How much water and what kind of water do you drink?
By whiteheron
@whiteheron (4222)
United States
April 7, 2008 1:42am CST
We, in the States were told for years that we must drink 8 glasses of water to stay healthy and yet most of us did not come anywhere close to this. One woman I know used to just drink coffee and juice and sometimes wine and said often that "Water rusts my pipes." She lived until she was in her 70s despite have a lot of congenital health problems and having six children.
How much water do you drink?
Is it from the tap or bottled?
If it is bottled, what do you do with the bottle afterwards?
Have you tried any flavored waters or vitamin enriched waters
or magnetized waters
or any other water that we might not have heard of here?
What is your water like?
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22 responses
@insanegenius331 (1)
7 Apr 08
well i drink purely rectified super hydroxy amoniamate filtered mineral water..... which is very good for health.....its very rare type of water.... it has good medicinal qualities.... there are rumours that it can cure aids and cancer

@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I have never heard about this type of water either... interesting!
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I'll have to do my homework on that one. I've heard of mineral water, but that sounds like a glorified type of mineral water. Is it more expensive than regular bottled purified water? It sure sounds like it would be, the consumer is probably paying for the additional names.:)

@GreenMoo (11833)
7 Apr 08
I'm afraid I only drink water if there is really nothing else at all available. I wish I did, but I just don't like it very much! I drink tea or coffee instead, which I know does my health no good at all but it's one of those things that I've as yet been unable to convince myself to change.

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Apr 08
SOmetimes bottle water But at teh house I bought a faucet that has a filter system built into it.
FOr years we also rented a filter system but it got to costing to much . then we bought a cooler that filtered the water but ya had to fill up jugs to put on it when it ran out like the office water coolers ya have in offices.
the last one we biought got where it didnt work right and water would be all over the floor so got rid of it then we went to buying jugs of bottle water till I bought this faucet. it workds just great!.

@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I am hoping that the faucet will continue to work well for you and filter always everything bad out of the water so it is fresh and clean for you.

@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
And given the quality of some of the water out there or the lack of the quality of it, you have a right to be at times uneasy. A lot of people, I am finding, boil their water before drinking it.
@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
9 Apr 08
Water is something That I just keep drinking, no matter what. I always keep drinking water cos it keeps the system clean and makes sure that nothing is left in the intestines. It compensates for the loss of body fluids. Cools off the body when I'm hot and sweating.
I usually drink from tap, and as a matter of fact any water would do just great with me. If I'm thirsty, all I need is water rather than a coke or any other juice.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
rusty looking water... that sounds yucky. I am glad that you are drinking purified water.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
8 Apr 08
We get our water from my fiance's parents. He has a super-dooper water filter that gets pretty much everything out of the water. We use a cooler machine and just go and refill our bottle whenever it runs out.
The filtered water actually tastes so much more clean and fresh than tap water and as a result, I can not stand the taste of tap water anymore! However I think I will drink more tap water soon because we are getting flouoride put in our town water.
I admit I don't drink as much water as I should-I drink a few cups of tea every day but only a couple of glasses of water.
@gemini_rose (16264)
7 Apr 08
I do not drink water either, I only ever drink coffee and I drink quite a lot of it, so much in fact that I get a headache if I do not have any! I only drink water if I am really really thirsty. If I do drink it I always have bottled water in, my kids drink quite a lot of water and so I buy a pack of it per week for them and then I just have a bottle of it in the fridge for me.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Aw so you are a coffee addict...
I put my water in the freezor at times to make it cold and icey and let it thaw out a bit just prior to drinking it.
@JudithP (295)
• Canada
7 Apr 08
Here in Canada we were told the same thing about drinking 8 glasses a day. For years I barely drank water unless there was nothing else. Today I do drink water and lots of it. When I lived in the city, it was mostly bottled water. I couldn't stand the taste of the tap water in Kitchener and it was brown. Now that I live in the bush and we are on a well, I'm drinking tap water again. We test our own water once a month to make sure all is well. A couple of years ago I was suffering from severe muscle cramps in my legs and feet. I found out that the muscles were dehydrated. Within days of starting to drink water the spasms stopped. Even now if I forget to drink enough water, the spasms start up again. My own internal little watch dog.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
My goodness...moving from the city to the bush, switching bottled water for tap water... having dehydration... having an internal watch dog... You made this topic more exciting. I am glad that you found out what was wrong in time to fix it by drinking the water. Makes me appreciate it even more to hear your story.
@creative_king (55)
• India
7 Apr 08
i drink water which is from taps provided by our municipal corporation which is quite clean coz i hardly have any health problem due to this water
i drink water more or less 6.5 lts really
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I am wondering how you would know if you had a health problem from the water or something else?
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
7 Apr 08
We have a water dispenser here at home. It has been very handy and has helped us drink much more water. We simply go to the grocery store and refill the 5 gallon bottles (Culligan of course). The first bottle costs about $7.00, then the refills come to $2.04 including tax. We keep four of the bottles at one time and when we are down to the last bottle, we will take the other three to get refilled. The nicest thing about the water dispenser is that you can have cold water, room temperature water, or hot water. That is great for hot chocolate or cappucino mixes. It was a good investment, atleast health wise. You can buy them for around $150, this one was $189 but well worth the extra cost.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I am glad that you like your water dispenser. It sounds like a classy way to drink water, three temperatures from one dispensor, nice.
@diqijon (13)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 08
i mostly drink water more less 2.5 litre per day, and never add suplement or any flavour, beside mineral water, i also drink boiled tap water.
at the outside when i feel thirsty usually i buy a bottle mineral water and put the bottle in trash bin, but ocassionally i keep the bottle to reuse it.
and i prefer boiled water cause never get digestion problem.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I can understand why you might prefer bottled water... I wouldn't want digestion problems either.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
7 Apr 08
Well, here in India, tap water is not safe for we buy 20 litre cans of bottled drinking water....which is replaced when we get a new one. It's recycled. They take the old can and replace it with a new one.
Some people have water purifiers which I think are a better option because some bottled water companies (or it might be some middle men) fill the used cans with water from the taps and sell it again! But the problem with the water purifiers is that it works only when we have electricity (which goes off quite often in summer)...and we might have to collect water when we do have electricity. It also costs us more due to the electricity charges (the purifier cost quite a chunk without having to pay electricity charges per month). The latest one in the purifiers is 'reverse osmosis'....where the water tastes just the same as bottled water. Usually the water has a distinct taste (hardwater)...and even the conventional purifiers can't change it....they purify the water but can't change the taste.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Wondering what part of India you are from... I have a friend from Jammu and Kashmir and he tells me about water being pumped during the day when the electricity is on for the brief hours that it is on and then having to boil it to make it warm and safe to drink in tea, etc. It seems like his electricity is off more often than it is on all throughout the year, not just during the winter.
I have read one newspaper on line from that area scolding people for purchasing electronics, refrigerators, iceboxes and televisions, etc. as the electrical system has to be rationed at times so people are able to get the necessities of light and water.It sounds like your area is a little more advanced than his.
It is criminal that some vendors would fill the containers up with tap water... It has happened here too. I hate to say it.I guess that greed and criminal actions occur in all places. It is a good thing that kindness and properness does too.
That purifier sounds good. I'm hoping that you have or soon get the reverse osmosis one... sounds good!
@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
7 Apr 08
You know, I don't think that I actually count on a per-day basis, but I do know that I do drink quite a bit; probably that 8 or so glasses that everyone says is needed for our bodies.
As far as what ater; I usually only drink filtered water. Granted, when I go to restaurants and have glasses of water I don't know where it came from, if it's tap or filtered, but when I can choose I liked filtered water.
I have tried some of those enriched waters, but I tend not to drink them too much; I'd rather have straight water or have Gatorade or something like that.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
8 Apr 08
It is good that you do drink water when you are thirsty... I am glad that forcing yourself to drink water when you are not thirsty and are not in a hot environment is no longer said to be necessary.
I like water in restaurants because of the ice which cools it down but then there is always the question about both the water and the ice... And now that the area where I live is reclaiming water, purifying it and mixing it with the ground water for regular water consumption instead of just reserving it for the normal agricultural uses, etc. I am even more worried about drinking it... Yet I still do...
I hope it will be okay.
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
7 Apr 08
I drink mineral water. You can find that everywhere now especially in our city to ensure that the water is really clean and safe to drink. In my case, I drink more or less 7 glasses of water daily. I know I need to add up some more glasses of water. It takes determination after all.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I see here drinking water, spring water, purified water, distilled water, and some sparkling mineral water and a whole lot of waters that are flavored and/or look more like soft drinks than water... I wonder about the mineral water in your area. What minerals did they add to it?
Just so you know... if you are drinking more than 7 you are drinking enough... They are now saying you do not have to drink that much unless you are doing a lot of hard work outside or unless it is hot and you are thirsty. This is a good thing as now I do not have to feel guilty for not drinking all of that water. :)
@fredgame (1260)
• China
7 Apr 08
Everywhere i think it's the same story told by doctors. i've heard from a doctor in the U.S said it was said at least one should drink about 8 litres of water or more a day but studies or research has revealed that the juice, watery food and fruits we eat supplement to this amount of water needed in the body to function properly. i heard this over bbc radio when they had an interview with the doctor. so now one can drink water or drink more juice or watery foods and fruits and you'll get the same amount of water in your body to work normally.
dear, you can eat more juicy fruits and drinks juice as water.
i drink bottle water when not at home and we have purified water densers which we use at home. for the bottles there are people who even run for them when they're thrown away.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I am glad that the other fluids and watery foods count. grins.
@Esoteric1 (863)
• Canada
7 Apr 08
I don't drink nearly enough water, I mostly drink soda though I prefer juice. when i drink water it's generally tap though i have tried a few flavored bottled water didnt much care for them however. that reminds me ... I need to drink some water XD
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Grins... glad I reminded you about drinking water as the soda has a nasty tendency of putting on the weight and harming the teeth if you drink it too much. grins. Hoping that water was good!
@starbucks1982 (73)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 08
I usually drink mineral water. I always try hard to drin it all day long, as much as possible. we know, it's good for our health, for detoxification process, for metabolism also, and so forth.
But mostly, when I ate out in resturant, I like to drink orange juice or avocado juice. but at home, I always try to drink mineral water regularly.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I am wondering about the mineral water... Is it or carbonated or not? Wondering how it tastes in comparison to plain bottled water?
I have heard of orange juice but I must admit I have never heard of avocado juice... I my area, cranberry, apple, orange, pineapple in most restaurants, and carrot and wheatgrass in healthfood stores are the most popular.