Do you have a dream?

Hong Kong
April 6, 2008 9:27pm CST
I want to be a artist. I want to be a singer. I want to be a rich. I want to be a ...... But Now ............. How about your dream? Is it come true or not?
1 response
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Apr 08
Romany Gypsy Caravan - My ideal Romany Gypsy Caravan... oh to roam free... it's my dream!
My dream hasn't come true yet, but I'm still working on it. I always wanted to obtain a Romany Gypsy Caravan and a Shire Horse to pull it, so that I could wander free, with the wind in my hair and the Moon and Stars above me. However, I wouldn't want to go alone, so also in my dream would be my ideal companion, so that we could travel together and enjoy the same things. Brightest Blessings.
• Hong Kong
7 Apr 08
Hope you dreams come true!
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Apr 08
Thank you very much both for BR and your wishes. I'm sure if I dream hard enough, my wishes will materialise someday.