgous cat. From what I could see, she looks like she's in pretty good shape other than her neck. Try putting vasoline on it if she will let you. A thin layer will also help keep her skin smooth. Don't know if you had a vet check her out yet and give you some suggestions but being she's bout to have kittens, might offer her some kitten formula for extra nurishment for her babies. Not alot but maybe a few ounces a day. I'm sure she would appreciate it. So happy to hear about a vet reading your response and offering to help offset the costs of having all the kittens fixed. Glad to hear there are some decent vets out there that aren't just in their profession for the money. My vet is like that. He's done alot of work on my animals over the years and often gave me discounted prices without telling me knowing my money situation and also has me on a monthly repayment plan that I make sure I pay on.
Kane sure is one beautiful colt. Don't know his circumstances but hope he pulls thru from whatever happened to him.
As for the bear..sounds like his momma told him to stay put while she went out forging. Mother bears do that on occassion when they know an area is safe for their lil ones.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Brought tears to my eyes as well, gabs. Specially the lady who chose a guy over her cat and the lady who took the last 2 to sell to the laboratory.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
7 Apr 08
a very sad story and all to true in many cases I'm afraid. We can only do what we can to give our cats as good a life as possible. at the present, I have four cats, all of whom have been either adopted from the shelter, (in the case of the two 12 year olds) or taken in as strays. I'm also feeding a stray that comes round for food. All this is very modest compared with what some of the other cat people on MyLot do for cats. I have nothing but admiration for them 

@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Hey, you have a heart for animals and help them out when needed. That's what counts, jwfarrimond.
Some of us just go above and beyond if we can.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
7 Apr 08
That is a terribly sad story, and I'm sure it's based on many true stories. But I don't feel anyone who responsibly breeds, even hobby breeds should be made to feel guilty for those who do not breed responsibly. It's no different than suggesting that no one should have children because there are plenty of children waiting to be adopted.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Responsible breeders will never let kittens go to homes where possible abuse might occur so they have no reason to feel guilty. It's the BYB that just breed for the money and not to enrich the breed is what concerns me.
@zydecokitten (451)
• United States
8 Apr 08
A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in 7 years.
@mandilyn25 (167)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I am an animal lover.It don't matter what the animal is.And this almost brought me to tears.It also makes me extremly mad.when people take the resonibilty to breed animals they need to follow thru more.If I was to breed I think I would do background checks on people.haha But for real I would check into them mack sure the animals got a propper home.All I can say is some people just suck!!! But even as sad as this story was it will open some people eyes more the next time they see a sign that says free kittens..
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I would be doing background checks, get the vet info where they will be taking the new animal and call them, talk to neighbors, friends, etc etc. BUT since I don't breed animals, I would never have to go thru that. All animals get fixed soon as I get them. If I can't get it done right away, the animal would not be allowed loose outside. Usually when I do happen upon a stray, I have enough family/friends who are responsible animal ppl to take them in. I hope this story opens ppls eyes. If it can save one animal, that will be one less suffering.
@Armortec (154)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
Your story touches our hearts the women i think is so sad for being a woman that have many lovable kittens at your backyard.
And the kitten is poor also.
The ginger striped color cat is so sad to because the girl broke her arm the girl need a vet for the medication of the cat but the girl didn't call a doctor and get the cat in a messy way. A poor "Ginger"
And the second cat is snowy he is so poor for being a deaf cat that is so difficult for being baby deaf cat.
His name is "Snowy" but he didn't know that his name is snowy a very poor little cat.
And the third cat called "The cat" the family get him for being a mouse catcher or mouser and being a mouse catcher is difficult even he is a cat that the mouse is scared.
And the fourth cat is ambush by a dog this story is one of the saddest story of the cats.
And the black and white kitten is so lucky for a while because they have the best foods of the cats and best house but their owner married a guy that didn't like cats thats why the cats was put on a cats house that have many of hundred cats there.
And the two last kitten was get by a woman riding on a van.And he sell in on the laboratory .
All of the kittens a have a sad story.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
Yes, all sad stories and all of these kittens wouldn't of had to suffer had the woman cared to make sure the lil ones went to loving homes. What broke my heart the most was when the one lady chose a guy over her cat and the one where the woman took the last 2 kittens, turned around and sold them to a lab. This is why you have to do background checks on prospective owners to make sure they take good care of their animals b4 letting them go.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
7 Apr 08
A lot of ppl take very good care of their animals and make sure they are well taken care of but there are some like the ones in this story, that unfortunately never live to experience how great life could be if their owners would just learn to take care of them.